Technical Reports - 1977
Ingres Reference Manual- Version 6.1 (M579)
K. Youssefi, N. Whyte, M. Ubell, D. Ries, P. Hawthorn, B. Epstein, R. Berman and E. Allman
A Comparative Study of Several General Convergence Conditions for Algorithms Modeled by Point-to-Set Maps (M77/78)
S. Tishyadhigama, E. Polak and R. Klessig
A Thermodynamic Approach to Dissipative Drift Instabilities (M77/77)
W.M. Nevins
Pseudoclassical Transport in a Sheared Magnetic Field: Theory and Simulation (M77/76)
W.M. Nevins and M. Harte
Coherent Microwave Backscatter of Natural Snowpacks (M77/75)
W.I. Linlor, D.J. Angelakos, F.D. Clapp and J.L. Smith
Pseudoclassical Transport II: A Nonlinear Theory of the "Collisionless" Drift Instability (M77/74)
W.M. Nevins
Pseudoclassical Transport I: The Particle and Energy Flux (M77/73)
W.M. Nevins
The Theory of All Substructures of a Structure: Characterisation and Decision Problems (M77/72)
K.L. Manders
Creating and Maintaining a Database Using Ingres (M77/71)
Robert Epstein
The Lanczos Algorithm with Implicit Deflation (M77/70)
B.N. Parlett and D.S. Scott
Practical Design Considerations for MOS Switched Capacitor Ladder Filters (M77/69)
G.M. Jacobs
On Constraint Dropping Schemes and Optimality Functions For a Class of Outer Approximations Algorithms (M77/68)
C. Gonzaga and E. Polak
NMOS Phase Lock Loop (M77/67)
H. Khorramabadi
A Program to Swap Diagonal Blocks (M77/66)
B.N. Parlett
MOS Sampled Data Recursive Filters Using State Variable Techniques (M77/65)
Bedrich J. Hosticka
On the Implications of Capacitor-Only Cut Sets and Inductor-Only Loops in Nonlinear Networks (M77/64)
T. Matsumoto, L.O. Chua and A. Makino
The HOPF Bifurcation Theorem and it's Application to Nonlinear Oscillations in Circuits and Systems (M77/63)
A.I. Mees
Nonlinear Networks Synthesis and the Hodge Decomposition (M77/62)
J.L. Wyatt Jr., L.O. Chua and G.F. Oster
PRUF- A Meaning Representation Language for Natural Languages (M77/61)
L.A. Zadeh
A Uniform Notation for Expressing Queries (M77/60)
C.J. Prenner
A Nonlinear Circuit Model for Impatt Diodes (M77/59)
J.W. Gannett and L.O. Chua
A Theory of Approximate Reasoning (AR) (M77/58)
L.A. Zadeh
Coherency Identification for Power System Dynamic Equivalents (M77/57)
F.F. Wu and N. Narasimhamurthi
An Improved Algorithm for Optimization Problems with Functional Inequality Constraints (M78/56)
C. Gonzaga, E. Polak and R. Trahan
Adiabatic and Stochastic Motion of Charged Particles in the Field of a Single Wave (M77/56)
A.J. Lichtenberg
Life Cycle Consumption and Homeownership (M77/55)
R. Artle and P. Varaiya
A Multiplier Method with Automatic Limitation of Penalty Growth (M77/54)
T. Glad and E. Polak
Observations on Data Manipulation Languages and Their Embedding in General Purpose Programming Languages (M77/53)
M. Stonebraker and L.A. Rowe
On Conditional Possibility Distributions (M77/52)
H.T. Nguyen
A Global Representation of Multi-dimensional Piecewise-Linear Functions (M77/51)
S.M. Kang and L.O. Chua
Linear Time-Invariant Robust Sevomechanism Problem: A Self-Containted Exposition (M77/50)
C.A. Desoer and Y.T. Wang
SECURATE User's Manual (M77/49)
L.J. Hoffman, E.H. Michelman and D. Clements
A New Proof of Global Convergence for the Tridiagonal QL Algorithm (M77/48)
W. Hoffman and B.N. Parlett
A Characterization of the Minimum Cycle Mean in a Digraph (M77/47)
R.M. Karp
Preemptive Scheduling of Unrelated Parallel Processors (M77/46)
E.L. Lawler and J. Labetoulle
Fast Approximation Algorithms for Knapsack Problems (M77/45)
E.L. Lawler
Multilayer Control of Large Markov Chains (M77/44)
J.P. Forestier and P. Varaiya
Simulation of X-Ray Resist Line Edge Profiles (M77/43)
A.R. Neureuther
Evaluation of Computer Security Systems Using a Fuzzy Rating Language (M77/41)
Don Clements
A Generalized Nonlinear Lumped Circuit Model for Gunn Diodes Which Includes Field-Dependent Diffusion Effects (M77/40)
L.O. Chua and Y.W. Sing
Combined Phase I, Phase II Methods of Feasible Directions (M77/39)
E. Polak, R. Trahan and D.Q. Mayne
On Delayed Sharing Patterns (M77/38)
P. Varaiya and J. Walrand
A Critique of Urban Economics (M77/37)
D.A. Ribeiro
SECURATE: A Security Evaluation and Analysis System Using Fuzzy Metrics (M77/36)
E.H. Michelman and L.J. Hoffman
A Routing Program for Multilayer Printed Circuit Board (M77/35)
C.S. Horng and B.S. Ting
A Study of the Effects of Locking Granularity in a Data Base Management System (M77/34)
Daniel R. Ries and M. Stonebraker
Stochastic Control of Large Markov Chains (M77/33)
J.P. Forestier and P. Varaiya
Decentralized Stochastic Control (M77/32)
P. Varaiya and J. Walrand
Probabilistic Analysis of Partitioning Algorithms For the Traveling-Salesman Problem in the Plane (M77/31)
Richard M. Karp
Explaining and Ameliorating the Ill Condition of Zeros of Polynomials (M77/30)
David G. Hough
Input-Output Stability of Interconnected Systems Using Decompositions: An Improved Formulation (M77/29)
F.M. Callier, W.S. Chan and C.A. Desoer
On Possibility-Qualification in Natural Languages (M77/28)
Elie Sanchez
Roots, A Dispersion Equation Solver (M77/27)
Michael J. Gerver
Progress in Numerical Analysis (M77/26)
B. Parlett
A Tutorial on Ingres (M77/25)
Robert Epstein
Linguistic Characterization of Preference Relations as a Basis for Choice in Social Systems (M77/24)
L.A. Zadeh
And Now for Something Completely Different: The Texas Instruments SR-52 (M77/23)
W. Kahan
Can You Count on Your Calculator (M77/21)
W. Kahan and B.N. Parlett
Eigen Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Relations (M77/20)
Elie Sanchez
Bibliography of Numerical Software (M77/19)
B. Einarsson
Computer Simulation of Monolithic Circuit Performance in the Presence of Electro-Thermal Interactions (M77/18)
K. Fukahori
Optimal and Suboptimal Stationary Controls for Markov Chains (M77/17)
P. Varaiya
An Approach to The Two-dimensional Placement Problem in Circuit Layout (M77/16)
S. Goto and E.S. Kuh
On Random Sets and Belief Functions (M77/14)
H.T. Nguyen
Vias Assignment Problem in Multilayer Printed Circuit Board (M77/13)
B.S. Ting, E. S. Kuh and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Fuzzy Sets as a Basis for a Theory of Possibility (M77/12)
L.A. Zadeh
Privacy Laws Affecting System Design (M77/11)
L.J. Hoffman
An Outer Approximations Algorithm for Computer Aided Design Problems (M77/10)
D.Q. Mayne, E. Polak and R. Trahan
Recursive Causal Linear Filtering for Two-Dimensional Random Fields (M77/8)
Eugene Wong
An Approach to the Routing of Multilayer Printed Circuit Boards (M77/7)
B.S. Ting and E.S. Kuh
Fuzzy Compter Security Metrics: A Preliminary Report (M77/6)
L.J. Hoffman and D. Clements
A Set of Strategy-Independent Restructuring Algorithms (M77/5)
M. Kobayashi
A Practical Framework for Computer Installation Security (M77/4)
Eric Michelman
Necessary Conditions for Representability (M77/3)
Kenneth Manders
A Low Noise Output Stage for a CCD Transversal Filter (M77/2)
Cynthia Ott
Theory of Fuzzy Sets (M77/1)
L.A. Zadeh