Joshua Hug
Research Areas
- Education (EDUC)
- Generative Art
Teaching Schedule
Fall 2024
- CS 70. Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory, TuTh 17:00-18:29, Pimentel 1
Spring 2025
- CS 47B. Completion of Work in Computer Science 61B
- CS 61B. Data Structures, MoWeFr 13:00-13:59, Valley Life Sciences 2050
- CS 195. Social Implications of Computer Technology, Tu 11:00-12:29, Dwinelle 145
- CS H195. Honors Social Implications of Computer Technology, Tu 11:00-12:29, Dwinelle 145
- 2011, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering And Computer Science, UC Berkeley
- 2003, B.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at Austin