Michael J. Clancy
Michael Clancy was an active member both of the U.S. computer science education community and of the community of researchers into the psychology of programming. He participated in the yearly ACM Special Interest Group Symposium on Computer Science Education, either as paper presenter, panelist, or workshop or tutorial presenter, since 1990, and was a member of the 1999 conference program committee. He served on the editorial board of Computer Science Education, a primary forum for CS education research. He coauthored papers presented at the biennial Empirical Studies of Programmers (ESP) conference and had served on the program committees of ESP and all the International Computing Education Research Workshops.
Clancy's interests have long included online learning environments for programming instruction. More recently, he and his colleagues developed several lab-centric courses, which trade lecture and discussion time for supervised hands-on lab time. All activities for these courses are delivered online and include embedded assessments and online and o✏ine collaboration as well as more traditional programming tasks. Ongoing work includes the testing of a lab-centric data structures course, development of tools for curriculum authoring, feedback gathering, and revision, along with analysis of class survey and performance data.
Professor Clancy passed away on December 26, 2024.
- 1971, B.S., Mathematics, University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana
Selected Publications
- A. Carle, M. J. Clancy, and J. F. Canny, "Working with pedagogical patterns in PACT: Initial applications and observations," ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 238-242, March 2007.
- M. J. Clancy, N. Titterton, C. Ryan, J. Slotta, and M. Linn, "New roles for students, instructors, and computers in a lab-based introductory programming course," ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 132-136, Feb. 2003.
- E. A. Davis, M. C. Linn, L. M. Mann, and M. J. Clancy, "Mind your Ps and Qs: Using parentheses and quotes in LISP," in Empirical Studies of Programmers: Fifth Workshop, C. R. Cook, J. C. Scholtz, and J. C. Spohrer, Eds., Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corp., 1993, pp. 62-85.
- M. J. Clancy and M. C. Linn, Designing Pascal Solutions: A Case Study Approach, Principles of Computer Science, Vol. 1, New York, NY: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1992.
- M. J. Clancy and M. C. Linn, "Case studies in the classroom," SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 220-224, March 1992.
- M. C. Linn and M. J. Clancy, "The case for case studies of programming problems," Communications of the ACM, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 121-132, March 1992.
- D. Cooper and M. J. Clancy, Oh! Pascal!, 2nd ed., New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, 1985.
Awards, Memberships and Fellowships
- ACM Distinguished Educator, 2016
- ACM SIGCSE Award for Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education, 2009
- The Faculty Award for Outstanding Mentorship of GSIs, 2004
- Jim and Donna Gray Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching of Computer Science, 2002
- Diane S. McEntyre Award for Excellence in Teaching Computer Science, 1992