F. Mo and R. K. Brayton, Regular Fabrics in Deep Sub-Micron Integrated-Circuit Design, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
S. P. Khatri, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Cross-Talk Noise Immune VLSI Design using Regular Layout Fabrics, Boston: Kluwer Academic, 2001.
T. Kam, T. Villa, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Synthesis of Finite State Machines: Functional Optimization, Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.
T. Villa, T. Kam, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Synthesis of Finite State Machines: Logic Optimization, Boston: Kluwer Academic, 1997.
R. Murgai, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Logic Synthesis for Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science; SECS 324, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.
W. K. C. Lam and R. K. Brayton, Timed Boolean Functions: A Unified Formalism for Exact Timing Analysis, The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science; SECS 270. VLSI, Computer Architecture and Digital Signal Processing, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.
P. C. McGeer and R. K. Brayton, Integrating Functional and Temporal Domains in Logic Design: The False Path Problem and Its Implications, The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science; SECS 139, Boston: Kluwer Academic, 1991.
R. K. Brayton, G. D. Hachtel, C. T. McMullen, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Logic Minimization Algorithms for VLSI Synthesis, The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 2, Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1984.
R. K. Brayton and R. Spence, Sensitivity and Optimization, Computer-Aided Design of Electronic Circuits; v. 2, Amsterdam: Elsevier Scientific, 1980.
Book chapters or sections
J. R. Jiang and R. K. Brayton, "Functional dependency for verification reduction," in Computer Aided Verification: Proc. 16th Intl. Conf. (CAV 2004), R. Alur and D. A. Peled, Eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3114, Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2004, pp. 268-280.
A. Mishchenko, S. Chatterjee, and R. K. Brayton, "Improvements to technology mapping for LUT-based FPGAs," IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 240-253, Feb. 2007.
S. Chatterjee, A. Mishchenko, R. K. Brayton, X. Wang, and T. Kam, "Reducing structural bias in technology mapping," IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 2984-2903, Dec. 2006.
A. Mishchenko and R. K. Brayton, "A theory of nondeterministic networks," IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 977-999, June 2006.
R. K. Brayton, R. Rudell, A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, and A. R. Wang, "MIS: A multiple-level logic optimization system," IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. CAD-6, no. 6, pp. 1062-1081, Nov. 1987.
M. Case, A. Mishchenko, and R. K. Brayton, "Cut-based inductive invariant computation," in Proc. 17th Intl. Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS 2008), New York, NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 2008.
A. Mishchenko and R. K. Brayton, "Recording synthesis history for sequential verification," in Proc. 17th Intl. Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS 2008), New York, NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 2008.
A. Mishchenko, R. K. Brayton, and S. Chatterjee, "Boolean factoring and decomposition of logic networks," in Proc. 17th Intl. Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS 2008), New York, NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 2008.
A. Mishchenko, M. Case, R. K. Brayton, and S. Jang, "Scalable and scalably-verifiable sequential synthesis," in Proc. 17th Intl. Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS 2008), New York, NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 2008.
A. Mishchenko, R. K. Brayton, and S. Jang, "Global delay optimization using structural choices," in Proc. 17th Intl. Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS 2008), New York, NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 2008.
M. L. Case, V. N. Kravets, A. Mishchenko, and R. K. Brayton, "Merging nodes under sequential observability," in Proc. 45th ACM/IEEE Annual Design Automation Conf. (DAC 2008), New York, NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 2008, pp. 540-545.
A. Mishchenko, S. Cho, S. Chatterjee, and R. K. Brayton, "Combinational and sequential mapping with priority cuts," in 2007 IEEE/ACM Intl. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD '07) Digest of Technical Papers, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 2007, pp. 354-361.
A. P. Hurst, A. Mishchenko, and R. K. Brayton, "Fast minimum-register retiming via binary maximum-flow," in Proc. 2007 Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD '07), Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society, 2007, pp. 181-187.
A. Mishchenko, R. K. Brayton, J. H. Jiang, and S. Jan, "SAT-based logic optimization and resynthesis," in Proc. 16th Intl. Workshop on Logic and Synthesis, New York, NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 2007, pp. 358-364.
S. Chatterjee, Z. Wei, A. Mishchenko, and R. K. Brayton, "A linear time algorithm for optimum tree placement," in Proc. 16th Intl. Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS 2007), New York, NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 2007, pp. 336-342.
A. Hurst, A. Mishchenko, and R. K. Brayton, "Fast minimum-register retiming via binary maximum-flow," in Proc. 16th Intl. Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS 2007), New York, NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 2007, pp. 328-335.
M. L. Case, A. Mishchenko, and R. K. Brayton, "Automated extraction of inductive invariants to aid model checking," in Proc. 16th Intl. Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS 2007), New York, NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 2007, pp. 282-289.
J. Pistorius, M. Hutton, A. Mishchenko, and R. K. Brayton, "Benchmarking method and designs targeting logic synthesis for FPGAs," in Proc. 16th Intl. Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS 2007), New York, NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 2007, pp. 230-237.
A. Mishchenko, S. Cho, S. Chatterjee, and R. K. Brayton, "Combinational and sequential mapping with priority cuts," in Proc. 16th Intl. Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS 2007), New York, NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 2007, pp. 91-98.
A. Hurst, A. Mishchenko, and R. K. Brayton, "Minimizing implementation costs with end-to-end retiming," in Proc. 16th Intl. Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS 2007), New York, NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 2007, pp. 9-16.
R. K. Brayton and A. Mishchenko, "Sequential rewriting and synthesis," in Proc. 16th Intl. Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS 2007), New York, NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 2007, pp. 1-8.
S. Chatterjee, A. Mishchenko, R. K. Brayton, and A. Kuehlmann, "On resolution proofs for combinational equivalence," in Proc. 44th Annual ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conf. (DAC 2007), New York, NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 2007, pp. 600-605.
F. Mo and R. K. Brayton, "Semi-detailed bus routing with variation reduction," in Proc. 2007 Intl. Symp. on Physical Design (ISPD '07), New York, NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 2007, pp. 143-150.
Y. S. Yang, S. Sinha, A. Veneris, and R. K. Brayton, "Automating logic rectification by approximate SPFDs," in Proc. 2007 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conf. (ASP-DAC '07), Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 2007, pp. 402-407.
N. Yevtushenko, T. Villa, R. K. Brayton, A. Petrenko, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Equisolvability of series vs. controller's topology in synchronous language equations," in Proc. 6th Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conf. and Exhibition (DATE 2003), N. Wehn and D. Verkest, Eds., Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society, 2003, pp. 1154-1155.
M. Baleani, F. Gennari, Y. Jiang, Y. Patel, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "HW/SW Partitioning and Code Generation of Embedded Control Applications on a Reconfigurable Architecture Platform," in Proceedings of the tenth international symposium on Hardware/software codesign, 2002.
R. K. Brayton, "Compatible observability don't cares revisited," in IEEE/ACM Intl. Conf. on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD 2001). Digest of Technical Papers, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 2001, pp. 618-623.
R. K. Brayton, G. D. Hachtel, A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, F. Somenzi, A. Aziz, S. Cheng, S. Edwards, S. Khatri, Y. Kukimoto, A. Pardo, S. Qadeer, R. K. Ranjan, S. Sarwary, T. R. Shiple, G. Swamy, and T. Villa, "VIS: A system for verification and synthesis," in Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Computer Aided Verification, R. Alur and T. A. Henzinger, Eds., Vol. 1102, London, UK: Springer-Verlag, 1996, pp. 428-432.
E. M. Sentovich, K. J. Singh, C. Moon, H. Savoj, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Sequential circuit design using synthesis and optimization," in Proc. IEEE 1992 Intl. Conf. on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors, Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1992, pp. 328-333.
A. A. Malik, R. K. Brayton, A. R. Newton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Reduced offsets for two-level multi-valued logic minimization," in Proc. 275h ACM/IEEE Conf. on Design Automation (DAC '90), New York, NY: ACM, Inc., 1990, pp. 290-296.
M. Beardslee, C. Kring, R. Murgai, H. Savoj, R. K. Brayton, and A. R. Newton, "SLIP: A software environment for System Level Interactive Partitioning," in 1989 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD-89). Digest of Technical Papers, Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1989, pp. 280-283.
A. A. Malik, R. K. Brayton, A. R. Newton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "A modified approach to two-level logic minimization," in 1988 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD-88). Digest of Technical Papers, Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1988, pp. 106-109.
R. K. Brayton, G. D. Hachtel, L. A. Hemachandra, A. R. Newton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "A comparison of logic minimization strategies using ESPRESSO: An APL program package for partitioned logic minimalization," in Proc. 1982 IEEE Intl. Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS-82), New York, NY: IEEE, 1982, pp. 42-48.
R. K. Brayton and C. McMullen, "The decomposition and factorization of Boolean expressions," in Proc. 1982 IEEE Intl. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, Vol. 1, New York, NY: IEEE Press, 1982, pp. 49-54.
Technical Reports
G. Castagnetti, M. Piccolo, T. Villa, N. Yevtushenko, A. Mishchenko, and R. K. Brayton, "Solving Parallel Equations with BALM-II," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2012-181, July 2012.
G. Wang, A. Mishchenko, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Synthesizing FSMs According to co-bu chi Properties," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M05/13, April 2005.
N. Yevtushenko, T. Villa, R. K. Brayton, A. Petrenko, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Sequential Synthesis by Language Equation solving," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M03/9, April 2003.
T. R. Shiple, R. K. Brayton, G. Berry, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Logical Analysis of Combinational Cycles," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M02/21, June 2002.
P. Chong, Y. Jiang, S. Khatri, S. Sinha, and R. K. Brayton, "Don't Care Wires in Logical/Physical Design," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M99/52, Nov. 1999.
S. Khatri, S. Sinha, A. Kuehlmann, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "SPFD-Based Wire Removal in a Network of PLAs," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M99/17, March 1999.
S. Khatri, A. Mehrotra, M. Prasad, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Routing Techniques for Deep Sub-Micron Technologies," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M99/15, March 1999.
S. Khatri, S. Krishnan, A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, and R. K. Brayton, "Combinational Verification Revisted," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M98/60, Oct. 1998.
T. Shiple, R. Ranjan, A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, and R. K. Brayton, "Deciding State Reachability for Large FSMs," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M97/73, Aug. 1997.
A. Narayan, A. Isles, J. Jain, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Reachability Analysis Using Partitioned- ROBDDs," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M97/27, April 1997.
E. Goldberg, T. Villa, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Theory and Algorithms for Face Hypercube Embedding," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M96/74, Dec. 1996.
L. Carloni, T. Villa, T. Kam, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Generation of a Minimal STG from an Implicit Cover," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M96/40, June 1996.
G. Swamy, S. Rajamani, C. Lennard, and R. K. Brayton, "Minimal Logic Re-Synthesis," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M96/22, April 1996.
T. Villa, T. Kam, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "State Minimization of FSM's with Implicit Techniques," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M96/17, April 1996.
J. Sanghavi, R. Ranjan, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Binary Decision Diagrams on Network of Workstations," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M96/9, Feb. 1996.
T. Villa, A. Saldanha, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Symbolic Two-Level Minimization," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M95/109, Dec. 1995.
The VIS Group, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "VIS: A System for Verification and Synthesis," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M95/104, Dec. 1995.
H. Wang and R. K. Brayton, "Multi-Level Optimization of FSM Networks," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M95/66, Aug. 1995.
S. Khatri, A. Narayan, S. Krishnan, K. McMillan, A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, and R. K. Brayton, "An Engineering Change Methodology Using Simulation Relations," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M95/50, April 1995.
J. Jain, A. Narayan, C. Coelho, S. Khatri, A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, R. K. Brayton, and M. Fujita, "Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches for ROBDD Construction," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M95/30, April 1995.
T. Kam, T. Villa, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Implicit State Minimization of Non-Deterministic FSM's," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M95/18, March 1995.
F. Balarin, R. K. Brayton, S. Cheng, D. Kirkpatrick, A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, and E. Wu, "A Methodology for Formal Verification of Real-Time Systems," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M95/11, Feb. 1995.
V. Singhal, C. Pixley, A. Aziz, and R. K. Brayton, "Delaying Safeness for More Flexibility," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M95/5, Jan. 1995.
V. Singhal, C. Pixley, R. Rudell, and R. K. Brayton, "The Validity of Retiming Sequential Circuits," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M94/79, Oct. 1994.
G. Swamy and R. K. Brayton, "Incremental Formal Design Verification," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M94/76, Aug. 1994.
S. Cheng and R. K. Brayton, "Compiling Verilog into Automata," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M94/37, May 1994.
C. Pixley, V. Singhal, A. Aziz, and R. K. Brayton, "Multi-Level Synthesis for Safe Replaceability," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M94/31, April 1994.
T. Shiple, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Computing Boolean Expressions with OBDDs," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M93/84, Dec. 1993.
A. Aziz, V. Singhal, G. Swamy, and R. K. Brayton, "Minimizing Interacting Finite State Machines," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M93/68, Sep. 1993.
T. Shiple, R. Hojati, A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, and R. K. Brayton, "Heuristic Minimization of BDDs, Using Don't Cares," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M93/58, July 1993.
A. Aziz, V. Singhal, and R. K. Brayton, "Verifying Interacting Finite State Machines," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M93/52, July 1993.
P. Stephan and R. K. Brayton, "Physically Realizable Gate Models," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M93/33, May 1993.
P. Stephan, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Combinational Test Generation Using Satisfiability," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M92/112, Oct. 1992.
W. Lam and R. K. Brayton, "Verification with Timed Automata," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M92/58, May 1992.
E. Sentovich, K. Singh, L. Lavagno, C. Moon, R. Murgai, A. Saldanha, H. Savoj, P. Stephan, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "SIS: A System for Sequential Circuit Synthesis," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M92/41, May 1992.
H. Savoj, M. Silva, R. K. Brayton, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Boolean Matching in Logic Synthesis," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M92/15, Feb. 1992.
M. Chiodo, T. Shiple, A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, and R. K. Brayton, "Automatic Reduction in CTL Compositional Model Checking," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M92/55, Jan. 1992.
R. K. Brayton, M. Chiodo, R. Hojati, T. Kam, K. Kodandapani, R. Kurshan, S. Malik, A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, E. Sentovich, T. Shiple, K. Singh, and H. Wang, "BLIF-MV: An Interchange Format for Design Verification and Synthesis," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M91/97, Nov. 1991.
T. Kam and R. K. Brayton, "Multi-Valued Decision Diagrams," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/ERL M90/125, Dec. 1990.
R. K. Brayton, F. G. Gustavson, and G. D. Aachtel, "Tableau network design system," U.S. Patent 3,705,409. Dec. 1972.
Talks or presentations
A. Tabbara, R. K. Brayton, and A. R. Newton, "Retiming for DSM with area-delay trade-offs and delay constraints," presented at Intl. Workshop on Timing Issues in the Specification and Synthesis of Digital Systems (TAU '99), Monterey, CA, March 1999.