5th Year M.S. | M.S.

5th Year M.S.

Skeleton-based Fall Detection using Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks with Learnable Edges
Alex Liang [2024]

Towards Fast and Accurate Computational Algorithms for Vision Correcting Displays
Joshua Chen [2024]

Compressive Deconvolution Algorithms for a Computational Lightfield Display for Correcting Visual Aberrations
Anmol Parande [2022]

Creating a Video Classification Neural Network Architecture to Map American Sign Language Gestures to Computer Cursor Controls
Rohan Hajela [2022]

Towards a Real-Time Vision Correcting Display
Shiyun Xu [2022]

Designing an Assistive Mouse for Human Computer Interaction Using Hand Gestures
Michael Qi [2021]

Adapting Vision Correcting Displays to 3D
Jacob Holesinger [2020]

Algorithms and Applications of the Vision Correcting Display
Charles Ding [2017]

Investigating Computational Approaches and Proposing Hardware Improvement to the Vision Correcting Display
Zehao Wu [2016]


An Investigation into Microlens Array Based Light Field Display for Vision Aberration Correction and Applications to Virtual Reality
Luxin Yang [2018]

Sparsely Precomputing The Light Transport Matrix for Real-Time Rendering
Fu-Chung Huang [2010]