Ph.D. Dissertations - 2017
A Highly Productive Implementation of an Out-of-Order Processor Generator
Christopher Celio [advisor: David A. Patterson]
A New Approach to Network Function Virtualization
Aurojit Panda [advisor: Scott Shenker]
Acoustically Driven Ferromagnetic Resonance for Device Applications
Dominic Labanowski [advisor: Sayeef Salahuddin]
Algorithmic Mechanism Design in Dynamic Environments
Christos-Alexandros Psomas [advisor: Christos Papadimitriou]
All-Mechanical Receivers
Ruonan Liu [advisor: Clark Nguyen]
Alternate Representations for Scalable Analysis and Control of Heterogeneous Time Series
Francois Belletti [advisor: Alexandre Bayen and Joseph Gonzalez]
An Integrated Multilevel Converter with Sigma Delta Control for LED Lighting
Daniel Gerber [advisor: Seth R. Sanders]
Architecting for Performance Clarity in Data Analytics Frameworks
Kay Ousterhout [advisor: Sylvia Ratnasamy]
Beyond Photo-Consistency: Shape, Reflectance, and Material Estimation Using Light-Field Cameras
Ting-Chun Wang [advisor: Ravi Ramamoorthi and Alexei (Alyosha) Efros]
Communication Avoidance for Algorithms with Sparse All-to-all Interactions
Penporn Koanantakool [advisor: Katherine A. Yelick]
Data-efficient Analytics for Optimal Human-Cyber-Physical Systems
Ming Jin [advisor: Costas J. Spanos]
Design and Automatic Generation of 60Gb/s Wireline Transceivers
Jaeduk Han [advisor: Elad Alon]
Design and Implementation of an Optionally-Typed Functional Programming Language
Shaobai Li [advisor: George Necula and Jonathan Bachrach]
Efficient Abstraction and Refinement for Word-level Model Checking
Yen-Sheng Ho [advisor: Robert K. Brayton]
Efficient Sequential Decision Making
Alan Malek [advisor: Peter Bartlett]
Electronic-Photonic Co-Design of Silicon Photonic Interconnects
Sen Lin [advisor: Vladimir Stojanovic]
Energy-Efficient System Design Through Adaptive Voltage Scaling
Ben Keller [advisor: Borivoje Nikolic and Krste Asanović]
Fast Approximation Algorithms for Positive Linear Programs
Di Wang [advisor: Satish Rao]
Flexible Integrated Architectures for Frequency Division Duplex Communication
Lucas Calderin [advisor: Ali Niknejad]
FMCW Lidar: Scaling to the Chip-Level and Improving Phase-Noise-Limited Performance
Phillip Sandborn [advisor: Ming C. Wu]
Guided GUI Testing of Android Apps with Minimal Restart and Approximate Learning
Wonae Choi [advisor: Koushik Sen]
Hardness of Approximation Between P and NP
Aviad Rubinstein [advisor: Christos Papadimitriou]
Hardware and Software Support for Managed-Language Workloads in Data Centers
Martin Maas [advisor: John D. Kubiatowicz and Krste Asanović]
High Dimensional Reachability Analysis: Addressing the Curse of Dimensionality in Formal Verification
Mo Chen [advisor: Claire Tomlin]
High Performance FM Gyroscopes
Burak Eminoglu [advisor: Bernhard Boser]
High-Performance Systems for Crowdsourced Data Analysis
Daniel Haas [advisor: Michael Franklin and Ken Goldberg]
Implementing Efficient, Portable Computations for Machine Learning
Matthew Walter Moskewicz [advisor: Kurt Keutzer]
Improving Sequential Decision Making in Human-In-The-Loop Systems
Chi Pang Lam [advisor: S. Shankar Sastry]
Integrated Nanoscale Antenna-LED for On-Chip Optical Communication
Seth Fortuna [advisor: Ming C. Wu]
Key Challenges in EUV Mask Technology: Actinic Mask Inspection and Mask 3D Effects
Yow-Gwo Wang [advisor: Andrew R. Neureuther]
Large-Scale Analysis of Modern Code Review Practices and Software Security in Open Source Software
Christopher Thompson [advisor: David Wagner]
Learning From People
Nihar Shah [advisor: Kannan Ramchandran and Martin Wainwright]
Learning to Reconstruct 3D Objects
Abhishek Kar [advisor: Jitendra Malik]
Learning to Synthesize and Manipulate Natural Images
Jun-Yan Zhu [advisor: Alexei (Alyosha) Efros]
Link-Adaptive Antenna Systems
Michael Roe [advisor: Eli Yablonovitch]
Manipulation-resistant online learning
Paul Christiano [advisor: Umesh Vazirani]
Mechanisms of neural activity exploration and consolidation underlying neuroprosthetic skill learning
Vivek Athalye [advisor: Jose M. Carmena]
Meta Learning for Control
Rocky Duan [advisor: Pieter Abbeel]
Models of Competition for Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure: Parking, Ridesharing, and External Factors in Routing Decisions
Daniel Calderone [advisor: S. Shankar Sastry]
New Data Markets Deriving from the Internet of Things: A Societal Perspective on the Design of New Service Models
Roy Dong [advisor: S. Shankar Sastry]
New Techniques for Continuous Optimization and Fast Algorithms for Flow
Jonah Sherman [advisor: Umesh Vazirani]
Novel Processing Schemes for Material Systems on Amorphous and Flexible Substrates
Kevin Chen [advisor: Ali Javey]
On learning Game-Theoretical models with Application to Urban Mobility
Jerome Thai [advisor: Alexandre Bayen]
Optical Design: from Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography to Thermo-Photovoltaics
Greggory Scranton [advisor: Eli Yablonovitch]
Optimal Control for Learning with Applications in Dynamic MRI
John Maidens [advisor: Murat Arcak]
Optomechanical Dynamics in Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers
Adair Gerke [advisor: Constance Chang-Hasnain]
Parallel Machine Learning Using Concurrency Control
Xinghao Pan [advisor: Michael Jordan]
Personalized Modeling for Human-Robot Collaborative Manipulation
Aaron Bestick [advisor: Ruzena Bajcsy]
Polynomial Proof Systems, Effective Derivations, and their Applications in the Sum-of-Squares Hierarchy
Benjamin Weitz [advisor: Prasad Raghavendra]
Random Matrices and the Sum-of-Squares Hierarchy
Tselil Schramm [advisor: Satish Rao and Prasad Raghavendra]
Reasoning about High-Level Constructs in Hardware/Software Formal Verification
Jiang Long [advisor: Robert K. Brayton]
Reconfigurable Micromechanical Filters
Jalal Naghsh Nilchi [advisor: Clark Nguyen]
RFID Reader Design for Neural Implants
Christopher Sutardja [advisor: Jan M. Rabaey]
Safe and Interactive Autonomy: Control, Learning, and Verification
Dorsa Sadigh [advisor: S. Shankar Sastry and Sanjit A. Seshia]
Scalable, Gravure-Printed Transparent Electronics: Materials and Process Design for Metal Oxide Thin-Film Transistors
Will Scheideler [advisor: Vivek Subramanian]
Scalable Systems and Algorithms for Genomic Variant Analysis
Frank Nothaft [advisor: David A. Patterson and Anthony D. Joseph]
Secure Computing using Certified Software and Trusted Hardware
Rohit Sinha [advisor: Sanjit A. Seshia]
Securing the Internet of Things via Locally Centralized, Globally Distributed Authentication and Authorization
Hokeun Kim [advisor: Edward A. Lee]
Serving CS Formative Feedback on Assessments Using Simple and Practical Teacher-Bootstrapped Error Models
Kristin Stephens-Martinez [advisor: Armando Fox]
Skipping-oriented Data Design for Large-Scale Analytics
Liwen Sun [advisor: Michael Franklin]
Statistical Learning for Sparse Sensing and Agile Operation
Yuxun Zhou [advisor: Costas J. Spanos]
Study of Line Edge Roughness and Interactions of Secondary Electrons in Photoresists for EUV Lithography
Suchit Bhattarai [advisor: Andrew R. Neureuther]
System Architecture and Signal Processing Techniques for Massive Multi-user Antenna Arrays
Antonio Puglielli [advisor: Borivoje Nikolic and Elad Alon]
System Design for Large Scale Machine Learning
Shivaram Venkataraman [advisor: Michael Franklin and Ion Stoica]
System-Aware Optimization for Machine Learning at Scale
Virginia Smith [advisor: David E. Culler and Michael Jordan]
Threat modeling and circumvention of Internet censorship
David Fifield [advisor: Doug Tygar]
Three-Dimensional Microwave Imaging for Indoor Environments
Simon Scott [advisor: John Wawrzynek]
Tools for Trustworthy Autonomy: Robust Predictions, Intuitive Control, and Optimized Interaction
Katherine Driggs Campbell [advisor: Ruzena Bajcsy]
Toward a more reliable power system: frequency regulation from buildings and secure estimation against cyber attacks
Qie Hu [advisor: Claire Tomlin]
Towards Automated Online Schema Evolution
Yu Zhu [advisor: Eric Brewer]
Towards Cooperative SLAM for Low-Cost Biomimetic Robots
Austin Buchan [advisor: Ronald S. Fearing]
Towards Improved Mitigations for Two Attacks on Memory Safety
Thurston Dang [advisor: David Wagner]
Towards Predictive Medicine — On Remote Monitoring, Privacy and Scientific Bias
Daniel Aranki [advisor: Ruzena Bajcsy]
Transferrable Representations for Visual Recognition
Jeffrey Donahue [advisor: Trevor Darrell]
Ultra-Low Power Inductively-Coupled Wireless Transcranial Links
Wen Li [advisor: Jan M. Rabaey]
Understanding Data Analysis Activity via Log Analysis
Sara Alspaugh [advisor: Randy H. Katz and Marti Hearst]
Understanding the Enhanced Mobility of Solution-Processed Metal-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors Having High-k Gate Dielectrics
Andre Zeumault [advisor: Vivek Subramanian]
Variability Analysis and Yield Optimization in Deep-Submicron Mixed-Signal Circuits
Katerina Papadopoulou [advisor: Borivoje Nikolic]
Variability-Aware Compact Modeling of Nano-scale Technologies with Customized Test Structure Designs
Ying Qiao [advisor: Costas J. Spanos]
Verification and Synthesis of Clock-Gated Circuits
Yu-Yun Dai [advisor: Robert K. Brayton]
2-D Materials: Low Power Electronics and Novel Device Possibilities
Varun Mishra [advisor: Sayeef Salahuddin]