Technical Reports - 1979
Hierarchical Stability and Alert State Steering Control of Interconnected Power Systems (M79/81)
Shankar Sastry and Pravin Varaiya
Symbolic Layout and Compaction of Integrated Circuits (M79/80)
Min-Yu Hsueh
Informal Conference on Particle and Hybrid Codes for Fusion (M79/79)
C.K. Birdsall and A. Friedman
Characterization and Measurement of 1/f Noise in MOS-LSI NMOS Devices (M79/78)
Chorng-Kuang Wang
Benchmarking Unix A Comparative Study (M79/77)
Luis Felipe Cabrera
An Improved Algorithm for Multi-Terminal Network Flow Synthesis (M79/76)
Dan Gusfield
Efficient Generation of Memory Reference Strings Based on the LRU Stack Model of Program Behavior (M79/75)
Ozalp Babaoglu
The Robustness of Controllabiltiy and Observability of Linear Time-Varying Systems with Application to the Emergency Control of Power Systems (M79/74)
S.S. Sastry and C.A. Desoer
Precisiation of Human Communication Via Translation Into Pruf (M79/73)
L.A. Zadeh
Linguistic Decision Analysis Using Fuzzy Sets (M79/72)
R.M. Tong and P.P. Bonissone
Coefficients for Stieltjes' Continued Fraction for the Gamma Function (M79/71)
Bruce W. Char
Evaluation and Enhancement of the Performance of Relational Database Management Systems (M79/70)
Paula B. Hawthorn
Identification and Adaptive Control of Markov Chains (M79/69)
Vivek Borkar and Pravin Varaiya
A String Model Etching Algorithm (M79/68)
Robert Jewett
Mathematical Theory of Power System Reliability Evaluation (M79/67)
Felix Wu
Possibility Theory and Soft Data Analysis (M79/66)
L.A. Zadeh
Software Microprogramming Tools for the VAX-11/780 (M79/65)
Richard D. Tuck
A Unified Hardware Description Language for CAD Programs (M79/64)
J.D. Crawford
Asymptotic Unbounded Root Loci by the Singular Value Decomposition (M79/63)
S.S. Sastry and C.A. Desoer
Martingales Parameterized by Sets and Multiple Ito Integrals (M79/62)
Bruce E. Hajek
No Period Two Implies Convergence, OR Why Use Tangents When Secants Will Do? (M79/61)
W. Kahan
Approximate Solution for the Conversion of Decision Tables Problem (M79/60)
Malik Ghallab
Tools for Research in Computer Workload Characterization and Modeling (M79/58)
Steven Louis Gaede
Coherence and Alert States for Interconnected Power Systems (M79/57)
Shankar Sastry and Pravin Varaiya
Heterogeneous Data Models- Part I Semantic Issues (M79/56)
R.H. Katz and E. Wong
Solver: An Analytic Function Root Solving and Plotting Package (M79/55)
H. Stephen Au-Yeung and Alex Friedman
Random Walks, Universal Traversal Sequences, and the Complexity of Maze Problems (M79/54)
R. Aleliunas, R.M. Karp, R.J. Lipton, L. Lovasz and C. Rackoff
Determination of the Transition between Adiabatic and Stochastic Motion (M79/53)
Allan J. Lichtenberg
A Globally Convergent, Implementable Multiplier Method with Automatic Penalty Limitation (M79/52)
E. Polak
Complete Stability of Non-Reciprocal Nonlinear Systems (M79/51)
L.O. Chua and S. Suwannukul
Stability Theorems for Stochastic Integral Equations Driven by Random Measures and Semimartingales (M79/50)
Michel Metivier
A Fluid Model for Multiple-Mirror Axial Plasma Flow Part I--Preliminaries (M79/49)
R. Bravenec
Algorithms for Computer Aided Design of Control Systems by the Method of Inequalities (M79/48)
E. Polak and D.Q. Mayne
The Working Set Size Distribution of the Markov Program Behavior Model (M79/46)
Makoto Kobayashi
Fuzzy Sets and Information Granularity (M79/45)
L.A. Zadeh
A Structure Preserving Model for Power System Stability Analysis (M79/44)
A.R. Bergen and D.J. Hill
Ingres Verson 6.2 Reference Manual (M79/43)
John Woodfill, Nick Whyte, Mike Ubell, Polly Siegel, Dan Ries, Marc Meyer, Paula Hawthorn, Bob Epstein, Rick Bermen and Eric Allman
Simulation of Optically Formed Image Profiles in Positive Photoresist (M79/42)
Michael M. O'Toole
Ergodic Orbits in Particle Simulations of Strong Ion Rings (M79/41)
Alex Friedman
Characterization of Finite Fuzzy Measures Using Markoff-Kernels (M79/40)
E.P. Klement
Interconnections of Markov Chains and Quasi-Reversible Queuing Networks (M79/38)
Jean Walrand and Pravin Varaiya
A Simple Dynamic Routing Problem (M79/37)
A. Ephremides, P. Varaiya and J. Walrand
A Uniform channel IGFET (M79/36)
R.W. Coen and R.S. Muller
Sojourn Times and the Overtaking Condition in Jacksonian Networks (M79/35)
J. Walrand and P. Varaiya
Liar's Paradox and Truth-Qualification Principle (M79/34)
L.A. Zadeh
Approximate Reasoning Based on Fuzzy Logic (M79/32)
L.A. Zadeh
Exact Penalty Functions and Lagrange Multipliers (M79/31)
J.B. Lasserre
MOS Switched Capacitor Ladder Filters (M79/30)
David J. Allstot
Plasma Simulations Using Inversion Symmetry as a Boundary Condition (M79/29)
W.M. Nevins, Y. Matsuda and M. Gerver
MUFFIN: A Distributed Data Base Machine (M79/28)
Michael Stonebraker
Radial Losses in High Beta Multiple Mirror Plasmas (M79/27)
M. Tuszewski and M.A. Lieberman
Geometric Properties of Dynamic Nonlinear Networks: Transversality, Well-Posedness, and Eventual Passivity (M79/26)
T. Matsumoto, L.O. Chua, H. Kawakami and S. Ichiraku
On the Development of Correct Programs with the Documentation (M79/25)
Andrzej Blikle
On the Validity of Dempster's Rule of Combination of Evidence (M79/24)
L.A. Zadeh
Representation and Transformation of Two-Parameter Martingles Under a Change of Measure (M79/23)
Bruce Hajek and Eugene Wong
MHD Stabilization of Finite Beta Multiple Mirror Plasmas (M79/21)
M. Tuszewski, D. Price, M.A. Lieberman, R. Bravenec, K. Doniger, C. Hartman and A.J. Lichtenberg
The Effects of Concurrency Control on Database Management System Performance (M79/20)
Daniel R. Ries
Diffusion in Near-Integrable Hamiltonian Systems with Three Degrees of Freedom (M79/19)
J.L. Tennyson, M.A. Lieberman and A.J. Lichtenberg
Pricing and Site Selection with Market Imperfections: Hotelling Revisited (M79/17)
Roland Artle and Norman Carruthers
Particle-Fluid Hybrid Simulations Applied to Beam-Plasma and Ring-Plasma Instabilities (M79/15)
Jae Koo Lee and C.K. Birdsall
A Derivation of the Time to Failure Distribution (M79/14)
Natarajan Narasimhamurthi
A Superlinearly Convergent Algorithm for Constrained Optimization Problems (M79/13)
D.Q. Mayne and E. Polak
Solving Nonlinear Inequalities in a Finite Number of Iterations (M79/12)
D.Q. Mayne, E. Polak and A.J. Heunis
On the Generalized Nyquist Stability Criterion (M79/11)
C.A. Desoer and Y.T. Wang
Computer Systems (M79/10)
D.L. Chaum
Untraceable Electronic Mail, Return Addresses, and Digital Psudonyms (M79/9)
D.L. Chaum
Techniques for Processing of Aggregates in Relational Database Systems (M79/8)
Robert Epstein
A Property of Certain Multistage Linear Programs (M79/7)
J.B. Lasserre
Theoretical and Computational Aspects of the Optimal Design Centering, Tolerancing and Tuning Problem (M79/6)
E. Polak and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Data Abstraction, Views and Updates in Rigel (M79/5)
Lawrence A. Rowe and Kurt A. Shoens
Retrospection on a Data Base System (M79/4)
Michael Stonebraker
The Use of Technological Advances to Enhance Data Management System Performance (M79/3)
P. Hawthorne and M. Stonebraker
An Access Path Model for Physical Database Design (M80/1)
R.H. Katz and E. Wong
Spice1 MESFET Model Description (M79/1)
C.D. Hartgring