Technical Reports - Katherine A. Yelick
Sparsity-aware communication for distributed graph neural network training (EECS-2023-253)
Ujjaini Mukhopadhyay
Parallelizing Irregular Applications for Distributed Memory Scalability: Case Studies from Genomics (EECS-2020-133)
Marquita Ellis
Subdivision Surface Evaluation as Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication (EECS-2014-231)
Michael Driscoll
Communication Lower Bounds and Optimal Algorithms for Programs That Reference Arrays - Part 1 (EECS-2013-61)
Michael Christ, James Demmel, Nicholas Knight, Thomas Scanlon and Katherine A. Yelick
Autotuning Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication for Multicore (EECS-2012-215)
Jong-Ho Byun, Richard Lin, Katherine A. Yelick and James Demmel
Communication Avoiding and Overlapping for Numerical Linear Algebra (EECS-2012-65)
Evangelos Georganas, Jorge González-Domínguez, Edgar Solomonik, Yili Zheng, Juan Touriño and Katherine A. Yelick
Hierarchical Additions to the SPMD Programming Model (EECS-2012-20)
Amir Ashraf Kamil and Katherine A. Yelick
SEJITS: Getting Productivity and Performance With Selective Embedded JIT Specialization (EECS-2010-23)
Bryan Catanzaro, Shoaib Ashraf Kamil, Yunsup Lee, Krste Asanović, James Demmel, Kurt Keutzer, John Shalf, Katherine A. Yelick and Armando Fox
The Parallel Computing Laboratory at U.C. Berkeley: A Research Agenda Based on the Berkeley View (EECS-2008-23)
Krste Asanović, Ras Bodik, James Demmel, Tony Keaveny, Kurt Keutzer, John D. Kubiatowicz, Edward A. Lee, Nelson Morgan, George Necula, David A. Patterson, Koushik Sen, John Wawrzynek, David Wessel and Katherine A. Yelick
Avoiding Communication in Computing Krylov Subspaces (EECS-2007-123)
James Demmel, Mark Frederick Hoemmen, Marghoob Mohiyuddin and Katherine A. Yelick
The Landscape of Parallel Computing Research: A View from Berkeley (EECS-2006-183)
Krste Asanović, Ras Bodik, Bryan Christopher Catanzaro, Joseph James Gebis, Parry Husbands, Kurt Keutzer, David A. Patterson, William Lester Plishker, John Shalf, Samuel Webb Williams and Katherine A. Yelick
Compiler and Runtime Support for Scaling Adaptive Mesh Refinement Computations in Titanium (EECS-2006-87)
Jimmy Zhigang Su, Tong Wen and Katherine A. Yelick
Concurrency Analysis for Parallel Programs with Textually Aligned Barriers (EECS-2006-41)
Amir Ashraf Kamil and Katherine A. Yelick
Titanium Language Reference Manual, version 2.19 (EECS-2005-15)
Paul N. Hilfinger, Dan Oscar Bonachea, Kaushik Datta, David Gay, Susan L. Graham, Benjamin Robert Liblit, Geoffrey Pike, Jimmy Zhigang Su and Katherine A. Yelick
Performance Modeling and Analysis of Cache Blocking in Sparse Matrix Vector Multiply (CSD-04-1335)
Rajesh Nishtala, Richard W. Vuduc, James W. Demmel and Katherine A. Yelick
Performance Optimizations and Bounds for Sparse Symmetric Matrix-Multiple Vector Multiply (CSD-03-1297)
Benjamin C. Lee, Richard W. Vuduc, James W. Demmel, Katherine A. Yelick, Michael de Lorimier and Lijue Zhong
Generating Permutation Instructions from a High-Level Description (CSD-03-1287)
Manikandan Narayanan and Katherine A. Yelick
Polynomial-time Algorithms for Enforcing Sequential Consistency for SPMD Programs with Arrays (CSD-03-1272)
Wei-Yu Chen, Arvind Krishnamurthy and Katherine Yelick
Memory Hierarchy Optimizations and Performance Bounds for Sparse A^T Ax (CSD-03-1232)
Richard Vuduc, Attila Gyulassy, James Demmel and Katherine A. Yelick
Data Sharing Analysis for Titanium (CSD-01-1165)
Ben Liblit, Alex Aiken and Katherine Yelick
Titanium Language Reference Manual (CSD-01-1163)
Paul N. Hilfinger, Dan Bonachea, David Gay, Susan Graham, Ben Liblit, Geoff Pike and Katherine Yelick
Empirical Evaluation of Global Memory Support on the Cray-T3D and Cray-T3E (CSD-98-991)
Arvind Krishnamurthy, David E. Culler and Katherine Yelick
Evaluation of Architectural Support for Global Address-Based Communication in Large-Scale Parallel Machines (CSD-98-984)
Arvind Krishnamurthy, Klaus E. Schauser, Chris J. Scheiman, David E. Culler, Katherine Yelick and Randolph Y. Wang
Multipol: A Distributed Data Structure Library (CSD-95-879)
Soumen Chakrabarti, Etienne Deprit, Eun-Jin Im, Jeff Jones, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Chi-Po Wen and Katherine Yelick