Ph.D. Dissertations - 2023
A Modular Design Flow for NoC-embedded FPGAs
Tan Nguyen [advisor: John Wawrzynek]
Accelerating Electronic Structure Calculations with Machine Learning
Daniel Rothchild [advisor: Joseph Gonzalez and Aditi Krishnapriyan]
Advances in Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice
Tiancheng Xie [advisor: Dawn Song]
Algorithm Design for Safe and Efficient Societal-Scale Navigation
Chih-Yuan Chiu [advisor: S. Shankar Sastry]
Aligning Robot Representations with Humans
Andreea Bobu [advisor: Anca Dragan]
An Integrated Circuit Design Framework for Human, Computer, and ML Designers
Dan Fritchman [advisor: Vladimir Stojanovic]
Automated and Process-Portable Generation of Data Converters
Zhaokai Liu [advisor: Borivoje Nikolic]
Better Embedded Design Tools with Automated Reasoning
Rohit Ramesh [advisor: Prabal Dutta]
Bridging the Gap between Humans and Machines in 3D Object Perception
Jasmine Collins [advisor: Jitendra Malik and Bruno Olshausen]
Constrained machine learning: algorithms and models
Geoffrey Negiar [advisor: Laurent El Ghaoui and Michael William Mahoney]
Contributions to the Statistical Foundation of Data-Driven Control
Alex Devonport [advisor: Murat Arcak]
Control and Simulation of Power Electronic Dominated Power Systems
Ciaran Roberts [advisor: Seth R. Sanders and Duncan Callaway]
Controlling Long-Form Large Language Model Outputs
Kevin Yang [advisor: Daniel Klein]
Controlling Long-Form Large Language Model Outputs
Kevin Yang [advisor: Daniel Klein]
Data and Label Efficient Representation Learning
Colorado Reed [advisor: Kurt Keutzer and Trevor Darrell]
Data-Centric Machine Learning for Human-Centric Applications
Hari Prasanna Das [advisor: Costas J. Spanos]
Deep Generative Models for Decision-Making and Control
Michael Janner [advisor: Sergey Levine]
Deformation in Robotics: Applications in Tactile Sensing and Grasp Planning
Isabella Huang [advisor: Ruzena Bajcsy]
Design Methodologies and Automated Generation of Ultra High Speed Wireline SerDes Transmitters
Ayan Biswas [advisor: Elad Alon and Vladimir Stojanovic]
Designing for Reliability in Algorithmic Systems
Samantha Robertson [advisor: Aditya Parameswaran and Niloufar Salehi]
Efficient Resource Management for Machine Learning
Romil Bhardwaj [advisor: Ion Stoica and Prabal Dutta]
Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Theory and Practice
Jiaheng Zhang [advisor: Dawn Song]
Enhancing Visual Media Through Reflection and Recomposition
Jeremy Warner [advisor: Björn Hartmann]
Evaluating and Optimizing Distributed Energy Resources
Utkarsha Agwan [advisor: Costas J. Spanos and Kameshwar Poolla]
Feedforward MLSE Equalization for High Speed Serial Links
Paul Kwon [advisor: Elad Alon and Vladimir Stojanovic]
Formal Specification and Verification of Secure Information Flow for Hardware Platforms
Kevin Cheang [advisor: Sanjit A. Seshia]
Gaussian Entropy Inequalities
Efe Aras [advisor: Thomas Courtade]
Generative Models for Image and Long Video Synthesis
Tim Brooks [advisor: Alexei (Alyosha) Efros]
Generative Models of Images and Neural Networks
Bill Peebles [advisor: Alexei (Alyosha) Efros]
Geometry of Local-spectral Expanders
Siqi Liu [advisor: Alessandro Chiesa]
Geometry-Inspired Sampling Algorithms and Random Graphs
Elizabeth Yang [advisor: Satish Rao]
High Performance Hybrid Switched-Capacitor Converters for Aerospace Applications
Sam Coday [advisor: Robert Pilawa-Podgurski]
High-Fidelity 3D Mesh Reconstruction of Humans and Objects
Shubham Goel [advisor: Jitendra Malik and Angjoo Kanazawa]
High-Performance Grid-Tied Single-Phase Power Converter Design with Applications in Electric Vehicle Charging and Residential Photovoltaic Systems
Kelly Fernandez [advisor: Robert Pilawa-Podgurski]
Human-Centric Reward Design
Yu Qing Du [advisor: Pieter Abbeel]
Hybrid Switched-Capacitor Converter Design: State-Space Dynamical Modeling and Passive Device Characterization
Nathan Brooks [advisor: Robert Pilawa-Podgurski]
Implicit Modeling for 3D Applications
Shizhan Zhu [advisor: Trevor Darrell]
Improved Interior Point Methods for Some Structured Combinatorial Problems
Tarun Kathuria [advisor: Prasad Raghavendra]
Infrastructure Support for Datacenter Applications
Michael Chang [advisor: Thomas Griffiths and Sergey Levine]
Instance-dependent Optimality in Statistical Decision-making
Wenlong Mou [advisor: Peter Bartlett and Martin Wainwright]
Integrated Low-Power Wireless Systems for the Next Generation of IoT, Sensors and Microrobots
Alex Moreno [advisor: Kristofer Pister and Ali Niknejad]
Integrated Signal Processing for Massive MIMO Systems
Yue Dai [advisor: Borivoje Nikolic]
Investigation of Energy Efficient Magnetic Switching in Novel Materials and Device Structures for Spintronics Application
Jason Cheng-Hsiang Hsu [advisor: Sayeef Salahuddin]
Learning and Decision-Making in Complex Environments
Alexander Wei [advisor: Michael Jordan, Jacob Steinhardt and Nika Haghtalab]
Learning to Design and Engineer Proteins from Evolution, 3D Structures, and Experiments
Chloe Hsu [advisor: Moritz Hardt and Jennifer Listgarten]
Learning to Design and Engineer Proteins from Evolution, 3D Structures, and Experiments
Chloe Hsu [advisor: Moritz Hardt and Jennifer Listgarten]
Learning to Design Protein and DNA Libraries
Akosua Busia [advisor: Michael Jordan and Jennifer Listgarten]
Liberating the Siloed Gateway: Application-Agnostic Connectivity and Interaction for the Internet of Things
Thomas Zachariah [advisor: Prabal Dutta]
Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction with Greater Fidelity and Efficiency
Ke Wang [advisor: Michael Lustig and Stella Yu]
Magnetic Susceptibility of Alzheimer’s Disease Brain Altered by Neurodegeneration
Maruf Ahmed [advisor: Chunlei Liu]
Magnetoelasticity for Integration of Quantum Defects
Adi Jung [advisor: Sayeef Salahuddin]
MEMS Mirror-Based High-Speed Spatial Light Modulators
Cem Yalcin [advisor: Rikky Muller]
Modeling System-level Iron Homeostasis in the Human Brain over the Lifespan
Zoe Cohen [advisor: Chunlei Liu]
Monolithic Electronic-Photonic Systems for Massive-MIMO Millimeter-Wave Applications
Ruocheng Wang [advisor: Vladimir Stojanovic]
Multimodal Long-Term Video Understanding
Medhini Gulganjalli Narasimhan [advisor: Trevor Darrell]
Neural Software Abstractions
Michael Chang [advisor: Thomas Griffiths and Sergey Levine]
Nonperiodic silicon photonic devices for nonlinear photon generation and multimode design for optical computing
Zhetao Jia [advisor: Boubacar Kanté]
Novel Non-Volatile Memory Devices and Applications
Tsegereda Esatu [advisor: Tsu-Jae King Liu]
Object and Scene Reconstruction using Neural Radiance Fields
Matthew Tancik [advisor: Ren Ng and Angjoo Kanazawa]
Offline Data-Driven Optimization: Benchmarks, Algorithms and Applications
Xinyang Geng [advisor: Sergey Levine]
Optimization-Based Mappers and Lower Bounds for Tensor Problems
Grace Dinh [advisor: James Demmel]
Optimized Receive Frontend Hardware for Magnetic Particle Imaging, Characterization Tools, and Biosensors
Quincy Huynh [advisor: Steven Conolly]
Perceiving People over Long Periods: Algorithms, Architectures & Datasets
Karttikeya Mangalam [advisor: Jitendra Malik]
Perception for Real-World Robotic Applications
YuXuan Liu [advisor: Pieter Abbeel]
Performative Prediction: Theory and Practice
Juan Perdomo [advisor: Peter Bartlett and Moritz Hardt]
Phase Transitions in Inference
Sidhanth Mohanty [advisor: Prasad Raghavendra]
Phonon-protected superconducting qubits
Mutasem Odeh [advisor: Alp Sipahigil]
Photorealistic Reconstruction from First Principles
Sara Fridovich-Keil [advisor: Benjamin Recht]
Precise Pulse Discrimination for Space-Based Timing Front Ends
Lydia Lee [advisor: Kristofer Pister]
Prediction and Statistical Inference in Feedback Loops
Tijana Zrnic [advisor: Michael Jordan and Moritz Hardt]
Pretrained Representations for Embodied AI
Sasha Sax [advisor: Jitendra Malik]
Probabilistic Ising Architectures for Combinatorial Optimization, Machine Learning and Neuromorphic Computing
Saavan Patel [advisor: Sayeef Salahuddin]
Pulsed Electroluminescent Devices for Emission Across Energy and Length Scales
Vivian Wang [advisor: Ali Javey]
Rapid Adaptation for Robot Control
Ashish Kumar [advisor: Jitendra Malik]
Recent Advances in Urban Mobility: Analyzing Efficiency, Equity and Safety
Akhil Shetty [advisor: Kameshwar Poolla]
Recent Developments in Robust Statistics
Yeshwanth Cherapanamjeri [advisor: Peter Bartlett]
Reinforcement Learning from Static Datasets: Algorithms, Analysis, and Applications
Aviral Kumar [advisor: Sergey Levine]
Rethinking System Design for Expressive Cryptography
Sam Kumar [advisor: David E. Culler and Raluca Ada Popa]
Robust Machine Learning for the Control of Real-world Robotic Systems
Tyler Westenbroek [advisor: S. Shankar Sastry]
Scalable Binding
Allan Jabri [advisor: Alexei (Alyosha) Efros]
Scalable Representations for Vision and Robotics
Tete Xiao [advisor: Trevor Darrell]
Scaling of Single-Mode Operation in Lasers
Rushin Contractor [advisor: Boubacar Kanté]
Sequential Decision Making under Uncertainty: Optimality Guarantees, Compositional Learning, and Applications to Robotics and Ecology
Michael Lim [advisor: Claire Tomlin]
Simplicial Reaction Networks and Dynamics on Graphs
Rachel Lawrence [advisor: Alistair Sinclair]
Simulation-Based Testing, Validation, and Training with Probabilistic Programming
Edward Kim [advisor: Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and Sanjit A. Seshia]
Structure-Driven Algorithm Design in Optimization and Machine Learning
Tianyi Lin [advisor: Michael Jordan]
Sub-THz Transmitter Design Techniques for High Speed Wireless Communication
Meng Wei [advisor: Ali Niknejad and Elad Alon]
Switching Schemes for Hybrid Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Power Converters
Maggie Blackwell [advisor: Robert Pilawa-Podgurski]
Test-Time Training
Yu Sun [advisor: Alexei (Alyosha) Efros and Moritz Hardt]
The Unprecedented Risks and Opportunities of Extended Reality Motion Data
Vivek Nair [advisor: Dawn Song]
Topics in the Theory of Learning
Jonathan Shafer [advisor: Shafi Goldwasser]
Toward Platform-based Building Design
Wendy Lin [advisor: Costas J. Spanos]
Toward Trustworthy Scientific Inquiry and Design with Machine Learning
Clara Wong-Fannjiang [advisor: Michael Jordan and Jennifer Listgarten]
Towards a Distributed OS for Data-Intensive Cloud Applications
Stephanie Wang [advisor: Ion Stoica]
Towards Operating Underactuated Robotic Systems by Going With the Flow
Marius Wiggert [advisor: Claire Tomlin]
Towards Robust and Scalable Large Language Models
Paras Jain [advisor: Ion Stoica and Joseph Gonzalez]
Transferable Generative Models
Ajay Jain [advisor: Pieter Abbeel]
Unsupervised Online Learning for Seizure Detection and Prediction
Adelson Chua [advisor: Rikky Muller]
Vision and Language Understanding Through Generative Modeling
SETH PARK [advisor: Trevor Darrell]