Technical Reports - David Tse
Near-optimal Assembly for Shotgun Sequencing with Noisy Reads (EECS-2014-10)
Ka Kit Lam, David Tse and Asif Khalak
On the Degrees of Freedom of MISO Broadcast Channels with Delayed Feedback (EECS-2010-122)
Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali and David Tse
Interference Nulling in Distributed Lossy Source Coding (EECS-2010-12)
Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali and David Tse
Inference of Link Delay Through Measurement Redundancy in Communication Networks (M00/57)
Y. Xia and David Tse
Survey of Single Machine Scheduling with Application to Web Object Transmission (M00/54)
Y. Xia and David Tse
The WebTP Architecture and Algorithms (M00/53)
Y. Xia, H-S. W. So, Venkat Anantharam, S. McCanne, David Tse, Jean Walrand and Pravin Varaiya
The Framework of User-Centric Optimization in Web-Based Applications (M00/52)
Y. Xia, H-S. W. So, R. H-J. La, Venkat Anantharam, S. McCanne, David Tse, Jean Walrand and Pravin Varaiya
Asymptotically Optimal Water Filling in Vector Multiple Access Channels (M99/54)
P. Viswanath, David Tse and Venkat Anantharam
Optimal Power Allocation Over Parallel Gaussian Channels (M99/7)
David Tse
Capacity and Mutual Information of Wideband Multipath Fading Channels (M99/6)
E. Telatar and David Tse
Effective Interference and Effective Bandwidth of Linear Multiuser Receivers in Asynchronous Systems (M99/5)
Kiran and David Tse
Performance of Linear Multiuser Receivers in Random Environments (M99/4)
David Tse and O. Zeitouni
A Framework for Robust Measurement-Based Admission Control (M98/17)
M. Grossglauser and David Tse
Optimal Sequences, Power Control and Capacity of Spread-Spectrum Systems with Multiuser Linear Receivers (M98/6)
P. Viswanath, Venkat Anantharam and David Tse
Linear Multiuser Receivers: Effective Interference, Effective Bandwidth and Capacity (M98/1)
David Tse and S. Hanly
Multi-access Fading Channels: Part I: Polymatroidal Structures, Optimal Resource Allocation and Throughput Capacities (M96/69)
David Tse and S.V. Hanly
RCBR: A Simple and Efficient Service for Multiple Time-Scale Traffic [Extended Version] (M96/43)
M. Grossglauser, S. Keshav and David Tse