[show sections and labs]

CCN Course Sec Type Title Instructor Day/Time Location
29521 COMPSCI 10 001 LEC The Beauty and Joy of Computing Dan Garcia
MoWeFr 13:00-13:59
Anthro/Art Practice Bldg 160
33660 COMPSCI 24 002 SEM The Coevolution of Humans and Machines Edward A Lee
Mo 11:00-11:59
Cory 531
31076 COMPSCI 39 001 SEM Technology, Society, and Power Lisa Yan
Mo 09:30-10:59
Soda 606
28712 COMPSCI 47A 001 SLF Completion of Work in Computer Science 61A John DeNero
28713 COMPSCI 47B 001 SLF Completion of Work in Computer Science 61B Joshua A Hug
28714 COMPSCI 47C 001 SLF Completion of Work in Computer Science 61C Lisa Yan
28715 COMPSCI 61A 001 LEC The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs John DeNero
MoWeFr 14:00-14:59
Wheeler 150
34097 COMPSCI 61A 142 LEC The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 15:30-16:59
Soda 310
34098 COMPSCI 61A 143 LEC The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 15:30-16:59
Soda 320
28750 COMPSCI 61B 001 LEC Data Structures Joshua A Hug
Justin Yokota
MoWeFr 13:00-13:59
Valley Life Sciences 2050
28819 COMPSCI 61C 001 LEC Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Lisa Yan
MoWeFr 15:00-15:59
Valley Life Sciences 2050
28842 COMPSCI 70 001 LEC Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory James O'Brien
Satish B Rao
TuTh 15:30-16:59
Wheeler 150
29362 COMPSCI 152 001 LEC Computer Architecture and Engineering Christopher Fletcher
TuTh 11:00-12:29
Physics Building 4
29321 COMPSCI 160 001 LEC User Interface Design and Development Bjoern Hartmann
TuTh 14:00-15:29
Jacobs Hall 310
29312 COMPSCI 161 001 LEC Computer Security Peyrin Kao
MoWeFr 15:00-15:59
Dwinelle 155
28861 COMPSCI 162 001 LEC Operating Systems and System Programming Matei Zaharia
Natacha Crooks
TuTh 12:30-13:59
Valley Life Sciences 2050
29481 COMPSCI 164 001 LEC Programming Languages and Compilers Max Willsey
TuTh 12:30-13:59
Physics Building 4
33298 COMPSCI 168 001 LEC Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols Peyrin Kao
Sylvia Ratnasamy
MoWe 18:30-19:59
Dwinelle 155
29302 COMPSCI 169L 001 DIS Software Engineering Team Project Armando Fox
Michael Ball
MoFr 10:30-11:59
Soda 405
28872 COMPSCI 170 001 LEC Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems John Wright
Nika Haghtalab
TuTh 14:00-15:29
Valley Life Sciences 2050
31459 COMPSCI 174 001 LEC Combinatorics and Discrete Probability Alistair J Sinclair
TuTh 09:30-10:59
Soda 310
31462 COMPSCI C176 001 LEC Algorithms for Computational Biology Allon Wagner
Yun S Song
TuTh 15:30-16:59
Davis 534
27798 COMPSCI C177 001 LEC Algorithmic Economics Federico Manuel Echenique
MoWeFr 09:00-09:59
Etcheverry 3108
32312 COMPSCI C182 001 LEC Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks Anant Sahai
MoWe 14:00-15:29
Soda 306
28885 COMPSCI 184 001 LEC Foundations of Computer Graphics Ren Ng
TuTh 15:30-16:59
Birge 50
29967 COMPSCI 186 001 LEC Introduction to Database Systems Alvin Cheung
Lakshya Jain
MoWe 10:00-11:29
Soda 306
28890 COMPSCI 188 001 LEC Introduction to Artificial Intelligence John F Canny
TuTh 12:30-13:59
Dwinelle 155
28904 COMPSCI 189 001 LEC Introduction to Machine Learning Jonathan Shewchuk
MoWe 18:30-19:59
Wheeler 150
25462 COMPSCI C191 001 LEC Quantum Information Science and Technology Alp Sipahigil
Geoffrey Penington
K Birgitta Whaley
TuTh 11:00-12:29
Physics Building 2
15316 COMPSCI 194 244 LEC STAR Assessments for Proficiency-Based Learning Armando Fox
Dan Garcia
Narges Norouzi
Mo 14:00-15:29
Soda 606
31597 COMPSCI 194 271 LEC Research in AI Education Gireeja Vishnu Ranade
Narges Norouzi
Tu 14:00-15:59
Cory 521
33840 COMPSCI 194 280 LEC Advanced Large Language Model Agents Xiaodong Dawn Song
Mo 16:00-17:59
Anthro/Art Practice Bldg 160
19160 COMPSCI 195 001 LEC Social Implications of Computer Technology Joshua A Hug
Tu 11:00-12:29
Dwinelle 145
19161 COMPSCI H195 001 LEC Honors Social Implications of Computer Technology Joshua A Hug
Tu 11:00-12:29
Dwinelle 145
29554 COMPSCI 198 002 GRP Directed Group Studies for Advanced Undergraduates Dan Garcia
MoWeFr 11:00-11:59
Soda 606
26619 COMPSCI 252A 001 LEC Graduate Computer Architecture Christopher Fletcher
TuTh 11:00-12:29
Physics Building 4
29567 COMPSCI 260A 001 LEC User Interface Design and Development Bjoern Hartmann
TuTh 14:00-15:29
Jacobs Hall 310
31494 COMPSCI 262A 001 LEC Advanced Topics in Computer Systems Ion Stoica
MoWe 09:30-10:59
Soda 310
31481 COMPSCI 264 001 LEC Implementation of Programming Languages Koushik Sen
MoWe 14:00-15:29
Soda 405
29821 COMPSCI C267 001 LEC Applications of Parallel Computers Aydin Buluc
James W Demmel
TuTh 11:00-12:29
Soda 306
26507 COMPSCI C280 001 LEC Computer Vision Angjoo Kanazawa
Jitendra Malik
MoWe 14:00-15:29
Berkeley Way West 1102
29928 COMPSCI C281B 001 LEC Advanced Topics in Learning and Decision Making Benjamin Recht
TuTh 12:30-13:59
Cory 521
32322 COMPSCI 282A 001 LEC Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks Anant Sahai
MoWe 14:00-15:29
Soda 306
26506 COMPSCI 284A 001 LEC Foundations of Computer Graphics Ren Ng
TuTh 15:30-16:59
Birge 50
29568 COMPSCI 289A 001 LEC Introduction to Machine Learning Jonathan Shewchuk
MoWe 18:30-19:59
Wheeler 150
31670 COMPSCI 294 092 LEC Analysis of Boolean Functions Avishay Tal
TuTh 11:00-12:29
Soda 310
17451 COMPSCI 294 150 LEC AI Meets Biology & Chemistry Jennifer Listgarten
Mo 14:00-16:59
Berkeley Way West 1211
17452 COMPSCI 294 184 LEC Building User-Centered Programming Tools S. E. Chasins
WeFr 09:00-10:29
Soda 405
17456 COMPSCI 294 244 LEC STAR Assessments for Proficiency-Based Learning Armando Fox
Dan Garcia
Narges Norouzi
Mo 14:00-15:29
Soda 606
17461 COMPSCI 294 254 LEC Physics Inspired Deep Learning Aditi S Krishnapriyan
TuTh 14:00-15:29
Hearst Field Annex B1
31595 COMPSCI 294 271 LEC AI in Education Gireeja Vishnu Ranade
Narges Norouzi
Tu 14:00-15:59
Cory 521
33738 COMPSCI 294 279 LEC Data Science for Social Change Emma Pierson
TuTh 15:30-16:59
Soda 405
33841 COMPSCI 294 280 LEC Advanced Large Language Model Agents Xiaodong Dawn Song
Mo 16:00-17:59
Anthro/Art Practice Bldg 160
15321 COMPSCI 298 002 LEC Theory Seminar Avishay Tal
Prasad Raghavendra
We 12:00-13:29
Soda 438
15319 COMPSCI 298 003 LEC EECS Colloquium Jelani Nelson
We 16:00-17:29
Soda 306
15322 COMPSCI 298 012 LEC Database Seminar Aditya Parameswaran
Joseph M Hellerstein
We 11:00-11:59
Soda 438
26508 COMPSCI 302 001 LEC Designing Computer Science Education Dan Garcia
Michael Ball
Fr 14:00-15:59
Soda 606
31510 COMPSCI 365 001 LEC Introduction to Instructional Methods in Computer Science for Academic Interns Fr 10:00-11:59
Soda 438
29565 COMPSCI 370 001 LEC Adaptive Instruction Methods in Computer Science Christopher Todd Hunn
Tu 17:00-18:59
Hearst Field Annex B5
29566 COMPSCI 370 002 LEC Adaptive Instruction Methods in Computer Science Christopher Todd Hunn
Th 19:00-20:59
Hearst Field Annex B5
29564 COMPSCI 375 001 DIS Teaching Techniques for Computer Science Armando Fox
Fr 13:00-14:59
Soda 438