Master's Theses & Technical Reports - S. Shankar Sastry
5th Year M.S.
Improving Output in Generative Models
Tarun Amarnath [2024]
Exploratory Design and Control of an Over-Actuated Drone
Riddhi Bagadiaa [2023]
Vision-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Drone Flight
Varun Saran [2023]
Environment Reconstruction from an Aerial Perspective with RGB-D and Fisheye Cameras
Ritika Shrivastava [2022]
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Through the Lens of Nonlinear Optimization
Amay Saxena [2021]
Tracking of Deformable Human Avatars through Fusion of Low-Dimensional 2D and 3D Kinematic Models
Ningjian Zhou [2019]
Scale-MAE: A Scale-Aware Masked Autoencoder for Multiscale Geospatial Representation Learning
Ritwik Gupta [2023]
Social Optimality via Dynamic Tolling and Adaptive Incentive Design
Kshitij Kulkarni [2022]
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: A Rapprochement of Filtering and Optimization-Based Approaches
Chih-Yuan Chiu [2021]
Toward the Control of Non-Linear, Non-Minimum Phase Systems via Feedback Linearization and Reinforcement Learning
Michael Estrada [2021]
Learning to play collaborative-competitive games
Kshama Dwarakanath [2020]
Modeling Supervisor Safe Sets for Improving Collaboration in Human-Robot Teams
Dexter Scobee [2018]
Human Modeling for Autonomous Vehicles: Reachability Analysis, Online Learning, and Driver Monitoring for Behavior Prediction
Vijay Govindarajan [2017]
Autonomous Vision-based Rotorcraft Landing and Accurate Aerial Terrain Mapping in an Unknown Environment
Todd Templeton [2006]
Case Study and Experiments of Control over Sensor Networks
Phoebus Wei-Chih Chen [2005]
Joint Entropy Minimization for Learning in Nonparametric Framework
Parvez Ahammad [2005]