M.S. | 5th Year M.S.


Silicon Microring Resonator Design for Monolithic Electronic–Photonic Biosensing System
Hyeong Seok Oh [2024]

A Wireless Image Sensor for Real-Time, In Vivo Fluorescence Microscopy in Cancer Therapy
Rozhan Rabbani [2023]

Ultrasound Detection with Silicon Microring Resonators
Sarika Madhvapathy [2021]

A Fully Integrated Electronic-Photonic Platform for Label-Free Biosensing
Christos Adamopoulos [2019]

Design of a sub-Hz Resolution Fully Digital RF Frequency Synthesizer
Panagiotis Zarkos [2019]

Reducing Actuation Voltage in RF MEMS Switches and the Impact of Scaling on Performance and Reliability
Jaime Castro [2018]

Demonstration of an Optical Chip-to-Chip Link in a 3D Integrated Electronic-Photonic Platform
Sen Lin [2017]

A 40Gb/s PAM4 Transmitter based on a Ring-resonator Optical DAC
Sajjad Moazeni [2016]

5th Year M.S.

Building a Ring Resonator Feedback Loop
Parth Patel [2022]

Overhead-communication Exploration in Large-Scale Machine Learning Frameworks
Wai Cheuk Chadwick Leung [2022]

Berkeley Open MOS dataBase (BOMB): A Dataset for Silicon Technology Representation Learning
Rohan Lageweg [2021]

Characterizing Circuits with Deep Embeddings
Arjun Mishra [2021]

Low Noise Transimpedance Amplifier Design Using Berkeley Analog Generator
Eric Jan [2020]

Closing the Analog Design Loop with the Berkeley Analog Generator
Nicholas Werblun [2019]