Technical Reports - 2019
Speed Advisory System Using Real-Time Actuated Traffic Light Phase Length Prediction (EECS-2019-184)
Mikhail Burov
Frequency Regulation for Power System Dynamics with Variable and Low Inertia due to Renewable Energy (EECS-2019-183)
Patricia Hidalgo-Gonzalez
Compiling Communication-Minimizing Query Plans (EECS-2019-181)
Eric Love
e-mission: an open source, extensible platform for human mobility systems (EECS-2019-180)
Scalable Systems for Large Scale Dynamic Connected Data Processing (EECS-2019-178)
Anand Padmanabha Iyer
Oxygen-insertion Technology for CMOS Performance Enhancement (EECS-2019-177)
Xi Zhang
Remedying Security Concerns at an Internet Scale (EECS-2019-176)
Frank Li
Towards More Scalable and Robust Machine Learning (EECS-2019-175)
Dong Yin
Learning to Segment Every Thing (EECS-2019-174)
Ronghang Hu
Sharp and Practical Performance Bounds for MCMC and Multiple Testing (EECS-2019-173)
Maxim Rabinovich
Abstract Syntax Networks for Code Generation and Semantic Parsing (EECS-2019-172)
Maxim Rabinovich, Mitchell Stern and Daniel Klein
The Design and Implementation of Low-Latency Prediction Serving Systems (EECS-2019-171)
Daniel Crankshaw
Converting a Möbius-Torus Into a Walkable Sculpture (EECS-2019-170)
Brian Aronowitz and Carlo H. Séquin
Bayesian Posterior Sampling via Stochastic Gradient Descent with Collisions (EECS-2019-169)
Quico Spaen
Unlocking Design Reuse with Hardware Compiler Frameworks (EECS-2019-168)
Adam Izraelevitz
Efficient Sampling of SAT and SMT Solutions for Testing and Verification (EECS-2019-167)
Rafael Dutra
MEMS-Actuated Carbon Fibers (EECS-2019-166)
Rachel Zoll
Risk Averse Robust Adversarial Reinforcement Learning (EECS-2019-165)
Xinlei Pan, Daniel Seita, Yang Gao and John Canny
Risk Averse Robust Adversarial Reinforcement Learning (EECS-2019-164)
Xinlei Pan, Daniel Seita, Yang Gao and John Canny
A Hierarchical Approach to the Design and Optimization of Photonics (EECS-2019-163)
Andrew Michaels
Flexible Hybrid Electronics for Wireless Communication (EECS-2019-162)
Carol Baumbauer
Deep learning for single-shot autofocus microscopy (EECS-2019-161)
Henry Pinkard, Zachary Phillips, Arman Babakhani, Daniel Fletcher and Laura Waller
Expanding the Scalability and Applications of III-V Optoelectronic Devices by Evolution of Thin-Film Vapor-Liquid-Solid Growth (EECS-2019-160)
Mark Hettick
A Multi-Parametric Microwave-Optical Biomolecular Sensor (EECS-2019-159)
Luya Zhang and Ali Niknejad
New RF Transmitter Techniques for RFID, Cellular, and mmW Applications (EECS-2019-158)
NaiChung Kuo and Ali Niknejad
Neuromodulation IC for System Integration and Self-Interference Cancellation (EECS-2019-157)
Seobin Jung
Configurable Data Converters for Digitally Adaptive Radio (EECS-2019-156)
Amy Whitcombe
Design, Modeling and Control of the Integrated Stacked Resonant Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converter (EECS-2019-155)
Yongjun Li
Enabling Efficient and Transparent Remote Memory Access in Disaggregated Datacenters (EECS-2019-154)
Nathan Pemberton
Personalized Modeling for Human-Robot Collaborative Manipulation (EECS-2019-153)
Aaron Bestick
High Performance FM Gyroscopes (EECS-2019-152)
Burak Eminoglu
All-Mechanical Receivers (EECS-2019-151)
Ruonan Liu
Reconfigurable Micromechanical Filters (EECS-2019-150)
Jalal Naghsh Nilchi
System Architecture and Signal Processing Techniques for Massive Multi-user Antenna Arrays (EECS-2019-149)
Antonio Puglielli, Borivoje Nikolic and Elad Alon
FMCW Lidar: Scaling to the Chip-Level and Improving Phase-Noise-Limited Performance (EECS-2019-148)
Phillip Sandborn
Ultra-Low Power Inductively-Coupled Wireless Transcranial Links (EECS-2019-147)
Wen Li
Energy-Efficient System Design Through Adaptive Voltage Scaling (EECS-2019-146)
Ben Keller
Design of a Two-Wheeled Mars Rover with Sprawl Ability and Metal Brush Traction (EECS-2019-145)
Ivan Davydychev
Design and Automatic Generation of 60Gb/s Wireline Transceivers (EECS-2019-143)
Jaeduk Han
Acoustically Driven Ferromagnetic Resonance for Device Applications (EECS-2019-142)
Dominic Labanowski
Queries on Compressed Data (EECS-2019-141)
Anurag Khandelwal
Haptic Perception of Liquids Enclosed in Containers (EECS-2019-140)
Carolyn Chen
Democratizing Web Automation: Programming for Social Scientists and Other Domain Experts (EECS-2019-139)
Sarah Chasins
Deep learing for single-shot autofocus microscopy (EECS-2019-138)
Henry Pinkard, Zachary Phillips, Arman Babakhani, Daniel Fletcher and Laura Waller
Closed Loop Digital LDO Linear Controller (EECS-2019-137)
Zinia Tuli
Faster Algorithms and Graph Structure via Gaussian Elimination (EECS-2019-136)
Aaron Schild
Advances in Machine Learning: Nearest Neighbour Search, Learning to Optimize and Generative Modelling (EECS-2019-135)
Ke Li
TripAware: Separate Related Works Document (EECS-2019-134)
Jesse Zhang, Jack Sullivan, Vasudev Venkatesh P. B., Kyle Tse, Andy Yan, John Leyden, Kalyanaraman Shankari and Randy H. Katz
Algorithmic Improvisation (EECS-2019-133)
Daniel J. Fremont
Learning to Generalize via Self-Supervised Prediction (EECS-2019-132)
Deepak Pathak
Complex-valued Deep Learning with Applications to Magnetic Resonance Image Synthesis (EECS-2019-130)
Pat Virtue
Effect of Model Dissimilarity on Learning to Communicate in a Wireless Setting with Limited Information (EECS-2019-129)
Caryn Tran, Vignesh Subramanian, Kailas Vodrahalli and Anant Sahai
Untethered Microrobots of the Rolling, Jumping & Flying kinds (EECS-2019-128)
Palak Bhushan and Claire Tomlin
Complex-valued Deep Learning with Applications to Magnetic Resonance Image Synthesis (EECS-2019-126)
Patrick Virtue
Stochastic Local Search and the Lovasz Local Lemma (EECS-2019-125)
Fotios Iliopoulos
Ray: A Distributed Execution Engine for the Machine Learning Ecosystem (EECS-2019-124)
Philipp Moritz
Towards Automatic Machine Learning Pipeline Design (EECS-2019-123)
Mitar Milutinovic
Anna: A KVS For Any Scale (EECS-2019-122)
Chenggang Wu, Jose Faleiro, Yihan Lin and Joseph M. Hellerstein
Visual Dynamics Models for Robotic Planning and Control (EECS-2019-121)
Alex Lee
Efficient Deep Neural Networks (EECS-2019-120)
Bichen Wu
Learning Robotic Grasping Policies for Suction Cups and Parallel Jaws in Simulation (EECS-2019-119)
Matthew Matl
Constructive Formal Control Synthesis through Abstraction and Decomposition (EECS-2019-118)
Eric Kim
Optimizing for Robot Transparency (EECS-2019-115)
Sandy Huang
Context and Interaction in the Internet of Things (EECS-2019-114)
Matthew Weber
Decentralized Authorization with Private Delegation (EECS-2019-113)
Michael P Andersen
System Design for Software Packet Processing (EECS-2019-112)
Sangjin Han
Approximate counting, phase transitions and geometry of polynomials (EECS-2019-110)
Jingcheng Liu
Hybrid Aesthetics: Bridging Material Practices and Digital Fabrication through Computational Crafting Proxies (EECS-2019-109)
Cesar Torres
Model-Free Cooperative Step Climbing for Under-actuated Legged Millirobots (EECS-2019-108)
Guangzhao Yang
Reduce Static Code Size and Improve RISC-V Compression (EECS-2019-107)
Peijie Li
Design of an Effective Ontology and Query Processor Enabling Portable Building Applications (EECS-2019-106)
Gabriel Fierro
Towards Practical Serverless Analytics (EECS-2019-105)
Qifan Pu
Real-World Robotic Perception and Control Using Synthetic Data (EECS-2019-104)
Joshua Tobin
Large Batch Optimization for Deep Learning: Training BERT in 76 minutes (EECS-2019-103)
Yang You, Jing Li, Sashank Reddi, Jonathan Hseu, Sanjiv Kumar, Srinadh Bhojanapalli, Xiaodan Song, James Demmel and Cho-Jui Hsieh
Measuring Generalization and Overfitting in Machine Learning (EECS-2019-102)
Rebecca Roelofs
Daily Data Assimilation of a Hydrologic Model Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EECS-2019-101)
Sami Andrew Malek
Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenide NanoLEDs: Towards High Speed and High Efficiency (EECS-2019-100)
Kevin Han
A Berkeley View of Teaching CS at Scale (EECS-2019-99)
Kevin Lin
Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Dynamics (EECS-2019-98)
McKane Andrus
Online One-Shot Learning for Indoor Asset Detection (EECS-2019-97)
Adith Balamurugan and Avideh Zakhor
An Analysis of Introductory Courses Affect on Student Sentiment and Stereotype Toward Computer Science (EECS-2019-96)
Lara McConnaughey
Secure Speculation: From Vulnerability to Assurances with UCLID5 (EECS-2019-95)
Cameron Rasmussen
Building a Target Recognition Pipeline for Mechanical Search and Algorithmically Generating Adversarial Grasp Objects with Minimal Random Perturbations (EECS-2019-94)
David Wang
Addressing and Understanding Shortcomings in Vision and Language (EECS-2019-93)
Kaylee Burns
Computing and Evaluating Adversarial Grasp Objects with Systematic Face Rotations and Applications of Dense Object Descriptors to Mechanical Search (EECS-2019-92)
David Tseng
A Secure Message Broker in an Untrusted Environment (EECS-2019-91)
Dylan Dreyer
Narrative Generation Using Learned Event Representations (EECS-2019-90)
Brenton Chu
Underpinnings of Political Leaning: Using Collocation Extraction and Semantic Analysis to Categorize Ideological Frames (EECS-2019-89)
Kavi Mehta
em-arch: A system architecture for reproducible and extensible collection of human mobility data (EECS-2019-88)
Kalyanaraman Shankari, Pavan Yedavalli, Ipsita Banerjee, Taha Rashidi, Randy H. Katz, Paul Waddell and David E. Culler
Tracking of Deformable Human Avatars through Fusion of Low-Dimensional 2D and 3D Kinematic Models (EECS-2019-87)
Ningjian Zhou and S. Shankar Sastry
A Low Power Mutual Noise-Canceling Receiver Front-End with Blocker Tolerance for IoT Applications (EECS-2019-86)
Tian Liu and Ali Niknejad
A Hardware Implementation of the Snappy Compression Algorithm (EECS-2019-85)
Kyle Kovacs
Capturing the impact of navigational app usage on road traffic from a gametheory point of view (EECS-2019-83)
Theophile Cabannes
Neural-Backed Generators for Program Synthesis (EECS-2019-82)
Rohan Bavishi
Goal-Induced Inverse Reinforcement Learning (EECS-2019-81)
Katie Luo
Facilitating Robotic Grasping using Pushing and Toppling (EECS-2019-80)
Christopher Correa
Eye Gaze Tracking for Assistive Devices (EECS-2019-79)
Evan Finnigan
Navigating Video Using Structured Text (EECS-2019-78)
Amy Pavel
Sentinel: A System for Decentralized Data Governance (EECS-2019-77)
Nikhil Sharma
On The Ridiculousness of Notice and Consent: Contradictions in App Privacy Policies (EECS-2019-76)
Ehimare Okoyomon
Emergency Broadcast Architecture (EECS-2019-75)
Michael Dong and Ian Rodney
Optoelectronics for refrigeration and analog circuits for combinatorial optimization (EECS-2019-74)
Patrick Xiao
Gaze Tracking in the Plane (EECS-2019-73)
Forest Finnigan
Jupyter’s Archive: Searchable Output Histories for Computational Notebooks (EECS-2019-72)
Kunal Chaudhary
Turn-by-WiAR: A Computationally-Mediated Approach to Rapid Prototyping of Physical Objects (EECS-2019-70)
Vedant Saran and Eric Paulos
An Approach to Privacy Preserving Queries for Spatio-Temporal Data (EECS-2019-69)
John Sullivan
Local and Adaptive Image-to-Image Learning and Inference (EECS-2019-68)
Evan Shelhamer
Towards Scalable Community Networks (EECS-2019-67)
Shaddi Hasan
Learning to Predict Human Behavior from Video (EECS-2019-66)
Panna Felsen
Compression of Molecular Dynamics Simulation Data (EECS-2019-65)
Shuai Liu
Designing High Speed Current Steering Digital to Analog Converter Using Berkeley Analog Generator (EECS-2019-64)
Mohammadamin Torabi
Proactive Secret Sharing in Dynamic Environments (EECS-2019-62)
Andrew Low, Deepak Krishna, Fan Zhang, Lun Wang, Yupeng Zhang, Ari Juels and Dawn Song
Near-Linear Time Edit Distance for Indel Channels (EECS-2019-60)
Aaron Sy and Arun Ganesh
Temporal IK: Data-Driven Pose Estimation for Virtual Realiity (EECS-2019-59)
James Lin
LabelAR: A spatial guidance interface for fast computer vision image collection (EECS-2019-58)
James Smith, Michael Laielli, Giscard Biamby, Trevor Darrell and Björn Hartmann
FPGA-Accelerated Evaluation and Verification of RTL Designs (EECS-2019-57)
Donggyu Kim
Visual Understanding through Natural Language (EECS-2019-56)
Lisa Hendricks
Stateful detection of black box adversarial attacks (EECS-2019-55)
Steven Chen
Policy Transfer Algorithms for Meta Inverse Reinforcement Learning (EECS-2019-54)
Benjamin Kha
Machine Learning: Why Do Simple Algorithms Work So Well? (EECS-2019-53)
Chi Jin
Evaluation of Methods for Data-Driven Tools that Empower Mental Health Professionals (EECS-2019-52)
Orianna DeMasi
A Model-Predictive Controller for Joint Smart Building Systems (EECS-2019-51)
Prashanth Ganesh
Practical Volume-Based Attacks on Encrypted Databases (EECS-2019-50)
Stephanie Wang, Rishabh Poddar, Jianan Lu and Raluca Ada Popa
Approximation and Hardness: Beyond P and NP (EECS-2019-49)
Pasin Manurangsi
"My Videos are at the Mercy of the YouTube Algorithm": How Content Creators Craft Algorithmic Personas and Perceive the Algorithm that Dictates their Work (EECS-2019-48)
Emily Pedersen
Towards Secure Computation with Optimal Complexity (EECS-2019-47)
Peihan Miao
Reduce Static Code Size and Improve RISC-V Compression (EECS-2019-46)
Peijie Li
Leveraging Mobility for Robot Grasping Tasks (EECS-2019-45)
Samantha Wathugala
Multiple Domain Question-Answer Generation (EECS-2019-44)
Kimberly Lu
Model-Free Cooperative Step Climbing for Under-actuated Legged Millirobots (EECS-2019-43)
Guangzhao Yang
Sample Complexity Bounds for the Linear Quadratic Regulator (EECS-2019-42)
Stephen Tu
Safely Learning to Control the Linear Quadratic Regulator (EECS-2019-41)
Sarah Dean, Stephen Tu, Nikolai Matni and Benjamin Recht
End-to-End Robotic Reinforcement Learning without Reward Engineering (EECS-2019-40)
Avi Singh, Larry Yang, Kristian Hartikainen, Chelsea Finn and Sergey Levine
Time Constraints and Fault Tolerance in Autonomous Driving Systems (EECS-2019-39)
Yujia Luo
Using Reinforcement Learning to Learn Input Viewpoints for Scene Representation (EECS-2019-38)
Kevin Chiang
On Collaborative Intelligence (EECS-2019-37)
Ramasubramanian Balasubramanian
Low Power, Crystal-Free Design for Monolithic Receivers (EECS-2019-36)
Bradley Wheeler
Zero-Voltage Switching for Flying Capacitor Multi-Level Converters (EECS-2019-35)
Margaret Blackwell
Characterization and Modeling of Ceramic Capacitor Losses in High Density Power Converters (EECS-2019-34)
Samantha Coday
A Lower Bound for Identifying the Best Markovian Arm with Fixed Confidence (EECS-2019-33)
Vrettos Moulos
Performance Guarantees in Learning and Robust Control (EECS-2019-32)
Ross Boczar
Chip-Scale Fluorescence Microscope (EECS-2019-31)
Efthymios Papageorgiou
On Systems and Algorithms for Distributed Machine Learning (EECS-2019-30)
Robert Nishihara
Design of an Effective Ontology and Query Processor Enabling Portable Building Applications (EECS-2019-29)
Gabe Fierro
Compact Modeling of Advanced CMOS and Emerging Devices for Circuit Simulation (EECS-2019-28)
Yen-Kai Lin
Private Queries on Public Certificate Transparency Data (EECS-2019-27)
Vy An Phan
BagNet: Berkeley Analog Generator with Layout Optimizer Boosted with Deep Neural Networks (EECS-2019-25)
kourosh hakhamaneshi
Combined Detection and Tracking Impacts on Vehicle Specific Data (EECS-2019-24)
David Zhang
Closing the Analog Design Loop with the Berkeley Analog Generator (EECS-2019-23)
Nicholas Werblun
Teaching with Reinforcement Learning: A Smarter AutoQuiz (EECS-2019-22)
Steven Hewitt
Path-Based Neural Constituency Parsing (EECS-2019-21)
Katia Patkin
An Optics-Free Ultra-Thin Time-Resolved Intraoperative Imaging Platform for Deep Infrared Imaging of Alloyed Upconverting Nanoparticles (EECS-2019-20)
Hossein Najafiaghdam
A Binary, 2048-dim. Generic Hyper-Dimensional Processor (EECS-2019-19)
Sohum Datta
Walking Silicon: Actuators and Legs for Small-Scale Terrestrial Robots (EECS-2019-18)
Daniel Contreras
An Architecture for Network Function Virtualization (EECS-2019-17)
Chang Lan
StimDust: Miniaturized Ultrasonic Peripheral Nerve Stimulator (EECS-2019-16)
Ka Yiu Li
Agile Design of Generator-Based Signal Processing Hardware (EECS-2019-15)
Angie Wang
Learning audio-visual correspondences for music-video recommendation (EECS-2019-14)
Thomas Langlois
2-D Materials: Low Power Electronics and Novel Device Possibilities (EECS-2019-13)
Varun Mishra
Perturbed Iterate Analysis for Asynchronous Stochastic Optimization (EECS-2019-12)
Horia Mania, Xinghao Pan, Dimitris Papailiopoulos, Benjamin Recht, Kannan Ramchandran and Michael Jordan
Link-Adaptive Antenna Systems (EECS-2019-11)
Michael Roe
Variability Analysis and Yield Optimization in Deep-Submicron Mixed-Signal Circuits (EECS-2019-10)
Katerina Papadopoulou
Making Edge-Computing Resilient (EECS-2019-9)
Yotam Harchol, Aisha Mushtaq, Vivian Fang, James McCauley, Aurojit Panda and Scott Shenker
Photonic Links -- From Theory to Automated Design (EECS-2019-8)
Krishna Settaluri
Photonic Links -- From Theory to Automated Design (EECS-2019-7)
Vladimir Stojanovic
Nested-Parallelism PageRank on RISC-V Vector Multi-Processors (EECS-2019-6)
Alon Amid
Crystal-free wireless communication with relaxation oscillators and its applications (EECS-2019-5)
David Burnett
Low Power ISM band receiver front end (EECS-2019-4)
Ali Niknejad and Hari VEMURI
Cloud Programming Simplified: A Berkeley View on Serverless Computing (EECS-2019-3)
Eric Jonas, Johann Schleier-Smith, Vikram Sreekanti, Chia-Che Tsai, Anurag Khandelwal, Qifan Pu, Vaishaal Shankar, Joao Menezes Carreira, Karl Krauth, Neeraja Yadwadkar, Joseph Gonzalez, Raluca Ada Popa, Ion Stoica and David A. Patterson
TripAware: Emotional and Informational Approaches to Encourage Sustainable Transportation via Mobile Applications (EECS-2019-2)
Jesse Zhang, John Sullivan, Vasudev Venkatesh P. B., Kyle Tse, Andy Yan, John Leyden, Kalyanaraman Shankari and Randy H. Katz
Gordian: Formal Reasoning Based Outlier Detection for Secure Localization (EECS-2019-1)
Matthew Weber, Baihong Jin, Gil Lederman, Yasser Shoukry, Edward A. Lee, Sanjit A. Seshia and Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli