CS 294. Special Topics
Catalog Description: Topics will vary from semester to semester. See Computer Science Division announcements.
Units: 1-4
Fall: 2.0-5.0 hours of lecture per week
Fall: 3.0-15.0 hours of lecture per week
Spring: 3.0-15.0 hours of lecture per week
Fall: 3.0-9.0 hours of lecture per week
Spring: 3.0-9.0 hours of lecture per week
Spring: 2.0-6.0 hours of lecture per week
Fall: 2.0-6.0 hours of lecture per week
Fall: 1.0-3.0 hours of lecture per week
Spring: 1.0-3.0 hours of lecture per week
Spring: 2.0-5.0 hours of lecture per week
Grading Basis: letter
Final Exam Status: No final exam
Class Schedule (Spring 2025):
CS 294-92 – TuTh 11:00-12:29, Soda 310 –
Avishay Tal
Class Notes
* Time conflicts NOT allowed
* Prereq: CS 170
* Interested UNDERGRADUATE students should complete this form (enrollment not guaranteed):
CS 294-150 – Mo 14:00-16:59, Berkeley Way West 1211 – Jennifer Listgarten
Class homepage on bCourses
Class Notes
* Time conflicts NOT allowed.
* Prereq: CS 189/289A
CS 294-179 – TuTh 09:30-10:59, Dwinelle 106 – Christian H Borgs
Class Notes
* Time conflicts ARE allowed but attendance is mandatory and will be part of the assessment.
* Pre-reqs:
The course is open to graduate students with a good level of mathematical maturity and a strong background in probability (including some knowledge of Martingales, Markov Chains, and basic notions of stochastic processes), as well as some basic background in graph theory and differential equations.
CS 294-184 – WeFr 09:00-10:29, Soda 405 – S. E. Chasins
Class Notes
* Time conflicts NOT allowed.
CS 294-194 – We 17:00-18:29, Soda 320 – Ali Ghodsi, Ion Stoica, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Kurt W Keutzer, Prabal Dutta, Trevor Darrell
Class Notes
* Time conflicts NOT allowed.
* No undergrads will be accepted into this class.
CS 194-244/194-245/294-244/294-245 – Mo 14:00-15:29, Soda 606 – Armando Fox, Dan Garcia, Narges Norouzi
Class homepage on bCourses
Class Notes
* Time conflicts are NOT allowed - mandatory attendance.
* Anyone can apply but strict priority will be given to EECS grad students.
* Students must apply to receive a permission code for enrollment by completing this form: https://forms.gle/euLPB7BarTk14cMB6
CS 294-254 – TuTh 14:00-15:29, Hearst Field Annex B1 – Aditi S Krishnapriyan
Class Notes
* This class is cross-listed with CHMENG 236.
* NO time conflicts are allowed.
* Prereqs: CS 189 or CS 182 are recommended.
* Interested UNDERGRADS and Masters students need to complete this form to be considered for enrollment: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jY08YM8bw3cwbzsT3zoQDoHi-EH3CQQ-gGLxty_5D7A
* Interested MEng students need to contact their program manager to ask about enrolling.
CS 194-271/294-271 – Tu 14:00-15:59, Cory 521 – Gireeja Vishnu Ranade, Narges Norouzi
Class homepage on bCourses
Class Notes
* Time conflicts NOT allowed.
* Complete this form to receive a permission code.
CS 294-279 – TuTh 15:30-16:59, Soda 405 – Emma Pierson
Class homepage on bCourses
CS 194-280/294-280 – Mo 16:00-17:59, Anthro/Art Practice Bldg 160 – Xiaodong Dawn Song
Class Notes
* Time conflicts ARE allowed.
* Students must apply to be enrolled off the waitlist by completing the waitlist petition form: https://forms.gle/sfWW8M2w1LDTnQWm9
CS 294-284 – Fr 13:00-14:59, Soda 306 – Prasad Raghavendra
Class Notes
Time conflicts are NOT allowed for this class.