Master's Theses & Technical Reports - Krste Asanović
FireAxe: Partitioned FPGA-Accelerated Simulation of Large-Scale RTL Designs
Joonho Whangbo [2024]
RingBOOM: An Implementation of a Novel High-Performance Banked Microarchitecture
Benjamin Korpan [2021]
Nested-Parallelism PageRank on RISC-V Vector Multi-Processors
Alon Amid [2019]
A Hardware Accelerator for Computing an Exact Dot Product
Jack Koenig [2018]
FireSim: FPGA-Accelerated Cycle-Exact Scale-Out System Simulation in the Public Cloud
Sagar Karandikar [2018]
PLSI: A Portable VLSI Flow
Daniel Dabbelt [2017]
Strober: Fast and Accurate Sample-Based Energy Simulation for Arbitrary RTL
Donggyu Kim [2016]
Mixed Precision Vector Processors
Albert Ou [2015]
Opportunities for Fine-Grained Adaptive Voltage Scaling to Improve System-Level Energy Efficiency
Ben Keller [2015]
Ressort: An Auto-Tuning Framework for Parallel Shuffle Kernels
Eric Love [2015]
PHANTOM: Practical Oblivious Computation in a Secure Processor
Martin Maas [2014]
Resilient Design Methodology for Energy-Efficient SRAM
Brian Zimmer [2012]
Efficient VLSI Implementations of Vector-Thread Architectures
Yunsup Lee [2011]
Improving Energy Efficiency and Reducing Code Size with RISC-V Compressed
Andrew Waterman [2011]
The Case for User-Level Preemptive Scheduling to Support Multi-Rate Audio Applications for Multi-Core Processors
Rimas Avizienis [2011]
Designing Multisocket Systems with Silicon Photonics
Scott Beamer [2009]
5th Year M.S.
Scheduling Image Processing Algorithms in Halide for x86, AVX and RISC-V RVV Targets
Sonali Naphade [2023]
Dynamic Linking in Trusted Execution Environments in RISC-V
Catherine Lu [2022]
High-Performance FPGA-accelerated Chiplet Modeling
Xingyu Li [2022]
LEM: A Configurable RISC-V Vector Unit Based on Parameterized Microcode Expander
Zitao Fang [2022]
Low Overhead Remote Procedure Call System for Saturn DSP
Christiaan Banister [2022]
End-to-end Model Inference and Training on Gemmini
Pranav Prakash [2021]
Reduce Static Code Size and Improve RISC-V Compression
Peijie Li [2019]
Automatic Functional Datapath Optimization
Wenyu Tang [2014]
Hardware Construction in Chisel
Huy Vo [2013]
L2 Cache to Off-chip Memory Networks for Chip Multiprocessor
Carrell Killebrew [2008]