Alexei (Alyosha) Efros
Alexei (Alyosha) Efros joined UC Berkeley in 2013. Prior to that, he was for a decade on the faculty of Carnegie Mellon University, and has also been affiliated with École Normale Supérieure/INRIA and University of Oxford. His research is in the area of computer vision and computer graphics, especially at the intersection of the two. He is particularly interested in using data-driven techniques to tackle problems where large quantities of unlabeled visual data are readily available. Efros received his PhD in 2003 from UC Berkeley. He is a recipient of CVPR Best Paper Award (2006), Sloan Fellowship (2008), Guggenheim Fellowship (2008), Okawa Grant (2008), SIGGRAPH Significant New Researcher Award (2010), three PAMI Helmholtz Test-of-Time Prizes (1999,2003,2005), the ACM Prize in Computing (2016), Diane McEntyre Award for Excellence in Teaching Computer Science (2019), Jim and Donna Gray Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching of Computer Science (2023), and PAMI Thomas S. Huang Memorial Prize (2023).
- 2003, PhD, Computer Science, UC Berkeley
- 1997, BS, Computer Science, University of Utah
Selected Publications
- J. Zhu, T. Park, P. Isola, and A. A. Efros, "Unpaired image-to-image translation using cycle-consistent adversarial networks," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2017, pp. 2223--2232.
- D. Pathak, P. Agrawal, A. A. Efros, and T. Darrell, "Curiosity-driven Exploration by Self-supervised Prediction," in International Conference on Machine Learning, 2017.
- C. Doersch, A. Gupta, and A. A. Efros, "Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning by Context Prediction," in International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015.
- C. Doersch, S. Singh, A. Gupta, J. Sivic, and A. A. Efros, "What makes Paris look like Paris?," ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol. 31, no. 4, Aug. 2012.
- T. Malisiewicz, A. Gupta, and A. Efros, "Ensemble of Exemplar-SVMs for Object Detection and Beyond," in International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2011.
- A. Torralba and A. A. Efros, "Unbiased look at dataset bias," in Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2011, pp. 1521--1528.
- T. Malisiewicz and A. A. Efros, "Beyond categories: The visual memex model for reasoning about object relationships," in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2009, pp. 1222--1230.
- J. Hays and A. A. Efros, "Scene completion using millions of photographs," ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 4, 2007.
- D. Hoiem, A. A. Efros, and M. Hebert, "Recovering surface layout from an image," International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 151--172, 2007.
- A. A. Efros and T. K. Leung, "Texture synthesis by non-parametric sampling," in Proceedings of the seventh IEEE international conference on computer vision, Vol. 2, 1999, pp. 1033--1038.
Awards, Memberships and Fellowships
- Jim and Donna Gray Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching of Computer Science, 2023
- CS TCPAMI Thomas S. Huang Memorial Prize, 2023
- Diane S. McEntyre Award for Excellence in Teaching Computer Science, 2019
- CS TCPAMI ICCV Helmholtz Prize, 2017
- ACM Prize in Computing, 2016
- CS TCPAMI ICCV Helmholtz Prize, 2013
- ACM SIGGRAPH Significant New Researcher Award, 2010
- NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award (CAREER), 2010
- Okawa Research Grant, 2008
- Sloan Research Fellow, 2008
- Guggenheim Fellow, 2008
- NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award (CAREER), 2006
- CS TCPAMI CVPR Best Paper Award, 2006