[hide sections and labs]

CCN Course Sec Type Title Instructor Day/Time Location
29521 COMPSCI 10 001 LEC The Beauty and Joy of Computing Dan Garcia
Victoria Ashley Phelps
MoWeFr 13:00-13:59
Anthro/Art Practice Bldg 160
29885 COMPSCI 10 801 DIS The Beauty and Joy of Computing Th 18:00-18:59
Evans 60
29886 COMPSCI 10 801L LAB The Beauty and Joy of Computing TuTh 15:00-16:59
Soda 438
33660 COMPSCI 24 002 SEM The Coevolution of Humans and Machines Edward A Lee
Mo 11:00-11:59
Cory 531
31076 COMPSCI 39 001 SEM Technology, Society, and Power Lisa Yan
Mo 09:30-10:59
Soda 606
28712 COMPSCI 47A 001 SLF Completion of Work in Computer Science 61A John DeNero
28713 COMPSCI 47B 001 SLF Completion of Work in Computer Science 61B Joshua A Hug
28714 COMPSCI 47C 001 SLF Completion of Work in Computer Science 61C Lisa Yan
28715 COMPSCI 61A 001 LEC The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs John DeNero
Priya Venugopal
MoWeFr 14:00-14:59
Wheeler 150
28733 COMPSCI 61A 101 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs We 15:30-16:59
Soda 320
28716 COMPSCI 61A 101L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Mo 15:00-16:29
Soda 271
28734 COMPSCI 61A 102 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs We 17:00-18:29
Wheeler 120
28717 COMPSCI 61A 102L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Mo 16:30-17:59
Soda 271
29866 COMPSCI 61A 103 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs We 18:30-19:59
Wheeler 200
29867 COMPSCI 61A 103L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Mo 18:00-19:29
Soda 271
29868 COMPSCI 61A 104 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs We 18:30-19:59
Soda 320
28718 COMPSCI 61A 104L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Mo 19:30-20:59
Soda 271
28735 COMPSCI 61A 105 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs We 18:30-19:59
Wheeler 222
28719 COMPSCI 61A 105L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Tu 09:30-10:59
Soda 271
28720 COMPSCI 61A 106L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Tu 11:00-12:29
Soda 271
28737 COMPSCI 61A 108 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 08:00-09:29
Soda 320
28722 COMPSCI 61A 108L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Tu 14:00-15:29
Soda 271
28738 COMPSCI 61A 109 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 08:00-09:29
Soda 310
28723 COMPSCI 61A 109L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Tu 15:30-16:59
Soda 271
28739 COMPSCI 61A 110 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 09:30-10:59
Soda 320
28724 COMPSCI 61A 110L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Tu 17:00-18:29
Soda 271
28740 COMPSCI 61A 111 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 09:30-10:59
Soda 405
28725 COMPSCI 61A 111L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Tu 18:30-19:59
Soda 271
28741 COMPSCI 61A 112 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 11:00-12:29
Wheeler 130
29870 COMPSCI 61A 112L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Mo 15:00-16:29
Soda 273
28743 COMPSCI 61A 114 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 12:30-13:59
Soda 320
28727 COMPSCI 61A 114L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Mo 18:00-19:29
Soda 273
28744 COMPSCI 61A 115 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 12:30-13:59
Soda 310
28728 COMPSCI 61A 115L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Mo 19:30-20:59
Soda 273
28745 COMPSCI 61A 116 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 12:30-13:59
Dwinelle 104
28729 COMPSCI 61A 116L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Tu 09:30-10:59
Soda 273
28746 COMPSCI 61A 117 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 12:30-13:59
Dwinelle 210
28730 COMPSCI 61A 117L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Tu 11:00-12:29
Soda 273
28747 COMPSCI 61A 118 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 12:30-13:59
Wheeler 108
28731 COMPSCI 61A 118L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Tu 12:30-13:59
Soda 273
29871 COMPSCI 61A 119 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 12:30-13:59
Dwinelle 204
28732 COMPSCI 61A 119L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Tu 14:00-15:29
Soda 273
28748 COMPSCI 61A 120 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 12:30-13:59
Dwinelle 211
29872 COMPSCI 61A 120L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Tu 15:30-16:59
Soda 273
28749 COMPSCI 61A 121 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs We 18:30-19:59
Wheeler 204
29873 COMPSCI 61A 121L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Tu 17:00-18:29
Soda 273
29988 COMPSCI 61A 122 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 12:30-13:59
Dwinelle 233
29989 COMPSCI 61A 122L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Tu 18:30-19:59
Soda 273
29990 COMPSCI 61A 123 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 14:00-15:29
Soda 405
29991 COMPSCI 61A 123L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Mo 15:00-16:29
Soda 275
29992 COMPSCI 61A 124 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 14:00-15:29
Hearst Mining 310
29993 COMPSCI 61A 124L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Mo 16:30-17:59
Soda 275
29997 COMPSCI 61A 126L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Mo 19:30-20:59
Soda 275
34224 COMPSCI 61A 127L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Tu 11:00-12:29
Soda 275
34225 COMPSCI 61A 128L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Tu 12:30-13:59
Soda 275
30033 COMPSCI 61A 129 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 14:00-15:29
Dwinelle 204
30034 COMPSCI 61A 130 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 14:00-15:29
Evans 65
30035 COMPSCI 61A 131 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 14:00-15:29
Dwinelle 263
30036 COMPSCI 61A 132 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 14:00-15:29
Social Sciences Building 102
30037 COMPSCI 61A 133 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 14:00-15:29
Dwinelle 104
30039 COMPSCI 61A 135 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 17:00-18:29
Soda 310
30040 COMPSCI 61A 136 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 15:30-16:59
Wheeler 224
30041 COMPSCI 61A 137 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 15:30-16:59
Wheeler 200
30042 COMPSCI 61A 138 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 15:30-16:59
Mulford 106
30043 COMPSCI 61A 139 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 15:30-16:59
Evans 65
30044 COMPSCI 61A 140 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 15:30-16:59
Social Sciences Building 186
30045 COMPSCI 61A 141 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 15:30-16:59
Dwinelle 233
34097 COMPSCI 61A 142 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 15:30-16:59
Soda 310
34098 COMPSCI 61A 143 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Th 15:30-16:59
Soda 320
34439 COMPSCI 61A 144 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Fr 11:00-12:29
Soda 306
29075 COMPSCI 61A 999 DIS The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Albert Junqi Liu Wang
Apollo Loh
Huanzhi (Hans) Mao
Julia T Isaac
Marsalis Gibson
Raymond Zhao
Veena Sumedh
Su 00:06-00:07

29080 COMPSCI 61A 999L LAB The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Su 00:04-00:05

28750 COMPSCI 61B 001 LEC Data Structures Daniel Wang
Erik Raymond Kizior
Joshua A Hug
Justin Yokota
Vanessa Teo
MoWeFr 13:00-13:59
Valley Life Sciences 2050
29433 COMPSCI 61B 101 DIS Data Structures Tu 09:00-09:59
Soda 405
29434 COMPSCI 61B 101L LAB Data Structures We 14:00-15:59
Soda 271
29435 COMPSCI 61B 102 DIS Data Structures Mo 16:00-16:59
Soda 320
29436 COMPSCI 61B 102L LAB Data Structures We 14:00-15:59
Soda 273
29440 COMPSCI 61B 104L LAB Data Structures We 16:00-17:59
Soda 271
29441 COMPSCI 61B 105 DIS Data Structures Mo 18:00-18:59
Wheeler 224
29442 COMPSCI 61B 105L LAB Data Structures We 16:00-17:59
Soda 273
29443 COMPSCI 61B 106 DIS Data Structures Tu 09:00-09:59
Soda 320
29444 COMPSCI 61B 106L LAB Data Structures We 16:00-17:59
Soda 275
29445 COMPSCI 61B 107 DIS Data Structures Tu 10:00-10:59
Soda 320
29446 COMPSCI 61B 107L LAB Data Structures We 18:00-19:59
Soda 271
29447 COMPSCI 61B 108 DIS Data Structures Tu 15:00-15:59
Hildebrand B56
29448 COMPSCI 61B 108L LAB Data Structures We 18:00-19:59
Soda 273
29449 COMPSCI 61B 109 DIS Data Structures Tu 13:00-13:59
Wheeler 224
29450 COMPSCI 61B 109L LAB Data Structures We 18:00-19:59
Soda 275
29451 COMPSCI 61B 110 DIS Data Structures Mo 20:00-20:59
Wheeler 202
29452 COMPSCI 61B 110L LAB Data Structures Th 09:00-10:59
Soda 271
28785 COMPSCI 61B 111 DIS Data Structures Tu 13:00-13:59
Soda 320
28751 COMPSCI 61B 111L LAB Data Structures Th 09:00-10:59
Soda 273
28786 COMPSCI 61B 112 DIS Data Structures Tu 09:00-09:59
Morgan 109
28752 COMPSCI 61B 112L LAB Data Structures Th 09:00-10:59
Soda 275
28788 COMPSCI 61B 114 DIS Data Structures Tu 11:00-11:59
Soda 320
28754 COMPSCI 61B 114L LAB Data Structures Th 11:00-12:59
Soda 273
28789 COMPSCI 61B 115 DIS Data Structures Tu 14:00-14:59
Dwinelle 243
28755 COMPSCI 61B 115L LAB Data Structures Th 11:00-12:59
Soda 275
28790 COMPSCI 61B 116 DIS Data Structures Tu 11:00-11:59
Etcheverry 3109
28756 COMPSCI 61B 116L LAB Data Structures Th 13:00-14:59
Soda 271
28791 COMPSCI 61B 117 DIS Data Structures Tu 10:00-10:59
Soda 405
28757 COMPSCI 61B 117L LAB Data Structures Th 13:00-14:59
Soda 273
28792 COMPSCI 61B 118 DIS Data Structures Tu 20:00-20:59
Cory 521
28758 COMPSCI 61B 118L LAB Data Structures Th 13:00-14:59
Soda 275
28793 COMPSCI 61B 119 DIS Data Structures Tu 16:00-16:59
Cory 521
28759 COMPSCI 61B 119L LAB Data Structures Th 15:00-16:59
Soda 271
28794 COMPSCI 61B 120 DIS Data Structures Tu 13:00-13:59
Dwinelle 243
28760 COMPSCI 61B 120L LAB Data Structures Th 15:00-16:59
Soda 273
28795 COMPSCI 61B 121 DIS Data Structures Tu 13:00-13:59
Wheeler 120
28761 COMPSCI 61B 121L LAB Data Structures Th 15:00-16:59
Soda 275
28796 COMPSCI 61B 122 DIS Data Structures Tu 14:00-14:59
Wheeler 130
28762 COMPSCI 61B 122L LAB Data Structures Th 17:00-18:59
Soda 271
28797 COMPSCI 61B 123 DIS Data Structures Tu 14:00-14:59
Soda 405
28763 COMPSCI 61B 123L LAB Data Structures Th 17:00-18:59
Soda 273
28798 COMPSCI 61B 124 DIS Data Structures Tu 14:00-14:59
Latimer 105
28764 COMPSCI 61B 124L LAB Data Structures Th 17:00-18:59
Soda 275
28799 COMPSCI 61B 125 DIS Data Structures Tu 15:00-15:59
Wheeler 120
28765 COMPSCI 61B 125L LAB Data Structures Th 17:00-18:59
Soda 277
28800 COMPSCI 61B 126 DIS Data Structures Tu 16:00-16:59
Soda 320
28801 COMPSCI 61B 127 DIS Data Structures Tu 15:00-15:59
Wheeler 130
28767 COMPSCI 61B 127L LAB Data Structures Th 19:00-20:59
Soda 271
28802 COMPSCI 61B 128 DIS Data Structures Tu 16:00-16:59
Wheeler 120
28768 COMPSCI 61B 128L LAB Data Structures Th 19:00-20:59
Soda 273
28803 COMPSCI 61B 129 DIS Data Structures Tu 17:00-17:59
Cory 521
28769 COMPSCI 61B 129L LAB Data Structures Th 19:00-20:59
Soda 275
28804 COMPSCI 61B 130 DIS Data Structures Tu 16:00-16:59
Wheeler 224
28770 COMPSCI 61B 130L LAB Data Structures Th 19:00-20:59
Soda 277
28805 COMPSCI 61B 131 DIS Data Structures Tu 17:00-17:59
Wheeler 130
28771 COMPSCI 61B 131L LAB Data Structures Th 19:00-20:59
Soda 330
28806 COMPSCI 61B 132 DIS Data Structures Tu 17:00-17:59
Soda 320
28772 COMPSCI 61B 132L LAB Data Structures Fr 09:00-09:59
Soda 271
28807 COMPSCI 61B 133 DIS Data Structures Tu 17:00-17:59
Soda 405
28773 COMPSCI 61B 133L LAB Data Structures Fr 09:00-10:59
Soda 273
28808 COMPSCI 61B 134 DIS Data Structures Tu 12:00-12:59
Soda 320
28774 COMPSCI 61B 134L LAB Data Structures Fr 09:00-10:59
Soda 275
28809 COMPSCI 61B 135 DIS Data Structures Tu 11:00-11:59
Morgan 109
28775 COMPSCI 61B 135L LAB Data Structures Fr 09:00-10:59
Soda 277
29123 COMPSCI 61B 999 DIS Data Structures Aditya Hariharan
Alyssa Smith
Andrew Jacob DeMarinis
Anirudh Sreerama
Anniyat Karymsak
Ashley Kao
David Yang
Dylan Hamuy
Elaine Shu
Elana Yilan Ho
Elisa Kim
Iris Zhou
Jeffrey Ji-sung Yum
Kanav Mittal
Mihir Nikhil Mirchandani
Ritika Shirish Joshi
Sahityasree Subramanian
Stacey Lei
Stella Elisabeth Kaval
Tiffany Li
Wilson Fung
29124 COMPSCI 61B 999L LAB Data Structures Su 00:02-00:03
28819 COMPSCI 61C 001 LEC Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Andrea Lou
Andrew Liu
Anto Kam
Lisa Yan
Myrah Sana Shah
MoWeFr 15:00-15:59
Valley Life Sciences 2050
29453 COMPSCI 61C 101 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Mo 11:00-11:59
Soda 310
29454 COMPSCI 61C 101L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) We 11:00-12:59
Soda 271
29455 COMPSCI 61C 102 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Mo 12:00-12:59
Soda 310
29456 COMPSCI 61C 102L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) We 11:00-12:59
Soda 273
29457 COMPSCI 61C 103 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Mo 13:00-13:59
Wheeler 120
29458 COMPSCI 61C 103L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) We 11:00-12:59
Soda 275
29459 COMPSCI 61C 104 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Mo 14:00-14:59
Dwinelle 205
29460 COMPSCI 61C 104L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) We 11:00-12:59
Soda 277
29461 COMPSCI 61C 105 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Mo 16:00-16:59
Soda 310
29462 COMPSCI 61C 105L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) We 11:00-12:59
Soda 330
29463 COMPSCI 61C 106 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Mo 17:00-17:59
Wheeler 224
29464 COMPSCI 61C 106L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) We 13:00-14:59
Soda 330
29465 COMPSCI 61C 107 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Mo 18:00-18:59
Wheeler 200
29466 COMPSCI 61C 107L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) We 16:00-17:59
Soda 330
29467 COMPSCI 61C 108 LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Mo 19:00-19:59
Soda 320
29468 COMPSCI 61C 108L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) We 16:00-17:59
Soda 277
29469 COMPSCI 61C 109 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Tu 11:00-11:59
Soda 405
29470 COMPSCI 61C 109L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) We 18:00-19:59
Soda 277
29471 COMPSCI 61C 110 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Tu 09:00-09:59
Wheeler 120
29472 COMPSCI 61C 110L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) We 18:00-19:59
Soda 330
28831 COMPSCI 61C 111 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Tu 12:00-12:59
Wheeler 224
28820 COMPSCI 61C 111L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Th 09:00-10:59
Soda 277
28832 COMPSCI 61C 112 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Tu 17:00-17:59
Dwinelle 109
28821 COMPSCI 61C 112L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Th 09:00-10:59
Soda 330
28833 COMPSCI 61C 113 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Tu 16:00-16:59
Soda 310
28822 COMPSCI 61C 113L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Mo 15:00-16:59
Soda 277
28834 COMPSCI 61C 114 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Tu 15:00-15:59
Latimer 102
28823 COMPSCI 61C 114L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Th 11:00-12:59
Soda 330
28835 COMPSCI 61C 115 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Tu 18:00-18:59
Soda 320
28824 COMPSCI 61C 115L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Th 13:00-14:59
Soda 277
28836 COMPSCI 61C 116 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) We 09:00-09:59
Wheeler 224
28825 COMPSCI 61C 116L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Th 13:00-14:59
Soda 330
28837 COMPSCI 61C 117 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Tu 19:00-19:59
Soda 320
28826 COMPSCI 61C 117L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) We 20:00-21:59
Soda 277
28838 COMPSCI 61C 118 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Mo 18:00-18:59
Wheeler 120
28827 COMPSCI 61C 118L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) We 20:00-21:59
Soda 275
28839 COMPSCI 61C 119 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Mo 19:00-19:59
Soda 405
28828 COMPSCI 61C 119L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) We 20:00-21:59
Soda 273
28840 COMPSCI 61C 120 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Tu 14:00-14:59
Dwinelle 79
28829 COMPSCI 61C 120L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) We 20:00-21:59
Soda 271
29125 COMPSCI 61C 999 DIS Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Abhinav Jin-joo Vedati
Chloe Shen Yi Wong
Julia Daria Tomaszewska
Noah Sedlik
Sasha Singh
Sophie Xie
Wen Cao
29126 COMPSCI 61C 999L LAB Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures)
28842 COMPSCI 70 001 LEC Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory Alec Li
Evelyn Koo
Gavin C Zhang
Joshua Walter Jones
Satish B Rao
TuTh 15:30-16:59
Wheeler 150
28843 COMPSCI 70 101 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory WeFr 13:00-13:59
Soda 320
28844 COMPSCI 70 102 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory WeFr 11:00-11:59
Soda 320
28845 COMPSCI 70 103 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory WeFr 10:00-10:59
Soda 320
28846 COMPSCI 70 104 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory WeFr 15:00-15:59
Soda 310
28847 COMPSCI 70 105 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory WeFr 15:00-15:59
Wheeler 224
28848 COMPSCI 70 106 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory WeFr 09:00-09:59
Dwinelle 205
28849 COMPSCI 70 107 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory TuTh 17:00-17:59
Wheeler 220
28850 COMPSCI 70 108 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory TuTh 18:00-18:59
Wheeler 224
28851 COMPSCI 70 109 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory WeFr 16:00-16:59
Soda 310
28852 COMPSCI 70 110 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory TuTh 19:00-19:59
Wheeler 224
28854 COMPSCI 70 112 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory TuTh 18:00-18:59
Soda 405
28855 COMPSCI 70 113 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory TuTh 20:00-20:59
WeFr 16:00-16:59
Wheeler 30
Dwinelle 105
28856 COMPSCI 70 114 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory WeFr 09:00-09:59
Soda 320
28857 COMPSCI 70 115 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory TuTh 17:00-17:59
Wheeler 202
28858 COMPSCI 70 116 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory WeFr 12:00-12:59
Cory 521
28859 COMPSCI 70 117 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory TuTh 19:00-19:59
Wheeler 120
30089 COMPSCI 70 118 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory WeFr 16:00-16:59
Wheeler 130
30091 COMPSCI 70 120 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory TuTh 19:00-19:59
Soda 405
30092 COMPSCI 70 121 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory TuTh 18:00-18:59
Cory 521
30117 COMPSCI 70 122 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory TuTh 19:00-19:59
Cory 521
30118 COMPSCI 70 123 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory WeFr 15:00-15:59
Dwinelle 105
28860 COMPSCI 70 801 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory WeFr 19:00-19:59

29085 COMPSCI 70 999 DIS Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory Jason Jiang
Sam Poder
29362 COMPSCI 152 001 LEC Computer Architecture and Engineering Christopher Fletcher
TuTh 11:00-12:29
Physics Building 4
29931 COMPSCI 152 101 DIS Computer Architecture and Engineering Tu 18:00-19:59
Soda 310
29932 COMPSCI 152 102 DIS Computer Architecture and Engineering Tu 14:00-15:59
Etcheverry 3113
29933 COMPSCI 152 103 DIS Computer Architecture and Engineering We 14:00-15:59
Cory 521
29934 COMPSCI 152 104 DIS Computer Architecture and Engineering We 19:00-20:59
Soda 306
29549 COMPSCI 152 999 DIS Computer Architecture and Engineering Jessica Jing Fan
Mihai Cristian Tudor
Nandeeka Divya Nayak
Ronit Nagarapu
Shashank Anand
Sushant Dinesh
Tianrui Wei
29321 COMPSCI 160 001 LEC User Interface Design and Development Bjoern Hartmann
TuTh 14:00-15:29
Jacobs Hall 310
29335 COMPSCI 160 101 DIS User Interface Design and Development We 13:00-13:59
Soda 310
29336 COMPSCI 160 102 DIS User Interface Design and Development Tu 17:00-17:59
Soda 310
29337 COMPSCI 160 103 DIS User Interface Design and Development We 17:00-17:59
Hearst Field Annex B5
29338 COMPSCI 160 104 DIS User Interface Design and Development Th 11:00-11:59
Etcheverry 3111
29328 COMPSCI 160 999 DIS User Interface Design and Development James Smith
Timothy James Aveni
29312 COMPSCI 161 001 LEC Computer Security Jonah Alex Bedouch
Mukhamediyar Kudaikulov
Owen Thompson
Peyrin Kao
Ryan Cottone
MoWeFr 15:00-15:59
Dwinelle 155
29339 COMPSCI 161 101 DIS Computer Security Mo 16:00-16:59
Cory 521
29340 COMPSCI 161 102 DIS Computer Security Mo 17:00-17:59
Soda 306
29341 COMPSCI 161 103 DIS Computer Security Mo 18:00-18:59
Wheeler 30
29342 COMPSCI 161 104 DIS Computer Security Tu 09:00-09:59
Etcheverry 3111
29343 COMPSCI 161 105 DIS Computer Security Tu 10:00-10:59
Etcheverry 3105
29344 COMPSCI 161 106 DIS Computer Security Tu 11:00-11:59
Wheeler 130
29345 COMPSCI 161 107 DIS Computer Security Tu 18:00-18:59
Soda 306
29367 COMPSCI 161 108 DIS Computer Security Tu 13:00-13:59
Wheeler 130
29346 COMPSCI 161 109 DIS Computer Security Tu 14:00-14:59
Wheeler 120
29347 COMPSCI 161 110 DIS Computer Security Tu 16:00-16:59
Dwinelle 182
29348 COMPSCI 161 111 DIS Computer Security Tu 17:00-17:59
Dwinelle 209
29368 COMPSCI 161 112 DIS Computer Security Tu 19:00-19:59
Wheeler 20
29349 COMPSCI 161 113 DIS Computer Security We 09:00-09:59
Dwinelle 243
29313 COMPSCI 161 999 DIS Computer Security Brandon James Wong
Jc Sun
Lawrence Shieh
Max Wang
Quang Luong Nhat Nguyen
28861 COMPSCI 162 001 LEC Operating Systems and System Programming Diana Maria Poplacenel
Jacob Laurence Leigh
Matei Zaharia
Natacha Crooks
TuTh 12:30-13:59
Valley Life Sciences 2050
28862 COMPSCI 162 101 DIS Operating Systems and System Programming Fr 09:00-09:59
Soda 310
28863 COMPSCI 162 102 DIS Operating Systems and System Programming Fr 15:00-15:59
Soda 405
28864 COMPSCI 162 103 DIS Operating Systems and System Programming Th 19:00-19:59
Soda 310
28865 COMPSCI 162 104 DIS Operating Systems and System Programming Fr 13:00-13:59
Soda 405
28866 COMPSCI 162 105 DIS Operating Systems and System Programming Fr 11:00-11:59
Social Sciences Building 136
28867 COMPSCI 162 106 DIS Operating Systems and System Programming Fr 09:00-09:59
Wheeler 120
28868 COMPSCI 162 107 DIS Operating Systems and System Programming Fr 14:00-14:59
Soda 405
28869 COMPSCI 162 108 DIS Operating Systems and System Programming Fr 15:00-15:59
Wheeler 200
28870 COMPSCI 162 109 DIS Operating Systems and System Programming Fr 09:00-09:59
Wheeler 224
28871 COMPSCI 162 110 DIS Operating Systems and System Programming Fr 12:00-12:59
Soda 320
29083 COMPSCI 162 999 DIS Operating Systems and System Programming Aarin Kalpeshkumar Salot
Ashwin Chugh
Diana Maria Poplacenel
Jacob Laurence Leigh
Rohan Penmatcha
Sean Z Yang
Shamith Pasula
Sriram Srivatsan
Tushar Goyal
29481 COMPSCI 164 001 LEC Programming Languages and Compilers Altan Thomas Haan
Max Willsey
TuTh 12:30-13:59
Physics Building 4
29482 COMPSCI 164 101 DIS Programming Languages and Compilers Tu 19:00-19:59
Cory 540AB
29483 COMPSCI 164 102 DIS Programming Languages and Compilers We 11:00-11:59
Soda 310
29484 COMPSCI 164 103 DIS Programming Languages and Compilers We 18:00-18:59
Wheeler 224
29485 COMPSCI 164 104 DIS Programming Languages and Compilers We 13:00-13:59
Dwinelle 79
29486 COMPSCI 164 999 DIS Programming Languages and Compilers Jiwon Park
Tyler Hou
33298 COMPSCI 168 001 LEC Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols Anita Zhi Ding
Jaewon Lee
Peyrin Kao
Sylvia Ratnasamy
MoWe 18:30-19:59
Dwinelle 155
33472 COMPSCI 168 101 DIS Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols Mo 20:00-20:59
Soda 405
33473 COMPSCI 168 102 DIS Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols We 16:00-16:59
Soda 405
33474 COMPSCI 168 103 DIS Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols We 17:00-17:59
Soda 405
33475 COMPSCI 168 104 DIS Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols We 12:00-12:59
Soda 310
33476 COMPSCI 168 105 DIS Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols We 13:00-13:59
Cory 521
33477 COMPSCI 168 106 DIS Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols Tu 19:00-19:59
Soda 306
33478 COMPSCI 168 107 DIS Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols Tu 20:00-20:59
Soda 306
33479 COMPSCI 168 108 DIS Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols Tu 15:00-15:59
Etcheverry 3105
33593 COMPSCI 168 109 DIS Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols Tu 16:00-16:59
Etcheverry 3109
33594 COMPSCI 168 110 DIS Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols Tu 13:00-13:59
Hearst Field Annex B1
33595 COMPSCI 168 111 DIS Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols Tu 14:00-14:59
Social Sciences Building 155
33596 COMPSCI 168 112 DIS Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols We 11:00-11:59
Social Sciences Building 155
33597 COMPSCI 168 113 DIS Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols We 10:00-10:59
Social Sciences Building 155
33598 COMPSCI 168 114 DIS Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols We 14:00-14:59
Social Sciences Building 155
33599 COMPSCI 168 115 DIS Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols We 13:00-13:59
Social Sciences Building 175
33299 COMPSCI 168 999 DIS Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols Hongbo Wei
Ian H Dong
Ziming Mao
29302 COMPSCI 169L 001 DIS Software Engineering Team Project Armando Fox
Michael Ball
MoFr 10:30-11:59
Soda 405
30007 COMPSCI 169L 101F FLD Software Engineering Team Project Th 17:00-17:59
Cory 521
30008 COMPSCI 169L 102F FLD Software Engineering Team Project We 17:00-17:59
Soda 310
29944 COMPSCI 169L 999F FLD Software Engineering Team Project Tyler Justin Lam
28872 COMPSCI 170 001 LEC Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems Carolyn Aiwei Liu
John Wright
Jonathan Pei
Nika Haghtalab
TuTh 14:00-15:29
Valley Life Sciences 2050
28873 COMPSCI 170 101 DIS Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems Tu 17:00-17:59
Wheeler 224
28874 COMPSCI 170 102 DIS Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems Tu 18:00-18:59
Wheeler 200
28875 COMPSCI 170 103 DIS Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems We 09:00-09:59
Cory 521
28876 COMPSCI 170 104 DIS Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems We 11:00-11:59
Wheeler 120
28877 COMPSCI 170 105 DIS Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems Tu 18:00-18:59
Wheeler 120
28878 COMPSCI 170 106 DIS Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems We 19:00-19:59
Soda 310
28879 COMPSCI 170 107 DIS Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems We 14:00-14:59
Wheeler 224
28880 COMPSCI 170 108 DIS Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems We 10:00-10:59
Wheeler 120
28881 COMPSCI 170 109 DIS Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems We 15:00-15:59
Wheeler 130
28882 COMPSCI 170 110 DIS Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems Tu 16:00-16:59
Wheeler 200
28883 COMPSCI 170 111 DIS Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems Tu 19:00-19:59
Wheeler 130
28884 COMPSCI 170 112 DIS Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems We 11:00-11:59
Wheeler 130
29042 COMPSCI 170 113 DIS Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems We 17:00-17:59
Wheeler 224
29043 COMPSCI 170 114 DIS Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems We 18:00-18:59
Wheeler 130
30110 COMPSCI 170 115 DIS Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems We 13:00-13:59
Wheeler 224
29088 COMPSCI 170 999 DIS Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems Andrew Huang
Bill Qiyuan Shao
David Wu
Diana Kohr
Eric Zhao
Jessica Lin
Meghal Gupta
Ryan Whitty
Xavier Rene Plourde
31459 COMPSCI 174 001 LEC Combinatorics and Discrete Probability Alistair J Sinclair
Siva Jaideep Tanikonda
TuTh 09:30-10:59
Soda 310
31460 COMPSCI 174 101 DIS Combinatorics and Discrete Probability We 12:00-12:59
Soda 320
31461 COMPSCI 174 102 DIS Combinatorics and Discrete Probability We 10:00-10:59
Wheeler 20
31462 COMPSCI C176 001 LEC Algorithms for Computational Biology Allon Wagner
Milind Jagota
Yun S Song
TuTh 15:30-16:59
Davis 534
31463 COMPSCI C176 101 DIS Algorithms for Computational Biology Carlos Rafael Albors
We 17:00-17:59
Social Sciences Building 126
31464 COMPSCI C176 102 DIS Algorithms for Computational Biology Milind Jagota
We 11:00-11:59
Cory 540AB
27798 COMPSCI C177 001 LEC Algorithmic Economics Federico Manuel Echenique
MoWeFr 09:00-09:59
Etcheverry 3108
27799 COMPSCI C177 101 DIS Algorithmic Economics Anand Kumar Siththaranjan
Mo 11:00-11:59
Evans 71
27800 COMPSCI C177 102 DIS Algorithmic Economics Anand Kumar Siththaranjan
Mo 14:00-14:59
Cory 285
27801 COMPSCI C177 103 DIS Algorithmic Economics Anand Kumar Siththaranjan
Mo 16:00-16:59
Wheeler 106
27802 COMPSCI C177 104 DIS Algorithmic Economics We 11:00-11:59

27803 COMPSCI C177 105 DIS Algorithmic Economics We 14:00-14:59

27804 COMPSCI C177 106 DIS Algorithmic Economics We 15:00-15:59

32312 COMPSCI C182 001 LEC Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks Anant Sahai
MoWe 14:00-15:29
Soda 306
32314 COMPSCI C182 101 DIS Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks Tu 17:00-17:59
Soda 306
32315 COMPSCI C182 102 DIS Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks Tu 18:00-18:59
Dwinelle 209
32316 COMPSCI C182 103 DIS Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks We 09:00-09:59
Etcheverry 3113
32317 COMPSCI C182 104 DIS Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks Tu 17:00-17:59
Etcheverry 3105
32318 COMPSCI C182 105 DIS Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks We 13:00-13:59
Hearst Gym 242
32319 COMPSCI C182 106 DIS Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks We 12:00-12:59
Soda 405
32321 COMPSCI C182 107 DIS Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks Mo 18:00-18:59
Soda 306
32320 COMPSCI C182 108 DIS Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks Mo 17:00-17:59
Soda 310
32313 COMPSCI C182 999 DIS Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks
28885 COMPSCI 184 001 LEC Foundations of Computer Graphics Ashley Chiu
Jennifer Zhao
Ren Ng
TuTh 15:30-16:59
Birge 50
28886 COMPSCI 184 101 DIS Foundations of Computer Graphics We 10:00-10:59
Cory 521
28887 COMPSCI 184 102 DIS Foundations of Computer Graphics We 12:00-12:59
Cory 540AB
28888 COMPSCI 184 103 DIS Foundations of Computer Graphics We 13:00-13:59
Dwinelle 209
28889 COMPSCI 184 104 DIS Foundations of Computer Graphics Tu 18:00-18:59
Wheeler 220
29040 COMPSCI 184 105 DIS Foundations of Computer Graphics We 11:00-11:59
Cory 241
29106 COMPSCI 184 106 DIS Foundations of Computer Graphics We 16:00-16:59
Wheeler 120
29127 COMPSCI 184 107 DIS Foundations of Computer Graphics Th 11:00-11:59
Soda 405
29128 COMPSCI 184 108 DIS Foundations of Computer Graphics We 19:00-19:59
Cory 540AB
29081 COMPSCI 184 999 DIS Foundations of Computer Graphics James Carl Fong
Preston Fu
Rebecca Feng
29967 COMPSCI 186 001 LEC Introduction to Database Systems Alvin Cheung
Ice Unjitwattana
Janani Sriram
Keagan Wang Chern
Lakshya Jain
MoWe 10:00-11:29
Soda 306
29969 COMPSCI 186 101 DIS Introduction to Database Systems Mo 12:00-12:59
Soda 320
29970 COMPSCI 186 102 DIS Introduction to Database Systems Mo 13:00-13:59
Soda 320
29971 COMPSCI 186 103 DIS Introduction to Database Systems Mo 13:00-13:59
Soda 310
29972 COMPSCI 186 104 DIS Introduction to Database Systems Mo 14:00-14:59
Soda 320
29973 COMPSCI 186 105 DIS Introduction to Database Systems Mo 14:00-14:59
Wheeler 130
29974 COMPSCI 186 106 DIS Introduction to Database Systems Mo 15:00-15:59
Wheeler 224
29975 COMPSCI 186 107 DIS Introduction to Database Systems Mo 18:00-18:59
Wheeler 220
29976 COMPSCI 186 108 DIS Introduction to Database Systems We 12:00-12:59
Wheeler 130
29977 COMPSCI 186 109 DIS Introduction to Database Systems We 14:00-14:59
Soda 320
30017 COMPSCI 186 110 DIS Introduction to Database Systems Tu 14:00-14:59
Evans 70
30129 COMPSCI 186 111 DIS Introduction to Database Systems Tu 17:00-17:59
Dwinelle 105
30130 COMPSCI 186 112 DIS Introduction to Database Systems Tu 19:00-19:59
Wheeler 200
29968 COMPSCI 186 999 DIS Introduction to Database Systems Ayati Sharma
Brian Xinting Sui
Chae Yeon Lee
Joel M Cisneros
Joshua David Chuang
Mayank Rajesh Patil
Sena Gul Hazir
Teddy Tankuranand
28890 COMPSCI 188 001 LEC Introduction to Artificial Intelligence John F Canny
Noah Adhikari
Oliver Grillmeyer
Pranav Muralikrishnan
Xavier Yin
TuTh 12:30-13:59
Dwinelle 155
28891 COMPSCI 188 101 DIS Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Tu 18:00-18:59
Wheeler 130
28892 COMPSCI 188 102 DIS Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Tu 19:00-19:59
Dwinelle 109
28893 COMPSCI 188 103 DIS Introduction to Artificial Intelligence We 09:00-09:59
Dwinelle 209
28894 COMPSCI 188 104 DIS Introduction to Artificial Intelligence We 13:00-13:59
Etcheverry 3119
28895 COMPSCI 188 105 DIS Introduction to Artificial Intelligence We 12:00-12:59
Social Sciences Building 140
28896 COMPSCI 188 106 DIS Introduction to Artificial Intelligence We 13:00-13:59
Cory 540AB
28897 COMPSCI 188 107 DIS Introduction to Artificial Intelligence We 14:00-14:59
Soda 310
28898 COMPSCI 188 108 DIS Introduction to Artificial Intelligence We 10:00-10:59
Evans 70
28899 COMPSCI 188 109 DIS Introduction to Artificial Intelligence We 18:00-18:59
Soda 306
28900 COMPSCI 188 110 DIS Introduction to Artificial Intelligence We 17:00-17:59
Wheeler 200
28901 COMPSCI 188 111 DIS Introduction to Artificial Intelligence We 12:00-12:59
Social Sciences Building 136
28902 COMPSCI 188 112 DIS Introduction to Artificial Intelligence We 18:00-18:59
Dwinelle 242
28903 COMPSCI 188 113 DIS Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Th 09:00-09:59
Wheeler 120
29074 COMPSCI 188 114 DIS Introduction to Artificial Intelligence We 19:00-19:59
Dwinelle 209
29089 COMPSCI 188 999 DIS Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Arnaud Fickinger
Catherine Chu
Danial Toktarbayev
Joshua Liao
Kenny William Kaiming Wang
Michael Wu
Mustafa Omar Mirza
Noah Adhikari
Pranav Muralikrishnan
Saathvik Selvan
Suhong Moon
Wesley Kai Zheng
Xavier Yin
28904 COMPSCI 189 001 LEC Introduction to Machine Learning Jonathan Shewchuk
Sara Michelle Pohland
MoWe 18:30-19:59
Wheeler 150
28905 COMPSCI 189 101 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 10:00-10:59
Dwinelle 88
29255 COMPSCI 189 102 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 14:00-14:59
Etcheverry 3105
29256 COMPSCI 189 103 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 12:00-12:59
Genetics & Plant Bio 103
28906 COMPSCI 189 104 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning We 14:00-14:59
Dwinelle 209
29318 COMPSCI 189 105 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 14:00-14:59
Social Sciences Building 140
28907 COMPSCI 189 106 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 13:00-13:59
Hildebrand B56
28908 COMPSCI 189 107 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 14:00-14:59
Hildebrand B51
28909 COMPSCI 189 108 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 16:00-16:59
Wheeler 20
28910 COMPSCI 189 109 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 17:00-17:59
Wheeler 20
28911 COMPSCI 189 110 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 18:00-18:59
Wheeler 20
28912 COMPSCI 189 111 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 16:00-16:59
Wheeler 108
28913 COMPSCI 189 112 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 19:00-19:59
Wheeler 30
30131 COMPSCI 189 121 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 19:00-19:59
Wheeler 220
30132 COMPSCI 189 122 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning We 15:00-15:59
Social Sciences Building 126
29082 COMPSCI 189 999 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Ayush Goel
Bill Zheng
Circle Chen
Grace Luo
James Miaoxin Ni
Margarita Geleta
Owen Gozali
Rami Ratl Mrad
Royce Matthew Ren
SooHyuk Cho
Suchir Agarwal
Yide Shentu
25462 COMPSCI C191 001 LEC Quantum Information Science and Technology Alp Sipahigil
Geoffrey Penington
K Birgitta Whaley
TuTh 11:00-12:29
Physics Building 2
27242 COMPSCI C191 101 DIS Quantum Information Science and Technology We 14:00-14:59
Lewis 9
27243 COMPSCI C191 102 DIS Quantum Information Science and Technology Fr 11:00-11:59
Cory 247
15316 COMPSCI 194 244 LEC STAR Assessments for Proficiency-Based Learning Armando Fox
Dan Garcia
Narges Norouzi
Mo 14:00-15:29
Soda 606
31597 COMPSCI 194 271 LEC Research in AI Education Gireeja Vishnu Ranade
Narges Norouzi
Tu 14:00-15:59
Cory 521
33840 COMPSCI 194 280 LEC Advanced Large Language Model Agents Xiaodong Dawn Song
Mo 16:00-17:59
Anthro/Art Practice Bldg 160
19160 COMPSCI 195 001 LEC Social Implications of Computer Technology Joshua A Hug
Sophia Liu
Tu 11:00-12:29
Dwinelle 145
19161 COMPSCI H195 001 LEC Honors Social Implications of Computer Technology Joshua A Hug
Sophia Liu
Tu 11:00-12:29
Dwinelle 145
19162 COMPSCI H195 101 DIS Honors Social Implications of Computer Technology Sophia Liu
Th 11:00-12:29
Soda 606
29554 COMPSCI 198 002 GRP Directed Group Studies for Advanced Undergraduates Dan Garcia
MoWeFr 11:00-11:59
Soda 606
29537 COMPSCI 198 003 GRP UCBUGG: 3D Modeling and Animation Chinyce G Cole-Henry
Dan Garcia
Ethan M Tam
Francis Esguerra Basco
Gabriel Sebastian De Leon
Han Li
Khylie Levette Aviles
Raine Hayata Koizumi
Rebecca Feng
Mo 19:00-20:59
Soda 330
29547 COMPSCI 198 008 GRP Linux System Administration DeCal Adrian Bao
Albert Ye
Anita Zhi Ding
Jaysa Maria Garcia
Kian Sutarwala
Mihir Nikhil Mirchandani
Oliver Ni
Peyrin Kao
Tu 19:00-20:59

29539 COMPSCI 198 071 GRP Going Down the EECS Stack Anant Sahai
Isak Rafael Traustason
Zachary McMullan
Tu 18:00-19:59
Dwinelle 79
29540 COMPSCI 198 075 GRP Cubstart: Introduction to Building Apps Dylan Dinh-lan Chhum
Justin Wong
Justin Yokota
Sam Poder
Tu 17:00-17:59
Th 17:00-18:59
Anthro/Art Practice Bldg 160
Soda 306
29543 COMPSCI 198 080 GRP Extended Reality Development Bjoern Hartmann
Caesar Li
Daniel He
James Wei Hu
Mohammed Ashfak Amin
Robert Tian
SeongHyun Park
Yeonwoo Son
Mo 17:00-18:59

29544 COMPSCI 198 099 GRP Introduction to Full-Stack Development Darren Brandon Ich
Jason Duong
Jessie C Liu
Joshua A Hug
Marin Cheuk Wai Lau
Matthew John Robillard
Prabhas Kurapati
TuTh 18:30-19:59
Physics Building 4
30027 COMPSCI 198 126 GRP Deep Learning for Visual Data Ahmed Alaa
Derek Xu
Eric Wang
Nathaniel Christopher Haynam
Rohan Viswanathan
Saathvik Selvan
Vanessa Teo
MoWe 19:00-19:59
Physics Building 2
30028 COMPSCI 198 138 GRP Esoteric Programming Languages Justin Yokota
Sam Poder
Subhash Jeyanthi Prasad
Mo 17:00-18:59
Soda 405
33993 COMPSCI 198 142 GRP Collaborative Small-Group Mentorship Christine Zhang
Christopher Todd Hunn
Gabriel K Classon
Noemi Chulo
We 19:00-19:59

29538 COMPSCI 198 303 GRP UCBUGG: 3D Modeling and Animation Chinyce G Cole-Henry
Dan Garcia
Ethan M Tam
Francis Esguerra Basco
Gabriel Sebastian De Leon
Han Li
Khylie Levette Aviles
Raine Hayata Koizumi
Rebecca Feng
Fr 19:00-20:59
Soda 330
29552 COMPSCI 198 750 GRP Cubstart: Introduction to Building Apps Dylan Dinh-lan Chhum
Justin Wong
Justin Yokota
Sam Poder
Th 19:00-20:59
Tu 18:00-18:59
Soda 306
Evans 60
29542 COMPSCI 198 808 GRP Extended Reality Development Bjoern Hartmann
Caesar Li
Daniel He
James Wei Hu
Mohammed Ashfak Amin
Robert Tian
SeongHyun Park
Yeonwoo Son
Tu 17:00-18:59

26619 COMPSCI 252A 001 LEC Graduate Computer Architecture Christopher Fletcher
TuTh 11:00-12:29
Physics Building 4
27257 COMPSCI 252A 101 DIS Graduate Computer Architecture Tu 18:00-19:59
Soda 310
27258 COMPSCI 252A 102 DIS Graduate Computer Architecture Tu 14:00-15:59
Etcheverry 3113
27259 COMPSCI 252A 103 DIS Graduate Computer Architecture We 14:00-15:59
Cory 521
27260 COMPSCI 252A 104 DIS Graduate Computer Architecture We 19:00-20:59
Soda 306
27261 COMPSCI 252A 105 DIS Graduate Computer Architecture We 17:00-18:59
Haviland 12
26707 COMPSCI 252A 999 DIS Graduate Computer Architecture Jessica Jing Fan
Mihai Cristian Tudor
Nandeeka Divya Nayak
Ronit Nagarapu
Shashank Anand
Sushant Dinesh
Tianrui Wei
29567 COMPSCI 260A 001 LEC User Interface Design and Development Bjoern Hartmann
TuTh 14:00-15:29
Jacobs Hall 310
29598 COMPSCI 260A 101 DIS User Interface Design and Development We 13:00-13:59
Soda 310
29599 COMPSCI 260A 102 DIS User Interface Design and Development Tu 17:00-17:59
Soda 310
29600 COMPSCI 260A 103 DIS User Interface Design and Development We 17:00-17:59
Hearst Field Annex B5
29597 COMPSCI 260A 999 DIS User Interface Design and Development James Smith
Timothy James Aveni
31494 COMPSCI 262A 001 LEC Advanced Topics in Computer Systems Audrey Cheng
Ion Stoica
MoWe 09:30-10:59
Soda 310
33675 COMPSCI 264 101 DIS Implementation of Programming Languages Tu 17:00-17:59
Cory 289
33676 COMPSCI 264 101L LAB Implementation of Programming Languages Fr 16:00-21:59
Soda 405
29821 COMPSCI C267 001 LEC Applications of Parallel Computers Aydin Buluc
Chuao Dong
Gabriel Raulet
James W Demmel
Rahul Shah
Vinamra Benara
Yen-Hsiang Chang
TuTh 11:00-12:29
Soda 306
29829 COMPSCI C267 101L LAB Applications of Parallel Computers Tu 13:00-13:59
Soda 310
29830 COMPSCI C267 102L LAB Applications of Parallel Computers Tu 16:00-16:59
Wheeler 130
29831 COMPSCI C267 103L LAB Applications of Parallel Computers We 13:00-13:59
Soda 405
29840 COMPSCI C267 104L LAB Applications of Parallel Computers We 13:00-13:59
Social Sciences Building 185
29841 COMPSCI C267 105L LAB Applications of Parallel Computers We 18:00-18:59
Soda 310
29832 COMPSCI C267 999L LAB Applications of Parallel Computers Chuao Dong
Gabriel Raulet
Rahul Shah
Vinamra Benara
Yen-Hsiang Chang
26507 COMPSCI C280 001 LEC Computer Vision Angjoo Kanazawa
Jitendra Malik
MoWe 14:00-15:29
Berkeley Way West 1102
29928 COMPSCI C281B 001 LEC Advanced Topics in Learning and Decision Making Benjamin Recht
TuTh 12:30-13:59
Cory 521
32322 COMPSCI 282A 001 LEC Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks Anant Sahai
MoWe 14:00-15:29
Soda 306
32323 COMPSCI 282A 999 DIS Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks
26506 COMPSCI 284A 001 LEC Foundations of Computer Graphics Ashley Chiu
Jennifer Zhao
Ren Ng
TuTh 15:30-16:59
Birge 50
26509 COMPSCI 284A 999 DIS Foundations of Computer Graphics James Carl Fong
Preston Fu
Rebecca Feng
29568 COMPSCI 289A 001 LEC Introduction to Machine Learning Jonathan Shewchuk
Sara Michelle Pohland
MoWe 18:30-19:59
Wheeler 150
29569 COMPSCI 289A 101 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 10:00-10:59
Dwinelle 88
29585 COMPSCI 289A 102 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 14:00-14:59
Etcheverry 3105
29586 COMPSCI 289A 103 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 12:00-12:59
Genetics & Plant Bio 103
29570 COMPSCI 289A 104 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning We 14:00-14:59
Dwinelle 209
29594 COMPSCI 289A 105 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 14:00-14:59
Social Sciences Building 140
29571 COMPSCI 289A 106 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 13:00-13:59
Hildebrand B56
29572 COMPSCI 289A 107 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 14:00-14:59
Hildebrand B51
29573 COMPSCI 289A 108 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 16:00-16:59
Wheeler 20
29574 COMPSCI 289A 109 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 17:00-17:59
Wheeler 20
29575 COMPSCI 289A 110 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 18:00-18:59
Wheeler 20
29576 COMPSCI 289A 111 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 16:00-16:59
Wheeler 108
29577 COMPSCI 289A 112 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Tu 19:00-19:59
Wheeler 30
29582 COMPSCI 289A 999 DIS Introduction to Machine Learning Ayush Goel
Bill Zheng
Circle Chen
Grace Luo
James Miaoxin Ni
Margarita Geleta
Owen Gozali
Rami Ratl Mrad
Royce Matthew Ren
SooHyuk Cho
Suchir Agarwal
Yide Shentu
31670 COMPSCI 294 092 LEC Analysis of Boolean Functions Avishay Tal
TuTh 11:00-12:29
Soda 310
17451 COMPSCI 294 150 LEC AI Meets Biology & Chemistry Jennifer Listgarten
Mo 14:00-16:59
Berkeley Way West 1211
TuTh 09:30-10:59
Dwinelle 106
17452 COMPSCI 294 184 LEC Building User-Centered Programming Tools S. E. Chasins
WeFr 09:00-10:29
Soda 405
17455 COMPSCI 294 194 LEC From Research to Startup Ali Ghodsi
Ion Stoica
Joseph E. Gonzalez
Kurt W Keutzer
Prabal Dutta
Trevor Darrell
We 17:00-18:29
Soda 320
17456 COMPSCI 294 244 LEC STAR Assessments for Proficiency-Based Learning Armando Fox
Dan Garcia
Narges Norouzi
Mo 14:00-15:29
Soda 606
17461 COMPSCI 294 254 LEC Physics Inspired Deep Learning Aditi S Krishnapriyan
TuTh 14:00-15:29
Hearst Field Annex B1
31595 COMPSCI 294 271 LEC AI in Education Gireeja Vishnu Ranade
Narges Norouzi
Tu 14:00-15:59
Cory 521
33738 COMPSCI 294 279 LEC Data Science for Social Change Emma Pierson
TuTh 15:30-16:59
Soda 405
33841 COMPSCI 294 280 LEC Advanced Large Language Model Agents Xiaodong Dawn Song
Mo 16:00-17:59
Anthro/Art Practice Bldg 160
34326 COMPSCI 294 284 LEC Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Theories of Tractability Prasad Raghavendra
Fr 13:00-14:59
Soda 306
15321 COMPSCI 298 002 LEC Theory Seminar Avishay Tal
Prasad Raghavendra
We 12:00-13:29
Soda 438
15319 COMPSCI 298 003 LEC EECS Colloquium Jelani Nelson
We 16:00-17:29
Soda 306
15322 COMPSCI 298 012 LEC Database Seminar Aditya Parameswaran
Joseph M Hellerstein
We 11:00-11:59
Soda 438
26508 COMPSCI 302 001 LEC Designing Computer Science Education Dan Garcia
Michael Ball
Fr 14:00-15:59
Soda 606
31510 COMPSCI 365 001 LEC Introduction to Instructional Methods in Computer Science for Academic Interns Justin Yokota
Fr 10:00-11:59
Soda 438
29565 COMPSCI 370 001 LEC Adaptive Instruction Methods in Computer Science Christopher Todd Hunn
Tu 17:00-18:59
Hearst Field Annex B5
29566 COMPSCI 370 002 LEC Adaptive Instruction Methods in Computer Science Christopher Todd Hunn
Th 19:00-20:59
Hearst Field Annex B5
29564 COMPSCI 375 001 DIS Teaching Techniques for Computer Science Armando Fox
Naveen Sg Nathan
Fr 13:00-14:59
Soda 438