EECS News Spring 2003

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Professor Kris Pister appeared in a San Jose Mercury News article titled "Tiny sensors offer a treasure of data."
August 12, 2003

CS graduate student Ka-Ping Yee appeared in a San Jose Mercury News article titled "Dean puts Web into campaign politics."
August 10, 2003

Professor Shankar Sastry appeared on the National Public Radio show "Morning Edition," in Larry Abramson's report about DARPA.
August 7, 2003
Professors David Culler and Kris Pister appeared in an Oakland Tribune article titled "UC Berkeley tests 'smart dust' technology: New sensors used to study how environment affects redwoods."
July 31, 2003,1413,82~1726~1543984,00.html
Professor David Culler appeared in both the San Jose Mercury News and the Sacramento Bee in an article titled "Researchers use wireless sensors to collect tree data."
July 29, 2003

Professor Edward Lee appeared in a Washington Times article titled "New electronic 'sky walls' for airliners."
July 9, 2003
CS student Mai Nguyen-Huu appeared in a Design News article titled "Engineering Students You'd Love to Hire: Snapshots of some of the best and brightest engineers to be".
July 7, 2003
Professor Kris Pister appeared in a Wall Street Journal Online article titled "Tiny Wireless Sensors Are Poised for Market."
July 1, 2003
(registration required),,SB10571001617659700,00.html
Professor David Culler appeared in an MIT Technical Review article titled "Casting the Wireless Sensor Net: Smart, networked sensors will soon be all around us, collectively processing vast amounts of previously unrecorded data to help run factories, maintain crops, and even watch for earthquakes."
July 2003
Professor David Culler appeared in a New York Times Online article titled "Intel, universities create world network. Intel, Princeton University, the University of Calilfornia at Berkeley, and a host of other academic and industrial heavyweights have banded together to take the lag out of getting data from halfway around the world."
June 24, 2003
(registration required)

Professor George Necula appeared in a New Scientist article titled "Watching him watching you. The latest surveillance technologies have raised fears of a Big Brother-style society. But there is a way to spot the terrorists, without losing your civil liberties, says Eugenie Samuel."
June 14, 2003

Professor Jan Rabaey appeared in a New York Times article titled "Computing's Big Shift: Flexibility in the Chips."
June 16, 2003
(registration required)

Professor Jennifer Mankoff appeared in a New York Times article titled "Glass That Glows and Gives Stock Information."
June 10, 2003

Professor Ruzena Bajcsy was featured in a BBC News article titled "Iraq 'virtual heritage' archive planned - A US university is hoping to create a virtual archive of Iraq's historical treasures."
June 3, 2003
She was also featured in a Los Angeles Times article titled "Berkeley Plans to Revive Looted Museum on Web - Scholars hope to create a virtual Iraqi art collection from records."
June 2, 2003


Professors Katherine Yelick and Dave Patterson were featured in an MIT Technology Review article about their design for "a new microprocessor that puts the capabilities of chips found in game consoles and personal computers into battery-powered handheld devices," titled "Mobile Marvel".
June 2003
(registration for full article required)

Lecturer Brian Harvey appeared in a New York Times article titled "Computing's Lost Allure."
May 22, 2003
(registration required)
EECS alum Belle Wei (PhD , 1987) has been named dean of the College of Engineering at San Jose State University, making her one of only 18 female engineering deans in the country. An article on her appointment appeared in the San Jose Mercury News.
May 21, 2003

Claire Tomlin, who received her PhD in EECS in 1998, has been awarded the Donald P. Eckman award. The award recognizes an outstanding young engineer in the field of automatic control. The recipient must be younger than 35 years on January 1 of the year of award. Contributions may be technical or scientific publications, theses, patents, inventions, or combinations of the above in the field of automatic control.
May 2003
Ankur Luthra, an EECS undergraduate student, has been selected for Berkeley's University Medal, awarded annually to the top scholar in the graduating class.
May 2003
Professors Ruzena Bajcsy and David Patterson have been named to serve on the President's Information Technology Advisory Committee for two-year terms.
May 2003
Professor Ron Fearing appeared in a National Geographic News article titled "Fruit Flies Highlight Aerodynamics of Insect Flight."
April 23, 2003
Professor Laurent El Ghaoui was featured in an East Bay Business Times article titled "UC-Berkeley professor teams with Mountain View firm."
April 23, 2003
Ruzena Bajcsy, CITRIS director and EECS professor, has received CRA's Distinguished Service Award.
April 2003
Professor Jonathan Shewchuck's mesh generation software Triangle has been selected to receive the 2003 J.H. Wilkinson Prize in Numerical Software, awarded once every four years by Argonne National Laboratory, the National Physical Laboratory, and the Numerical Algorithms Group.
April 2003
Leonard Adleman, who received his BS and PhD from UC Berkeley and was a student of Manuel Blum, has won the A. M. Turing Award, along with Ronald Rivest and Adi Shamir, for their contributions to public key cryptography.
April 2003
Alumni Yannis Ioannidis, now of the University of Athens, has received the VLDB 10 Year Paper Award. He was selected for his 1993 paper "Universality of Serial Histograms."
April 2003
Professor William Oldham received the Semiconductor Industry Association's University Research Award for his career contributions to the semiconductor industry.
March 2003
Computer Science Professor Eugene Myers has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering "for pioneering research and leadership in the development of computational methods of genome sequencing and assembly."
February 2003

Professors George Necula, Ion Stoica, and David Wagner received Sloan Research Fellowships for 2003. The fellowships are awarded annually to recognize and support young scientists and scholars in seven fields: chemistry, computational and evolutionary molecular biology, computer science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, and physics. Winners receive grants of $40,000.
February 28, 2003
Professor David Culler appeared in a Silicon Valley Biz Ink article titled "Intel funds acceleration of 'smart dust'."
February 28, 2003
Professor Al Pisano appeared in a New York Times article titled "Nanotech to pave way for micro-machines." (requires registration)
February 24, 2003
CS visiting lecturer and former CS adjunct professor Michael Luby was featured in an East Bay Business Journal article regarding Digital Fountain, the company he co-founded.
February 21, 2003
Professor Ken Goldberg was featured in a Los Angeles Times article titled "Art: Avant science. Artists and scientists both think creatively, so why not match them in projects showcasing new research? In Pasadena, the results have been adventurous."
February 16, 2003

Professors David Culler and Kristofer Pister were named on MIT Technology Review's list of 10 emerging technologies for their work on tiny, low-powered wireless sensors. An article on this also appeared in the East Bay Business Times.
February 7, 2003

Nicholas Weaver, a graduate student in computer science, was quoted in an Oakland Tribune article titled "Computer worm called fastest-ever," about the "slammer" worm that struck networks around the world in January.,1413,82~1865~1159353,00.html
February 5, 2003
Professor David Culler appeared in an EE Times article titled "Companies test prototype wireless-sensor nets."
January 28, 2003
Professor Pravin Varaiya was featured in a San Francisco Chronicle article
titled "Life in the Fast Lane: Traffic expert Pravin Varaiya knows why we drive ourselves crazy."

January 26, 2003
Professor Marti Hearst appeared in an Oakland Tribune article titled
"Palo Alto scientist may fend off Big Brother.
Researcher could hold key to protection of public from government's intrusions.",1674,82%257E1865%
January 6, 2003
Professor John Canny appeared in a New Scientist article titled
"Gadget printer' promises industrial revolution."

January 3, 2003

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