5th Year M.S. | M.S.

5th Year M.S.

Concurrency Without Threads for Multicore Microprocessors
Samuel Berkun [2024]

Dealing with Time: Measuring Real-Time Capabilities of Lingua Franca
Efsane Soyer [2024]

Towards Efficient and Deterministic Dataflow Systems for Machine Learning
Jacky Kwok [2024]

Towards Enabling Deployment of Lingua Franca on Distributed Embedded Devices
Anirudh Rengarajan [2023]

Elements of Model-Based Design
Jeff C. Jensen [2009]


Improving Quantized-State System Simulation
Mehrdad Niknami [2018]

An Extensible and Retargetable Code Generation Framework for Actor Models
Man-Kit Leung [2009]

Real-time C Code Generation in Ptolemy II for the Giotto Model of Computation
Shanna-Shaye Forbes [2009]

Engineering Structurally Configurable Models with Model Transformation
Thomas Huining Feng [2008]

Automated Memory Allocation of Actor Code and Data Buffer in Heterochronous Dataflow Models to Scratchpad Memory
Shamik Bandyopadhyay [2006]

Simulating Zeno Hybrid Systems Beyond Their Zeno Points
Haiyang Zheng [2006]