5th Year M.S. | M.S.

5th Year M.S.

On-the-Fly Memory Programming for Largely Unmodified Cryptographic Applications
Alice Yeh [2024]

Scaling Zero Knowledge Proofs Through Application and Proof System Co-Design
Yuwen Zhang [2024]

Enabling Non-Experts to Develop Distributed Trust Applications
Nicholas Ngai [2023]

Enabling Verifiable Execution of Distributed Secure Enclave Platforms
Saharsh Agrawal [2021]

N-for-1-Auth: N-wise Decentralized Authentication via One Authentication
Ryan Deng [2021]

Post Verification of Integrity of Remote Queries in Opaque
Andrew Law How Hung [2021]

Supporting Multiple Clients in Opaque
Eric Feng [2021]

YouVerify: An Intermediate Representation and Framework for Symbolic Execution
Griffin Prechter [2021]

Communication-Efficient Federated Learning with Sketching
Ashwinee Panda [2020]

Towards Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Gradient Boosted Decision Tree Learning
Chester Leung [2020]


Broadcast Encryption with Fine-grained Delegation and its Application to IoT
Yuncong Hu [2020]

Ghostor: Toward a Secure Data-Sharing System from Decentralized Trust
Sam Kumar [2020]

ObliCheck: Efficient Verification of Oblivious Algorithms with Unobservable State
Jeongseok Son [2020]

Metal: A Metadata-Hiding File Sharing System
Weikeng Chen [2019]

Arx: A DBMS with Semantically Secure Encryption
Rishabh Poddar [2018]

A Secure One-Roundtrip Index for Range Queries
Tobias Boelter [2017]