Ethos: Designing Algorithmic Mechanisms for Increased Fairness, Stakeholder Empowerment, and Systemic Accountability (EECS-2023-294)
Liya Mulugeta

Optimization-Based Mappers and Lower Bounds for Tensor Problems (EECS-2023-293)
Grace Dinh

Improved Interior Point Methods for Some Structured Combinatorial Problems (EECS-2023-292)
Tarun Kathuria

Designing for Reliability in Algorithmic Systems (EECS-2023-289)
Samantha Robertson

Gaussian Entropy Inequalities (EECS-2023-288)
Efe Aras

Transformers on Dynamical Systems - An Exploration of In-context Learning (EECS-2023-287)
Saagar Sanghavi

A Modular Design Flow for NoC-embedded FPGAs (EECS-2023-284)
Tan Nguyen

Perceiving People over Long Periods: Algorithms, Architectures & Datasets (EECS-2023-282)
Karttikeya Mangalam

Optimized Receive Frontend Hardware for Magnetic Particle Imaging, Characterization Tools, and Biosensors (EECS-2023-281)
Quincy Huynh

Vision-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Drone Flight (EECS-2023-280)
Varun Saran and Avideh Zakhor

High-Performance Grid-Tied Single-Phase Power Converter Design with Applications in Electric Vehicle Charging and Residential Photovoltaic Systems (EECS-2023-279)
Kelly Fernandez

Switching Schemes for Hybrid Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Power Converters (EECS-2023-276)
Maggie Blackwell

An Integrated Circuit Design Framework for Human, Computer, and ML Designers (EECS-2023-275)
Dan Fritchman

Efficient Resource Management for Machine Learning (EECS-2023-273)
Romil Bhardwaj

Phonon-protected superconducting qubits (EECS-2023-269)
Mutasem Odeh

A Deserialization Architecture for GC Languages (EECS-2023-268)
Ethan Wu and Viansa Schmulbach

Algorithm Design for Safe and Efficient Societal-Scale Navigation (EECS-2023-267)
Chih-Yuan Chiu

Implicit Modeling for 3D Applications (EECS-2023-266)
Shizhan Zhu

Simplicial Reaction Networks and Dynamics on Graphs (EECS-2023-265)
Rachel Lawrence

Toward Usable Programming Systems for Geospatial Analysis and Visualization (EECS-2023-264)
Parker Ziegler

Scale-MAE: A Scale-Aware Masked Autoencoder for Multiscale Geospatial Representation Learning (EECS-2023-263)
Ritwik Gupta, Colorado Reed, Shufan Li, Sarah Brockman, Christopher Funk, Brian Clipp, Kurt Keutzer, Salvatore Candido, Matt Uyttendaele and Trevor Darrell

Integrated Low-Power Wireless Systems for the Next Generation of IoT, Sensors and Microrobots (EECS-2023-262)
Alex Moreno

Learned Formal Proof Strengthening for Efficient Hardware Verification (EECS-2023-260)
Minwoo Kang, Azade Nova, Eshan Singh, Geetheeka Sharron Bathini and Yuriy Viktorov

Recent Developments in Robust Statistics (EECS-2023-259)
Yeshwanth Cherapanamjeri

Generating Optimal Molecules with Synthesizability and 3D Equivariant Conformational Constraints (EECS-2023-257)

Enabling Non-Experts to Develop Distributed Trust Applications (EECS-2023-256)
Nicholas Ngai

High-Fidelity 3D Mesh Reconstruction of Humans and Objects (EECS-2023-254)
Shubham Goel

Sparsity-aware communication for distributed graph neural network training (EECS-2023-253)
Ujjaini Mukhopadhyay

Text-to-Image Model for Protein Localization Prediction (EECS-2023-251)
Emaad Khwaja

Wearable Humidity Sensor for Continuous Sweat Rate Monitoring (EECS-2023-250)
Ashwin Aggarwal, Manik Dautta, Luis Fernando Ayala-Cardona, Aalaya Wudaru and Ali Javey

DreamSheets: Spreadsheets as Exploratory User Interface for Text-To-Image Models (EECS-2023-248)
Frederick Kim, J.D. Zamfirescu-Pereira and Shm Almeda

Quantifying Stablecoin Stability and Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) Autonomy (EECS-2023-247)
Kornrapat Pongmala

On Problem Specification and Self-Referential Claims (EECS-2023-246)
Michael Dennis

Distributional Interpretation of Control Strategies for a Multiplicative Observation Noise System (EECS-2023-245)
Moses Won

Neural Prosthetic with In-sensor Shared Control (EECS-2023-244)
Alisha Menon

Robot Planning and Execution with Unreliable Models (EECS-2023-243)
Ellis Ratner

Leveraging Speaker Context for Natural Language Processing (EECS-2023-242)
Samee Ibraheem

Fully Integrated Electronic-Biophotonic System-on-Chip for Real-Time Label-Free Molecular Sensing (EECS-2023-241)
Christos Adamopoulos

Sensing Systems Using Large Area Printed Organic Electronics (EECS-2023-240)
Mahsa Sadeghi and Ana Claudia Arias

The perpetual motion machine of AI-generated data and the distraction of “ChatGPT as scientist” (EECS-2023-239)
Jennifer Listgarten

Ordering Interventions for Hardware Security (EECS-2023-238)
Viansa Schmulbach

Sequential Self-assembly of DNA-based Nanoscale Platform for the Fabrication of Nanophotonics (EECS-2023-237)
Myoungseok Kim and Grigory Tikhomirov

Hardness of Approximation for 2 → 4 Norms through Quantum Reductions (EECS-2023-236)
Rohit Agarwal, Axel Li, Anthony Maltsev and Anirba Sarkar

Packed Memory Arrays for Dynamic Graphs in the Distributed Memory Setting (EECS-2023-235)
Rohit Agarwal, Alec James and Joshua You

The Unprecedented Risks and Opportunities of Extended Reality Motion Data (EECS-2023-232)
Vivek Nair

Human-Centric Reward Design (EECS-2023-231)
Yu Qing Du

Specifying and Generating Abstract Models for Formal Security Analysis (EECS-2023-230)
Adwait Godbole, Kevin Cheang, Yatin Manerkar and Sanjit A. Seshia

Constrained machine learning: algorithms and models (EECS-2023-229)
Geoffrey Negiar

Scheduling Image Processing Algorithms in Halide for x86, AVX and RISC-V RVV Targets (EECS-2023-228)
Sonali Naphade

Precise Pulse Discrimination for Space-Based Timing Front Ends (EECS-2023-227)
Lydia Lee

Synthesizing Complex-Valued MRI data from Magnitude-Only Images (EECS-2023-225)
nikhil deveshwar

Formal Specification and Verification of Secure Information Flow for Hardware Platforms (EECS-2023-224)
Kevin Cheang

Reinforcement Learning from Static Datasets: Algorithms, Analysis, and Applications (EECS-2023-223)
Aviral Kumar

Accelerating Electronic Structure Calculations with Machine Learning (EECS-2023-222)
Daniel Rothchild, Aditi Krishnapriyan and Joseph Gonzalez

CS 375: A Climate-First Approach to Training Student Teaching Assistants (EECS-2023-221)
Victor Huang

Instance-dependent Optimality in Statistical Decision-making (EECS-2023-220)
Wenlong Mou

Offline Data-Driven Optimization: Benchmarks, Algorithms and Applications (EECS-2023-219)
Xinyang Geng

Hybrid Switched-Capacitor Converter Design: State-Space Dynamical Modeling and Passive Device Characterization (EECS-2023-218)
Nathan Brooks and Robert Pilawa-Podgurski

Exploratory Design and Control of an Over-Actuated Drone (EECS-2023-217)
Riddhi Bagadiaa

Feedforward MLSE Equalization for High Speed Serial Links (EECS-2023-215)
Paul Kwon

Simulation-Based Testing, Validation, and Training with Probabilistic Programming (EECS-2023-214)
Edward Kim

Design Methodologies and Automated Generation of Ultra High Speed Wireline SerDes Transmitters (EECS-2023-213)
Ayan Biswas

Efficient Clustering Frameworks for Federated Learning Systems (EECS-2023-212)
Jichan Chung, Avishek Ghosh, Dong Yin, Kangwook Lee and Kannan Ramchandran

Towards Operating Underactuated Robotic Systems by Going With the Flow (EECS-2023-211)
Marius Wiggert

Geometry of Local-spectral Expanders (EECS-2023-210)
Siqi Liu

Enhancing Visual Media Through Reflection and Recomposition (EECS-2023-209)
Jeremy Warner

Contributions to the Statistical Foundation of Data-Driven Control (EECS-2023-207)
Alex Devonport

Multimodal Long-Term Video Understanding (EECS-2023-206)
Medhini Gulganjalli Narasimhan

Rapid Adaptation for Robot Control (EECS-2023-205)
Ashish Kumar

Compositional Proofs of Information Flow Properties for Hardware-Software Platforms (EECS-2023-204)
Kevin Cheang, Adwait Godbole, Yatin A. Manerkar and Sanjit A. Seshia

Evaluating and Optimizing Distributed Energy Resources (EECS-2023-203)
Utkarsha Agwan

Vision and Language Understanding Through Generative Modeling (EECS-2023-202)

Phase Transitions in Inference (EECS-2023-201)
Sidhanth Mohanty

Aligning Robot Representations with Humans (EECS-2023-200)
Andreea Bobu

Data-Centric Machine Learning for Human-Centric Applications (EECS-2023-198)
Hari Prasanna Das

Algorithms for Suture Placement and Seed Placement: Planar Geometric Optimization for Surgery and Agriculture (EECS-2023-196)
Varun Kamat

Five Field Kono Solver: Simplicity Brought to Solving Complexity (EECS-2023-195)
Andrew Lee

Rethinking System Design for Expressive Cryptography (EECS-2023-194)
Sam Kumar

Scalable Binding (EECS-2023-192)
Allan Jabri

Toward Trustworthy Scientific Inquiry and Design with Machine Learning (EECS-2023-191)
Clara Wong-Fannjiang

Deep Generative Models for Decision-Making and Control (EECS-2023-190)
Michael Janner

Scalable Representations for Vision and Robotics (EECS-2023-189)
Tete Xiao

Towards Practical SQL Equivalence Reasoning (EECS-2023-188)
Shuxian Wang

Perception Stack for Indy Autonomous Challenge and Reinforcement Learning in Simulation Autonomous Racing (EECS-2023-187)
Tianlun Zhang

Techniques for Solving and Visualizing Large Games (EECS-2023-186)
Cameron Cheung

Towards Enabling Deployment of Lingua Franca on Distributed Embedded Devices (EECS-2023-185)
Anirudh Rengarajan

Cloudless and Mixclaves (EECS-2023-184)
Vikranth Srivatsa

Enhancing GAN-based Vocoders with Contrastive Learning (EECS-2023-183)
Haoming Guo, Gerald Friedland and Gopala Krishna Anumanchipalli

Improve Model Inference Cost with Image Gridding (EECS-2023-182)
Shreyas Krishnaswamy

Towards Robust and Scalable Large Language Models (EECS-2023-180)
Paras Jain

Going Beyond Hyperscaler Clouds in the Sky Ecosystem with SkyPilot (EECS-2023-179)
Edward Zeng

Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction with Greater Fidelity and Efficiency (EECS-2023-178)
Ke Wang

Computer Science at UC Berkeley: The Consequences and Considerations of Running Courses at Scale (EECS-2023-177)
Alex Schedel

Pretrained Representations for Embodied AI (EECS-2023-176)
Sasha Sax

Modeling EOL Degradation for NBTI Reliability of Low EOT Negative Capacitance p-SOI MOSFETs (EECS-2023-175)
Neeraj Shenoy

Neural Software Abstractions (EECS-2023-172)
Michael Chang

HOLMES: Efficient Distribution Testing for Secure Collaborative Learning (EECS-2023-171)
Ian Chang, Katerina Sotiraki, Weikeng Chen, Murat Kantarcioglu and Raluca Ada Popa

Enhancing NLP Model Performance Through Data Filtering (EECS-2023-170)
Sibo Ma

Respiratory and Cardiac Motion Correction Using the Beat Pilot Tone (EECS-2023-169)
Katie Lamar

An Architectural Power Model for Networks on Chip (EECS-2023-168)
Animesh Agrawal

Smash: A Dictionary-Free String Distance Metric that Considers Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Typos (EECS-2023-167)
Joshua Wu

Improving Parking Lot Efficiency through Autonomous Control and Assignment Strategies: A Microscopic Traffic Simulation Analysis (EECS-2023-166)
Alex Wong

Liberating the Siloed Gateway: Application-Agnostic Connectivity and Interaction for the Internet of Things (EECS-2023-165)
Thomas Zachariah

Discussion-like Lab Sections for the UC Berkeley CS61C: Great Ideas in Computer Architecture Course (EECS-2023-164)
Connor (Cece) McMahon

Transferable Generative Models (EECS-2023-161)
Ajay Jain

Sequential Decision Making under Uncertainty: Optimality Guarantees, Compositional Learning, and Applications to Robotics and Ecology (EECS-2023-160)
Michael Lim

Pulsed Electroluminescent Devices for Emission Across Energy and Length Scales (EECS-2023-158)
Vivian Wang

Exploring the Encoding Scheme of the Brain by Generating Images on Axes in a Common Space (EECS-2023-157)
Jackson Gao

An Investigation of Gender Bias in Pair Programming (EECS-2023-155)
Asli Akalin

Control and Simulation of Power Electronic Dominated Power Systems (EECS-2023-154)
Ciaran Roberts

Scaling Part Models: Challenges and Solutions for Robustness on Large Datasets (EECS-2023-153)
Nabeel Hingun

Safe and Efficient Robot Learning by Biasing Exploration Towards Expert Demonstrations (EECS-2023-152)
Albert Wilcox

Autograding in CS 61B (EECS-2023-151)
Ethan Ordentlich

Towards Efficient and Robust Out-of-Distribution Deep Learning with Implicit Models (EECS-2023-150)
Ashwin Ganesh

On Imitating Proprietary Language Models (EECS-2023-149)
Arnav Gudibande

Treating Models Better for Language-agnostic Understanding (EECS-2023-148)
Brian Yu

Bridging the Gap between Humans and Machines in 3D Object Perception (EECS-2023-147)
Jasmine Collins

Embeddings for Optimization Modulo Theories Learned by Graph Neural Network Guided Solvers are Robust to Logical Space Perturbations (EECS-2023-143)
Chirag Sharma

Implementation of an Open-Source Generator for LPDDR4X Memory Controller (EECS-2023-142)
Reza Sajadiany

Exploring the Limits of Small Language Models (EECS-2023-141)
Nicholas Lee, Kurt Keutzer and Gopala Krishna Anumanchipalli

Contrastive Learning for Combinatorial Optimization (EECS-2023-140)
Mohamed Elgharbawy

Ising Machines: Theory and Practice (EECS-2023-138)
Naomi Sagan and Jaijeet Roychowdhury

A Composable Mixed-Signal Generator Framework with Applications to an SRAM Compiler (EECS-2023-137)
Rahul Kumar

An Exploration into 3D Generative Models with Nerfstudio (EECS-2023-132)
Terrance Wang

Reference-Free Image Quality Metric for Degradation and Reconstruction Artifacts (EECS-2023-130)
Han Cui

Probabilistic State Estimation to Enable Manipulation and Interactive Perception for Robotic Cable Untangling and Object Search (EECS-2023-129)
Kaushik Shivakumar and Ken Goldberg

Object and Scene Reconstruction using Neural Radiance Fields (EECS-2023-128)
Matthew Tancik

ShengJi+: Playing Tractor with Deep Reinforcement Learning (EECS-2023-127)
Jerry Shan

Layerwise Training of Deep Neural Networks (EECS-2023-126)
Elicia Ye, Tianyu Pang, Alex Zhao, Yefan Zhou, Yaoqing Yang, Michael Mahoney and Kannan Ramchandran

Query Aware Synthetic Data Generation (EECS-2023-124)
Zoey Sun

Perception for Real-World Robotic Applications (EECS-2023-122)
YuXuan Liu and Pieter Abbeel

AlphaGarden: Leveraging Simulation in Developing an Autonomous Real-Sim-Real Pipeline for Polyculture Gardening (EECS-2023-120)
Rishi Parikh

Learned Token Pruning for Efficient Transformer Inference (EECS-2023-119)
Sehoon Kim, Sheng Shen, David Thorsley, Amir Gholami, Woosuk Kwon, Joseph Hassoun and Kurt Keutzer

LoopNeRF: Exploring Temporal Compression for 3D Video Textures (EECS-2023-118)
Alexander Kristoffersen

Flextensions: Exploring the Impact of Flexible Extensions (EECS-2023-117)
Fuzail Shakir

Efficient Visualization Recommendation under Updates (EECS-2023-116)
Todd Yu

Toward Platform-based Building Design (EECS-2023-111)
Wendy Lin

STraP: Self-Training for Proteins (EECS-2023-110)
Arbaaz Muslim and Nilah Ioannidis

Codon Usage Bias Regulates the Dynamics of Protein Translation (EECS-2023-109)
Frank Liu, Yun S. Song, Dasheng Bi, Daniel Erdmann-Pham and Sanjit Batra

Generative Models of Images and Neural Networks (EECS-2023-108)
Bill Peebles

Autonomous Learning for Industrial Manipulation: Enhancing Grasping and Insertion Tasks through Scalable Data Collection (EECS-2023-107)
Letian Fu

Recent Advances in Urban Mobility: Analyzing Efficiency, Equity and Safety (EECS-2023-106)
Akhil Shetty

Making Reversible Transformers Accurate, Efficient, and Fast (EECS-2023-104)
Tyler Zhu

Ashera; Neural Guided Optimization Modulo Theory (EECS-2023-103)
Justin Wong, Pei-Wei Chen, Tianjun Zhang, Joseph Gonzalez, Yuandong Tian and Sanjit A. Seshia

Conservative Objective Models for Biological Sequence Design (EECS-2023-102)
Sathvik Kolli

Active Reinforcement Learning for Robust Building Control (EECS-2023-101)
Austin Jang

Generative Models for Image and Long Video Synthesis (EECS-2023-100)
Tim Brooks

Benchmarks for RL on Goal-directed Language Tasks with LLMs (EECS-2023-98)
Charles Sun

Novel Non-Volatile Memory Devices and Applications (EECS-2023-97)
Tsegereda Esatu

Investigating Training Dynamics of Transformer Models on Algorithmically Generated In-Context Learning Datasets (EECS-2023-96)
Harry Zhao

Generalizing Perception Systems Applied to Untangling Long Cables (EECS-2023-95)
Vainavi Viswanath

A Predator-Prey Perspective on the Tumor Microbiome (EECS-2023-94)
Michael Lam

Hardware Software Co-design and Architectural Optimization of Deep Learning Models for Natural Language Processing (EECS-2023-92)
Thanakul Wattanawong and Kurt Keutzer

Mapspace Optimization for Tensor Computations with Bayesian Learning (EECS-2023-91)
J V Iniyaal Kannan

Solving Ising Model Optimization Problems with Restricted Boltzmann Machines on Google Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) (EECS-2023-90)
Kaitlyn Chan

Perceptive Hexapod Legged Locomotion for Climbing Joist Environments (EECS-2023-89)
Zixian Zang and Avideh Zakhor

Robust Machine Learning for the Control of Real-world Robotic Systems (EECS-2023-88)
Tyler Westenbroek

Geometry-Inspired Sampling Algorithms and Random Graphs (EECS-2023-87)
Elizabeth Yang

Test-Time Training (EECS-2023-86)
Yu Sun

Leveraging Machine Learning for Quantum Circuit Optimization (EECS-2023-84)
Mathias Weiden

Performance and comparison of current sequence-based models on individual gene expression prediction (EECS-2023-83)
Connie Huang

Exploring alternative designs for a computational hyperspectral imager for microscopy (EECS-2023-82)
Yashovardhan Raniwala

Co-Designing for Transparency: Lessons from Building a Document Organization Tool for the Criminal Justice Domain (EECS-2023-81)
Hellina Hailu Nigatu, Lisa Pickoff-White, John F. Canny and Sarah Chasins

Performative Prediction: Theory and Practice (EECS-2023-80)
Juan Perdomo

High Performance Hybrid Switched-Capacitor Converters for Aerospace Applications (EECS-2023-79)
Sam Coday and Robert Pilawa-Podgurski

Similarity-Based Representation Learning (EECS-2023-78)
Yi Liu, Andreea Bobu and Anca Dragan

Deformation in Robotics: Applications in Tactile Sensing and Grasp Planning (EECS-2023-76)
Isabella Huang

Learning Low-Dimensional Structure via Closed-Loop Transcription: Equilibria and Optimization (EECS-2023-74)
Druv Pai

Learning to Design Protein and DNA Libraries (EECS-2023-73)
Akosua Busia

Preliminary Studies on Defending Image Adversarial Attacks with Domain Adaptation Algorithms (EECS-2023-72)
Zheng Zhang

Structure-Driven Algorithm Design in Optimization and Machine Learning (EECS-2023-71)
Tianyi Lin

Dropout Reduces Underfitting (EECS-2023-70)
Oscar Xu

Mixclave Networks: Building Mixnets with Hardware Enclaves (EECS-2023-67)
Mark Theis

Amorphous Pt 1-x Ge x for Spintronics Applications: Growth and Characterization (EECS-2023-66)
Megumi Tanaka

Prediction and Statistical Inference in Feedback Loops (EECS-2023-65)
Tijana Zrnic

AI Safety: Model Trojaning and Benchmarking (EECS-2023-64)
Akul Arora

Photorealistic Reconstruction from First Principles (EECS-2023-63)
Sara Fridovich-Keil

IDQL: Implicit Q-Learning as an Actor-Critic Method with Diffusion Policies (EECS-2023-62)
Philippe Hansen-Estruch, Ilya Kostrikov, Michael Janner, Kuba Grudzien and Sergey Levine

VectorFusion: Text-to-SVG by Abstracting Pixel-Based Diffusion Models (EECS-2023-61)
Amber Xie, Ajay Jain and Pieter Abbeel

Hydrogel Actuated Carbon Fiber Microelectrode Array (EECS-2023-59)
Oliver Chen

Computational methods for regulating transcription and translation (EECS-2023-58)
Sanjit Batra

Printed Biodegradable Wireless Soil Nitrate Sensor Nodes (EECS-2023-57)
Carol Baumbauer

Ear EEG: Sensors and Systems for User-generic Neural Hearables (EECS-2023-56)
Ryan Kaveh

Optical Voltage Sensing: Micro- to Kilo-Scale (EECS-2023-55)
Jordan Edmunds

Generic architectures for efficient Hyper-Dimensional Computing (EECS-2023-54)
Sohum Datta

The impact of information-aware routing on road traffic (EECS-2023-52)
Theophile Cabannes

A Two-regime Model Of Network Pruning: Metrics And Scaling Laws (EECS-2023-51)
Yefan Zhou, Steven Gunarso, Chen Wang, Yaoqing Yang and Michael Mahoney

Passive Radio Frequency Beamformer Using Transmission-Line Transformers And Tunable Capacitors (EECS-2023-50)
Matthew Anderson, Ali Niknejad and Jan M. Rabaey

GeneDrive.jl: A Julian Approach to Simulating Biological Dynamics and Control (EECS-2023-49)
Valeri Vasquez, Murat Arcak and David Anthoff

Diversity in Dialogue Generation (EECS-2023-48)
Katherine Stasaski

High Speed Software Radio on General Purpose CPUs (EECS-2023-47)
Christopher Yarp

Intensity Based Visualization of Pulmonary Biomarkers on Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) MRI (EECS-2023-46)
Darren Hsu

Multiphoton Magnetic Resonance Imaging (EECS-2023-45)
Victor Han

Scaling Phased Array Receivers to Massive MIMO and Wide Bandwidth with Analog Baseband Beamforming (EECS-2023-44)
Emily Naviasky

Understanding Radiative Recombination in Two Dimensional Semiconductors (EECS-2023-42)
Shiekh Zia Uddin

Analog Optical Links: Modeling and Implementation (EECS-2023-41)
Sidney Buchbinder

Millimeter-Wave Receiver and Package Design Close to the Device Activity Limits (EECS-2023-40)
Nima Baniasadi

Modeling, Designing, and Measuring EUV Photomasks (EECS-2023-37)
Stuart Sherwin

Analog Generators for SerDes Clock Generation and Distribution (EECS-2023-36)
Zhongkai Wang and Elad Alon

Realization of a Fully Integrated Electronic-Photonic Sensor-Receiver Array for Endoscopic Ultrasound (EECS-2023-35)
Panagiotis Zarkos

Ansor: Generating High-Performance Tensor Programs for Deep Learning (EECS-2023-34)
Lianmin Zheng, Chengfan Jia, Minmin Sun, Zhao Wu, Cody Yu, Ali Ameri, Yida Wang, Jun Yang, Danyang Zhuo, Koushik Sen, Joseph Gonzalez and Ion Stoica

Optical Meta-structures for Exceptional Points, Bound States in the Continuum, and Polarization Control (EECS-2023-33)
Haoye Qin

Optical Beamforming Techniques for Solid-State Automotive LIDAR (EECS-2023-30)
Pavan Bhargava

Smart and Robust Biomedical Interfaces (EECS-2023-29)
Andy Zhou

An Implantable Radiation Detector for Cancer Radiotherapy (EECS-2023-27)
Kyoungtae Lee

High-performance FMCW LiDAR with MEMS Optical Beam Scanner (EECS-2023-26)
Xiaosheng Zhang

The hippocampal code - Towards understanding neural representations underlying spatial navigation (EECS-2023-25)
Archit Gupta

Eye Blink Classification for Ear EEG (EECS-2023-24)
Carolyn Schwendeman

In Silico Metabolic Modeling of Single Th17 Cells Reveals Regulators of Autoimmunity (EECS-2023-23)
Allon Wagner

Solution Processed Electronics for Flexible Hybrid Electronic Systems (EECS-2023-22)
Jonathan Ting

Photonic heat engines at thermodynamic limits (EECS-2023-21)
Zunaid Omair

Contextual Inquiry into Programmers’ Use of Mimi and Implications for Embedded DSL Design (EECS-2023-20)
Lisa Rennels and Sarah Chasins

Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra: A Perspective on the Field With an Eye to Software (EECS-2023-19)
Riley Murray, James Demmel, Michael W. Mahoney, N. Benjamin Erichson, Maksim Melnichenko, Osman Asif Malik, Laura Grigori, Piotr Luszczek, Michal Derezinski, Miles E. Lopes, Tianyu Liang, Hengrui Luo and Jack Dongarra

Data and Label Efficient Representation Learning (EECS-2023-18)
Colorado Reed

A Principled Intelligent Occupational Training of Psychomotor Skills in Virtual Reality (EECS-2023-17)
Edward Kim, Zachary Pardos, Sanjit A. Seshia and Björn Hartmann

Conversation Regression Testing: A Design Technique for Prototyping Generalizable Prompt Strategies for Pre-trained Language Models (EECS-2023-16)
J.D. Zamfirescu-Pereira, Björn Hartmann and Qian Yang

Algorithms for Context-Aided Variable Elimination (EECS-2023-15)
Inigo Incer, Albert Benveniste, Richard M. Murray, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and Sanjit A. Seshia

Differentiable Subdivision Surface Fitting (EECS-2023-14)
Tianhao Xie, Brian A. Barsky, Sudhir Mudur and Tiberiu Popa

Latency-Aware Short-Term Video Action Anticipation and its Application in Trajectory Prediction (EECS-2023-13)
Harshayu Girase

Resource-Constrained Sensing as a Shared Utility (EECS-2023-12)
Joshua Adkins

Microscopy Slide Image Segmentation of Invasive Melanoma (EECS-2023-10)
Franklin Wang, Mike Wang and Avideh Zakhor

Microscopy Slide Image Segmentation of Invasive Melanoma (EECS-2023-9)
Franklin Wang, Mike Wang and Avideh Zakhor

Expanding the Capabilities of Voxelwise Modeling for Naturalistic Brain Decoding (EECS-2023-5)
Ryan Ong

Developing and Deploying Sim-to-Real Reinforcement Learning Techniques with Applications in Energy Systems (EECS-2023-4)
Lucas Spangher

Hardware Accelerators and Optimization Algorithms for Unconventional Computing (EECS-2023-3)
Philip Canoza

Katara: Synthesizing CRDTs with Verified Lifting (EECS-2023-2)
Shadaj Laddad, Conor Power, Mae Milano, Alvin Cheung and Joseph M. Hellerstein

PCB-less Integration of a Robust Wireless MEMS Tactile Package (EECS-2023-1)
Dillon Acker-James

Sub-THz Transmitter Design Techniques for High Speed Wireless Communication ()
Meng Wei

High Throughput Mechanical Phenotyping Using Custom IC Current Sensor ()
Khashayar Pirouzmand

Unsupervised Online Learning for Seizure Detection and Prediction ()
Adelson Chua

Automated and Process-Portable Generation of Data Converters ()
Zhaokai Liu

Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Theory and Practice ()
Jiaheng Zhang

Integrated Optical MEMS for Scalable Trapped Ion Quantum Computing ()
Daniel Klawson and Ming C. Wu

MEMS Mirror-Based High-Speed Spatial Light Modulators ()
Cem Yalcin

Harnessing Alpha Radiation to Power Miniaturized Implantable Medical Devices ()
Averal Kandala

Design of Linear mmWave Wideband Mixer-first Receivers ()
Rawan Al Kubaisy

High-Performance Bio-sensing ICs ()
Sina Faraji Alamouti and Rikky Muller