Eylon Caspi
EECS Department
University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/CSD-00-1126
January 2001
A majority of programs in use today are written for word-based computing architectures, such as the microprocessor, using word-based programming languages. The word model, while convenient, typically provides quantized word widths that are a mismatch for many applications. Consequently, many bits of a word may go unused and contribute no useful information to the computation. Removing these bits from the computation, e.g. using specialized hardware data-paths, may provide the implementation with significant savings in run-time, area, and/or power. In this project, we analyze and quantify this bit-level waste using a model of bit constancy and binding-time. Applying the model to the UCLA MediaBench suite of C programs, we find that some 70% of bit-level read operations are to easily identified constant data, much of it in unused, high-order bits. These findings suggest that there is significant opportunity for bit-level specialization of these programs by relatively simple means such as narrower data-paths.
BibTeX citation:
@techreport{Caspi:CSD-00-1126, Author = {Caspi, Eylon}, Title = {Empirical Study of Opportunities for Bit-Level Specialization in Word-Based Programs}, Institution = {EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley}, Year = {2001}, Month = {Jan}, URL = {http://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2001/6431.html}, Number = {UCB/CSD-00-1126}, Abstract = {A majority of programs in use today are written for word-based computing architectures, such as the microprocessor, using word-based programming languages. The word model, while convenient, typically provides quantized word widths that are a mismatch for many applications. Consequently, many bits of a word may go unused and contribute no useful information to the computation. Removing these bits from the computation, e.g. using specialized hardware data-paths, may provide the implementation with significant savings in run-time, area, and/or power. In this project, we analyze and quantify this bit-level waste using a model of bit constancy and binding-time. Applying the model to the UCLA MediaBench suite of C programs, we find that some 70% of bit-level read operations are to easily identified constant data, much of it in unused, high-order bits. These findings suggest that there is significant opportunity for bit-level specialization of these programs by relatively simple means such as narrower data-paths.} }
EndNote citation:
%0 Report %A Caspi, Eylon %T Empirical Study of Opportunities for Bit-Level Specialization in Word-Based Programs %I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley %D 2001 %@ UCB/CSD-00-1126 %U http://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2001/6431.html %F Caspi:CSD-00-1126