Research Areas


He received his B.S. from the Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1960, his M. S. and Ph.D. from the Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1961 and 1963 respectively.

From he worked for Siemens Research Laboratory in Erlangen, Germany. He joined the Electrical Engineering department, UC Berkeley, California in 1964. From he was Director of the Electronics Research Laboratory and Principal Investigator, Joint Services Electronics Program. From he was Director of California SEMATECH Center of Excellence, and from he was Director of DARPA/SRC Research Network for Advanced Lithography. He was also Vice Chair Academic Senate,, Chair. Chair, Senate Ombudsperson Committee, and Secretary, Berkeley Division Academic Senate.

He was elected National Science Foundation Senior Postdoctoral Fellow at Technical University, Munich,, Fellow of IEEE 1981, Guggenheim Fellow,, and to the National Academy of Engineering, 1986. He has received the SRC Technical Excellence Award, 1997, SIA University Research Award, 2003, and the IEEE Cledo Brunetti Award, 2005

Professor Oldham has more than 200 publications and 10 Patents in semiconductor electronics.


  • 1963, PhD, EE, Carnegie Inst. of Technology
  • 1961, MS, EE, Carnegie Inst. of Technology
  • 1960, BS, EE, Carnegie Inst. of Technology

Selected Publications

Awards, Memberships and Fellowships