5th Year M.S. | M.S.

5th Year M.S.

Critical Engagement in Large-Scale Undergraduate Computing Programs
Jedidiah Tsang [2024]

Computer Science at UC Berkeley: The Consequences and Considerations of Running Courses at Scale
Alex Schedel [2023]

Data Science in Snap!: A Block-Based Approach to Data Science Education
Isaac Merritt [2022]

Investigating Intuitions and Predicting Success using Fine Grained Student Code Snapshot Data
Henry Maier [2022]

A New Data-Focused Introductory Programming Course
Suraj Rampure [2021]

Pedagogy and Infrastructure for Upper-Division Data Science Courses
Allen Shen [2021]

Snaps: A Tool for Understanding Students in Large Computer Science Classes
Itai Smith [2021]

Analysis of Factors and Interventions Relating to Student Performance in CS1 and CS2
Allen Guo [2018]

nbinteract: Generate Interactive Web Pages From Jupyter Notebooks
Samuel Lau [2018]


Autograding in CS 61B
Ethan Ordentlich [2023]