User Customization of Virtual Network Interfaces with U-Net/SLE

David Oppenheimer and Matt Welsh

EECS Department
University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/CSD-98-995
December 1997

We describe U-Net/SLE (Safe Language Extensions), a user-level network interface architecture which enables per-application customization of communication semantics through downloading of user extension applets, implemented as Java classfiles, into the network interface. This architecture permits applications to safely specify code to be executed within the NI on message transmission and reception. By leveraging the existing U-Net model, applications may implement protocol code at the user level, within the NI, or using some combination of the two. Our current implementation, using the Myricom Myrinet interface and a small Java Virtual Machine subset, obtains good performance, allowing host communication overhead to be reduced and improving the overlap of communication and computation during protocol processing.

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BibTeX citation:

    Author = {Oppenheimer, David and Welsh, Matt},
    Title = {User Customization of Virtual Network Interfaces with U-Net/SLE},
    Institution = {EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley},
    Year = {1997},
    Month = {Dec},
    URL = {},
    Number = {UCB/CSD-98-995},
    Abstract = {We describe U-Net/SLE (Safe Language Extensions), a user-level network interface architecture which enables per-application customization of communication semantics through downloading of user extension applets, implemented as Java classfiles, into the network interface. This architecture permits applications to safely specify code to be executed within the NI on message transmission and reception. By leveraging the existing U-Net model, applications may implement protocol code at the user level, within the NI, or using some combination of the two. Our current implementation, using the Myricom Myrinet interface and a small Java Virtual Machine subset, obtains good performance, allowing host communication overhead to be reduced and improving the overlap of communication and computation during protocol processing.}

EndNote citation:

%0 Report
%A Oppenheimer, David
%A Welsh, Matt
%T User Customization of Virtual Network Interfaces with U-Net/SLE
%I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
%D 1997
%@ UCB/CSD-98-995
%F Oppenheimer:CSD-98-995