Justin Kalloor and Mathias Weiden and Ed Younis and De Jong Wibe and John D. Kubiatowicz and Iancu Costin

EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley

Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2024-78

May 10, 2024


The design space of current quantum computers is expansive, with no obvious winning solution, leaving practitioners with a crucial question: "What is the optimal system configuration to run an algorithm?'' This paper explores hardware design trade-offs across NISQ systems to better guide algorithm and hardware development. Algorithmic workloads and fidelity models drive the evaluation to appropriately capture architectural features such as gate expressivity, fidelity, and crosstalk. As a result of our analysis, we extend the criteria for gate design and selection from only maximizing average fidelity to a more comprehensive approach that additionally considers expressivity with respect to algorithm structures. A custom synthesis-driven compilation workflow that produces minimal circuit representations for a given system configuration drives our methodology and allows us to analyze any gate set effectively. In this work, we focus on native entangling gates (CNOT, ECR, CZ, ZZ, XX, Sycamore, $\sqrt{\text{iSWAP}}$), proposed gates (B Gate, 4th root of CNOT, 8th root of CNOT), as well as parameterized gates (FSim, XY). By providing a method to evaluate the suitability of algorithms for hardware platforms, this work emphasizes the importance of hardware-software codesign for quantum computing.

Advisors: John D. Kubiatowicz

BibTeX citation:

    Author= {Kalloor, Justin and Weiden, Mathias and Younis, Ed and Wibe, De Jong and Kubiatowicz, John D. and Costin, Iancu},
    Title= {Towards a Quantum Hardware Roofline: Evaluating the Impact ofGate Expressivity on Processor Design},
    School= {EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley},
    Year= {2024},
    Month= {May},
    Url= {http://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2024/EECS-2024-78.html},
    Number= {UCB/EECS-2024-78},
    Abstract= {The design space of current quantum computers is expansive, with no obvious winning solution, leaving practitioners with a crucial question: "What is the optimal system configuration to run an algorithm?'' This paper explores hardware design trade-offs across NISQ systems to better guide algorithm and hardware development. Algorithmic workloads and fidelity models drive the evaluation to appropriately capture architectural features such as gate expressivity, fidelity, and crosstalk. As a result of our analysis, we extend the criteria for gate design and selection from only maximizing average fidelity to a more comprehensive approach that additionally considers expressivity with respect to algorithm structures. A custom synthesis-driven compilation workflow that produces minimal circuit representations for a given system configuration drives our methodology and allows us to analyze any gate set effectively. In this work, we focus on native entangling gates (CNOT, ECR, CZ, ZZ, XX, Sycamore, $\sqrt{\text{iSWAP}}$), proposed gates (B Gate, 4th root of CNOT, 8th root of CNOT), as well as parameterized gates (FSim, XY). By providing a method to evaluate the suitability of algorithms for hardware platforms, this work emphasizes the importance of hardware-software codesign for quantum computing.},

EndNote citation:

%0 Thesis
%A Kalloor, Justin 
%A Weiden, Mathias 
%A Younis, Ed 
%A Wibe, De Jong 
%A Kubiatowicz, John D. 
%A Costin, Iancu 
%T Towards a Quantum Hardware Roofline: Evaluating the Impact ofGate Expressivity on Processor Design
%I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
%D 2024
%8 May 10
%@ UCB/EECS-2024-78
%U http://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2024/EECS-2024-78.html
%F Kalloor:EECS-2024-78