Krste Asanović

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
579B Soda Hall, 510-642-6506;
Research Interests: Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Integrated Circuits (INC); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT); Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA)
Education: 1998, PhD, Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 1987, BA, Electrical and Information Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK
Office Hours: Email for appt
Assistants: Tammy Johnson, 565 Soda, 643-4816,; Ria Melendres Briggs, 563 Soda, (510) 643-1455,

Ruzena Bajcsy

Professor Emerita
719 Sutardja Dai Hall, 510-642-9423;
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Graphics (GR); Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); Security (SEC)
Education: 1972, Ph.D., Computer Science, Stanford University; 1968, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic; 1957, M.S., Electrical Engineering, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Office Hours: M W 9-10, 719 Sutardja Dai

Brian A. Barsky

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
443 Soda Hall;
Research Interests: Graphics (GR); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); Signal Processing (SP)
Education: 1981, Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Utah, Salt Lake City; 1978, M.S., Computer Graphics/Computer Science, Cornell University; 1976, B.Sc., Mathematics/Computer Science, McGill University; 1973, D.C.S., Engineering, McGill University
Office Hours: By email appointment only

Peter Bartlett

Professor Emeritus
723 Sutardja Dai Hall, 510-642-7780;
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR)
Education: 1992, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland, Australia

Manuel Blum

Professor Emeritus
621 Soda Hall;
Education: 1964, Ph.D., Mathematics, MIT; 1961, M.S., Electrical Engineering, MIT; 1959, B.S., Electrical Engineering, MIT

Eric Brewer

Professor Emeritus
417 Sutardja Dai Hall, 510-642-8143;
Research Interests: Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT); Power and Energy (ENE); Security (SEC)
Education: 1994, Ph.D., EECS, MIT; 1989, B.S., EECS, UC Berkeley
Office Hours: M 2:30-3:30, Th 1-2, 623 Soda

Michael J. Clancy

Teaching Professor Emeritus
784 Soda Hall, 510-642-7017;
Research Interests: Education (EDUC)
Education: 1971, B.S., Mathematics, University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana
Office Hours: by appointment, 784 Soda

Phillip Colella

Professor in Residence Emeritus
MS50A-1148 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 486-5412;

David E. Culler

Professor Emeritus
783 Soda Hall;
Research Interests: Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Power and Energy (ENE); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT); Cyber-Physical Systems and Design Automation (CPSDA); Programming Systems (PS); Security (SEC)
Education: 1989, Ph.D., MIT; 1985, M.S., MIT; 1980, B.A., U.C. Berkeley

Laurent El Ghaoui

Professor Emeritus
421 Sutardja Dai Hall;
Research Interests: Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR)
Education: 1990, Ph.D., Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford; 1985, B.S., Mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique
Office Hours: Wed., 9:00-10:00am, 421 Sutardja Dai

Richard J. Fateman

Professor Emeritus
441 Soda Hall, 510-847-2368;
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Scientific Computing (SCI)
Office Hours: BY APPT, 441 Soda

Jerome A. Feldman

Professor Emeritus
739 Soda Hall, 510-666-2900;
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Security (SEC)
Education: 1964, Ph.D., Computer Science and Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon University; 1961, M.S., Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh; 1960, B.S., Physics, University of Rochester

Domenico Ferrari

Professor Emeritus

Susan L. Graham

Professor Emerita
751 Soda Hall, 510-642-2059;
Research Interests: Graphics (GR); Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); Programming Systems (PS); Scientific Computing (SCI)
Office Hours: by appointment, 751 Soda

Michael A. Harrison

Professor Emeritus
Research Interests: Programming Systems (PS); Theory (THY)
Education: 1963, Ph.D., Communication Sciences, University of Michigan; 1959, M.S., Electrical Engineering and Computing, Case Western Reserve University; 1958, B.S., Electrical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University

Brian Harvey

Teaching Professor Emeritus
441 Soda Hall;
Research Interests: Education (EDUC)
Education: 1990, MA, Clinical Psychology, New College of California; 1985, PhD, Science & Mathematics Education, UC Berkeley; 1975, MS, Computer Science, Stanford; 1969, BS, Mathematics, MIT
Office Hours: by appointment, 441 Soda

Joseph M. Hellerstein

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
789 Soda Hall, 510-643-4011;
Research Interests: Database Management Systems (DBMS); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT)
Education: 1995, Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison; 1992, MS, Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 1990, AB, Computer Science, Harvard University
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 298-12. Database Seminar, We 11:00-11:59, Soda 438

Paul N. Hilfinger

Teaching Professor, Retired
787 Soda Hall, 510-642-8401;
Research Interests: Programming Systems (PS); Scientific Computing (SCI)
Education: 1980, Ph.D., Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University; 1973, AB, Mathematics, Princeton University

Michael Jordan

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
387 Soda Hall;
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Signal Processing (SP); Theory (THY)
Education: 1985, Ph.D., Cognitive Science, UC San Diego; 1980, M.S., Mathematics, Arizona State University; 1978, B.S., Psychology, Louisiana State University
Office Hours: by appointment

William M. Kahan

Professor Emeritus
513 Soda Hall, 510-642-5638;
Research Interests: Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Scientific Computing (SCI)
Education: 1958, Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Toronto; 1956, Master's, Mathematics, University of Toronto; 1954, B.A., Mathematics, University of Toronto
Office Hours: Irregular- phone for app't

Richard M. Karp

Professor Emeritus
621 Soda Hall, 510-642-5799;
Research Interests: Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT); Theory (THY)
Education: 1959, Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, Harvard; 1956, S.M., Applied Mathematics, Harvard; 1955, A.B., Mathematics, Harvard
Office Hours: M 1:30-2:30, 621 Soda
Assistants: Olivia Chen, 695 Soda, (510) 642-9467,

Randy H. Katz

Professor Emeritus
751 Soda Hall, 510-642-8778;
Research Interests: Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT)
Education: 1980, PhD, Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 1978, MS, Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 1976, AB, Computer Science & Math, Cornell University
Office Hours: By appointment. Contact
Assistants: Ivan Ortega, 465A Soda Soda, (510) 708-8604,

Kurt Keutzer

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Scientific Computing (SCI)
Education: 1984, PhD, Computer Science, Indiana University
Office Hours: by appointment only
Assistants: Roxana Infante, 563 Soda, 643-1455,

Edward A. Lee

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
Research Interests: Cyber-Physical Systems and Design Automation (CPSDA); Programming Systems (PS); Signal Processing (SP); Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS); Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA)
Education: 1986, PhD, EECS, UC Berkeley; 1981, SM, EECS, MIT; 1979, BS, CS and Eng. & Applied Science, Yale
Office Hours: By appointment, 545Q Cory

Christos Papadimitriou

Professor Emeritus
Research Interests: Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Theory (THY)
Assistants: Olivia Chen, 695 Soda, (510) 642-9467,

Beresford N. Parlett

Professor Emeritus
799 Evans Hall;

David A. Patterson

Professor Emeritus
579 Soda Hall, 642-6587;
Research Interests: Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT)
Education: 1976, PhD, Computer Science, UCLA; 1970, MS, Computer Science, UCLA; 1969, AB, Mathematics, UCLA
Office Hours: Mondays, by appointment, 579 Soda
Assistants: Ivan Ortega, 465A Soda Soda, (510) 708-8604,

Vern Paxson

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
737 Soda Hall, 3-4209; 630 International Computer Science Institute, 666-2882;
Research Interests: Security (SEC); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT)
Office Hours: By appointment via Zoom

Lawrence A. Rowe

Professor Emeritus
Education: 1976, Ph.D., Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine; 1970, B.A., Mathematics, University of California, Irvine

Carlo H. Séquin

Professor Emeritus
639 Soda Hall, 510-642-5103;
Research Interests: Graphics (GR); Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Education: 1969, Ph.D., Experimental Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland
Office Hours: see homepage for currently valid time slots, 639 Soda

Scott Shenker

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
415 Soda Hall, 510-643-3043;
Research Interests: Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT)
Education: 1983, Ph.D., Physics, University of Chicago; 1978, Sc.B., Physics, Brown University
Assistants: Ivan Ortega, 465A Soda Soda, (510) 708-8604,

Alan J. Smith

Professor Emeritus
192 Soda Hall, 510-642-5290;
Research Interests: Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT)
Office Hours: by appointment only - send email or call, 192 Soda

Costas J. Spanos

Professor Emeritus
510 Cory Hall, 510-643-6776;
Research Interests: Power and Energy (ENE); Integrated Circuits (INC); Physical Electronics (PHY)

Michael Stonebraker

Professor Emeritus

Education: 1971, Ph.D., Computer, Information and Control Engineering, University of Michigan; 1966, M.S.E., Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan; 1965, B.S.E., Electrical Engineering, Princeton

Bernd Sturmfels

Professor Emeritus
925 Evans Hall, 510-642 6550;
Research Interests: Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Theory (THY)
Education: 1987, Dr.rer.nat., Mathematics, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany; 1987, Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle; 1985, Diplom, Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
Office Hours: T 9:45-11am, F 10:30-11:30am, 925 Evans

Jean Walrand

Professor Emeritus
257 Cory Hall, 510-219-5821;
Research Interests: Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS)

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