K. Asanović, "Vector Processing," in Digital Systems and Applications, V. G. Oklobdzija, Ed., 2nd ed., The Computer Engineering Handbook, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2007, pp. 1-25-1-35.
K. Asanović, J. L. Hennessy, and D. A. Patterson, "Appendix F: Vector Processors," in Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 4 ed., Boston, MA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2006.
K. Asanović, J. Beck, D. Johnson, B. Kingsbury, N. Morgan, and J. Wawrzynek, "Training Neural Networks with SPERT-II," in Parallel Architectures for Artificial Networks - Paradigms and Implementations, N. Sundararajan, Ed., Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998, pp. 345-364.
K. Asanović, B. Kingsbury, and N. Morgan, "A Highly Pipelined Architecture for Neural Network Training," in Silicon Architectures for Neural Nets, M. Sami and J. Calzadilla-Daguerre, Eds., Elsevier Press, 1991, pp. 217-232.
K. Asanović, R. Bodik, J. Demmel, T. Keaveny, K. Keutzer, N. Morgan, D. A. Patterson, K. Sen, J. Wawrzynek, D. Wessel, and K. A. Yelick, "A View of the Parallel Computing Landscape," Communications of the ACM, vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 56-67, Oct. 2009.
C. Batten, A. Joshi, J. Orcutt, A. Khilo, B. Moss, C. Holzwarth, M. Popovic, H. Li, H. Smith, J. Hoyt, F. Kartner, R. Ram, V. Stojanovic, and K. Asanović, "Building Many-Core Processor-to-DRAM Networks with Monolithic CMOS Silicon Photonics," IEEE Micro, vol. 29, July 2009.
R. Krashinsky, C. Batten, and K. Asanović, "Implementing the Scale vector-thread processor," ACM Trans. Design Automation of Electronic Systems, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. Art. 41:1-24, July 2008.
J. Wawrzynek, D. A. Patterson, M. Oskin, S. Lu, C. Kozyrakis, J. C. Hoe, D. Chiou, and K. Asanović, "RAMP: Research Accelerator for Multiple Processors," IEEE Micro, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 46-57, March 2007.
C. S. Ananian, K. Asanović, B. C. Kuszmaul, C. E. Leiserson, and S. Lie, "Unbounded transactional memory," IEEE Micro Special Issue: Top Picks from Computer Architecture Conferences, pp. 59-69, Jan. 2006.
R. Krashinsky, C. Batten, M. Hampton, S. Gerding, B. Pharris, J. Casper, and K. Asanović, "The vector-thread architecture," IEEE Micro Special Issue: Top Picks from Computer Architecture Conferences 2004, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 84-90, Nov. 2004.
C. Kozyrakis, S. Perissakis, D. A. Patterson, T. Anderson, K. Asanović, N. Cardwell, R. Fromm, J. Golbus, B. Gribstad, K. Keeton, R. Thomas, N. Treuhaft, and K. A. Yelick, "Scalable Processors in the Billion Transistor: IRAM," Proceedings IEEE Computer, vol. 30, no. 9, Sep. 1997.
J. Wawrzynek, K. Asanovic, B. Kingsbury, D. Johnson, J. Beck, and N. Morgan, "Spert-II: A vector microprocessor system," Computer, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 79-86, March 1996.
K. Asanović, N. Morgan, and J. Wawrzynek, "Using Simulations of Reduced Precision Arithmetic to Design a Neuro-Microprocessor," Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, vol. 6, pp. 33-44, 1993.
K. Asanović, J. Beck, J. A. Feldman, N. Morgan, and J. Wawrzynek, "Connectionist Network Supercomputer," International Journal of Neural Systems, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 317-326, Dec. 1993.
Articles in conference proceedings
S. Karandikar, A. N. Udipi, J. Choi, J. Whangbo, J. Zhao, S. Kanev, E. Lim, J. Alakuijala, V. Madduri, Y. S. Shao, B. Nikolic, K. Asanović, and P. Ranganathan, "CDPU: Co-designing Compression and Decompression Processing Units for Hyperscale Systems," in Proceedings of the 50th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA '23, New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2023.
D. Lee, D. Kohlbrenner, S. Shinde, K. Asanović, and D. Song, "Keystone: An Open Framework for Architecting Trusted Execution Environments," in Proceedings of the Fifteenth European Conference on Computer Systems, EuroSys'20, 2020.
S. Karandikar, H. Mao, D. Kim, D. Biancolin, A. Amid, D. Lee, N. Pemberton, E. Amaro, C. Schmidt, A. Chopra, Q. Huang, K. Kovacs, B. Nikolic, R. H. Katz, J. Bachrach, and K. Asanović, "FireSim: FPGA-accelerated Cycle-exact Scale-out System Simulation in the Public Cloud," in Proceedings of the 45th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA '18, Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE Press, 2018, pp. 29--42.
B. Keller, M. Cochet, B. Zimmer, Y. Lee, M. Blagojevic, J. Kwak, A. Puggelli, S. Bailey, P. F. Chiu, P. Dabbelt, C. Schmidt, E. Alon, K. Asanović, and B. Nikolic, "Sub-microsecond adaptive voltage scaling in a 28nm FD-SOI processor SoC," in ESSCIRC Conference 2016: 42nd European Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2016, pp. 269-272.
M. Maas, E. Love, E. Stefanov, M. Tiwari, E. Shi, K. Asanović, J. D. Kubiatowicz, and D. Song, "Phantom: Practical oblivious computation in a secure processor," in Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSAC conference on Computer \& communications security, 2013, pp. 311--324.
M. Maas, P. Reames, J. Morlan, K. Asanović, A. D. Joseph, and J. D. Kubiatowicz, "GPUs as an Opportunity for Offloading Garbage Collection," in Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium on Memory Management, ISMM '12, New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2012, pp. 25--36.
S. Beamer, K. Asanović, and D. A. Patterson, "Direction-optimizing breadth-first search," in Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, IEEE Computer Society, 2012.
M. Tiwari, P. Mohan, A. Osheroff, H. Alkaff, E. Love, E. Shi, D. Song, and K. Asanović, "Context-centric Security," in Proceedings of the 7th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security, HotSec'12, Usenix, 2012.
Z. Tan, K. Asanović, and D. A. Patterson, "Datacenter-Scale Network Research on FPGAs," in Proceedings from Workshop on Exascale Evaluation and Research Techniques, 2011.
Z. Tan, A. Waterman, H. Cook, S. Bird, K. Asanović, and D. A. Patterson, "A Case for FAME: FPGA Architecture Model Execution," in Proceedings of the 37th annual international symposium on Computer architecture, SCA '10, New York, NY: ACM, 2010, pp. 290-301.
B. C. Catanzaro, S. A. Kamil, Y. Lee, K. Asanović, J. Demmel, K. Keutzer, J. Shalf, K. A. Yelick, and A. Fox, "SEJITS: Getting productivity and performance with selective embedded JIT specialization," in Proceedings First Workshop on Programming Models for Emerging Architectures, 2009.
V. Stojanovic, A. Joshi, C. Batten, Y. Kwon, and K. Asanović, "Manycore processor networks with monolithic integrated CMOS," in 29th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'09), 2009.
A. Joshi, C. Batten, Y. Kwon, S. Beamer, I. Shamim, K. Asanović, and V. Stojanovic, "Silicon-photonic clos networks for global on-chip communication," in NOCS '09: Proceedings of the 2009 3rd ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, Washington, DC, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2009, pp. 124--133.
A. Joshi, C. Batten, Y. Kwon, S. Beamer, I. Shamin, K. Asanović, and V. Stojanovic, "Silicon-Photonic Clos Networks for Global On-Chip Communication," in 3rd ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, 2009.
C. Jones, R. Liu, L. Meyerovich, K. Asanović, and R. Bodik, "Parallelizing the Web Browser," in First USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism, 2009.
R. Liu, K. Klues, S. Bird, S. Hofmeyr, K. Asanović, and J. D. Kubiatowicz, "Tessellation: Space-Time Partitioning in a Manycore Client OS," in First USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in ParallelismH, 2009.
H. Pan, B. Hindman, and K. Asanović, "Lithe: Enabling Efficient Composition of Parallel Libraries," in First USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism, 2009.
C. Batten, H. Aoki, and K. Asanović, "The case for malleable stream architectures," in Workshop on Streaming Systems, 2008.
C. Batten, A. Joshi, J. Orcutt, A. Khilo, B. Moss, C. Holzwarth, M. Popovic, H. Li, H. Smith, J. Hoyt, F. Kaertner, R. Ram, V. Stojanovic, and K. Asanović, "Building manycore processor-to-DRAM networks with monolithic silicon photonics," in Proc. 16th Annual IEEE Symp. on High-Performance Interconnects (HotI 2008), Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society, 2008, pp. 21-30.
Z. Tan, K. Asanović, and D. A. Patterson, "An FPGA host-multithreaded functional model for SPARC v8," in Proc. 3rd Workshop on Architectural Research Prototyping (WARP-2008), Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society, 2008, pp. 5 pg.
M. Hampton and K. Asanović, "Compiling for vector-thread architectures," in Proc. 6th Annual IEEE/ACM Intl. Symp. on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO-2008), New York, NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 2008, pp. 205-215.
S. Crago, J. McMahon, C. Archer, K. Asanović, R. Chaung, K. Goolsbey, M. Hall, C. Kozyrakis, K. Olukotun, U. O'Reilly, R. Pancoast, V. Prasanna, R. Rabbah, S. Ward, and D. Yeung, "CEARCH: Cognition Enabled Architecture," in Proc. 10th Annual Workshop on High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC 2006), Lexington, MA: MIT Lincoln Laboratory, 2006, pp. 2 pg.
K. C. Barr and K. Asanović, "Branch trace compression for snapshot-based simulation," in Proc. 2006 IEEE Intl. Symp. on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS '06), Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 2006, pp. 25-35.
G. Gibeling, A. Schultz, and K. Asanović, "The RAMP architecture & description language," in Proc. 2nd Workshop on Architecture Research Using FPGA Platforms (WARFP 2006), 2006, pp. 4 pp..
D. A. Patterson, K. Asanović, A. Brown, R. Fromm, J. Golbus, B. Gribstad, K. Keeton, C. Kozyrakis, D. Martin, S. Perissakis, R. Thomas, N. Treuhaft, and K. A. Yelick, "Intelligent RAM (IRAM): The Industrial Setting, Applications, and Architectures," in Proceedings of ICCD ‘97 International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors, ICCD, IEEE, 1997, pp. 2 - 7.
J. Wawrzynek, K. Asanović, B. Kingsbury, J. Beck, D. Johnson, and N. Morgan, "SPERT-II: A Vector Microprocessor System and its Application to Large Problems in Backpropagation Training," in Proceeding of NIPS 8, 1996, pp. 619-625.
K. Asanović, J. Beck, B. Irissou, B. Kingsbury, N. Morgan, and J. Wawrzynek, "The T0 Vector Microprocessor," in Proceedings of Hot Chips VII, 1995.
K. Asanović, J. Beck, J. A. Feldman, N. Morgan, and J. Wawrzynek, "A supercomputer for neural computation," in Proc. 1994 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Neural Networks (ICNN '94), Vol. 1, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1994, pp. 5-9.
K. Asanović, J. Beck, J. A. Feldman, N. Morgan, and J. Wawrzynek, "Development of a Connectionist Network Supercomputer," in Proceedings of Micro-Neuro 1993, 1993, pp. 253-262.
J. Wawrzynek, K. Asanović, and N. Morgan, "The Design of a Neuro-Microprocessor," in Proceedings of IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol. 4, 1993, pp. 394-399.
K. Asanović, J. Beck, B. Kingsubry, P. Kohn, N. Morgan, and J. Wawrzynek, "SPERT: A VLIW/SIMD Neuro-Microprocessor," in Proceedings of IJCNN '92, 1992, pp. II-577-582.
J. Zhao, D. Grubb, M. Rusch, T. Wei, K. Anderson, B. Nikolic, and K. Asanović, "The Saturn Microarchitecture Manual," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2024-215, Dec. 2024.
C. Celio, P. Chiu, B. Nikolic, D. A. Patterson, and K. Asanović, "BOOM v2: an open-source out-of-order RISC-V core," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2017-157, Sep. 2017.
K. Asanović, R. Avizienis, J. Bachrach, S. Beamer, D. Biancolin, C. Celio, H. Cook, D. Dabbelt, J. Hauser, A. Izraelevitz, S. Karandikar, B. Keller, D. Kim, J. Koenig, Y. Lee, E. Love, M. Maas, A. Magyar, H. Mao, M. Moreto, A. Ou, D. A. Patterson, B. Richards, C. Schmidt, S. Twigg, H. Vo, and A. Waterman, "The Rocket Chip Generator," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2016-17, April 2016.
Y. Lee, C. Schmidt, S. Karandikar, D. Dabbelt, A. Ou, and K. Asanović, "Hwacha Preliminary Evaluation Results, Version 3.8.1," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2015-264, Dec. 2015.
Y. Lee, A. Ou, C. Schmidt, S. Karandikar, H. Mao, and K. Asanović, "The Hwacha Microarchitecture Manual, Version 3.8.1," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2015-263, Dec. 2015.
G. Eads, J. Colmenares, S. Hofmeyr, S. Bird, D. Bartolini, D. Chou, B. Glutzman, K. Asanović, and J. D. Kubiatowicz, "Building an Adaptive Operating System for Predictability and Efficiency," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2014-137, July 2014.
K. Asanović, R. Bodik, B. C. Catanzaro, J. J. Gebis, P. Husbands, K. Keutzer, D. A. Patterson, W. L. Plishker, J. Shalf, S. W. Williams, and K. A. Yelick, "The Landscape of Parallel Computing Research: A View from Berkeley," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2006-183, Dec. 2006.
J. Wawrzynek, M. Oskin, C. Kozyrakis, D. Chiou, D. A. Patterson, S. Lu, J. C. Hoe, and K. Asanović, "RAMP: A Research Accelerator for Multiple Processors," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2006-158, Nov. 2006.
J. A. Bilmes, K. Asanović, C. Chin, and J. Demmel, "The PHiPAC v1.0 Matrix-Multiply Distribution," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/CSD-98-1020, Oct. 1998.
K. Asanović and D. Johnson, "Torrent Architecture Manual," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/CSD-97-930, Jan. 1997.
K. Asanović and J. Beck, "T0 Engineering Data," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/CSD-97-931, Jan. 1997.
K. Asanović, J. Beck, T. Callahan, J. A. Feldman, B. Irissou, B. Kingsbury, P. Kohn, J. Lazarro, N. Morgan, D. Stoutamire, and J. Wawrzynek, "CNS-1 Architecture Specification - A Connectionist Network Supercomputer," International Computer Science Institute, Tech. Rep. TR-93-021, 1993.
K. Asanović, J. Beck, T. Callahan, J. Feldman, B. S. Irissou, B. Kingsbury, P. Kohn, J. Lazzaro, N. Morgan, D. Stoutamire, and J. Wawrzynek, "CNS-1 Architecture Specification," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/CSD-93-747, 1993.
K. Asanović, J. Beck, J. Feldman, N. Morgan, and J. Wawrzynek, "Development of a Connectionist Network Supercomputer," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/CSD-93-749, June 1993.
B. Kingsbury, K. Asanović, B. Irissou, N. Morgan, and J. Wawrzynek, "Recent work in VLSI elements for digital implementations of Artificial Neural Networks," International Computer Science Institute, Tech. Rep. TR-91-074, 1991.
K. Asanović, J. Beck, B. Kingsbury, P. Kohn, N. Morgan, and J. Wawrzynek, "SPERT: A VLIW/SIMD Microprocessor for Artificial Neural Network Computations," International Computer Science Institute, Tech. Rep. TR-91-072, 1991.
K. Asanović and N. Morgan, "Experimental Determination of Precision Requirements for Back-propagation Training of Artificial Neural Networks," International Computer Science Institute, Tech. Rep. TR-91-036, 1991.
N. Morgan, K. Asanović, B. Kingsbury, and J. Wawrzynek, "Developments in Digital VLSI Design for Artificial Neural Networks," International Computer Science Institute, Tech. Rep. TR-090-065, 1990.
A. Izraelevitz, "Unlocking Design Reuse with Hardware Compiler Frameworks," J. Bachrach, K. Asanović, S. Schleicher, and J. Ragan-Kelley, Eds., EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2019-168, Dec. 2019.
A. Ou, "Mixed Precision Vector Processors," K. Asanović and V. Stojanovic, Eds., EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2015-265, Dec. 2015.