Technical Reports - Elijah Polak
On the Off-Label Use of Outer Approximations: An External Active Set Strategy (EECS-2007-127)
Hoam Chung, Elijah Polak and S. Shankar Sastry
An External Active-Set Strategy for Solving Optimal Control Problems (EECS-2007-90)
Elijah Polak, Hoam Chung and S. Shankar Sastry
Generalized pattern search algorithms with adaptive precision function evaluations (M01/30)
Elijah Polak and Michael Wetter
First-Order Algorithms for Optimization Problems with a Maximum Eigenvalue Singular Value Cost and/or Constraints (M00/17)
Elijah Polak
Consistent Approximations and Approximate Functions and Gradients in Optimal Control (M00/14)
O. Pironneau and Elijah Polak
A Family of Projected Descent Methods for Optimization Problems with Simple Bounds (M95/44)
A. Schwartz and Elijah Polak
On the Use of Consistent Approximations for the Optimal Design of Beams (M94/22)
C.K. Neto and Elijah Polak
Consistent Approximations for Optimal Control Problems Based on Runge-Kutta Integration (M94/21)
A. Schwartz and Elijah Polak
On the Use of Consistent Approximations in the Solution of Semi-Infinite Optimization and Optimal Control Problems (M92/36)
Elijah Polak
A Secant Method Based on Cubic Interpolation for Solving One Dimensional Optimization Problems (M91/91)
C. Kirjner Neto and E. Polak
Moving Horizon Control of Linear Systems with Input Saturation and Plant Uncertainty (M91/84)
Elijah Polak and T.H. Yang
Moving Horizon Control of Linear Systems with Input Saturation, Disturbances, and Plant Uncertainty (M91/83)
Elijah Polak and T.H. Yang
Moving Horizon Control of Nonlinear Systems with Input Saturation, Disturbances, and Plant Uncertainty (M91/82)
T.H. Yang and Elijah Polak
Receding Horizon Control of Linear Systems with Input Saturation, Disturbances, and Plant Uncertainty (M91/60)
Elijah Polak and T.H. Yang
Multistart Method with Estimation Scheme for Global Satisfycing Problems (M90/54)
L. He and Elijah Polak
A Generalized Quadratic Progamming-Based Phase I-Phase II Method for Inequality- Constrained Optimization (M90/46)
E.J. Wiest and Elijah Polak
A Method of Centers Based on Barrier Functions for Solving Optimal Control Problems with Continuum State and Control Constraints (M90/31)
Elijah Polak, T.H. Yang and D.Q. Mayne
Finite-Termination Schemes for Solving Semi-Infinite Satisfying Problems (M90/13)
Elijah Polak and L. He
On the Optimal Control of System Described by Evolution Equations (M89/113)
T.E. Baker and Elijah Polak
Rate Preserving Discretization Strategies for Semi-Infinite Programming and Optimal Control (M89/112)
Elijah Polak and L. He
On the Rate of Convergence of Two Minimax Algorithms (M89/111)
E.J. Wiest and Elijah Polak
An E-Active Barrier Function Method for Solving Minimax Problems (M89/94)
J.E. Higgins and E. Polak
On the Extension of Newton's Method to Semi-Infinite Minimax Problems (M89/92)
Elijah Polak, D.Q. Mayne and J.E. Higgins
On the Linear Convergence of the Pshenichnyi Method of Linearizations (M89/55)
E.J. Wiest and Elijah Polak
Notes on Fundamentals of Optimization for Engineers (M89/40)
Elijah Polak
An Algorithm for Optimal Slewing of Flexible Structures (M89/37)
T.E. Baker and Elijah Polak
Design of a Finite Dimensional Stabilizing Compensator for a Flexible Beam with Point Actuators and Sensors (M89/33)
Y-P. Harn and Elijah Polak
Nonsmooth Optimization Algorithms for the Design of Controlled Flexible Structures (M89/10)
Elijah Polak
A Unified Phase I-Phase II Method of Feasible Directions for Semi-Infinite Optimization (M89/7)
Elijah Polak and L. He
On the Design of Finite Dimensional Stabilizing Compensators for Infinite Dimensional Feedback-Systems Via Semi-Infinite Optimization (M89/6)
P-Y. Harn and Elijah Polak
A Barrier Function Method for Minimax Problems (M88/64)
Elijah Polak, J.E. Higgins and D.Q. Mayne
Proportional-Plus-Integral Stabilizing Compensators for a Class of MIMO Feedback Systems with Infinite-Dimensional Plants (M88/57)
Y-P. Harn and Elijah Polak
A Variable Metric Technique for the Solution of Affinely Parametrized Nondifferentiable Optimal Design Problems (M88/42)
Elijah Polak and E.J. Wiest
An Optimal Diagonalization Strategy for the solution of a Class of Optimal Design Problems (M88/41)
L. He and Elijah Polak
Proportional-Plus-Integral Stabilizing Compensators for a Class of MIMO Feedback Systems with Infinite-Dimensional Plants (M88/34)
Y-P. Harn and E. Polak
Minimizing Pseudo-Convex Functions on Convex Compact Sets (M88/22)
J.E. Higgins and Elijah Polak
On the Design of Finite Dimensional Stabilizing Compensators for Infinite Dimensional Feedback-Systems Via Semi-Infinite Optimization (M88/17)
Y-P. Harn and Elijah Polak
Minimax Algorithms for Structural Optimization (M88/4)
Elijah Polak
A Combined Deterministic and Random Optimization Algorithm for the Placement of Macro-Cells (M87/86)
S. Daijavad, Elijah Polak and R-S. Tsay
Computational Experiments in the Optimal Slewing of Flexible Structures (M87/72)
T.E. Baker and Elijah Polak
Algorithms for Optimal Design of Feedback Compensators (M87/60)
Elijah Polak and S.E. Salcudean
Algorithms for Optimal Design of Feedback Compensators (M87/48)
Elijah Polak and S.E. Salcudean
A Superlinearly Convergent Algorithm for Min-Max Problems (M86/103)
Elijah Polak, D.Q. Mayne and J.E. Higgins
On the Design of Stabilizing Compensators Via Semi-Infinite Optimization (M86/102)
Elijah Polak and S. Wuu
A Diagonalization Technique for the Computation of Sensitivity Functions of Linear Time-Invariant Systems (M86/13)
T.L. Wuu, R.G. Becker and Elijah Polak
On the Efficient Formulation of Worst Case Control System Design (M85/71)
Elijah Polak and D.M. Stimler
An Exact Penalty Function Algorithm for Control Problems with State and Control Constraints (M85/52)
D.Q. Mayne and Elijah Polak
Algorithms for Optimization Problems with Exclusion Constraints (M85/33)
D. Q. Mayne and Elijah Polak
On the Mathematical Foundations of Nondifferentiable Optimization in Engineering Design (M85/17)
Elijah Polak
A Sequential Optimal Redesign Procedure for Linear Feedback Systems (M85/15)
Elijah Polak, S. Salcudean and D.Q. Mayne
Control System Design via Semi-Infinite Optimization: A Review (M84/35)
Elijah Polak, D.Q. Mayne and D.M. Stimler
Theoretical and Software Aspects of Optimization-Based Control System Design (M84/23)
Elijah Polak and D.Q. Mayne
Notes on the Mathematical Foundations of Nondifferentiable Optimization in Engineering Design (M84/15)
Elijah Polak
Outer Approximation Algorithm for Non- Differentiable Optimization Problems (M83/40)
D.Q. Mayne and Elijah Polak
Optimization-Based Design of SISO Control Systems with Uncertain Plant: Problem Formulation (M83/16)
Elijah Polak and D.M. Stimler
A Modified Nyquist Stability Test for Use in Computer-Aided Design (M83/11)
Elijah Polak
Computer-Aided Design of Structures Subject to Eigenvalue Inequality Constraints (M82/91)
Y.Y. Wardi and E. Polak
Non-Differentiable Optimization Via Adaptive Smoothing (M82/87)
D.Q. Mayne and E. Polak
Delight-MIMO: An Interactive, Optimization-Based Multivariable Control System Design Package (M82/53)
D.G. Mayne, W.T. Nye, E. Polak, P. Siegal and T. Wuu
Semi-infinite Optimization in Engineering Design (M82/50)
E. Polak
Algorithm Models for Nondifferentiable Optimization (M82/34)
E. Polak and D.Q. Mayne
Study of Minimizing Sequences (M82/22)
E. Polak and Y.Y. Wardi
Interoptdyn-siso: A Tutorial (M81/99)
E. Polak, K.J. Astrom and D.Q. Mayne
Interoptdyn-siso: A Tutorial (M81/97)
E. Polak and K.J. Astrom
On Globally Stabilized Quasi-Newton Methods for Inequality Constrained Optimization Problems (M81/91)
E. Polak and A.L. Tits
On the Extension of Constrained Optimization Algorithms From Differentiable to Nondifferentiable Problems (M81/78)
E. Polak, D.Q. Mayne and Y. Wardi
Delight: An Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Design System (M81/19)
W. Nye, E. Polak, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and A. Tits
A Recursive Quadratic Programming Algorithm for Semi-Infinite Optimization Problems (M80/50)
E. Polak and A.L. Tits
A Non-differentiable Optimization Algorithm for the Design of Control Systems Subject to Singular Value Inequalities Over a Frequency Range (M80/41)
E. Polak and Y. Wardi
An Implementable Algorithm for the Optimal Design Centering, Tolerancing and Tuning Problem (M79/33)
E. Polak
Algorithms for Optimal Design (M80/18)
E. Polak
A Software System for Optimization Based Interactive Computer-Aided Design (M80/14)
M.A. Bhatti, T. Essebo, W. Nye, K.S. Pister, E. Polak, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and A. Tits
Design of Nonlinear Feedback Controllers (M80/12)
E. Polak and D.Q. Mayne
A Quadratically Convergent Algorithm for Solving Infinite Dimensional Inequalities (M80/11)
D.Q. Mayne and E. Polak
On the Solution of Singular Value Inequalities Over a Continuum of Frequencies (M80/8)
E. Polak and D.Q. Mayne
A Globally Convergent, Implementable Multiplier Method with Automatic Penalty Limitation (M79/52)
E. Polak
Algorithms for Computer Aided Design of Control Systems by the Method of Inequalities (M79/48)
E. Polak and D.Q. Mayne
A Superlinearly Convergent Algorithm for Constrained Optimization Problems (M79/13)
D.Q. Mayne and E. Polak
Solving Nonlinear Inequalities in a Finite Number of Iterations (M79/12)
D.Q. Mayne, E. Polak and A.J. Heunis
Theoretical and Computational Aspects of the Optimal Design Centering, Tolerancing and Tuning Problem (M79/6)
E. Polak and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
On the Finite Solution of Nonlinear Inequalities (M78/80)
E. Polak and D.Q. Mayne
A Derivative-Free Algorithm for a Class of Infinitely Constrained Problems (M78/75)
R. Trahan and E. Polak
An Interactive Rectangle Elimination Method for Bi-Objective Decision-Making (M78/50)
A.N. Payne and E. Polak
New Convergence Theorems For a Class of Feasible Directions Algorithms (M78/25)
E. Polak and S. Tishyadhigama
A Robust Secant Method for Optimization Problems with Inequality Constraints (M79/2)
E. Polak and D.Q. Mayne
A Comparative Study of Several General Convergence Conditions for Algorithms Modeled by Point-to-Set Maps (M77/78)
S. Tishyadhigama, E. Polak and R. Klessig
On Constraint Dropping Schemes and Optimality Functions For a Class of Outer Approximations Algorithms (M77/68)
C. Gonzaga and E. Polak
An Improved Algorithm for Optimization Problems with Functional Inequality Constraints (M78/56)
C. Gonzaga, E. Polak and R. Trahan
A Multiplier Method with Automatic Limitation of Penalty Growth (M77/54)
T. Glad and E. Polak
Combined Phase I, Phase II Methods of Feasible Directions (M77/39)
E. Polak, R. Trahan and D.Q. Mayne
An Outer Approximations Algorithm for Computer Aided Design Problems (M77/10)
D.Q. Mayne, E. Polak and R. Trahan
An Exact Penalty Function Algorithm for Optimal Control Problems with Control and Terminal Equality Constraints (M614)
D.Q. Mayne and E. Polak
On Multicriteria Optimization (M566)
E. Polak and A.N. Payne
A Second Order Method for the General Nonlinear Programming Problem (M562)
H. Mukai and E. Polak
A Second Order Method for Unconstrained Optimization (M561)
H. Mukai and E. Polak
On the Global Stabilization of Locally Convergent Algorithms for Optimization and Root Finding (M491)
E. Polak
On the Use of Approximations in Algorithms for Optimization Problems with Equality and Inequality Contraints (M489)
H. Mukai and E. Polak
An Algorithm For Optimization Problems with Functional Inequality Constraints (M456)
E. Polak and D.Q. Mayne
A Quadratically Convergent Primal-Dual Algorithm with Global Convergence Properties for Solving Optimization Problems with Equality Constraints (Revised) (M455)
H. Mukai and E. Polak
Newton Derived Methods for Nonlinear Equations and Inequalities (M449)
E. Polak and I. Teodoru
Related Controls and the Convergence of Optimal Control Algorithms (M424)
L.J. Williamson and E. Polak
On the Use of Optimization Algorithms in the Design of Linear Systems (M377)
E. Polak
A Modified Secant Method for Unconstrained Minimization (M373)
E. Polak
A Globally Converging Secant Method, with Applciations to Boundary Value Problems (M374)
E. Polak
A Historical Survey of Computational Methods (M356)
E. Polak
Rate of Convergence of a Class of Methods of Feasible Directions (M301)
O. Pironneau and E. Polak
A Dual Method for Optimal Control Problems with Initial and Final Boundary Constraints (M299)
O. Pironneau and E. Polak
An Adaptive Algorithm for Unconstrained Optimization with an Application to Optimal Control (M297)
R. Klessig and E. Polak
On the Rate of Convergence of Certain Methods of Centers (M296)
O. Pironneau and E. Polak
A Method of Feasible Directions Using Function Approximations, With Applications to Min Max Problems (M287)
R. Klessig and E. Polak
Efficient Implementations of the Polak-Ribiere Conjugate Gradient Algorithm (M279)
R. Klessig and E. Polak
On the Use of Models in the Synthesis of Optimization Algorithms (M274)
E. Polak
Abstract Models for the Synthesis of Optimization Algorithms (M268)
G. Meyer and E. Polak
A Decomposition Algorithm for Solving a Class of Optimal Control Problems (M263)
G. Meyer and E. Polak
Computational Methods in Discrete Optimal Control and Nonlinear Programming: A Unified Approach (M261)
E. Polak
On the Convergence of Optimization Algorithms (M256)
E. Polak
On the Removal of Ill Conditioning Effects In the Computation of Optimal Controls (M235)
E. Polak
On Second-Order Necessary Conditions of Optimality (M234)
E.J. Messerli and E. Polak
An Algorithm for Minimum Energy Control (M225)
E. Polak and M. Deparis
Second Order Conditions of Optimally For Constrained Optimization Problems in Finite Dimensional Spaces (M224)
E. Polak and E.J. Messerli
An Algorithm for Computing the Jordan Canonical Form of a Matrix (M223)
E. Polak
On Finite Dimensional Approximations to a Class of Games (M211)
J-P Jacob and E. Polak
Constrained Minimization Under Vector-Valued Criteria in Linear Topological Spaces (M191)
N.O. Da Cunha and E. Polak
Constrained Minimization Under Vector-Valued Criteria in Finite Dimensional Spaces (M188)
N.O. Da Cunha and E. Polak
Identification of Linear Discrete Time Systems Using the Instrumental Variable Method (M187)
K.Y. Wong and E. Polak
Equivalence Relations for the Classification and Solution of Optimal Control Problems (M147)
C.D. Cullum and E. Polak
Constrained Minimization Problems In Finite Dimensional Spaces (M149)
M. Canon, C. Cullum and E. Polak
An Algorithm for Reducing a Linear, Time-Invariant Differential System to State Form (M140)
E. Polak
Some Sufficient Conditions for Continuous Linear-Programming (M123)
A. Larsen and E. Polak
Theory of Optimum Discrete Time Systems (M119)
H. Halkin, B.W. Jordan, E. Polak and J.B. Rosen
Analog Circuits for Energy and Fuel Optimal Control of Linear Discrete Systems (M95)
M.D. Canon and E. Polak
Optimal Control of Asynchronous Discrete-time Systems (M49)
B.W. Jordan and E. Polak
Theory of a Class of Discrete Optimal Control Systems (M47)
B.W. Jordan and E. Polak