PSec: A Programming Language for Secure Distributed Computing
Shivendra Kushwah
EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2020-83
May 28, 2020
We introduce PSec, a programming language for secure distributed computing. PSec is a high-level language designed for Trusted Execution Environments such as Intel SGX to enable programmers to create distributed systems consisting of both trusted and untrusted machines. We design and abstract away various secure message sending and dynamic machine creation protocols. We also create a trust designation system to establish trust between different machines in the system. By combining techniques in information flow control and cryptography, we are able to prevent programmers from inadvertently leaking sensitive data and allow them to send data securely from one machine to another.
Advisors: Sanjit A. Seshia
BibTeX citation:
@mastersthesis{Kushwah:EECS-2020-83, Author= {Kushwah, Shivendra}, Title= {PSec: A Programming Language for Secure Distributed Computing}, School= {EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley}, Year= {2020}, Month= {May}, Url= {}, Number= {UCB/EECS-2020-83}, Abstract= {We introduce PSec, a programming language for secure distributed computing. PSec is a high-level language designed for Trusted Execution Environments such as Intel SGX to enable programmers to create distributed systems consisting of both trusted and untrusted machines. We design and abstract away various secure message sending and dynamic machine creation protocols. We also create a trust designation system to establish trust between different machines in the system. By combining techniques in information flow control and cryptography, we are able to prevent programmers from inadvertently leaking sensitive data and allow them to send data securely from one machine to another.}, }
EndNote citation:
%0 Thesis %A Kushwah, Shivendra %T PSec: A Programming Language for Secure Distributed Computing %I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley %D 2020 %8 May 28 %@ UCB/EECS-2020-83 %U %F Kushwah:EECS-2020-83