Chukwa: A system for reliable large-scale log collection
Ariel Rabkin and Randy H. Katz
EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2010-25
March 5, 2010
Large Internet services companies like Google, Yahoo, and Facebook use the MapReduce programming model to process log data. MapReduce is designed to work on data stored in a distributed filesystem like Hadoop's HDFS. As a result, a number of companies have developed log collection systems that write to HDFS. These systems have a number of common weaknesses, induced by the semantics of the filesystem. They impose a delay, often several minutes, before data is available for processing. They are difficult to integrate with existing applications. They cannot reliably handle concurrent failures. We present a system, called Chukwa, that adds the needed semantics for log collection and analysis. Chukwa uses an end-to-end delivery model that leverages local on-disk log files when possible, easing integration with legacy systems. Chukwa offers a choice of delivery models, making subsets of the collected data available promptly for clients that require it, while reliably storing a copy in HDFS. We demonstrate that our system works correctly on a 200-node testbed and can collect in excess of 200 MB/sec of log data. We supplement these measurements with a set of case studies.
Advisors: Randy H. Katz
BibTeX citation:
@mastersthesis{Rabkin:EECS-2010-25, Author= {Rabkin, Ariel and Katz, Randy H.}, Title= {Chukwa: A system for reliable large-scale log collection}, School= {EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley}, Year= {2010}, Month= {Mar}, Url= {}, Number= {UCB/EECS-2010-25}, Abstract= {Large Internet services companies like Google, Yahoo, and Facebook use the MapReduce programming model to process log data. MapReduce is designed to work on data stored in a distributed filesystem like Hadoop's HDFS. As a result, a number of companies have developed log collection systems that write to HDFS. These systems have a number of common weaknesses, induced by the semantics of the filesystem. They impose a delay, often several minutes, before data is available for processing. They are difficult to integrate with existing applications. They cannot reliably handle concurrent failures. We present a system, called Chukwa, that adds the needed semantics for log collection and analysis. Chukwa uses an end-to-end delivery model that leverages local on-disk log files when possible, easing integration with legacy systems. Chukwa offers a choice of delivery models, making subsets of the collected data available promptly for clients that require it, while reliably storing a copy in HDFS. We demonstrate that our system works correctly on a 200-node testbed and can collect in excess of 200 MB/sec of log data. We supplement these measurements with a set of case studies.}, }
EndNote citation:
%0 Thesis %A Rabkin, Ariel %A Katz, Randy H. %T Chukwa: A system for reliable large-scale log collection %I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley %D 2010 %8 March 5 %@ UCB/EECS-2010-25 %U %F Rabkin:EECS-2010-25