Ph.D. Dissertations - Prabal Dutta
Co-Designing Cryptographic Systems with Resource-Constrained Hardware
Jean-Luc Watson [2024]
Teaching Large Language Models to Use Tools at Scale
Shishir Patil [2024]
Better Embedded Design Tools with Automated Reasoning
Rohit Ramesh [2023]
Efficient Resource Management for Machine Learning
Romil Bhardwaj [2023]
Liberating the Siloed Gateway: Application-Agnostic Connectivity and Interaction for the Internet of Things
Thomas Zachariah [2023]
A Case for Application Driven Design of Energy Harvesting Sensor Systems
Neal Jackson [2022]
Resource-Constrained Sensing as a Shared Utility
Joshua Adkins [2022]
One-Shot Interactions with Intelligent Assistants in Unfamiliar Smart Spaces
Meghan Clark [2021]
Speaking Truth to Power
Noah Klugman [2021]
Investigating Low Energy Wireless Networks for the Internet of Things
Branden Ghena [2020]
Sensing Contacts, Coughs, and Hand Hygiene
William Huang [2020]
The Design & Implementation of Modular Smart Dust
Patrick Pannuto [2020]