Contract Replaceability for Ensuring Independent Design using Assume-Guarantee Contracts (EECS-2024-238)
Sheng-Jung Yu

Enhancing Accelerator Design Space Exploration with Differentiable Modeling and Unified Hardware-Software Co-Exploration (EECS-2024-237)
Charles Hong

A Hardware Accelerator Generator for Zstandard Decompression (EECS-2024-236)
Junsun Choi

Towards Understanding and Improving Software Professionals' Security and Privacy Practices (EECS-2024-235)
Noura Alomar

Artificial Intelligence Curricula: Comparative Prerequisite Pathways Analysis in North America (EECS-2024-234)
Rose Niousha

Multimaterial Nanoscale Printing via Charged Nanoparticle Deposition (EECS-2024-233)
Daniel Teal

The Hyper-Dimensional Processing Unit: Energy-Efficient Machine Learning Using Vector-Symbolic Architectures (EECS-2024-232)
Youbin Kim

Measuring and Engineering Privacy Protections (EECS-2024-231)
Nikita Samarin

Motion Sensing and Correction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Radio Frequency Signals (EECS-2024-230)
Suma Anand

Towards Building Safe and Robust Human AI Systems (EECS-2024-229)
Zhiyang He

Lightly Supervised Machine Learning for Wireless Signals (EECS-2024-227)
Josh Sanz

Statistical Guarantees for Black-Box Models (EECS-2024-226)
Anastasios Angelopoulos

Improving Inference Privacy for Large Language Models using Fully Homomorphic Encryption (EECS-2024-225)
Rohit Mittal

Translations Alone Do Not Help Programmers Work With Unfamiliar Abstractions (EECS-2024-224)
Jacob Yim

Building Agentic Systems in an Era of Large Language Models (EECS-2024-223)
Charles Packer

Agile Hardware/Software Co-Design for Hyperscale Cloud Systems (EECS-2024-222)
Sagar Karandikar

Algorithms for Learning and Incentive Design in Societal-Scale Systems (EECS-2024-221)
Kshitij Kulkarni

FireAxe: Partitioned FPGA-Accelerated Simulation of Large-Scale RTL Designs (EECS-2024-220)
Joonho Whangbo, Krste Asanović and Borivoje Nikolic

An Extensible Architecture for Distributed Heterogeneous Processing (EECS-2024-219)
Frank Luan

Structured Contexts For Large Language Models (EECS-2024-218)
Kevin Lin

From LLMs to Actions: Latent Codes as Bridges in Hierarchical Robot Control (EECS-2024-217)
Yide Shentu, Philipp Wu, Aravind Rajeswaran and Pieter Abbeel

Covert Malicious Finetuning: Challenges in Safeguarding LLM Adaption (EECS-2024-216)
Danny Halawi, Alexander Wei, Eric Wallace, Tony Wang, Nika Haghtalab and Jacob Steinhardt

The Saturn Microarchitecture Manual (EECS-2024-215)
Jerry Zhao, Daniel Grubb, Miles Rusch, Tianrui Wei, Kevin Anderson, Borivoje Nikolic and Krste Asanović

Implicit Learning in Deep Models: Enhancing Extrapolation Power and Sparsity (EECS-2024-214)
Alicia Tsai

Circuit Design for Scalable and Fast Optical Circuit Switching (EECS-2024-213)
Erik Anderson

Improved Pseudorandom Generators for AC0 Circuits (EECS-2024-212)
Xin Lyu

Full Stack Approach for Efficient Deep Learning Inference (EECS-2024-210)
Sehoon Kim

Learning Efficiently with Trajectory Data for Real World Robotics (EECS-2024-209)
Philipp Wu

Structured Representations for Goal-Directed Decision Making (EECS-2024-208)
Vivek Myers

The Cost of Parallelizing Boosting (EECS-2024-207)
Xin Lyu, Hongxun Wu and Junzhao Yang

LLM-grounded Diffusion: Enhancing Prompt Understanding of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models with Large Language Models (EECS-2024-206)
Long Lian, Boyi Li, Adam Yala and Trevor Darrell

Modeling the Structure of the Human Semantic System (EECS-2024-205)
Catherine Chen

Design and Analysis of Uncertainty-Aware Modularized Autonomy Stacks (EECS-2024-204)
David Shen

Towards Robust Autonomous Systems through Uncertainty Quantification (EECS-2024-203)
Anish Muthali

Real-Time, Streamable Differentiable DSP Vocoder for Articulatory Synthesis (EECS-2024-202)
Drake Lin

Monolithic Electronic-Photonic Systems for Massive-MIMO Millimeter-Wave Applications (EECS-2024-201)
Ruocheng Wang

Nonperiodic silicon photonic devices for nonlinear photon generation and multimode design for optical computing (EECS-2024-200)
Zhetao Jia

Investigation of Energy Efficient Magnetic Switching in Novel Materials and Device Structures for Spintronics Application (EECS-2024-199)
Jason Cheng-Hsiang Hsu

Learning to Design and Engineer Proteins from Evolution, 3D Structures, and Experiments (EECS-2024-197)
Chloe Hsu

Learning to Design and Engineer Proteins from Evolution, 3D Structures, and Experiments (EECS-2024-196)
Chloe Hsu

Miniature Wireless Neural Implants (EECS-2024-195)
Mohammad Meraj Ghanbari

An Ultra-Low Loss Radio Frequency Beamforming Technique for Power-Constrainted Phased Array Applications (EECS-2024-194)
Matthew Anderson

Learning About The World Through Video Generation (EECS-2024-193)
Wilson Yan

Single-Shot View Synthesis using a Multiplexed Light Field Camera (EECS-2024-192)
Shamus Li

Lightweight, Secure and Stateful Serverless Computing with PSL (EECS-2024-191)
Alex Thomas, Shubham Mishra, Eric Chen and John D. Kubiatowicz

Novel Protein Evolution Models for Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction (EECS-2024-190)
Akshay Ravoor

Split-Phase and Multi-Resonant Operation of Hybrid Switched-Capacitor Converters (EECS-2024-189)
Rose Abramson and Robert Pilawa-Podgurski

Towards Agents Which Can Understand Rich Communication (EECS-2024-188)
Olivia Watkins

Drawing Biological Understanding From Machine Learning (EECS-2024-187)
Forest Yang

Efficient and Scalable Large Multimodal Models (EECS-2024-186)
Sheng Shen

Efficient 3D Vision for Autonomous Driving (EECS-2024-183)
Philip Jacobson

Rotary Inchworm Motor for Underwater Microrobot Propulsion (EECS-2024-182)
Mauricio Bustamante Eguiguren

Shallow Quantum Circuits: Algorithms, Complexity, and Fault Tolerance (EECS-2024-181)
Yunchao Liu

A Generalized Differentiable Evaluation Plug-in for Loop Subdivision in Surface Reconstruction Pipelines (EECS-2024-180)
Tianhao Xie, Brian A. Barsky, Sudhir Mudur and Tiberiu Popa

Advancing Assistive Mouse and Keyboard Control Scheme Using Two-Handed Gesture Recognition for Human-Computer Interaction (EECS-2024-179)
Shawn Zhao and Brian A. Barsky

Towards Scalable Sub-THz Massive MIMO: Beamforming ASICs and 3D Die-to-Die Interconnects (EECS-2024-178)
Harrison Liew

Extending Data Priors Across Domains with Diffusion Distillation (EECS-2024-177)
David McAllister

Rotary Inchworm Motor for Underwater Microrobot Propulsion (EECS-2024-175)
Mauricio Bustamante Eguiguren

Programming Abstractions & Systems for Autonomous Vehicles (EECS-2024-174)
Sukrit Kalra

Adapting Segment Anything Model to Invasive Melanoma Segmentation in Microscopy Slide Images (EECS-2024-173)
Qingyuan Liu

Co-Designing Cryptographic Systems with Resource-Constrained Hardware (EECS-2024-172)
Jean-Luc Watson

Improving Output in Generative Models (EECS-2024-171)
Tarun Amarnath

A Novel Self-Supervised Deep Learning Method for MRI Reconstruction (EECS-2024-170)
Frederic Wang

Obfuscation of Quantum Computation (EECS-2024-169)
James Bartusek

Towards Reliable Causal Machine Learning for Macroeconomics (EECS-2024-168)
David Bruns-Smith

Environment Generation for Autonomous Agents for Sequential Decision Making (EECS-2024-167)
Abdus Salam Azad

The Foundation Model Path to Open-World Robots (EECS-2024-166)
Dhruv Shah

Efficient 3D Vision for Autonomous Driving (EECS-2024-164)
Philip Jacobson

Berkeley MRI Shimming Tool: Online B0 Shimming using Conformal and Local DC Arrays (EECS-2024-163)
Robert Peltekov

Discovering the 4D World Behind Any Video (EECS-2024-162)
Vickie Ye

Enabling Full-Stack DNN Accelerator Design and Evaluation on Synthesizable Hardware (EECS-2024-161)
Hasan Genc

Venous Perfusion Source Mapping “in Reverse” with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (EECS-2024-160)
Ekin Karasan

Feedback Driven Dynamics in Socio-Algorithmic Systems (EECS-2024-159)
Mihaela Curmei

Hardness of Approximation Across Different Models of Computation (EECS-2024-158)
Seri Khoury

Automated Testing, Verification and Repair of RTL Hardware Designs (EECS-2024-157)
Kevin Laeufer

Re-examining Metrics for Success in Machine Learning, from Fairness and Interpretability to Protein Design (EECS-2024-156)
Frances Ding

Learning Open-World Robot Navigation from Experience (EECS-2024-155)
Dhruv Shah

Towards Runtime Behavior Generation in Games (EECS-2024-153)
Nicholas Jennings

Foundation Models for Decision Making: Algorithms, Frameworks, and Applications (EECS-2024-152)
Sherry Yang

Compressive Deconvolution Methods of Higher-Order-Aberrated Optical Systems (EECS-2024-151)
Saketh Malyala

Empowering Large Language Models with Efficient and Automated Systems (EECS-2024-150)
Zhuohan Li

Algorithms for Robust and Memory-Efficient Learning (EECS-2024-149)
Fred Zhang

Achieving AI Alignment with Unreliable Supervision (EECS-2024-148)
Shivam Singhal, Cassidy Laidlaw and Anca Dragan

Secure Systems from Insecure Components (EECS-2024-146)
Emma Dauterman

Backyard-Degradable Interactive Electronics (EECS-2024-145)
Katherine Song

Collaborative Learning: Aligning Goals and Outcomes (EECS-2024-143)
Mariel Werner

The Management of Context in the Machine Learning Lifecycle (EECS-2024-142)
Rolando Garcia

Constructing Taxonomies from Pretrained Language Models (EECS-2024-141)
Catherine Chen, Kevin Lin and Daniel Klein

Extensible Rule Language for Query Optimizer (EECS-2024-140)
Sicheng Pan

Parallel Solving of Two-Player Tierable Abstract Strategy Games (EECS-2024-139)
Robert Shi

Chris Liu

Critical Engagement in Large-Scale Undergraduate Computing Programs (EECS-2024-137)
Jedidiah Tsang

Querying Labeled Time Series Data with Scenario Programs (EECS-2024-136)
Devan Shanker

Finetuning as a Defense Against LLM Secret-leaking (EECS-2024-135)
Bryce Wong

3D Multispectral Colorimetry (EECS-2024-133)
Anjali Thakrar

Developing and Evaluating LLM Assistants in Introductory Computer Science (EECS-2024-132)
Laryn Qi

Dealing with Time: Measuring Real-Time Capabilities of Lingua Franca (EECS-2024-131)
Efsane Soyer

On-the-Fly Memory Programming for Largely Unmodified Cryptographic Applications (EECS-2024-130)
Alice Yeh

Toward Autonomous Endoscopic Surgery: a Framework and Case Studies for Robotic Learning in Healthcare (EECS-2024-127)
Will Panitch

VLSI Design and Circuits for Multiple Supply Domains (EECS-2024-126)
Bryan Ngo

Dreamcrafter: Imagining Future Immersive Radiance Field Editors with Generative AI (EECS-2024-124)
Cyrus Vachha

Robust Task Specification for Learning Systems (EECS-2024-123)
Sam Toyer

Evaluating and Predicting the Performance of Large Language Models on Long-Context Tasks (EECS-2024-122)
Yike Wang

Real-Time Legged Locomotion Control with Diffusion from Offline Datasets (EECS-2024-121)
Ruofeng Wang

Machine Learning Systems with Reduced Memory Requirements (EECS-2024-120)
Franklin Huang

Expander Flows and Sparsest Cut Linear Programming (EECS-2024-119)
William Lin

V-Former: Offline RL with Temporally-Extended Actions (EECS-2024-118)
Jeffrey Wu

Bohan Yu, Peter Wu, Rishi Jain, Tejas Prabhune and Gopala Krishna Anumanchipalli

Fleece QA: Self-Instruct Generation for Question Answering Dataset from Large Corpus (EECS-2024-116)
Yueheng Zhang

Skeleton-based Fall Detection using Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks with Learnable Edges (EECS-2024-115)
Alex Liang

First Token Probabilities are Unreliable Indicators for LLM Knowledge (EECS-2024-114)
Justin Shao

Motion Diffusion From Speech (EECS-2024-113)
Kushal Khangaonkar, Sanjay Subramanian, Daniel Klein and Trevor Darrell

Concurrency Without Threads for Multicore Microprocessors (EECS-2024-112)
Samuel Berkun

Task Scheduling for Decentralized LLM Serving in Heterogeneous Networks (EECS-2024-111)
Elden Ren

Towards Fast and Accurate Computational Algorithms for Vision Correcting Displays (EECS-2024-110)
Joshua Chen

Efficient Distributed LLM Inference with Dynamic Partitioning (EECS-2024-108)
Isaac Ong

CherryML 2.0: Almost Linear Time Estimation of Phylogenetic Models (EECS-2024-107)
Wilson Wu

PLL Design for FMCW Radar Systems (EECS-2024-106)
Benyuanyi Liu

Do Vision and Language Encoders Represent the World Similarly? (EECS-2024-105)
Raiymbek Akshulakov

3D Scene Part Decomposition (EECS-2024-104)
Jake Austin

Robust Action Primitives and Visual Perception Pipelines for Automation in Surgical and Industrial Robotics Applications (EECS-2024-103)
Kishore Srinivas

Dynamic and Composable Enclave Measurement (EECS-2024-102)
Evgeny Pobachienko

Modeling Social Interactions from Multimodal Signals (EECS-2024-101)
Evonne Ng

Markerless Macaque Face Reconstruction Using Synthetic Data (EECS-2024-100)
Anik Gupta

CoS: Enhancing Personalization and Mitigating Bias with Context Steering (EECS-2024-99)
Sashrika Pandey, Zhiyang He, Mariah Schrum and Anca Dragan

DL-ZTE: Towards Deep Learning-based Methods for Dead Time Gap Recovery in Zero TE MRI (EECS-2024-98)
Ana Cismaru

A Dataset for Learning Conversational Style (EECS-2024-97)
Roshan Regula

Vision-Language Representations for Zero-Shot Robotic Perception (EECS-2024-96)
Satvik Sharma

A Study on Advanced Ising Machine Designs: BLIM, King's Graph Mapping, and OIM Chips (EECS-2024-95)
Jui-Hsin Hung and Jaijeet Roychowdhury

Offshore Wind and Tidal Energy Integration into Power System Linear Programming Capacity Model (EECS-2024-94)
Sunay Dagli

Syntactic Code Search with Sequence-to-Tree Matching (EECS-2024-93)
Gabriel Matute, Wode Ni, Titus Barik, Alvin Cheung and Sarah Chasins

HiLT: A Framework for Generating Human-in-the-Loop Data Transformation GUIs (EECS-2024-92)
Sora Kanosue

Industrial Applications of Remote Monitoring, Learning, and Actuation (EECS-2024-91)
Shrey Aeron

Leveraging Zero-Shot Sim2Real Learning to Improve Autonomous Vehicle Perception (EECS-2024-90)
Ashwat Chidambaram

Autonomous Assessment of Demonstration Sufficiency (EECS-2024-89)
Alina Trinh

Do Vision and Language Encoders Represent the World Similarly? (EECS-2024-88)
Raiymbek Akshulakov

Parallel Solving of Two-Player Tierable Abstract Strategy Games (EECS-2024-87)
Robert Shi

Providing Efficient Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems (EECS-2024-86)
Siyuan Zhuang

Teaching Large Language Models to Use Tools at Scale (EECS-2024-85)
Shishir Patil

Advancing Robust and Aligned Measures of Semantic Similarity in Large Language Models (EECS-2024-84)
Samarth Goel

Eliciting Domain Expertise Reduces Examples Needed for Program Synthesis (EECS-2024-83)
Jeremy Ferguson

Interactive Robot Fleet Learning from Heterogeneous Human Supervisors using Implicit Energy-Based Models (EECS-2024-82)
Gaurav Datta

Automated Tree Censusing from Aerial Imagery with Noisy Supervision (EECS-2024-81)
Sandeep Mukherjee

An EMI-Compliant and Automotive-Rated 48 V to Point-of-Load Dickson-Based Hybrid Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter (EECS-2024-79)
Sahana Krishnan

Towards a Quantum Hardware Roofline: Evaluating the Impact ofGate Expressivity on Processor Design (EECS-2024-78)
Justin Kalloor, Mathias Weiden, Ed Younis, De Jong Wibe, John D. Kubiatowicz and Iancu Costin

Trajectory Prediction and Simulation for Improved Control of Connected Autonomous Vehicles (EECS-2024-77)
Avikam Chauhan

Towards Efficient and Deterministic Dataflow Systems for Machine Learning (EECS-2024-76)
Jacky Kwok

Reliable Representation Learning: Theory and Practice (EECS-2024-75)
Yaodong Yu

Enabling Efficient and Reliable Robot Manipulation Through Optimization, Interactive Perception and Self-Supervised Learning (EECS-2024-74)
Yahav Avigal

Continuous Autonomous Improvement for Mobile Manipulation (EECS-2024-73)
Hrish Leen

Object Discovery In Multi-Scene NeRFs (EECS-2024-72)
Junkeun Yi

FogROS2-SGC: A Secure and Global Connectivity Framework For Latency Sensitive Cloud Robotics (EECS-2024-70)
Eric Chen

Scalable Lifelong Imitation Learning for Robot Fleets (EECS-2024-69)
Ryan Hoque

Gasper-Siesta: Reducing Ethereum’s Commit Latency (EECS-2024-68)
Siddhant Sharma

Bridging Gaps Between Metrics and Social Outcomes in Multi-Stakeholder Machine Learning (EECS-2024-67)
Serena Lutong Wang

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Vehicles: Improving Traffic Flow in Mixed-Autonomy (EECS-2024-66)
Nathan Lichtle

Disentangled Visual Generative Models (EECS-2024-65)
Dave Epstein

Enhancing QUIC: Quality-of-Service LLM Serving and MASQUE Proxy Scheduling (EECS-2024-64)
Rithvik Chuppala

VLM Guided Exploration via Image Subgoal Synthesis (EECS-2024-62)
Arjun Bhorkar

SonicSim: Socket-based Hardware Co-Simulation With Inter-process Communication (EECS-2024-61)
Richard Yan

Advancements in Efficient Training Strategies for Modern Deep Learning: From Implicit Deep Learning to Language Models and Beyond (EECS-2024-60)
Tanmay Gautam

Structure and Representation in Neural Networks (EECS-2024-56)
Daniel Filan

THOUGHTSCULPT: Reasoning with Intermediate Revision and Search (EECS-2024-55)
Yizhou Chi

Towards A Machine Capable of Learning And Discovering Everything (EECS-2024-54)
Hao Liu

Bottom-Up and Top-Down Attention in Deep Vision Models (EECS-2024-49)
Baifeng Shi

Sky Computing with Intercloud Brokers (EECS-2024-48)
Zhanghao Wu

Learning and Decision-Making in Complex Environments (EECS-2024-46)
Alexander Wei

Towards Guaranteed Safe AI: A Framework for Ensuring Robust and Reliable AI Systems (EECS-2024-45)
David Dalrymple, Joar Skalse, Yoshua Bengio, Stuart J. Russell, Max Tegmark, Sanjit A. Seshia, Steve Omohundro, Christian Szegedy, Alessandro Abate, Joseph Halpern, Clark Barrett, Ding Zhao, Ben Goldhaber and Nora Ammann

RideGuard: Towards Privacy-Preserving Analytics for Mobility Applications (EECS-2024-44)
Arun Sundaresan

Pairwise Proximal Policy Optimization: Large Language Models Alignment via Comparative RL (EECS-2024-43)
Tianhao Wu

Magnetoelasticity for Integration of Quantum Defects (EECS-2024-42)
Adi Jung

Optical Fiber-based γ-Photon Biosensor for Real-Time Pre-clinical Evaluation of Cancer-Targeting Radiopharmaceuticals (EECS-2024-41)
Rahul Lall

Transformers on Dynamical Systems - An Exploration of In-context Learning (EECS-2024-40)
Wentinn Liao

Modeling System-level Iron Homeostasis in the Human Brain over the Lifespan (EECS-2024-39)
Zoe Cohen

Magnetic Susceptibility of Alzheimer’s Disease Brain Altered by Neurodegeneration (EECS-2024-38)
Maruf Ahmed

Probabilistic Ising Architectures for Combinatorial Optimization, Machine Learning and Neuromorphic Computing (EECS-2024-37)
Saavan Patel

Magnetic Susceptibility of Alzheimer’s Disease Brain Altered by Neurodegeneration (EECS-2024-36)
Maruf Ahmed

Advances in Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice (EECS-2024-35)
Tiancheng Xie

Integrated Signal Processing for Massive MIMO Systems (EECS-2024-30)
Yue Dai

A Wireless Image Sensor for Real-Time, In Vivo Fluorescence Microscopy in Cancer Therapy (EECS-2024-29)
Rozhan Rabbani

Development of in vitro bioelectronic implant aging (EECS-2024-28)
Jacob Sporrer

Browsing in the Library of Babel: Leveraging Evolutionary Information to Improve Protein Modeling (EECS-2024-27)
Neil Thomas

Neural Circuit Dynamics Estimation and Control (EECS-2024-26)
Sang Min Han

Iron in Alzheimer’s Disease: Analysis of the UK Biobank Dataset (EECS-2024-25)
Laurance Lau

Object-Centric Perception for Real-World Robotics (EECS-2024-24)
Nikhil Mishra

Enhancing Emotional Expression in Text-to-Speech Models through Reinforcement Learning with AI Feedback (EECS-2024-23)
Roshan Nagaram

Interactive Imitation Learning as Reinforcement Learning (EECS-2024-22)
Perry Dong

Pairwise Proximal Policy Optimization: Large Language Models Alignment via Comparative RL (EECS-2024-21)
Tianhao Wu, Banghua Zhu, Ruoyu Zhang, Zhaojin Wen, Kannan Ramchandran and Jiantao Jiao

Advancements in Efficient Training Strategies for Modern Deep Learning: From Implicit Deep Learning to Language Models and Beyond (EECS-2024-20)
Tanmay Gautam

Counting Counts: Overcoming Counting Challenges in Image Generation using Reinforcement Learning (EECS-2024-19)
Shaan Gill

Solving Matrix Sensing to Optimality under Realistic Settings (EECS-2024-18)
Ziye Ma

RLIF: Interactive Imitation Learning as Reinforcement Learning (EECS-2024-17)
Jianlan Luo, Perry Dong, Simon Zhai, Yi Ma and Sergey Levine

Task Distribution Aware Psychomotor Skill Training with Probabilistic Programs and Bayesian Knowledge Tracing in Virtual Reality (EECS-2024-16)
Edward Kim, Alton Sturgis, Zachary Pardos, Kyle Cui, James Hu, Yunzhong Xiao, Boxi Fu, Daniel He, Issac Gonzalez, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Sanjit A. Seshia and Björn Hartmann

Understanding, Building, and Evaluating Models for Context Aware Conditional Natural Language Generation (EECS-2024-15)
David Chan

Fairness and representation in satellite-based poverty maps: Evidence of urban-rural disparities and their impacts on downstream policy (EECS-2024-14)
Emily Aiken

Versatile Geometrical Sweeps (EECS-2024-13)
Monica Tang and Carlo H. Séquin

SMT-Based Dynamic Multi-Robot Task Allocation (EECS-2024-12)
Victoria Tuck, Pei-Wei Chen, Georgios Fainekos, Bardh Hoxha, Hideki Okamoto, S. Shankar Sastry and Sanjit A. Seshia

Can LLMs Perform Verified Lifting of Code? (EECS-2024-11)
Sahil Bhatia, Jie Qiu, Sanjit A. Seshia and Alvin Cheung

New Perspectives on Adversarially Robust Machine Learning Systems (EECS-2024-10)
Chawin Sitawarin

Controlling Long-Form Large Language Model Outputs (EECS-2024-9)
Kevin Yang

Controlling Long-Form Large Language Model Outputs (EECS-2024-8)
Kevin Yang

Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Modeling of Brain Magnetic Susceptibility (EECS-2024-7)
Jingjia Chen

Better Embedded Design Tools with Automated Reasoning (EECS-2024-5)
Rohit Ramesh

Application-Integrated Record-Replay of Distributed Systems (EECS-2024-4)
Narek Galstyan

Towards a Distributed OS for Data-Intensive Cloud Applications (EECS-2024-3)
Stephanie Wang

Topics in the Theory of Learning (EECS-2024-2)
Jonathan Shafer

Systems for Machine Learning on Edge Devices (EECS-2024-1)
Shishir Patil

Wideband mm-Wave and sub-THz Chip-to-Package Interfaces in Low Cost Organic Substrates ()
Rami Hijab

Wafer-Level Integrated Microlens Couplers for Efficient and Scalable Photonic Circuit I/O ()
Jianheng Luo

Pedigree-Aware Genotype Simulation ()
Margarita Geleta

Ear EEG: Earworn Neural Recording Sensors and Systems ()
Justin Doong

Wafer-Level Integrated Microlens Couplers for Efficient and Scalable Photonic Circuit I/O ()
Jianheng Luo

HfO2-ZrO2-based Ferroelectricity for Next-Generation Energy-Efficient Electronics ()
Nirmaan Shanker

Quantum Photonics and Electronics on a CMOS Chip ()
Danielius Kramnik

Wafer-Level Integrated Microlens Couplers for Efficient and Scalable Photonic Circuit I/O ()
Jianheng Luo

Ensuring Data Freshness Across Clouds for Model Serving ()
Sarah Wooders

A Decentralized SDN Architecture for the WAN ()
Alexander Krentsel, Nitika Saran, Bikash Koley, Subhasree Mandal, Ashok Narayanan, Sylvia Ratnasamy, Ali Al-Shabibi, Anees Shaikh, Rob Shakir, Ankit Singla and Hakim Weatherspoon

Ensuring Data Freshness Across Clouds for Model Serving ()

Metal Pad Sensing: Theory, Application, Design, and Algorithms ()
Alan Dong

Compact Device Technologies for Compact Integrated Systems ()
Lars Tatum

Eco-friendly and Scalable Fabrication of Organic Optoelectronic Sensors ()
Jasmine Jan

On Planning and Control for Multi-Agent Robotic Systems ()
Fangyu Wu

A Data Converter Assisted Beamforming Technique ()
Zhenghan Lin

High-Performance Hybrid Switched-Capacitor Power Converters: Circuit Topologies, Control Techniques, and Analytical Models ()
Yicheng Zhu

Scaling Zero Knowledge Proofs Through Application and Proof System Co-Design ()
Yuwen Zhang

Accelerated Modeling of Electronic Devices using Graph Neural Networks ()
Krishnakumar Bhattaram, Pratik Brahma and Sayeef Salahuddin

Towards a Wireless Fluorescence Microscope on A Chip ()
Rozhan Rabbani

Meta-learning for evolutionary-based protein property prediction ()
Arthur Deng

Learning Factorizable Representation for Dynamical Visual Scene ()
Zeyu Yun and Bruno Olshausen

Wideband and Energy-Efficient Millimeter-Wave to Sub-THz CMOS Receivers and LO Generation for High-Capacity Wireless Communications ()
Ethan Chou

Cryogenic and RF Performance of Negative Capacitance Field-Effect Transistors ()
Aditya Varma

Hardware Accelerator for Convolutional Restricted Boltzmann Machines ()
Junghoon Han

Silicon Microring Resonator Design for Monolithic Electronic–Photonic Biosensing System ()
Hyeong Seok Oh and Vladimir Stojanovic

Cryogenic Optical Link: Device, Circuit, and System ()
Bozhi Yin

Digital Calibration of Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) Nonlinearity using a Delta-Sigma DAC ()
Ashwin Rammohan

Representation Learning for Efficient Localized Image Retrieval ()
Lucas Jaffe

Digital Calibration of Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) Nonlinearity using a Delta-Sigma DAC ()
Ashwin Rammohan

From Simulation to the Real World: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Training Robust, Wave-Smoothing Policies for Autonomous Vehicles ()
Kathy Jang

Scalable and Efficient Systems for Large Deep Learning Models ()
Lianmin Zheng

Printed Interlayers for Organic Solar Cells ()
Sophie Koh

BeeGees: Stayin' Alive in Chained BFT ()
Neil Giridharan, Florian Suri-Payer, Matthew Ding, Heidi Howard, Ittai Abraham and Natacha Crooks

Scaling of Single-Mode Operation in Lasers ()
Rushin Contractor