EE Fall 2025 Class Schedule
CCN | Course | Sec | Type | Title | Instructor | Day/Time | Location |
29586 | EECS 16A | 001 | LEC | Foundations of Signals, Dynamical Systems, and Information Processing | Babak Ayazifar |
MoWe 18:30-19:59 |
Pimentel 1 |
29587 | EECS 16B | 001 | LEC | Introduction to Circuits & Devices | Clark Tu-Cuong Nguyen |
TuTh 14:00-15:29 |
Haas Faculty Wing F295 |
29314 | EECS C106A | 001 | LEC | Introduction to Robotics | Roberto Horowitz |
TuTh 14:00-15:29 |
Dwinelle 145 |
29286 | EECS 126 | 001 | LEC | Probability and Random Processes | Preeya Khanna |
TuTh 12:30-13:59 |
Hearst Mining 390 |
29284 | EECS 127 | 001 | LEC | Optimization Models in Engineering | Somayeh Sojoudi |
TuTh 09:30-10:59 |
Stanley 105 |
29041 | EECS 149 | 001 | LEC | Introduction to Embedded and Cyber Physical Systems | Prabal Dutta Sanjit A Seshia |
MoWe 14:00-15:29 |
Soda 306 |
29046 | EECS 151 | 001 | LEC | Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits | John Wawrzynek |
TuTh 09:30-10:59 |
Mulford 159 |
29050 | EECS 151LA | 001 | LAB | Application Specific Integrated Circuits Laboratory | John Wawrzynek |
Mo 17:00-19:59 |
Cory 111 |
29688 | EECS 151LA | 002 | LAB | Application Specific Integrated Circuits Laboratory | John Wawrzynek |
Th 14:00-16:59 |
Cory 111 |
29689 | EECS 151LA | 003 | LAB | Application Specific Integrated Circuits Laboratory | John Wawrzynek |
Fr 11:00-13:59 |
Cory 111 |
29051 | EECS 151LB | 001 | LAB | Field-Programmable Gate Array Laboratory | John Wawrzynek |
Tu 14:00-16:59 |
Cory 111 |
29048 | EECS 151LB | 002 | LAB | Field-Programmable Gate Array Laboratory | John Wawrzynek |
We 17:00-19:59 |
Cory 111 |
29703 | EECS 151LB | 003 | LAB | Field-Programmable Gate Array Laboratory | John Wawrzynek |
Fr 08:00-10:59 |
Cory 111 |
29855 | EECS 151LB | 004 | LAB | Field-Programmable Gate Array Laboratory | John Wawrzynek |
Tu 17:00-19:59 |
Cory 111 |
29927 | EECS C206A | 001 | LEC | Introduction to Robotics | Roberto Horowitz |
TuTh 14:00-15:29 |
Dwinelle 145 |
31800 | EECS 225A | 001 | LEC | Statistical Signal Processing | Venkatachalam Anantharam |
MoWe 17:00-18:29 |
Dwinelle 209 |
29285 | EECS 227AT | 001 | LEC | Optimization Models in Engineering | Somayeh Sojoudi |
TuTh 09:30-10:59 |
Stanley 105 |
29187 | EECS 251A | 001 | LEC | Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits | John Wawrzynek |
TuTh 09:30-10:59 |
Mulford 159 |
29767 | EECS 251LA | 101 | LAB | Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab | John Wawrzynek |
Mo 17:00-19:59 |
Cory 111 |
29690 | EECS 251LA | 102 | LAB | Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab | John Wawrzynek |
Th 14:00-16:59 |
Cory 111 |
29691 | EECS 251LA | 103 | LAB | Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab | John Wawrzynek |
Fr 11:00-13:59 |
Cory 111 |
29206 | EECS 251LB | 101 | LAB | Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab | John Wawrzynek |
Tu 14:00-16:59 |
Cory 111 |
29207 | EECS 251LB | 102 | LAB | Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab | John Wawrzynek |
We 17:00-19:59 |
Cory 111 |
29704 | EECS 251LB | 103 | LAB | Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab | John Wawrzynek |
Fr 08:00-10:59 |
Cory 111 |
29856 | EECS 251LB | 104 | LAB | Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab | John Wawrzynek |
Tu 17:00-19:59 |
Cory 111 |
30035 | EECS 251LB | 105 | LAB | Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab | Th 17:00-19:59 |
Cory 111 |
29032 | ELENG 105 | 001 | LEC | Microelectronic Devices and Circuits | Kristofer S J Pister |
TuTh 12:30-13:59 |
Soda 306 |
29500 | ELENG 113 | 001 | LEC | Power Electronics | Jessica Boles |
MoWe 15:30-16:59 |
Cory 540AB |
33304 | ELENG 117 | 001 | LEC | Electromagnetic Fields and Waves | Ali M Niknejad |
MoWe 09:30-10:59 |
Cory 540AB |
29541 | ELENG 118 | 001 | LEC | Introduction to Optical Engineering | Boubacar Kante |
TuTh 09:30-10:59 |
Cory 540AB |
29067 | ELENG 120 | 001 | LEC | Signals and Systems | Alex Dimakis |
MoWe 14:00-15:59 |
Physics Building 4 |
33130 | ELENG 121 | 001 | LEC | Introduction to Digital Communication Systems | TuTh 15:30-16:59 |
Cory 540AB |
29029 | ELENG C128 | 001 | LEC | Feedback Control Systems | Murat Arcak Sosale Shankar Sastry |
TuTh 09:30-10:59 |
Soda 306 |
29073 | ELENG 130 | 001 | LEC | Integrated-Circuit Devices | Ali Javey |
TuTh 15:30-16:59 |
Tan 180 |
31740 | ELENG 137A | 001 | LEC | Introduction to Electric Power Systems | |||
29036 | ELENG 140 | 001 | LEC | Linear Integrated Circuits | Rikky Muller |
WeFr 12:30-13:59 |
Soda 306 |
29061 | ELENG 143 | 001 | LEC | Microfabrication Technology | Grigory Tikhomirov |
TuTh 17:00-18:29 |
Lewis 9 |
33326 | ELENG 144 | 001 | LEC | Fundamental Algorithms for Systems Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization | Pierluigi Nuzzo |
TuTh 14:00-15:29 |
Cory 540AB |
29052 | ELENG C145B | 001 | LEC | Medical Imaging Signals and Systems | Steven Conolly |
TuTh 15:30-16:59 |
Cory 241 |
29058 | ELENG 147 | 001 | LEC | Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) | Yuan Cao |
MoWeFr 15:00-15:59 |
Soda 310 |
19265 | ELENG 194 | 001 | LEC | Special Topics | Jun-Chau Chien |
TuTh 11:00-11:59 |
Off Campus |
33469 | ELENG 194 | 015 | LEC | Superconducting quantum circuits | Alp Sipahigil |
TuTh 11:00-12:29 |
Cory 293 |
29026 | ELENG 198 | 002 | GRP | Directed Group Study for Advanced Undergraduates | Tu 20:00-21:59 |
29028 | ELENG 198 | 004 | GRP | Directed Group Study for Advanced Undergraduates | We 20:00-21:59 |
29235 | ELENG 198 | 005 | GRP | Directed Group Study for Advanced Undergraduates | Mo 17:00-18:59 |
29236 | ELENG 198 | 006 | GRP | Directed Group Study for Advanced Undergraduates | We 19:00-20:59 Fr 13:00-13:59 |
30203 | ELENG 198 | 016 | GRP | Directed Group Study for Advanced Undergraduates | Tu 17:00-18:29 |
30480 | ELENG 198 | 020 | GRP | Directed Group Study for Advanced Undergraduates | Th 09:00-10:59 |
29501 | ELENG 213A | 001 | LEC | Power Electronics | Jessica Boles |
MoWe 15:30-16:59 |
Cory 540AB |
29542 | ELENG 218A | 001 | LEC | Introduction to Optical Engineering | Boubacar Kante |
TuTh 09:30-10:59 |
Cory 540AB |
29098 | ELENG C220A | 001 | LEC | Advanced Control Systems I | Masayoshi Tomizuka |
TuTh 11:00-12:29 |
Requested General Assignment |
29085 | ELENG C220B | 001 | LEC | Experiential Advanced Control Design I | Francesco Borrelli |
TuTh 09:30-10:59 |
Requested General Assignment |
29088 | ELENG 221A | 001 | LEC | Linear System Theory | Murat Arcak Sosale Shankar Sastry |
TuTh 09:30-10:59 |
Soda 306 |
29082 | ELENG 226A | 001 | LEC | Random Processes in Systems | Thomas A Courtade |
WeFr 11:00-12:29 |
Cory 521 |
29079 | ELENG 229A | 001 | LEC | Information Theory and Coding | Kannan Ramchandran |
TuTh 11:00-12:29 |
Cory 521 |
29099 | ELENG 230A | 001 | LEC | Integrated-Circuit Devices | Ali Javey |
TuTh 15:30-16:59 |
Tan 180 |
30085 | ELENG 230C | 001 | LEC | Solid State Electronics | Sayeef Salahuddin |
TuTh 12:30-13:59 |
Cory 521 |
30324 | ELENG 232 | 001 | LEC | Lightwave Devices | Haoning Tang |
MoWe 09:30-10:59 |
Cory 293 |
33138 | ELENG 236A | 001 | LEC | Quantum and Optical Electronics | Mengjie Yu |
TuTh 09:30-10:59 |
Cory 293 |
29089 | ELENG 240A | 001 | LEC | Analog Integrated Circuits | Rikky Muller |
WeFr 12:30-13:59 |
Soda 306 |
33327 | ELENG 244 | 001 | LEC | Fundamental Algorithms for Systems Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization | Pierluigi Nuzzo |
TuTh 14:00-15:29 |
Cory 540AB |
29054 | ELENG 247A | 001 | LEC | Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) | Yuan Cao |
MoWeFr 15:00-15:59 |
Soda 310 |
29056 | ELENG C249A | 001 | LEC | Introduction to Embedded Systems | Prabal Dutta Sanjit A Seshia |
MoWe 14:00-15:29 |
Soda 306 |
29097 | ELENG C261 | 001 | LEC | Medical Imaging Signals and Systems | Steven Conolly |
TuTh 15:30-16:59 |
Cory 241 |
19270 | ELENG 290 | 005 | LEC | Computational Imaging | Laura Waller |
TuTh 11:00-12:29 |
Cory 540AB |
19271 | ELENG 290 | 006 | LEC | Test Integrated Circuit Chips Designed in Previous Tapeout Classes | Jun-Chau Chien |
TuTh 11:00-11:59 |
Off Campus |
19272 | ELENG 290 | 007 | LEC | Oscillator Ising Machines: Special Topics | Jaijeet Shankar Roychowdhury |
We 10:00-12:59 |
19274 | ELENG 290 | 009 | LEC | Advanced Topics in Power Electronics | Robert C N Pilawa-Podgurski |
TuTh 12:30-13:59 |
Cory 293 |
19276 | ELENG 290 | 010 | LEC | Wireless Networks | Shyam Parekh |
Mo 14:00-15:59 |
Cory 258 |
33364 | ELENG 290 | 015 | LEC | Superconducting quantum circuits | Alp Sipahigil |
TuTh 11:00-12:29 |
Cory 293 |
33365 | ELENG 290 | 016 | LEC | Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering | Zaijun Chen |
MoWe 14:00-15:29 |
Cory 293 |
19277 | ELENG 290 | 14 | LEC | Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering | |||
10804 | ELENG 299 | 121 | IND | Individual Research | Yuan Cao |
29100 | ELENG 375 | 001 | SEM | Teaching Techniques for Electrical Engineering |