A CMOS Biosensor for Infectious Disease Detection
Turgut Sefket Aytur [advisor: Bernhard Boser]

A Design Flow for the Development, Characterization, and Refinement of System Level Architectural Services
Douglas Michael Densmore [advisor: Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli]

A Framework for Compositional Design and Analysis of Systems
Arindam Chakrabarti [advisor: Thomas A. Henzinger]

Actor-Oriented Programming for Wireless Sensor Networks
Elaine Cheong [advisor: Edward A. Lee]

Adapting Learning Techniques for Visual Recognition
Hao Zhang [advisor: Jitendra Malik]

Automated Mapping for Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Embedded Systems
Abhijit Davare [advisor: Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli]

Autonomous Jumping Microrobots
Sarah Elizabeth Bergbreiter [advisor: Kristofer Pister]

Black-Box Complexity of Encryption and Commitment
Hoe Teck Wee [advisor: Luca Trevisan]

BORPH: An Operating System for FPGA-Based Reconfigurable Computers
Hayden Kwok-Hay So [advisor: Robert W. Brodersen]

Building Reliable Voting Machine Software
Ka-Ping Yee [advisor: David Wagner and Marti Hearst]

CMOS Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications
King Chun Tsai [advisor: Paul R. Gray]

Cognitive Radios: System Design Perspective
Danijela Branislav Cabric [advisor: Robert W. Brodersen]

Collaborative Platform for DFM
Wojciech Jacob Poppe [advisor: Andrew R. Neureuther]

Compact Modeling of Nanoscale CMOS
Chung-Hsun Lin [advisor: Chenming Hu]

Comparative and Evolutionary Analysis of Cellular Pathways
Manikandan Narayanan [advisor: Richard M. Karp]

Composing and Validating Orthogonal Concerns and Heterogeneous Models
Guang Yang [advisor: Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli]

Data Triage
Frederick Ralph Reiss [advisor: Joseph M. Hellerstein]

Data-Centric Scientific Workflow Management Systems
David T Liu [advisor: Michael Franklin]

Deep Sub-Micron SRAM Design for Ultra-Low Leakage Standby Operation
Huifang Qin [advisor: Jan M. Rabaey]

Dependent Types for Assembly Code Safety
Matthew Thomas Harren [advisor: George Necula]

Dependent Types for Safe Systems Software
Jeremy Paul Condit [advisor: George Necula]

Design of a Resilient and Customizable Routing Architecture
Karthik Kalambur Lakshminarayanan [advisor: Ion Stoica]

Designing and Evaluating Glanceable Peripheral Displays
Tara Lynn Matthews [advisor: Jennifer Mankoff]

Devices, Structures, and Processes for Optical MEMS
Hyuck Choo [advisor: Richard S. Muller]

Diatom-Inspired Microfluidic Generation of Tunable Emulsions for Macroporous Silica
Frank Zendejas [advisor: Kristofer Pister and Roger T. Howe]

D-Trigger: A General Framework for Efcient Online Detection
Ling Huang [advisor: Anthony D. Joseph]

Easily Adaptable Handwriting Recognition in Historical Manuscripts
John Alexander Edwards [advisor: David Forsyth]

End-User Service Composition in Ubiquitous Computing Environments
Mark Webster Newman [advisor: John F. Canny]

Enhanced Friction and Adhesion with Biologically Inspired Fiber Arrays
Carmel Majidi [advisor: Ronald S. Fearing]

Exploiting Words and Pictures
Tamara Lee Berg [advisor: Jitendra Malik and David Forsyth]

Fluid Animation from Simulation on Tetrahedral Meshes
Bryan Eric Feldman [advisor: James O'Brien]

Generating Surface Crack Patterns
Hayley Nicole Iben [advisor: James O'Brien]

High-Speed Rapid-Single-Flux-Quantum Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Design and Testing
Lizhen Zheng [advisor: Theodore Van Duzer]

Hybrid Artist- and Data-driven Techniques for Character Animation
Leslie Kanani Michiko Ikemoto [advisor: David Forsyth]

Identity-based routing
Matthew Chapman Caesar [advisor: Randy H. Katz]

Image registration and statistical analysis for quantitative in vivo spin-lock magnetic resonance imaging of the intervertebral disc response to compression
Joey Ann Kimdon [advisor: Thomas F. Budinger]

Implementing Certified Programming Language Tools in Dependent Type Theory
Adam Chlipala [advisor: George Necula]

Improving Access to Remote Storage for Weakly Connected Users
Patrick Randolph Eaton [advisor: John D. Kubiatowicz]

Improving Dependability of Commodity Operating Systems with Program Analysis
Feng Zhou [advisor: Eric Brewer]

Interface Theories for Causality Analysis in Actor Networks
Ye Zhou [advisor: Edward A. Lee]

Jitter Reduction on High-Speed Clock Signals
Tina Harriet Smilkstein [advisor: Robert W. Brodersen]

Josephson-CMOS hybrid memories
Qingguo Liu [advisor: Theodore Van Duzer]

Learning in decentralized systems: A nonparametric approach
Xuanlong Nguyen [advisor: Michael Jordan]

Learning Local Distance Functions for Exemplar-Based Object Recognition
Andrea Lynn Frome [advisor: Jitendra Malik]

Learning Mixtures of Distributions
Kamalika Chaudhuri [advisor: Christos Papadimitriou and Satish Rao]

Low Energy RF Transceiver Design
Ben Walter Cook [advisor: Kristofer Pister]

Mechanisms to Tolerate Misbehavior in Replicated Systems
Byung-Gon Chun [advisor: John D. Kubiatowicz]

Methods and Devices for Optical and Electrical Metrology with Application to Phase-Shifting Interferometers, Torsional Microstructures, and Levitated Accelerometers
David G Garmire [advisor: James Demmel]

Model Selection Through Sparse Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Multivariate Gaussian or Binary Data
Onureena Banerjee [advisor: Laurent El Ghaoui]

Modeling and Software Tools for Freeway Operational Planning
Alex A. Kurzhanskiy [advisor: Pravin Varaiya]

Modeling Cloth from Examples
Ryan White [advisor: Jitendra Malik and David Forsyth]

Nano-Electromechanical Optoelectronic Tunable Lasers
Michael Chung-Yi Huang [advisor: Constance Chang-Hasnain]

Novel Processes for Modular Integration of Silicon-Germanium MEMS with CMOS Electronics
Carrie Wing-Zin Low [advisor: Roger T. Howe and Tsu-Jae King Liu]

Novel Processes for Poly-Si Thin-Film Transistors on Plastic Substrates
Daniel Albert Good [advisor: Tsu-Jae King Liu]

On Algorithms for Technology Mapping
Satrajit Chatterjee [advisor: Robert K. Brayton]

Operational Semantics of Hybrid Systems
Haiyang Zheng [advisor: Edward A. Lee]

Optimization and Reconstruction over Graphs
Samantha J. Riesenfeld [advisor: Richard M. Karp]

Optimizing Partitioned Global Address Space Programs for Cluster Architectures
Wei-Yu Chen [advisor: Katherine A. Yelick]

OTFT-based DNA Detection System
Qintao Zhang [advisor: Vivek Subramanian]

Platform Based Design for Wireless Sensor Networks
Alvise Bonivento [advisor: Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli]

Policies in Routing
Cheng Tien Ee [advisor: Scott Shenker]

Posterior Decoding Methods for Optimization and Accuracy Control of Multiple Alignments
Ariel Shaul Schwartz [advisor: Lior Pachter]

Practical Distributed Source Coding and Its Application to the Compression of Encrypted Data
Daniel Hillel Schonberg [advisor: Kannan Ramchandran]

Predicting Protein Molecular Function
Barbara Elizabeth Engelhardt [advisor: Michael Jordan]

Probabilistic Reachability for Stochastic Hybrid Systems: Theory, Computations, and Applications
Alessandro Abate [advisor: S. Shankar Sastry]

Siddharth Jain [advisor: Donald A. Glaser and William J. Welch]

P4P: A Practical Framework for Privacy-Preserving Distributed Computation
Yitao Duan [advisor: John F. Canny]

Readout Techniques for High-Q Micromachined Vibratory Rate Gyroscopes
Chinwuba David Ezekwe [advisor: Bernhard Boser]

Refinement-Based Program Analysis Tools
Manu Sridharan [advisor: Ras Bodik]

Reinforcement Learning in Large or Unknown MDPs
Ambuj Tewari [advisor: Peter Bartlett]

Rethinking the Minimum Distance: Channels With Varying Sampling Rate and Iterative Decoding of LDPC Codes
Lara Dolecek [advisor: Venkat Anantharam]

Robust Reputations for Peer-to-peer Markets
Jonathan David Traupman [advisor: Doug Tygar]

Scheduling and Fairness in Multi-hop Wireless Networks
Ananth Rao [advisor: Ion Stoica]

SNSP: a Distributed Operating System for Sensor Networks
Jana Van Greunen [advisor: Jan M. Rabaey]

Spatial Modeling of Gate Length Variation for Process-Design Co-Optimization
Paul David Friedberg [advisor: Costas J. Spanos]

Stirling Engines for Low-Temperature Solar-Thermal-Electric Power Generation
Artin Der Minassians [advisor: Seth R. Sanders]

Stochastic Omega-Regular Games
Krishnendu Chatterjee [advisor: Thomas A. Henzinger]

Streaming source coding with delay
Cheng Chang [advisor: Anant Sahai]

Supporting early-stage ubicomp experimentation
Scott Alan Carter [advisor: John F. Canny]

Task Allocation and Scheduling of Concurrent Applications to Multiprocessor Systems
Kaushik Ravindran [advisor: Kurt Keutzer]

Tetrahedral Mesh Generation with Good Dihedral Angles Using Point Lattices
Francois Labelle [advisor: Jonathan Shewchuk]

Thin-Body Silicon FET Devices and Technology
Varadarajan Vidya [advisor: Tsu-Jae King Liu]

Transistors and Synapses: Robust, Low Power Analog Circuits in CMOS Radios and the Rabbit Retina
Alyosha Christopher Molnar [advisor: Kristofer Pister and Frank S. Werblin]

Transmitter Linearization for Portable Wireless Communication Systems
Luns Tee [advisor: Paul R. Gray]

Tunable Optical Microresonators with Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System (MEMS) Integration
Jin Yao [advisor: Ming C. Wu]

Two Multi-Terminal Communication Problems: Distributed Estimation and Source-Channel Broadcast
Vinod Prabhakaran [advisor: David Tse and Kannan Ramchandran]

Using the Web as an Implicit Training Set: Application to Noun Compound Syntax and Semantics
Preslav Ivanov Nakov [advisor: Marti Hearst]

Verifying Security Properties in Electronic Voting Machines
Naveen K. Sastry [advisor: David Wagner]

Wireless Sensor Networks for High Fidelity Sampling
Sukun Kim [advisor: David E. Culler]