Catalog Description: The 290 courses cover current topics of research interest in electrical engineering. The course content may vary from semester to semester.

Units: 1-4

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

Fall: 3.0-15.0 hours of lecture per week
Spring: 2.0-5.0 hours of lecture per week
Fall: 2.0-5.0 hours of lecture per week
Fall: 3.0-9.0 hours of lecture per week
Spring: 3.0-9.0 hours of lecture per week
Spring: 2.0-6.0 hours of lecture per week
Fall: 2.0-6.0 hours of lecture per week
Fall: 1.0-3.0 hours of lecture per week
Spring: 1.0-3.0 hours of lecture per week
Spring: 3.0-15.0 hours of lecture per week

Grading Basis: letter

Final Exam Status: No final exam

Class Schedule (Spring 2025):
EE 290-4 – TuTh 11:00-12:29, Cory 540AB – Sosale Shankar Sastry
EE 194/290-7 – TuTh 12:30-13:59, Off Campus – Jun-Chau Chien, Kristofer S J Pister, Vikram Jain

Class Notes

To be considered for enrollment please complete the form here >>
EE 290-9 – MoWe 10:00-10:59, ; Fr 13:00-13:59, – Jaijeet Shankar Roychowdhury

Class Notes

***THIS CLASS MEETS IN CORY 545R*** Class times: Mondays: 10am-11am Wednesdays: 10am-11am Fridays: 1pm-2pm EECS 219A and prior 290 offerings on oscillators and Ising machines; or permission of instructor.
EE 290-13 – TuTh 14:00-15:29, Cory 293 – Chunlei Liu

Class Notes

Prerequisites: Signals and Systems. Consult with the instructor.

Class Schedule (Fall 2025):
EE 290-5 – TuTh 11:00-12:29, Cory 540AB – Laura Waller

Class Notes

***Enrollment in this course is by Instructor Consent Only, please complete the form to be reviewed and approved for the course:*** Pre-requisites: Tapeout class the previous semester, or plans to take the tapeout class the following semester.
EE 194/290-6 – TuTh 11:00-11:59, Off Campus – Jun-Chau Chien

Class Notes

***Enrollment in this course is by Instructor Consent Only, please complete the form to be reviewed and approved for the course:*** Pre-requisites: Tapeout class the previous semester, or plans to take the tapeout class the following semester.
EE 290-7 – We 10:00-12:59, – Jaijeet Shankar Roychowdhury

Class Notes

EECS 219A and prior 290 offerings on oscillators and Ising machines; or permission of instructor.
EE 290-9 – TuTh 12:30-13:59, Cory 293 – Robert C N Pilawa-Podgurski

Class Notes

Power Electronics (EE113) or permission of instructor
EE 290-10 – Mo 14:00-15:59, Cory 258 – Shyam Parekh

Class Notes

Prerequisites: CS70 or equivalent, EE122 or equivalent.
EE 194-15/290-15 – TuTh 11:00-12:29, Cory 293 – Alp Sipahigil

Class Notes

Prerequisites: Engineering electromagnetics (EE117 or equivalent), quantum mechanics or optics (EE236A, Physics 137A, Physics 130 or equivalent)
EE 290-16 – MoWe 14:00-15:29, Cory 293 – Zaijun Chen
EE 290-14 –

Class homepage on inst.eecs
