M.S. | 5th Year M.S.


Contract Replaceability for Ensuring Independent Design using Assume-Guarantee Contracts
Sheng-Jung Yu [2024]

Optimal Architecture Selection for an Aircraft Environmental Control System
John Finn [2015]

Polynomial-Time Verification of PCTL Properties of MDPs with Convex Uncertainties
Alberto Alessandro Angelo Puggelli [2014]

Synthesis of Reliable and Cost-Effective Cyber-Physical System Architectures
Nikunj Bajaj [2014]

Automatic Synthesis for Distributed Systems
Yang Yang [2008]

Semantic Driven Synthesis for Heterogeneous Systems
Qi Zhu [2006]

Model-Based Synthesis and Analysis of Fault Tolerant Data Flow Models
Mark Lee McKelvin Jr [2005]

5th Year M.S.

Preliminary Studies on Defending Image Adversarial Attacks with Domain Adaptation Algorithms
Zheng Zhang [2023]

Framework for Body Sensor Networks
Sameer Iyengar [2008]