Viewpoints, Formalisms, Languages, and Tools for Cyber-Physical Systems
David Broman and Edward A. Lee and Stavros Tripakis and Martin Törngren
EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2014-106
May 16, 2014
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are becoming indispensable in our modern way of life. As an application domain CPS is not new. As an intellectual discipline, however, it is. This paper focuses on CPS modeling, which is an essential activity in CPS design, with multiple challenges. In particular, stakeholders lack a systematic framework and guidelines to help them choose among the many available modeling languages and tools. We propose such a framework in this paper. Our framework consists of three elements: viewpoints, which capture the stakeholders' interests and concerns; concrete languages and tools, among which the stakeholders must make a selection when defining their CPS design environments; and abstract, mathematical formalisms, which are the "semantic glue" linking the two worlds. As part of the framework, we survey various formalisms, languages, and tools and explain how they are related. We also provide examples of viewpoints and discuss how they are related to formalisms.
BibTeX citation:
@techreport{Broman:EECS-2014-106, Author= {Broman, David and Lee, Edward A. and Tripakis, Stavros and Törngren, Martin}, Title= {Viewpoints, Formalisms, Languages, and Tools for Cyber-Physical Systems}, Year= {2014}, Month= {May}, Url= {}, Number= {UCB/EECS-2014-106}, Abstract= {Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are becoming indispensable in our modern way of life. As an application domain CPS is not new. As an intellectual discipline, however, it is. This paper focuses on CPS modeling, which is an essential activity in CPS design, with multiple challenges. In particular, stakeholders lack a systematic framework and guidelines to help them choose among the many available modeling languages and tools. We propose such a framework in this paper. Our framework consists of three elements: viewpoints, which capture the stakeholders' interests and concerns; concrete languages and tools, among which the stakeholders must make a selection when defining their CPS design environments; and abstract, mathematical formalisms, which are the "semantic glue" linking the two worlds. As part of the framework, we survey various formalisms, languages, and tools and explain how they are related. We also provide examples of viewpoints and discuss how they are related to formalisms.}, }
EndNote citation:
%0 Report %A Broman, David %A Lee, Edward A. %A Tripakis, Stavros %A Törngren, Martin %T Viewpoints, Formalisms, Languages, and Tools for Cyber-Physical Systems %I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley %D 2014 %8 May 16 %@ UCB/EECS-2014-106 %U %F Broman:EECS-2014-106