by course | by faculty

Listing by course
Course Title Fall 2024 Spring 2025
CS 10 The Beauty and Joy of Computing Dan Garcia
Dan Garcia
CS 39 Freshman/Sophomore Seminar Lisa Yan
CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs John DeNero
John DeNero
CS 61B Data Structures Peyrin Kao
Justin Yokota
Joshua Hug
Justin Yokota
CS 61C Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) Dan Garcia
Justin Yokota
Lisa Yan
CS 70 Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory Joshua Hug
Satish Rao
James O'Brien
Satish Rao
CS 152 Instructor may change Christopher Fletcher
CS 160 User Interface Design and Development Björn Hartmann
CS 161 Computer Security David A. Wagner
Raluca Ada Popa
CS 162 Operating Systems and System Programming Ion Stoica
Matei Zaharia
CS 164 Programming Languages and Compilers Koushik Sen
Max Willsey
CS 168 Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols Sylvia Ratnasamy
CS 169A Introduction to Software Engineering Michael Ball
CS 169L Software Engineering Team Project Michael Ball
Armando Fox
CS 170 Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems Sanjam Garg
Prasad Raghavendra
Nika Haghtalab
John Wright
CS 172 Computability and Complexity Avishay Tal
CS 174 Combinatorics and Discrete Probability Alistair Sinclair
CS 176 Algorithms for Computational Biology Yun S. Song
Allon Wagner
CS C177 Algorithmic Economics Echenique
CS 180 Intro to Computer Vision and Computational Photography Alexei (Alyosha) Efros
CS 182 Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks Anant Sahai
CS 184 Foundations of Computer Graphics Ren Ng
CS 186 Introduction to Database Systems Alvin Cheung
Alvin Cheung
Lakshya Jain
CS 188 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Pieter Abbeel
Igor Mordatch
Peyrin Kao
CS 189 Introduction to Machine Learning Jennifer Listgarten
Jonathan Shewchuk
CS C191 Quantum Information Science and Technology Alp Sipahigil
CS 194-164 Computational Human Vision Ren Ng
CS 194-177 Special Topics on Decentralized Finance Dawn Song
CS 194-196 Special Topics on Science and Technology of Decentralization and Decentralized Intelligence Dawn Song
CS 194-244 STAR Assessments for Proficiency-Based Learning Dan Garcia
Narges Norouzi
Dan Garcia
CS 195 Social Implications of Computer Technology Lisa Yan
Joshua Hug
CS C249A Introduction to Embedded Systems Prabal Dutta
Sanjit A. Seshia
CS 252A Instructor may change Christopher Fletcher
CS 260A User Interface Design and Development Björn Hartmann
CS 260B Human-Computer Interaction Research Björn Hartmann
CS 262A Advanced Topics in Computer Systems Ion Stoica
CS 264 Implementation of Programming Languages Koushik Sen
CS 265 Compiler Optimization and Code Generation Max Willsey
CS C267 Applications of Parallel Computers Aydin Buluç
James Demmel
CS 268 Computer Networks Sylvia Ratnasamy
CS 270 Combinatorial Algorithms and Data Structures Satish Rao
CS 271 Randomness and Computation Alistair Sinclair
CS 276 Cryptography Sanjam Garg
CS 280A Intro to Computer Vision and Computational Photography Alexei (Alyosha) Efros
CS C280 Computer Vision Alexei (Alyosha) Efros
Jitendra Malik
CS C281B Advanced Topics in Learning and Decision Making Benjamin Recht
CS 282A Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks Anant Sahai
CS 288 Natural Language Processing Alane Suhr
CS 289A Introduction to Machine Learning Jennifer Listgarten
CS 294-43 Visual Object and Activity Recognition Trevor Darrell
CS 294-137 Immersive Computing & VR Yang, Allen
CS 294-150 Machine Learning and Statistics Meet Biology & Chemistry Jennifer Listgarten
CS 294-158 Deep Unsupervised Learning Pieter Abbeel
CS 294-162 ML Systems Joseph Gonzalez
Matei Zaharia
CS 294-164 Computational Human Vision Ren Ng
CS 294-172 Computational Methods in Genomics and Medicine Nilah Ioannidis
CS 294-177 Special Topics on Decentralized Finance Dawn Song
CS 294-184 User-Centered Programming Tools Sarah Chasins
CS 294-194 From Research to Startup Prabal Dutta
CS 294-196 Special Topics on Science and Technology of Decentralization and Decentralized Intelligence Dawn Song
CS 294-202 Pseudorandomness Avishay Tal
CS 294-234 Distributed Computing & Distributed Systems Natacha Crooks
CS 294-244 STAR Assessments for Proficiency-Based Learning Dan Garcia
CS 294-256 Machine Learning for Hardware Design John Wawrzynek
CS 294-258 Computational Models of Language Use and Learning Alane Suhr
CS 294-261 Learning Problems with Quantum Computing John Wright
CS 294-271 Research in AI Education Narges Norouzi
Gireeja Ranade
CS 294-273 Designing Algorithmic Media Stray, Jonathan
CS 370 Adaptive Instruction Methods in Computer Science Christopher Hunn
CS 375 Teaching Techniques for Computer Science Michael Ball
Listing by faculty
Faculty Fall 2024 Spring 2025
Pieter Abbeel
CS 188
CS 294-158
Michael Ball
CS 169A
CS 375
CS 169L
Aydin Buluç
CS C267
Sarah Chasins
CS 294-184
Alvin Cheung
CS 186
CS 186
Natacha Crooks
CS 294-234
Trevor Darrell
CS 294-43
James Demmel
CS C267
John DeNero
CS 61A
CS 61A
Prabal Dutta
CS C249A
CS 294-194
Alexei (Alyosha) Efros
CS 180
CS 280A
CS C280
Christopher Fletcher
CS 152
CS 252A
Armando Fox
CS 169L
Dan Garcia
CS 10
CS 61C
CS 194-244
CS 10
CS 194-244
CS 294-244
Sanjam Garg
CS 170
CS 276
Joseph Gonzalez
CS 294-162
Nika Haghtalab
CS 170
Björn Hartmann
CS 260B
CS 160
CS 260A
Joshua Hug
CS 70
CS 61B
CS 195
Christopher Hunn
CS 370
Nilah Ioannidis
CS 294-172
Lakshya Jain
CS 186
Peyrin Kao
CS 61B
CS 188
Daniel Klein
CS 288
Jennifer Listgarten
CS 189
CS 289A
CS 294-150
Jitendra Malik
CS C280
Igor Mordatch
CS 188
Ren Ng
CS 194-164
CS 294-164
CS 184
Narges Norouzi
CS 194-244
CS 294-271
James O'Brien
CS 70
Raluca Ada Popa
CS 161
Prasad Raghavendra
CS 170
Gireeja Ranade
CS 294-271
Satish Rao
CS 70
CS 270
CS 70
Sylvia Ratnasamy
CS 168
CS 268
Benjamin Recht
CS C281B
Anant Sahai
CS 182
CS 282A
Koushik Sen
CS 164
CS 264
Sanjit A. Seshia
CS C249A
Jonathan Shewchuk
CS 189
Alistair Sinclair
CS 271
CS 174
Alp Sipahigil
CS C191
Dawn Song
CS 194-177
CS 194-196
CS 294-177
CS 294-196
Yun S. Song
CS 176
Ion Stoica
CS 162
CS 262A
Alane Suhr
CS 288
CS 288
CS 294-258
Avishay Tal
CS 172
CS 294-202
David A. Wagner
CS 161
John Wawrzynek
CS 294-256
Max Willsey
CS 265
CS 164
John Wright
CS 294-261
CS 170
Lisa Yan
CS 195
CS 39
CS 61C
Justin Yokota
CS 61B
CS 61C
CS 61B
Matei Zaharia
CS 294-162
CS 162
Non-EECS Instructors
Instructor Fall 2024 Spring 2025
Allon Wagner
CS 176
CS C177
Stray, Jonathan
CS 294-273
Yang, Allen
CS 294-137