Technical Reports - Avideh Zakhor
Representation Learning for Efficient Localized Image Retrieval ()
Lucas Jaffe
Vision-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Drone Flight (EECS-2023-280)
Varun Saran and Avideh Zakhor
Perceptive Hexapod Legged Locomotion for Climbing Joist Environments (EECS-2023-89)
Zixian Zang and Avideh Zakhor
Microscopy Slide Image Segmentation of Invasive Melanoma (EECS-2023-10)
Franklin Wang, Mike Wang and Avideh Zakhor
Microscopy Slide Image Segmentation of Invasive Melanoma (EECS-2023-9)
Franklin Wang, Mike Wang and Avideh Zakhor
Multimodal Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Video Representation Learning (EECS-2022-206)
Anup Hiremath
Joist Detection and Climbing Method for Hexapod Robots (EECS-2022-166)
Yibin Li
Proximity Detection Using Wi-Fi Fingerprints and Smartphone Magnetometers, With Applications to COVID-19 Surveillance (EECS-2022-165)
Zach Van Hyfte
Learning to Walk: Legged Hexapod Locomotion from Simulation to the Real World (EECS-2022-146)
Maxime Kawawa-Beaudan
3D Wireframe Reconstruction of Buildings from Point Cloud Data (EECS-2022-143)
Richard Wang
Representation Learning in Video and Text - A Social Media Misinformation Perspective (EECS-2022-140)
Kehan Wang
Hallucination Is All You Need: Using Generative Models for Test Time Data Augmentation (EECS-2022-85)
Dhruv Jhamb
3D Building Detection and Reconstruction from Aerial Drone Imagery (EECS-2021-230)
Marc WuDunn
Online One-Shot Learning for Indoor Asset Detection (EECS-2019-97)
Adith Balamurugan and Avideh Zakhor
3D Object Detection with Sparse Sampling Neural Networks (EECS-2018-172)
Ryan Goy and Avideh Zakhor
Dynamic Geometry Capture with a Multi-View Structured-Light System (EECS-2014-234)
Ricardo Garcia and Avideh Zakhor
Access Point Selection for Multi-Rate IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs (EECS-2014-104)
Shicong Yang and Avideh Zakhor
Texture Mapping 3D Models of Indoor Environments with Noisy Camera Poses (EECS-2013-231)
Peter Cheng
Single View Pose Estimation of Mobile Devices in Urban Environments (EECS-2012-122)
Aaron Hallquist
Image Augmented Laser Scan Matching for Indoor Localization (EECS-2009-35)
Nikhil Naikal, Avideh Zakhor and John Kua
Fast Surface Reconstruction and Segmentation with Ground-Based and Airborne LIDAR Range Data (EECS-2009-5)
Matthew Carlberg, James Andrews, Peiran Gao and Avideh Zakhor
Local Estimation of Collision Probabilities in 802.11 WLANs with Hidden Terminals (EECS-2009-2)
Michael N Krishnan, Sofie Pollin and Avideh Zakhor
Stability and Delay Consideration for Flow Control over Wireless Networks (M05/14)
M. Chen, A. Abate, Avideh Zakhor and S. Shankar Sastry
Optimal Decoding for Sigma Delta Modulators (M90/51)
S. Hein and Avideh Zakhor