Research Areas


Felix Wu received his BS degree in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 1965, MS degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh in 1969, and in 1972 he received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences from the University of California, Berkeley. He taught at the University of Pittsburgh before joining the faculty at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1974 (Assistant Professor 1974-78, Associate Professor 1978-82, Professor 1982-1997, Professor Emeritus 1997-present). He served as Pro Vice Chancellor (Research) at the University of Hong Kong from 1997 to 2000, and Director of Graduate School (1997-98).

He is currently holder of Philip KH Wong Wilson KL Wong Professor in Electrical Engineering and Chair Professor of Electrical Engineering at HKU. He is also Director of Center for Electrical Energy Systems at HKU and Director of HKU-Tsinghua Shenzhen Power System Research Institute in Shenzhen, China.

He was awarded the IEEE Fellow in 1989 for contributions to the development of theory and computation methods for power system planning and operation. He was the TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) Chair of "Frontier Technology for the Future Electric Energy System" in 1991. He has been a Visiting Professor at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH-Zurich), University of Tokyo, Univerdita Degli Studi di Cassino, Tsinghua University and many other universities. He has served on the Editorial Boards of several professional journals, as well as many IEEE committees, including Prize Paper Committee, Executive Committee of Power Systems Engineering, etc. He has also served as a consultant to a number of industry and government agencies including Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Electric Power Research Institute (USA), Chinese Electric Power Research Institute, ABB, Statcraft-Norway, Iberdrola-Spain, Manila Electric-Philippines, Taipower-Taiwan, etc.

Prof. Wu is a Trustee of Croucher Foundation (since 2004). He was a Board Member of Shantou University (2000-2003), a Council Member of Hong Kong Productivity Council and a member of Hong Kong Government Electricity Appeal Board. He is a founding member of International Institute for Critical Infrastructures and served as its President from 2003-2005.

Selected Publications

Awards, Memberships and Fellowships