CS Spring 2025 Class Schedule
CCN | Course | Sec | Type | Title | Instructor | Day/Time | Location |
29521 | COMPSCI 10 | 001 | LEC | The Beauty and Joy of Computing | Dan Garcia Victoria Ashley Phelps |
MoWeFr 13:00-13:59 |
Anthro/Art Practice Bldg 160 |
29885 | COMPSCI 10 | 801 | DIS | The Beauty and Joy of Computing | Th 18:00-18:59 |
Evans 60 |
29886 | COMPSCI 10 | 801L | LAB | The Beauty and Joy of Computing | TuTh 15:00-16:59 |
Soda 438 |
33660 | COMPSCI 24 | 002 | SEM | The Coevolution of Humans and Machines | Edward A Lee |
Mo 11:00-11:59 |
Cory 531 |
31076 | COMPSCI 39 | 001 | SEM | Technology, Society, and Power | Lisa Yan |
Mo 09:30-10:59 |
Soda 606 |
28712 | COMPSCI 47A | 001 | SLF | Completion of Work in Computer Science 61A | John DeNero |
28713 | COMPSCI 47B | 001 | SLF | Completion of Work in Computer Science 61B | Joshua A Hug |
28714 | COMPSCI 47C | 001 | SLF | Completion of Work in Computer Science 61C | Lisa Yan |
28715 | COMPSCI 61A | 001 | LEC | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | John DeNero Priya Venugopal |
MoWeFr 14:00-14:59 |
Wheeler 150 |
28733 | COMPSCI 61A | 101 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | We 15:30-16:59 |
Soda 320 |
28716 | COMPSCI 61A | 101L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Mo 15:00-16:29 |
Soda 271 |
28734 | COMPSCI 61A | 102 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | We 17:00-18:29 |
Wheeler 120 |
28717 | COMPSCI 61A | 102L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Mo 16:30-17:59 |
Soda 271 |
29866 | COMPSCI 61A | 103 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | We 18:30-19:59 |
Wheeler 200 |
29867 | COMPSCI 61A | 103L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Mo 18:00-19:29 |
Soda 271 |
29868 | COMPSCI 61A | 104 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | We 18:30-19:59 |
Soda 320 |
28718 | COMPSCI 61A | 104L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Mo 19:30-20:59 |
Soda 271 |
28735 | COMPSCI 61A | 105 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | We 18:30-19:59 |
Wheeler 222 |
28719 | COMPSCI 61A | 105L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Tu 09:30-10:59 |
Soda 271 |
28720 | COMPSCI 61A | 106L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Tu 11:00-12:29 |
Soda 271 |
28737 | COMPSCI 61A | 108 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 08:00-09:29 |
Soda 320 |
28722 | COMPSCI 61A | 108L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Tu 14:00-15:29 |
Soda 271 |
28738 | COMPSCI 61A | 109 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 08:00-09:29 |
Soda 310 |
28723 | COMPSCI 61A | 109L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Tu 15:30-16:59 |
Soda 271 |
28739 | COMPSCI 61A | 110 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 09:30-10:59 |
Soda 320 |
28724 | COMPSCI 61A | 110L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Tu 17:00-18:29 |
Soda 271 |
28740 | COMPSCI 61A | 111 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 09:30-10:59 |
Soda 405 |
28725 | COMPSCI 61A | 111L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Tu 18:30-19:59 |
Soda 271 |
28741 | COMPSCI 61A | 112 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 11:00-12:29 |
Wheeler 130 |
29870 | COMPSCI 61A | 112L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Mo 15:00-16:29 |
Soda 273 |
28743 | COMPSCI 61A | 114 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 12:30-13:59 |
Soda 320 |
28727 | COMPSCI 61A | 114L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Mo 18:00-19:29 |
Soda 273 |
28744 | COMPSCI 61A | 115 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 12:30-13:59 |
Soda 310 |
28728 | COMPSCI 61A | 115L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Mo 19:30-20:59 |
Soda 273 |
28745 | COMPSCI 61A | 116 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 12:30-13:59 |
Dwinelle 104 |
28729 | COMPSCI 61A | 116L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Tu 09:30-10:59 |
Soda 273 |
28746 | COMPSCI 61A | 117 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 12:30-13:59 |
Dwinelle 210 |
28730 | COMPSCI 61A | 117L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Tu 11:00-12:29 |
Soda 273 |
28747 | COMPSCI 61A | 118 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 12:30-13:59 |
Wheeler 108 |
28731 | COMPSCI 61A | 118L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Tu 12:30-13:59 |
Soda 273 |
29871 | COMPSCI 61A | 119 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 12:30-13:59 |
Dwinelle 204 |
28732 | COMPSCI 61A | 119L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Tu 14:00-15:29 |
Soda 273 |
28748 | COMPSCI 61A | 120 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 12:30-13:59 |
Dwinelle 211 |
29872 | COMPSCI 61A | 120L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Tu 15:30-16:59 |
Soda 273 |
28749 | COMPSCI 61A | 121 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | We 18:30-19:59 |
Wheeler 204 |
29873 | COMPSCI 61A | 121L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Tu 17:00-18:29 |
Soda 273 |
29988 | COMPSCI 61A | 122 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 12:30-13:59 |
Dwinelle 233 |
29989 | COMPSCI 61A | 122L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Tu 18:30-19:59 |
Soda 273 |
29990 | COMPSCI 61A | 123 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 14:00-15:29 |
Soda 405 |
29991 | COMPSCI 61A | 123L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Mo 15:00-16:29 |
Soda 275 |
29992 | COMPSCI 61A | 124 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 14:00-15:29 |
Hearst Mining 310 |
29993 | COMPSCI 61A | 124L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Mo 16:30-17:59 |
Soda 275 |
29997 | COMPSCI 61A | 126L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Mo 19:30-20:59 |
Soda 275 |
34224 | COMPSCI 61A | 127L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Tu 11:00-12:29 |
Soda 275 |
34225 | COMPSCI 61A | 128L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Tu 12:30-13:59 |
Soda 275 |
30033 | COMPSCI 61A | 129 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 14:00-15:29 |
Dwinelle 204 |
30034 | COMPSCI 61A | 130 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 14:00-15:29 |
Evans 65 |
30035 | COMPSCI 61A | 131 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 14:00-15:29 |
Dwinelle 263 |
30036 | COMPSCI 61A | 132 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 14:00-15:29 |
Social Sciences Building 102 |
30037 | COMPSCI 61A | 133 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 14:00-15:29 |
Dwinelle 104 |
30039 | COMPSCI 61A | 135 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 17:00-18:29 |
Soda 310 |
30040 | COMPSCI 61A | 136 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 15:30-16:59 |
Wheeler 224 |
30041 | COMPSCI 61A | 137 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 15:30-16:59 |
Wheeler 200 |
30042 | COMPSCI 61A | 138 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 15:30-16:59 |
Mulford 106 |
30043 | COMPSCI 61A | 139 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 15:30-16:59 |
Evans 65 |
30044 | COMPSCI 61A | 140 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 15:30-16:59 |
Social Sciences Building 186 |
30045 | COMPSCI 61A | 141 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 15:30-16:59 |
Dwinelle 233 |
34097 | COMPSCI 61A | 142 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 15:30-16:59 |
Soda 310 |
34098 | COMPSCI 61A | 143 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Th 15:30-16:59 |
Soda 320 |
34439 | COMPSCI 61A | 144 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Fr 11:00-12:29 |
Soda 306 |
29075 | COMPSCI 61A | 999 | DIS | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Albert Junqi Liu Wang Apollo Loh Huanzhi (Hans) Mao Julia T Isaac Marsalis Gibson Raymond Zhao Veena Sumedh |
Su 00:06-00:07 |
29080 | COMPSCI 61A | 999L | LAB | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Su 00:04-00:05 |
28750 | COMPSCI 61B | 001 | LEC | Data Structures | Daniel Wang Erik Raymond Kizior Joshua A Hug Justin Yokota Vanessa Teo |
MoWeFr 13:00-13:59 |
Valley Life Sciences 2050 |
29433 | COMPSCI 61B | 101 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 09:00-09:59 |
Soda 405 |
29434 | COMPSCI 61B | 101L | LAB | Data Structures | We 14:00-15:59 |
Soda 271 |
29435 | COMPSCI 61B | 102 | DIS | Data Structures | Mo 16:00-16:59 |
Soda 320 |
29436 | COMPSCI 61B | 102L | LAB | Data Structures | We 14:00-15:59 |
Soda 273 |
29440 | COMPSCI 61B | 104L | LAB | Data Structures | We 16:00-17:59 |
Soda 271 |
29441 | COMPSCI 61B | 105 | DIS | Data Structures | Mo 18:00-18:59 |
Wheeler 224 |
29442 | COMPSCI 61B | 105L | LAB | Data Structures | We 16:00-17:59 |
Soda 273 |
29443 | COMPSCI 61B | 106 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 09:00-09:59 |
Soda 320 |
29444 | COMPSCI 61B | 106L | LAB | Data Structures | We 16:00-17:59 |
Soda 275 |
29445 | COMPSCI 61B | 107 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 10:00-10:59 |
Soda 320 |
29446 | COMPSCI 61B | 107L | LAB | Data Structures | We 18:00-19:59 |
Soda 271 |
29447 | COMPSCI 61B | 108 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 15:00-15:59 |
Hildebrand B56 |
29448 | COMPSCI 61B | 108L | LAB | Data Structures | We 18:00-19:59 |
Soda 273 |
29449 | COMPSCI 61B | 109 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 13:00-13:59 |
Wheeler 224 |
29450 | COMPSCI 61B | 109L | LAB | Data Structures | We 18:00-19:59 |
Soda 275 |
29451 | COMPSCI 61B | 110 | DIS | Data Structures | Mo 20:00-20:59 |
Wheeler 202 |
29452 | COMPSCI 61B | 110L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 09:00-10:59 |
Soda 271 |
28785 | COMPSCI 61B | 111 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 13:00-13:59 |
Soda 320 |
28751 | COMPSCI 61B | 111L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 09:00-10:59 |
Soda 273 |
28786 | COMPSCI 61B | 112 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 09:00-09:59 |
Morgan 109 |
28752 | COMPSCI 61B | 112L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 09:00-10:59 |
Soda 275 |
28788 | COMPSCI 61B | 114 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 11:00-11:59 |
Soda 320 |
28754 | COMPSCI 61B | 114L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 11:00-12:59 |
Soda 273 |
28789 | COMPSCI 61B | 115 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 14:00-14:59 |
Dwinelle 243 |
28755 | COMPSCI 61B | 115L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 11:00-12:59 |
Soda 275 |
28790 | COMPSCI 61B | 116 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 11:00-11:59 |
Etcheverry 3109 |
28756 | COMPSCI 61B | 116L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 13:00-14:59 |
Soda 271 |
28791 | COMPSCI 61B | 117 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 10:00-10:59 |
Soda 405 |
28757 | COMPSCI 61B | 117L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 13:00-14:59 |
Soda 273 |
28792 | COMPSCI 61B | 118 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 20:00-20:59 |
Cory 521 |
28758 | COMPSCI 61B | 118L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 13:00-14:59 |
Soda 275 |
28793 | COMPSCI 61B | 119 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 16:00-16:59 |
Cory 521 |
28759 | COMPSCI 61B | 119L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 15:00-16:59 |
Soda 271 |
28794 | COMPSCI 61B | 120 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 13:00-13:59 |
Dwinelle 243 |
28760 | COMPSCI 61B | 120L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 15:00-16:59 |
Soda 273 |
28795 | COMPSCI 61B | 121 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 13:00-13:59 |
Wheeler 120 |
28761 | COMPSCI 61B | 121L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 15:00-16:59 |
Soda 275 |
28796 | COMPSCI 61B | 122 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 14:00-14:59 |
Wheeler 130 |
28762 | COMPSCI 61B | 122L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 17:00-18:59 |
Soda 271 |
28797 | COMPSCI 61B | 123 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 14:00-14:59 |
Soda 405 |
28763 | COMPSCI 61B | 123L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 17:00-18:59 |
Soda 273 |
28798 | COMPSCI 61B | 124 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 14:00-14:59 |
Latimer 105 |
28764 | COMPSCI 61B | 124L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 17:00-18:59 |
Soda 275 |
28799 | COMPSCI 61B | 125 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 15:00-15:59 |
Wheeler 120 |
28765 | COMPSCI 61B | 125L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 17:00-18:59 |
Soda 277 |
28800 | COMPSCI 61B | 126 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 16:00-16:59 |
Soda 320 |
28801 | COMPSCI 61B | 127 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 15:00-15:59 |
Wheeler 130 |
28767 | COMPSCI 61B | 127L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 19:00-20:59 |
Soda 271 |
28802 | COMPSCI 61B | 128 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 16:00-16:59 |
Wheeler 120 |
28768 | COMPSCI 61B | 128L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 19:00-20:59 |
Soda 273 |
28803 | COMPSCI 61B | 129 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 17:00-17:59 |
Cory 521 |
28769 | COMPSCI 61B | 129L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 19:00-20:59 |
Soda 275 |
28804 | COMPSCI 61B | 130 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 16:00-16:59 |
Wheeler 224 |
28770 | COMPSCI 61B | 130L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 19:00-20:59 |
Soda 277 |
28805 | COMPSCI 61B | 131 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 17:00-17:59 |
Wheeler 130 |
28771 | COMPSCI 61B | 131L | LAB | Data Structures | Th 19:00-20:59 |
Soda 330 |
28806 | COMPSCI 61B | 132 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 17:00-17:59 |
Soda 320 |
28772 | COMPSCI 61B | 132L | LAB | Data Structures | Fr 09:00-09:59 |
Soda 271 |
28807 | COMPSCI 61B | 133 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 17:00-17:59 |
Soda 405 |
28773 | COMPSCI 61B | 133L | LAB | Data Structures | Fr 09:00-10:59 |
Soda 273 |
28808 | COMPSCI 61B | 134 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 12:00-12:59 |
Soda 320 |
28774 | COMPSCI 61B | 134L | LAB | Data Structures | Fr 09:00-10:59 |
Soda 275 |
28809 | COMPSCI 61B | 135 | DIS | Data Structures | Tu 11:00-11:59 |
Morgan 109 |
28775 | COMPSCI 61B | 135L | LAB | Data Structures | Fr 09:00-10:59 |
Soda 277 |
29123 | COMPSCI 61B | 999 | DIS | Data Structures | Aditya Hariharan Alyssa Smith Andrew Jacob DeMarinis Anirudh Sreerama Anniyat Karymsak Ashley Kao David Yang Dylan Hamuy Elaine Shu Elana Yilan Ho Elisa Kim Iris Zhou Jeffrey Ji-sung Yum Kanav Mittal Mihir Nikhil Mirchandani Ritika Shirish Joshi Sahityasree Subramanian Stacey Lei Stella Elisabeth Kaval Tiffany Li Wilson Fung |
29124 | COMPSCI 61B | 999L | LAB | Data Structures | Su 00:02-00:03 |
Internet/Online |
28819 | COMPSCI 61C | 001 | LEC | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Andrea Lou Andrew Liu Anto Kam Lisa Yan Myrah Sana Shah |
MoWeFr 15:00-15:59 |
Valley Life Sciences 2050 |
29453 | COMPSCI 61C | 101 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Mo 11:00-11:59 |
Soda 310 |
29454 | COMPSCI 61C | 101L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | We 11:00-12:59 |
Soda 271 |
29455 | COMPSCI 61C | 102 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Mo 12:00-12:59 |
Soda 310 |
29456 | COMPSCI 61C | 102L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | We 11:00-12:59 |
Soda 273 |
29457 | COMPSCI 61C | 103 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Mo 13:00-13:59 |
Wheeler 120 |
29458 | COMPSCI 61C | 103L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | We 11:00-12:59 |
Soda 275 |
29459 | COMPSCI 61C | 104 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Mo 14:00-14:59 |
Dwinelle 205 |
29460 | COMPSCI 61C | 104L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | We 11:00-12:59 |
Soda 277 |
29461 | COMPSCI 61C | 105 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Mo 16:00-16:59 |
Soda 310 |
29462 | COMPSCI 61C | 105L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | We 11:00-12:59 |
Soda 330 |
29463 | COMPSCI 61C | 106 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Mo 17:00-17:59 |
Wheeler 224 |
29464 | COMPSCI 61C | 106L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | We 13:00-14:59 |
Soda 330 |
29465 | COMPSCI 61C | 107 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Mo 18:00-18:59 |
Wheeler 200 |
29466 | COMPSCI 61C | 107L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | We 16:00-17:59 |
Soda 330 |
29467 | COMPSCI 61C | 108 | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Mo 19:00-19:59 |
Soda 320 |
29468 | COMPSCI 61C | 108L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | We 16:00-17:59 |
Soda 277 |
29469 | COMPSCI 61C | 109 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Tu 11:00-11:59 |
Soda 405 |
29470 | COMPSCI 61C | 109L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | We 18:00-19:59 |
Soda 277 |
29471 | COMPSCI 61C | 110 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Tu 09:00-09:59 |
Wheeler 120 |
29472 | COMPSCI 61C | 110L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | We 18:00-19:59 |
Soda 330 |
28831 | COMPSCI 61C | 111 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Tu 12:00-12:59 |
Wheeler 224 |
28820 | COMPSCI 61C | 111L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Th 09:00-10:59 |
Soda 277 |
28832 | COMPSCI 61C | 112 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Tu 17:00-17:59 |
Dwinelle 109 |
28821 | COMPSCI 61C | 112L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Th 09:00-10:59 |
Soda 330 |
28833 | COMPSCI 61C | 113 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Tu 16:00-16:59 |
Soda 310 |
28822 | COMPSCI 61C | 113L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Mo 15:00-16:59 |
Soda 277 |
28834 | COMPSCI 61C | 114 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Tu 15:00-15:59 |
Latimer 102 |
28823 | COMPSCI 61C | 114L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Th 11:00-12:59 |
Soda 330 |
28835 | COMPSCI 61C | 115 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Tu 18:00-18:59 |
Soda 320 |
28824 | COMPSCI 61C | 115L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Th 13:00-14:59 |
Soda 277 |
28836 | COMPSCI 61C | 116 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | We 09:00-09:59 |
Wheeler 224 |
28825 | COMPSCI 61C | 116L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Th 13:00-14:59 |
Soda 330 |
28837 | COMPSCI 61C | 117 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Tu 19:00-19:59 |
Soda 320 |
28826 | COMPSCI 61C | 117L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | We 20:00-21:59 |
Soda 277 |
28838 | COMPSCI 61C | 118 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Mo 18:00-18:59 |
Wheeler 120 |
28827 | COMPSCI 61C | 118L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | We 20:00-21:59 |
Soda 275 |
28839 | COMPSCI 61C | 119 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Mo 19:00-19:59 |
Soda 405 |
28828 | COMPSCI 61C | 119L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | We 20:00-21:59 |
Soda 273 |
28840 | COMPSCI 61C | 120 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Tu 14:00-14:59 |
Dwinelle 79 |
28829 | COMPSCI 61C | 120L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | We 20:00-21:59 |
Soda 271 |
29125 | COMPSCI 61C | 999 | DIS | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | Abhinav Jin-joo Vedati Chloe Shen Yi Wong Julia Daria Tomaszewska Noah Sedlik Sasha Singh Sophie Xie Wen Cao |
29126 | COMPSCI 61C | 999L | LAB | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) | |||
28842 | COMPSCI 70 | 001 | LEC | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | Alec Li Evelyn Koo Gavin C Zhang Joshua Walter Jones Satish B Rao |
TuTh 15:30-16:59 |
Wheeler 150 |
28843 | COMPSCI 70 | 101 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | WeFr 13:00-13:59 |
Soda 320 |
28844 | COMPSCI 70 | 102 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | WeFr 11:00-11:59 |
Soda 320 |
28845 | COMPSCI 70 | 103 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | WeFr 10:00-10:59 |
Soda 320 |
28846 | COMPSCI 70 | 104 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | WeFr 15:00-15:59 |
Soda 310 |
28847 | COMPSCI 70 | 105 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | WeFr 15:00-15:59 |
Wheeler 224 |
28848 | COMPSCI 70 | 106 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | WeFr 09:00-09:59 |
Dwinelle 205 |
28849 | COMPSCI 70 | 107 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | TuTh 17:00-17:59 |
Wheeler 220 |
28850 | COMPSCI 70 | 108 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | TuTh 18:00-18:59 |
Wheeler 224 |
28851 | COMPSCI 70 | 109 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | WeFr 16:00-16:59 |
Soda 310 |
28852 | COMPSCI 70 | 110 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | TuTh 19:00-19:59 |
Wheeler 224 |
28854 | COMPSCI 70 | 112 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | TuTh 18:00-18:59 |
Soda 405 |
28855 | COMPSCI 70 | 113 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | TuTh 20:00-20:59 WeFr 16:00-16:59 |
Wheeler 30 Dwinelle 105 |
28856 | COMPSCI 70 | 114 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | WeFr 09:00-09:59 |
Soda 320 |
28857 | COMPSCI 70 | 115 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | TuTh 17:00-17:59 |
Wheeler 202 |
28858 | COMPSCI 70 | 116 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | WeFr 12:00-12:59 |
Cory 521 |
28859 | COMPSCI 70 | 117 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | TuTh 19:00-19:59 |
Wheeler 120 |
30089 | COMPSCI 70 | 118 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | WeFr 16:00-16:59 |
Wheeler 130 |
30091 | COMPSCI 70 | 120 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | TuTh 19:00-19:59 |
Soda 405 |
30092 | COMPSCI 70 | 121 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | TuTh 18:00-18:59 |
Cory 521 |
30117 | COMPSCI 70 | 122 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | TuTh 19:00-19:59 |
Cory 521 |
30118 | COMPSCI 70 | 123 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | WeFr 15:00-15:59 |
Dwinelle 105 |
28860 | COMPSCI 70 | 801 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | WeFr 19:00-19:59 |
29085 | COMPSCI 70 | 999 | DIS | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory | Jason Jiang Sam Poder |
29362 | COMPSCI 152 | 001 | LEC | Computer Architecture and Engineering | Christopher Fletcher |
TuTh 11:00-12:29 |
Physics Building 4 |
29931 | COMPSCI 152 | 101 | DIS | Computer Architecture and Engineering | Tu 18:00-19:59 |
Soda 310 |
29932 | COMPSCI 152 | 102 | DIS | Computer Architecture and Engineering | Tu 14:00-15:59 |
Etcheverry 3113 |
29933 | COMPSCI 152 | 103 | DIS | Computer Architecture and Engineering | We 14:00-15:59 |
Cory 521 |
29934 | COMPSCI 152 | 104 | DIS | Computer Architecture and Engineering | We 19:00-20:59 |
Soda 306 |
29549 | COMPSCI 152 | 999 | DIS | Computer Architecture and Engineering | Jessica Jing Fan Mihai Cristian Tudor Nandeeka Divya Nayak Ronit Nagarapu Shashank Anand Sushant Dinesh Tianrui Wei |
29321 | COMPSCI 160 | 001 | LEC | User Interface Design and Development | Bjoern Hartmann |
TuTh 14:00-15:29 |
Jacobs Hall 310 |
29335 | COMPSCI 160 | 101 | DIS | User Interface Design and Development | We 13:00-13:59 |
Soda 310 |
29336 | COMPSCI 160 | 102 | DIS | User Interface Design and Development | Tu 17:00-17:59 |
Soda 310 |
29337 | COMPSCI 160 | 103 | DIS | User Interface Design and Development | We 17:00-17:59 |
Hearst Field Annex B5 |
29338 | COMPSCI 160 | 104 | DIS | User Interface Design and Development | Th 11:00-11:59 |
Etcheverry 3111 |
29328 | COMPSCI 160 | 999 | DIS | User Interface Design and Development | James Smith Timothy James Aveni |
29312 | COMPSCI 161 | 001 | LEC | Computer Security | Jonah Alex Bedouch Mukhamediyar Kudaikulov Owen Thompson Peyrin Kao Ryan Cottone |
MoWeFr 15:00-15:59 |
Dwinelle 155 |
29339 | COMPSCI 161 | 101 | DIS | Computer Security | Mo 16:00-16:59 |
Cory 521 |
29340 | COMPSCI 161 | 102 | DIS | Computer Security | Mo 17:00-17:59 |
Soda 306 |
29341 | COMPSCI 161 | 103 | DIS | Computer Security | Mo 18:00-18:59 |
Wheeler 30 |
29342 | COMPSCI 161 | 104 | DIS | Computer Security | Tu 09:00-09:59 |
Etcheverry 3111 |
29343 | COMPSCI 161 | 105 | DIS | Computer Security | Tu 10:00-10:59 |
Etcheverry 3105 |
29344 | COMPSCI 161 | 106 | DIS | Computer Security | Tu 11:00-11:59 |
Wheeler 130 |
29345 | COMPSCI 161 | 107 | DIS | Computer Security | Tu 18:00-18:59 |
Soda 306 |
29367 | COMPSCI 161 | 108 | DIS | Computer Security | Tu 13:00-13:59 |
Wheeler 130 |
29346 | COMPSCI 161 | 109 | DIS | Computer Security | Tu 14:00-14:59 |
Wheeler 120 |
29347 | COMPSCI 161 | 110 | DIS | Computer Security | Tu 16:00-16:59 |
Dwinelle 182 |
29348 | COMPSCI 161 | 111 | DIS | Computer Security | Tu 17:00-17:59 |
Dwinelle 209 |
29368 | COMPSCI 161 | 112 | DIS | Computer Security | Tu 19:00-19:59 |
Wheeler 20 |
29349 | COMPSCI 161 | 113 | DIS | Computer Security | We 09:00-09:59 |
Dwinelle 243 |
29313 | COMPSCI 161 | 999 | DIS | Computer Security | Brandon James Wong Jc Sun Lawrence Shieh Max Wang Quang Luong Nhat Nguyen |
28861 | COMPSCI 162 | 001 | LEC | Operating Systems and System Programming | Diana Maria Poplacenel Jacob Laurence Leigh Matei Zaharia Natacha Crooks |
TuTh 12:30-13:59 |
Valley Life Sciences 2050 |
28862 | COMPSCI 162 | 101 | DIS | Operating Systems and System Programming | Fr 09:00-09:59 |
Soda 310 |
28863 | COMPSCI 162 | 102 | DIS | Operating Systems and System Programming | Fr 15:00-15:59 |
Soda 405 |
28864 | COMPSCI 162 | 103 | DIS | Operating Systems and System Programming | Th 19:00-19:59 |
Soda 310 |
28865 | COMPSCI 162 | 104 | DIS | Operating Systems and System Programming | Fr 13:00-13:59 |
Soda 405 |
28866 | COMPSCI 162 | 105 | DIS | Operating Systems and System Programming | Fr 11:00-11:59 |
Social Sciences Building 136 |
28867 | COMPSCI 162 | 106 | DIS | Operating Systems and System Programming | Fr 09:00-09:59 |
Wheeler 120 |
28868 | COMPSCI 162 | 107 | DIS | Operating Systems and System Programming | Fr 14:00-14:59 |
Soda 405 |
28869 | COMPSCI 162 | 108 | DIS | Operating Systems and System Programming | Fr 15:00-15:59 |
Wheeler 200 |
28870 | COMPSCI 162 | 109 | DIS | Operating Systems and System Programming | Fr 09:00-09:59 |
Wheeler 224 |
28871 | COMPSCI 162 | 110 | DIS | Operating Systems and System Programming | Fr 12:00-12:59 |
Soda 320 |
29083 | COMPSCI 162 | 999 | DIS | Operating Systems and System Programming | Aarin Kalpeshkumar Salot Ashwin Chugh Diana Maria Poplacenel Jacob Laurence Leigh Rohan Penmatcha Sean Z Yang Shamith Pasula Sriram Srivatsan Tushar Goyal |
29481 | COMPSCI 164 | 001 | LEC | Programming Languages and Compilers | Altan Thomas Haan Max Willsey |
TuTh 12:30-13:59 |
Physics Building 4 |
29482 | COMPSCI 164 | 101 | DIS | Programming Languages and Compilers | Tu 19:00-19:59 |
Cory 540AB |
29483 | COMPSCI 164 | 102 | DIS | Programming Languages and Compilers | We 11:00-11:59 |
Soda 310 |
29484 | COMPSCI 164 | 103 | DIS | Programming Languages and Compilers | We 18:00-18:59 |
Wheeler 224 |
29485 | COMPSCI 164 | 104 | DIS | Programming Languages and Compilers | We 13:00-13:59 |
Dwinelle 79 |
29486 | COMPSCI 164 | 999 | DIS | Programming Languages and Compilers | Jiwon Park Tyler Hou |
33298 | COMPSCI 168 | 001 | LEC | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols | Anita Zhi Ding Jaewon Lee Peyrin Kao Sylvia Ratnasamy |
MoWe 18:30-19:59 |
Dwinelle 155 |
33472 | COMPSCI 168 | 101 | DIS | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols | Mo 20:00-20:59 |
Soda 405 |
33473 | COMPSCI 168 | 102 | DIS | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols | We 16:00-16:59 |
Soda 405 |
33474 | COMPSCI 168 | 103 | DIS | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols | We 17:00-17:59 |
Soda 405 |
33475 | COMPSCI 168 | 104 | DIS | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols | We 12:00-12:59 |
Soda 310 |
33476 | COMPSCI 168 | 105 | DIS | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols | We 13:00-13:59 |
Cory 521 |
33477 | COMPSCI 168 | 106 | DIS | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols | Tu 19:00-19:59 |
Soda 306 |
33478 | COMPSCI 168 | 107 | DIS | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols | Tu 20:00-20:59 |
Soda 306 |
33479 | COMPSCI 168 | 108 | DIS | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols | Tu 15:00-15:59 |
Etcheverry 3105 |
33593 | COMPSCI 168 | 109 | DIS | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols | Tu 16:00-16:59 |
Etcheverry 3109 |
33594 | COMPSCI 168 | 110 | DIS | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols | Tu 13:00-13:59 |
Hearst Field Annex B1 |
33595 | COMPSCI 168 | 111 | DIS | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols | Tu 14:00-14:59 |
Social Sciences Building 155 |
33596 | COMPSCI 168 | 112 | DIS | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols | We 11:00-11:59 |
Social Sciences Building 155 |
33597 | COMPSCI 168 | 113 | DIS | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols | We 10:00-10:59 |
Social Sciences Building 155 |
33598 | COMPSCI 168 | 114 | DIS | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols | We 14:00-14:59 |
Social Sciences Building 155 |
33599 | COMPSCI 168 | 115 | DIS | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols | We 13:00-13:59 |
Social Sciences Building 175 |
33299 | COMPSCI 168 | 999 | DIS | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols | Hongbo Wei Ian H Dong Ziming Mao |
29302 | COMPSCI 169L | 001 | DIS | Software Engineering Team Project | Armando Fox Michael Ball |
MoFr 10:30-11:59 |
Soda 405 |
30007 | COMPSCI 169L | 101F | FLD | Software Engineering Team Project | Th 17:00-17:59 |
Cory 521 |
30008 | COMPSCI 169L | 102F | FLD | Software Engineering Team Project | We 17:00-17:59 |
Soda 310 |
29944 | COMPSCI 169L | 999F | FLD | Software Engineering Team Project | Tyler Justin Lam |
28872 | COMPSCI 170 | 001 | LEC | Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems | Carolyn Aiwei Liu John Wright Jonathan Pei Nika Haghtalab |
TuTh 14:00-15:29 |
Valley Life Sciences 2050 |
28873 | COMPSCI 170 | 101 | DIS | Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems | Tu 17:00-17:59 |
Wheeler 224 |
28874 | COMPSCI 170 | 102 | DIS | Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems | Tu 18:00-18:59 |
Wheeler 200 |
28875 | COMPSCI 170 | 103 | DIS | Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems | We 09:00-09:59 |
Cory 521 |
28876 | COMPSCI 170 | 104 | DIS | Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems | We 11:00-11:59 |
Wheeler 120 |
28877 | COMPSCI 170 | 105 | DIS | Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems | Tu 18:00-18:59 |
Wheeler 120 |
28878 | COMPSCI 170 | 106 | DIS | Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems | We 19:00-19:59 |
Soda 310 |
28879 | COMPSCI 170 | 107 | DIS | Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems | We 14:00-14:59 |
Wheeler 224 |
28880 | COMPSCI 170 | 108 | DIS | Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems | We 10:00-10:59 |
Wheeler 120 |
28881 | COMPSCI 170 | 109 | DIS | Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems | We 15:00-15:59 |
Wheeler 130 |
28882 | COMPSCI 170 | 110 | DIS | Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems | Tu 16:00-16:59 |
Wheeler 200 |
28883 | COMPSCI 170 | 111 | DIS | Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems | Tu 19:00-19:59 |
Wheeler 130 |
28884 | COMPSCI 170 | 112 | DIS | Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems | We 11:00-11:59 |
Wheeler 130 |
29042 | COMPSCI 170 | 113 | DIS | Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems | We 17:00-17:59 |
Wheeler 224 |
29043 | COMPSCI 170 | 114 | DIS | Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems | We 18:00-18:59 |
Wheeler 130 |
30110 | COMPSCI 170 | 115 | DIS | Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems | We 13:00-13:59 |
Wheeler 224 |
29088 | COMPSCI 170 | 999 | DIS | Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems | Andrew Huang Bill Qiyuan Shao David Wu Diana Kohr Eric Zhao Jessica Lin Meghal Gupta Ryan Whitty Xavier Rene Plourde |
31459 | COMPSCI 174 | 001 | LEC | Combinatorics and Discrete Probability | Alistair J Sinclair Siva Jaideep Tanikonda |
TuTh 09:30-10:59 |
Soda 310 |
31460 | COMPSCI 174 | 101 | DIS | Combinatorics and Discrete Probability | We 12:00-12:59 |
Soda 320 |
31461 | COMPSCI 174 | 102 | DIS | Combinatorics and Discrete Probability | We 10:00-10:59 |
Wheeler 20 |
31462 | COMPSCI C176 | 001 | LEC | Algorithms for Computational Biology | Allon Wagner Milind Jagota Yun S Song |
TuTh 15:30-16:59 |
Davis 534 |
31463 | COMPSCI C176 | 101 | DIS | Algorithms for Computational Biology | Carlos Rafael Albors |
We 17:00-17:59 |
Social Sciences Building 126 |
31464 | COMPSCI C176 | 102 | DIS | Algorithms for Computational Biology | Milind Jagota |
We 11:00-11:59 |
Cory 540AB |
27798 | COMPSCI C177 | 001 | LEC | Algorithmic Economics | Federico Manuel Echenique |
MoWeFr 09:00-09:59 |
Etcheverry 3108 |
27799 | COMPSCI C177 | 101 | DIS | Algorithmic Economics | Anand Kumar Siththaranjan |
Mo 11:00-11:59 |
Evans 71 |
27800 | COMPSCI C177 | 102 | DIS | Algorithmic Economics | Anand Kumar Siththaranjan |
Mo 14:00-14:59 |
Cory 285 |
27801 | COMPSCI C177 | 103 | DIS | Algorithmic Economics | Anand Kumar Siththaranjan |
Mo 16:00-16:59 |
Wheeler 106 |
27802 | COMPSCI C177 | 104 | DIS | Algorithmic Economics | We 11:00-11:59 |
27803 | COMPSCI C177 | 105 | DIS | Algorithmic Economics | We 14:00-14:59 |
27804 | COMPSCI C177 | 106 | DIS | Algorithmic Economics | We 15:00-15:59 |
32312 | COMPSCI C182 | 001 | LEC | Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks | Anant Sahai |
MoWe 14:00-15:29 |
Soda 306 |
32314 | COMPSCI C182 | 101 | DIS | Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks | Tu 17:00-17:59 |
Soda 306 |
32315 | COMPSCI C182 | 102 | DIS | Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks | Tu 18:00-18:59 |
Dwinelle 209 |
32316 | COMPSCI C182 | 103 | DIS | Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks | We 09:00-09:59 |
Etcheverry 3113 |
32317 | COMPSCI C182 | 104 | DIS | Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks | Tu 17:00-17:59 |
Etcheverry 3105 |
32318 | COMPSCI C182 | 105 | DIS | Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks | We 13:00-13:59 |
Hearst Gym 242 |
32319 | COMPSCI C182 | 106 | DIS | Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks | We 12:00-12:59 |
Soda 405 |
32321 | COMPSCI C182 | 107 | DIS | Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks | Mo 18:00-18:59 |
Soda 306 |
32320 | COMPSCI C182 | 108 | DIS | Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks | Mo 17:00-17:59 |
Soda 310 |
32313 | COMPSCI C182 | 999 | DIS | Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks | |||
28885 | COMPSCI 184 | 001 | LEC | Foundations of Computer Graphics | Ashley Chiu Jennifer Zhao Ren Ng |
TuTh 15:30-16:59 |
Birge 50 |
28886 | COMPSCI 184 | 101 | DIS | Foundations of Computer Graphics | We 10:00-10:59 |
Cory 521 |
28887 | COMPSCI 184 | 102 | DIS | Foundations of Computer Graphics | We 12:00-12:59 |
Cory 540AB |
28888 | COMPSCI 184 | 103 | DIS | Foundations of Computer Graphics | We 13:00-13:59 |
Dwinelle 209 |
28889 | COMPSCI 184 | 104 | DIS | Foundations of Computer Graphics | Tu 18:00-18:59 |
Wheeler 220 |
29040 | COMPSCI 184 | 105 | DIS | Foundations of Computer Graphics | We 11:00-11:59 |
Cory 241 |
29106 | COMPSCI 184 | 106 | DIS | Foundations of Computer Graphics | We 16:00-16:59 |
Wheeler 120 |
29127 | COMPSCI 184 | 107 | DIS | Foundations of Computer Graphics | Th 11:00-11:59 |
Soda 405 |
29128 | COMPSCI 184 | 108 | DIS | Foundations of Computer Graphics | We 19:00-19:59 |
Cory 540AB |
29081 | COMPSCI 184 | 999 | DIS | Foundations of Computer Graphics | James Carl Fong Preston Fu Rebecca Feng |
29967 | COMPSCI 186 | 001 | LEC | Introduction to Database Systems | Alvin Cheung Ice Unjitwattana Janani Sriram Keagan Wang Chern Lakshya Jain |
MoWe 10:00-11:29 |
Soda 306 |
29969 | COMPSCI 186 | 101 | DIS | Introduction to Database Systems | Mo 12:00-12:59 |
Soda 320 |
29970 | COMPSCI 186 | 102 | DIS | Introduction to Database Systems | Mo 13:00-13:59 |
Soda 320 |
29971 | COMPSCI 186 | 103 | DIS | Introduction to Database Systems | Mo 13:00-13:59 |
Soda 310 |
29972 | COMPSCI 186 | 104 | DIS | Introduction to Database Systems | Mo 14:00-14:59 |
Soda 320 |
29973 | COMPSCI 186 | 105 | DIS | Introduction to Database Systems | Mo 14:00-14:59 |
Wheeler 130 |
29974 | COMPSCI 186 | 106 | DIS | Introduction to Database Systems | Mo 15:00-15:59 |
Wheeler 224 |
29975 | COMPSCI 186 | 107 | DIS | Introduction to Database Systems | Mo 18:00-18:59 |
Wheeler 220 |
29976 | COMPSCI 186 | 108 | DIS | Introduction to Database Systems | We 12:00-12:59 |
Wheeler 130 |
29977 | COMPSCI 186 | 109 | DIS | Introduction to Database Systems | We 14:00-14:59 |
Soda 320 |
30017 | COMPSCI 186 | 110 | DIS | Introduction to Database Systems | Tu 14:00-14:59 |
Evans 70 |
30129 | COMPSCI 186 | 111 | DIS | Introduction to Database Systems | Tu 17:00-17:59 |
Dwinelle 105 |
30130 | COMPSCI 186 | 112 | DIS | Introduction to Database Systems | Tu 19:00-19:59 |
Wheeler 200 |
29968 | COMPSCI 186 | 999 | DIS | Introduction to Database Systems | Ayati Sharma Brian Xinting Sui Chae Yeon Lee Joel M Cisneros Joshua David Chuang Mayank Rajesh Patil Sena Gul Hazir Teddy Tankuranand |
28890 | COMPSCI 188 | 001 | LEC | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | John F Canny Noah Adhikari Oliver Grillmeyer Pranav Muralikrishnan Xavier Yin |
TuTh 12:30-13:59 |
Dwinelle 155 |
28891 | COMPSCI 188 | 101 | DIS | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | Tu 18:00-18:59 |
Wheeler 130 |
28892 | COMPSCI 188 | 102 | DIS | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | Tu 19:00-19:59 |
Dwinelle 109 |
28893 | COMPSCI 188 | 103 | DIS | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | We 09:00-09:59 |
Dwinelle 209 |
28894 | COMPSCI 188 | 104 | DIS | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | We 13:00-13:59 |
Etcheverry 3119 |
28895 | COMPSCI 188 | 105 | DIS | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | We 12:00-12:59 |
Social Sciences Building 140 |
28896 | COMPSCI 188 | 106 | DIS | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | We 13:00-13:59 |
Cory 540AB |
28897 | COMPSCI 188 | 107 | DIS | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | We 14:00-14:59 |
Soda 310 |
28898 | COMPSCI 188 | 108 | DIS | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | We 10:00-10:59 |
Evans 70 |
28899 | COMPSCI 188 | 109 | DIS | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | We 18:00-18:59 |
Soda 306 |
28900 | COMPSCI 188 | 110 | DIS | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | We 17:00-17:59 |
Wheeler 200 |
28901 | COMPSCI 188 | 111 | DIS | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | We 12:00-12:59 |
Social Sciences Building 136 |
28902 | COMPSCI 188 | 112 | DIS | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | We 18:00-18:59 |
Dwinelle 242 |
28903 | COMPSCI 188 | 113 | DIS | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | Th 09:00-09:59 |
Wheeler 120 |
29074 | COMPSCI 188 | 114 | DIS | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | We 19:00-19:59 |
Dwinelle 209 |
29089 | COMPSCI 188 | 999 | DIS | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | Arnaud Fickinger Catherine Chu Danial Toktarbayev Joshua Liao Kenny William Kaiming Wang Michael Wu Mustafa Omar Mirza Noah Adhikari Pranav Muralikrishnan Saathvik Selvan Suhong Moon Wesley Kai Zheng Xavier Yin |
28904 | COMPSCI 189 | 001 | LEC | Introduction to Machine Learning | Jonathan Shewchuk Sara Michelle Pohland |
MoWe 18:30-19:59 |
Wheeler 150 |
28905 | COMPSCI 189 | 101 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 10:00-10:59 |
Dwinelle 88 |
29255 | COMPSCI 189 | 102 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 14:00-14:59 |
Etcheverry 3105 |
29256 | COMPSCI 189 | 103 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 12:00-12:59 |
Genetics & Plant Bio 103 |
28906 | COMPSCI 189 | 104 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | We 14:00-14:59 |
Dwinelle 209 |
29318 | COMPSCI 189 | 105 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 14:00-14:59 |
Social Sciences Building 140 |
28907 | COMPSCI 189 | 106 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 13:00-13:59 |
Hildebrand B56 |
28908 | COMPSCI 189 | 107 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 14:00-14:59 |
Hildebrand B51 |
28909 | COMPSCI 189 | 108 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 16:00-16:59 |
Wheeler 20 |
28910 | COMPSCI 189 | 109 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 17:00-17:59 |
Wheeler 20 |
28911 | COMPSCI 189 | 110 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 18:00-18:59 |
Wheeler 20 |
28912 | COMPSCI 189 | 111 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 16:00-16:59 |
Wheeler 108 |
28913 | COMPSCI 189 | 112 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 19:00-19:59 |
Wheeler 30 |
30131 | COMPSCI 189 | 121 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 19:00-19:59 |
Wheeler 220 |
30132 | COMPSCI 189 | 122 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | We 15:00-15:59 |
Social Sciences Building 126 |
29082 | COMPSCI 189 | 999 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Ayush Goel Bill Zheng Circle Chen Grace Luo James Miaoxin Ni Margarita Geleta Owen Gozali Rami Ratl Mrad Royce Matthew Ren SooHyuk Cho Suchir Agarwal Yide Shentu |
25462 | COMPSCI C191 | 001 | LEC | Quantum Information Science and Technology | Alp Sipahigil Geoffrey Penington K Birgitta Whaley |
TuTh 11:00-12:29 |
Physics Building 2 |
27242 | COMPSCI C191 | 101 | DIS | Quantum Information Science and Technology | We 14:00-14:59 |
Lewis 9 |
27243 | COMPSCI C191 | 102 | DIS | Quantum Information Science and Technology | Fr 11:00-11:59 |
Cory 247 |
15316 | COMPSCI 194 | 244 | LEC | STAR Assessments for Proficiency-Based Learning | Armando Fox Dan Garcia Narges Norouzi |
Mo 14:00-15:29 |
Soda 606 |
31597 | COMPSCI 194 | 271 | LEC | Research in AI Education | Gireeja Vishnu Ranade Narges Norouzi |
Tu 14:00-15:59 |
Cory 521 |
33840 | COMPSCI 194 | 280 | LEC | Advanced Large Language Model Agents | Xiaodong Dawn Song |
Mo 16:00-17:59 |
Anthro/Art Practice Bldg 160 |
19160 | COMPSCI 195 | 001 | LEC | Social Implications of Computer Technology | Joshua A Hug Sophia Liu |
Tu 11:00-12:29 |
Dwinelle 145 |
19161 | COMPSCI H195 | 001 | LEC | Honors Social Implications of Computer Technology | Joshua A Hug Sophia Liu |
Tu 11:00-12:29 |
Dwinelle 145 |
19162 | COMPSCI H195 | 101 | DIS | Honors Social Implications of Computer Technology | Sophia Liu |
Th 11:00-12:29 |
Soda 606 |
29554 | COMPSCI 198 | 002 | GRP | Directed Group Studies for Advanced Undergraduates | Dan Garcia |
MoWeFr 11:00-11:59 |
Soda 606 |
29537 | COMPSCI 198 | 003 | GRP | UCBUGG: 3D Modeling and Animation | Chinyce G Cole-Henry Dan Garcia Ethan M Tam Francis Esguerra Basco Gabriel Sebastian De Leon Han Li Khylie Levette Aviles Raine Hayata Koizumi Rebecca Feng |
Mo 19:00-20:59 |
Soda 330 |
29547 | COMPSCI 198 | 008 | GRP | Linux System Administration DeCal | Adrian Bao Albert Ye Anita Zhi Ding Jaysa Maria Garcia Kian Sutarwala Mihir Nikhil Mirchandani Oliver Ni Peyrin Kao |
Tu 19:00-20:59 |
29539 | COMPSCI 198 | 071 | GRP | Going Down the EECS Stack | Anant Sahai Isak Rafael Traustason Zachary McMullan |
Tu 18:00-19:59 |
Dwinelle 79 |
29540 | COMPSCI 198 | 075 | GRP | Cubstart: Introduction to Building Apps | Dylan Dinh-lan Chhum Justin Wong Justin Yokota Sam Poder |
Tu 17:00-17:59 Th 17:00-18:59 |
Anthro/Art Practice Bldg 160 Soda 306 |
29543 | COMPSCI 198 | 080 | GRP | Extended Reality Development | Bjoern Hartmann Caesar Li Daniel He James Wei Hu Mohammed Ashfak Amin Robert Tian SeongHyun Park Yeonwoo Son |
Mo 17:00-18:59 |
29544 | COMPSCI 198 | 099 | GRP | Introduction to Full-Stack Development | Darren Brandon Ich Jason Duong Jessie C Liu Joshua A Hug Marin Cheuk Wai Lau Matthew John Robillard Prabhas Kurapati |
TuTh 18:30-19:59 |
Physics Building 4 |
30027 | COMPSCI 198 | 126 | GRP | Deep Learning for Visual Data | Ahmed Alaa Derek Xu Eric Wang Nathaniel Christopher Haynam Rohan Viswanathan Saathvik Selvan Vanessa Teo |
MoWe 19:00-19:59 |
Physics Building 2 |
30028 | COMPSCI 198 | 138 | GRP | Esoteric Programming Languages | Justin Yokota Sam Poder Subhash Jeyanthi Prasad |
Mo 17:00-18:59 |
Soda 405 |
33993 | COMPSCI 198 | 142 | GRP | Collaborative Small-Group Mentorship | Christine Zhang Christopher Todd Hunn Gabriel K Classon Noemi Chulo |
We 19:00-19:59 |
29538 | COMPSCI 198 | 303 | GRP | UCBUGG: 3D Modeling and Animation | Chinyce G Cole-Henry Dan Garcia Ethan M Tam Francis Esguerra Basco Gabriel Sebastian De Leon Han Li Khylie Levette Aviles Raine Hayata Koizumi Rebecca Feng |
Fr 19:00-20:59 |
Soda 330 |
29552 | COMPSCI 198 | 750 | GRP | Cubstart: Introduction to Building Apps | Dylan Dinh-lan Chhum Justin Wong Justin Yokota Sam Poder |
Th 19:00-20:59 Tu 18:00-18:59 |
Soda 306 Evans 60 |
29542 | COMPSCI 198 | 808 | GRP | Extended Reality Development | Bjoern Hartmann Caesar Li Daniel He James Wei Hu Mohammed Ashfak Amin Robert Tian SeongHyun Park Yeonwoo Son |
Tu 17:00-18:59 |
26619 | COMPSCI 252A | 001 | LEC | Graduate Computer Architecture | Christopher Fletcher |
TuTh 11:00-12:29 |
Physics Building 4 |
27257 | COMPSCI 252A | 101 | DIS | Graduate Computer Architecture | Tu 18:00-19:59 |
Soda 310 |
27258 | COMPSCI 252A | 102 | DIS | Graduate Computer Architecture | Tu 14:00-15:59 |
Etcheverry 3113 |
27259 | COMPSCI 252A | 103 | DIS | Graduate Computer Architecture | We 14:00-15:59 |
Cory 521 |
27260 | COMPSCI 252A | 104 | DIS | Graduate Computer Architecture | We 19:00-20:59 |
Soda 306 |
27261 | COMPSCI 252A | 105 | DIS | Graduate Computer Architecture | We 17:00-18:59 |
Haviland 12 |
26707 | COMPSCI 252A | 999 | DIS | Graduate Computer Architecture | Jessica Jing Fan Mihai Cristian Tudor Nandeeka Divya Nayak Ronit Nagarapu Shashank Anand Sushant Dinesh Tianrui Wei |
29567 | COMPSCI 260A | 001 | LEC | User Interface Design and Development | Bjoern Hartmann |
TuTh 14:00-15:29 |
Jacobs Hall 310 |
29598 | COMPSCI 260A | 101 | DIS | User Interface Design and Development | We 13:00-13:59 |
Soda 310 |
29599 | COMPSCI 260A | 102 | DIS | User Interface Design and Development | Tu 17:00-17:59 |
Soda 310 |
29600 | COMPSCI 260A | 103 | DIS | User Interface Design and Development | We 17:00-17:59 |
Hearst Field Annex B5 |
29597 | COMPSCI 260A | 999 | DIS | User Interface Design and Development | James Smith Timothy James Aveni |
31494 | COMPSCI 262A | 001 | LEC | Advanced Topics in Computer Systems | Audrey Cheng Ion Stoica |
MoWe 09:30-10:59 |
Soda 310 |
33675 | COMPSCI 264 | 101 | DIS | Implementation of Programming Languages | Tu 17:00-17:59 |
Cory 289 |
33676 | COMPSCI 264 | 101L | LAB | Implementation of Programming Languages | Fr 16:00-21:59 |
Soda 405 |
29821 | COMPSCI C267 | 001 | LEC | Applications of Parallel Computers | Aydin Buluc Chuao Dong Gabriel Raulet James W Demmel Rahul Shah Vinamra Benara Yen-Hsiang Chang |
TuTh 11:00-12:29 |
Soda 306 |
29829 | COMPSCI C267 | 101L | LAB | Applications of Parallel Computers | Tu 13:00-13:59 |
Soda 310 |
29830 | COMPSCI C267 | 102L | LAB | Applications of Parallel Computers | Tu 16:00-16:59 |
Wheeler 130 |
29831 | COMPSCI C267 | 103L | LAB | Applications of Parallel Computers | We 13:00-13:59 |
Soda 405 |
29840 | COMPSCI C267 | 104L | LAB | Applications of Parallel Computers | We 13:00-13:59 |
Social Sciences Building 185 |
29841 | COMPSCI C267 | 105L | LAB | Applications of Parallel Computers | We 18:00-18:59 |
Soda 310 |
29832 | COMPSCI C267 | 999L | LAB | Applications of Parallel Computers | Chuao Dong Gabriel Raulet Rahul Shah Vinamra Benara Yen-Hsiang Chang |
26507 | COMPSCI C280 | 001 | LEC | Computer Vision | Angjoo Kanazawa Jitendra Malik |
MoWe 14:00-15:29 |
Berkeley Way West 1102 |
29928 | COMPSCI C281B | 001 | LEC | Advanced Topics in Learning and Decision Making | Benjamin Recht |
TuTh 12:30-13:59 |
Cory 521 |
32322 | COMPSCI 282A | 001 | LEC | Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks | Anant Sahai |
MoWe 14:00-15:29 |
Soda 306 |
32323 | COMPSCI 282A | 999 | DIS | Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks | |||
26506 | COMPSCI 284A | 001 | LEC | Foundations of Computer Graphics | Ashley Chiu Jennifer Zhao Ren Ng |
TuTh 15:30-16:59 |
Birge 50 |
26509 | COMPSCI 284A | 999 | DIS | Foundations of Computer Graphics | James Carl Fong Preston Fu Rebecca Feng |
29568 | COMPSCI 289A | 001 | LEC | Introduction to Machine Learning | Jonathan Shewchuk Sara Michelle Pohland |
MoWe 18:30-19:59 |
Wheeler 150 |
29569 | COMPSCI 289A | 101 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 10:00-10:59 |
Dwinelle 88 |
29585 | COMPSCI 289A | 102 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 14:00-14:59 |
Etcheverry 3105 |
29586 | COMPSCI 289A | 103 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 12:00-12:59 |
Genetics & Plant Bio 103 |
29570 | COMPSCI 289A | 104 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | We 14:00-14:59 |
Dwinelle 209 |
29594 | COMPSCI 289A | 105 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 14:00-14:59 |
Social Sciences Building 140 |
29571 | COMPSCI 289A | 106 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 13:00-13:59 |
Hildebrand B56 |
29572 | COMPSCI 289A | 107 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 14:00-14:59 |
Hildebrand B51 |
29573 | COMPSCI 289A | 108 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 16:00-16:59 |
Wheeler 20 |
29574 | COMPSCI 289A | 109 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 17:00-17:59 |
Wheeler 20 |
29575 | COMPSCI 289A | 110 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 18:00-18:59 |
Wheeler 20 |
29576 | COMPSCI 289A | 111 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 16:00-16:59 |
Wheeler 108 |
29577 | COMPSCI 289A | 112 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Tu 19:00-19:59 |
Wheeler 30 |
29582 | COMPSCI 289A | 999 | DIS | Introduction to Machine Learning | Ayush Goel Bill Zheng Circle Chen Grace Luo James Miaoxin Ni Margarita Geleta Owen Gozali Rami Ratl Mrad Royce Matthew Ren SooHyuk Cho Suchir Agarwal Yide Shentu |
31670 | COMPSCI 294 | 092 | LEC | Analysis of Boolean Functions | Avishay Tal |
TuTh 11:00-12:29 |
Soda 310 |
17451 | COMPSCI 294 | 150 | LEC | AI Meets Biology & Chemistry | Jennifer Listgarten |
Mo 14:00-16:59 |
Berkeley Way West 1211 |
TuTh 09:30-10:59 |
Dwinelle 106 |
17452 | COMPSCI 294 | 184 | LEC | Building User-Centered Programming Tools | S. E. Chasins |
WeFr 09:00-10:29 |
Soda 405 |
17455 | COMPSCI 294 | 194 | LEC | From Research to Startup | Ali Ghodsi Ion Stoica Joseph E. Gonzalez Kurt W Keutzer Prabal Dutta Trevor Darrell |
We 17:00-18:29 |
Soda 320 |
17456 | COMPSCI 294 | 244 | LEC | STAR Assessments for Proficiency-Based Learning | Armando Fox Dan Garcia Narges Norouzi |
Mo 14:00-15:29 |
Soda 606 |
17461 | COMPSCI 294 | 254 | LEC | Physics Inspired Deep Learning | Aditi S Krishnapriyan |
TuTh 14:00-15:29 |
Hearst Field Annex B1 |
31595 | COMPSCI 294 | 271 | LEC | AI in Education | Gireeja Vishnu Ranade Narges Norouzi |
Tu 14:00-15:59 |
Cory 521 |
33738 | COMPSCI 294 | 279 | LEC | Data Science for Social Change | Emma Pierson |
TuTh 15:30-16:59 |
Soda 405 |
33841 | COMPSCI 294 | 280 | LEC | Advanced Large Language Model Agents | Xiaodong Dawn Song |
Mo 16:00-17:59 |
Anthro/Art Practice Bldg 160 |
34326 | COMPSCI 294 | 284 | LEC | Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Theories of Tractability | Prasad Raghavendra |
Fr 13:00-14:59 |
Soda 306 |
15321 | COMPSCI 298 | 002 | LEC | Theory Seminar | Avishay Tal Prasad Raghavendra |
We 12:00-13:29 |
Soda 438 |
15319 | COMPSCI 298 | 003 | LEC | EECS Colloquium | Jelani Nelson |
We 16:00-17:29 |
Soda 306 |
15322 | COMPSCI 298 | 012 | LEC | Database Seminar | Aditya Parameswaran Joseph M Hellerstein |
We 11:00-11:59 |
Soda 438 |
26508 | COMPSCI 302 | 001 | LEC | Designing Computer Science Education | Dan Garcia Michael Ball |
Fr 14:00-15:59 |
Soda 606 |
31510 | COMPSCI 365 | 001 | LEC | Introduction to Instructional Methods in Computer Science for Academic Interns | Justin Yokota |
Fr 10:00-11:59 |
Soda 438 |
29565 | COMPSCI 370 | 001 | LEC | Adaptive Instruction Methods in Computer Science | Christopher Todd Hunn |
Tu 17:00-18:59 |
Hearst Field Annex B5 |
29566 | COMPSCI 370 | 002 | LEC | Adaptive Instruction Methods in Computer Science | Christopher Todd Hunn |
Th 19:00-20:59 |
Hearst Field Annex B5 |
29564 | COMPSCI 375 | 001 | DIS | Teaching Techniques for Computer Science | Armando Fox Naveen Sg Nathan |
Fr 13:00-14:59 |
Soda 438 |