Technical Reports - Allan J. Lichtenberg
Ignition Conditions for Peripheral Plasma in a Grounded Chamber Connected to a Dual Frequency Capactive Discharge (M05/10)
Michael A. Lieberman, Allan J. Lichtenberg, S. Kim and J. T. Gudmundsson
Instabilities in Low Pressure Inductive Discharges with Attaching Gases (M99/30)
M.A. Lieberman, A.J. Lichtenberg and A.M. Marakhtanov
Global Model for High Pressure Electronegative Radio-Frequency Discharges (M96/23)
Y.T. Lee, Michael A. Lieberman, Allan J. Lichtenberg, F. Bose, H. Baltes and R. Patrick
Measurement of Synchronization in Noisy and Chaotic Dynamical Systems (M95/103)
P. Khoury, Michael A. Lieberman and Allan J. Lichtenberg
Modeling Electronegative Discharges at Low Pressure (M95/97)
I. Kouznetsov, Allan J. Lichtenberg and Michael A. Lieberman
Characterization at Different Aspect Ratios (Radius/Length) of a Radio Frequency Inductively Coupled Plasma Source (M94/56)
P.N. Wainman, Michael A. Lieberman, Allan J. Lichtenberg, R.A. Stewart and C. Lee
Time Scale to Ergodicity in the FPU System (M93/92)
J. De Luca, Allan J. Lichtenberg and Michael A. Lieberman
Modeling Electronegative Plasma Discharges (M93/74)
Allan J. Lichtenberg, V. Vahedi, Michael A. Lieberman and T. Rognlien
Arnold Diffusion in Many Dimensions (M93/13)
B.P. Wood, Allan J. Lichtenberg and Michael A. Lieberman
On Synchronization of Regular and Chaotic Systems (M92/72)
M. de Sousa Vieira, Allan J. Lichtenberg and Michael A. Lieberman
Self-Synchronization of Many Coupled Oscillators (M92/20)
M. de Sousa Vieira, Allan J. Lichtenberg and Michael A. Lieberman
Arnold Diffusion in a Torus with Time- Varying Fields (M92/9)
Allan J. Lichtenberg
Numerical and Experimental Studies of Self-Synchronization and Synchronized Chaos (M92/5)
M. de Sousa Vieira, P. Khoury, Allan J. Lichtenberg, Michael A. Lieberman, W. Wonchoba, J. Gullicksen, J.Y. Huang, R. Sherman and M. Steinberg
Self-Consistent Electron Cyclotron Resonance Absorption in a Plasma with Varying Parameters (M91/114)
M.C. Williamson, Allan J. Lichtenberg and Michael A. Lieberman
Secure Communications by Synchronization to a Chaotic Signal (M91/89)
J. Gullicksen, M. de Sousa Vieira, Michael A. Lieberman, R. Sherman, Allan J. Lichtenberg, J.Y. Huang, W. Wonchoba, M. Steinberg and P. Khoury
Evidence of Stochastic Diffusionn Across a Cross-Field Sheath Due to Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices (M91/79)
S.E. Parker, X.Q. Xu, Allan J. Lichtenberg and Charles K. (Ned) Birdsall
Chaos and the Approach to Equilibrium in the Discrete Sine-Gordon Equation (M91/76)
C.G. Goedde, Allan J. Lichtenberg and Michael A. Lieberman
Nonlinear Dynamics of Self-Synchronizing Systems (M91/6)
M. de Sousa Vieira, Allan J. Lichtenberg and Michael A. Lieberman
Sheath Motion in a Capacitively Coupled Radio Frequency Discharges (M90/83)
B.P. Wood, Michael A. Lieberman and Allan J. Lichtenberg
Axial RF Electric Field Intensity and Ion Density During Low to High Mode Transition in Argon Electron Cyclotron Resonance Discharges (M90/81)
D.A. Carl, M.C. Williamson, Michael A. Lieberman and Allan J. Lichtenberg
Model of Magnetically Enhanced Capacitive RF Discharges (M90/58)
Michael A. Lieberman, Allan J. Lichtenberg and S.E. Savas
Arnold Diffusion in Weakly Coupled Standard Maps (M90/42)
B.P. Wood, Allan J. Lichtenberg and Michael A. Lieberman
Theory of a Helical Resonator Plasma Source (M90/10)
Michael A. Lieberman, Allan J. Lichtenberg and D.L. Flamm
Parametric Instabilities in the Discrete Sine-Gordon Equation (M89/79)
C.G. Goedde, Allan J. Lichtenberg and Michael A. Lieberman
Diffusion on Two Space and Time Scales (M89/22)
Allan J. Lichtenberg and B.P. Wood
Macroscopic Modelling of R.F. Plasma Discharges (M88/86)
G.R. Misium, Allan J. Lichtenberg and Michael A. Lieberman
Cavity Perturbation Measurement of Plasma Density in Complex Geometry R.F. Discharges (M88/81)
R.M. Moroney, Allan J. Lichtenberg and Michael A. Lieberman
Diffusion Through a Stochastic Web (M88/48)
Allan J. Lichtenberg and B. Wood
Self-Consistent Stochastic Electron Heating in Radio Frequency Discharges (M88/29)
C.G. Goedde, Allan J. Lichtenberg and Michael A. Lieberman
Diffusion in Two Dimensional Mappings (M88/5)
Allan J. Lichtenberg and Michael A. Lieberman
Nonlinear Dynamics of a Digital Phase Locked Loop (M87/59)
G.M. Bernstein, Michael A. Lieberman and Allan J. Lichtenberg
Ballooning Modes in an Axisymmetric Mirror Machine (M87/29)
R.A. Close and Allan J. Lichtenberg
Transient Electrostatic Potentials Driven by Short-Pulse Electron Cyclotron Heating (M87/17)
Allan J. Lichtenberg, Michael A. Lieberman and R.H. Cohen
Collisional Treatment of the Trapped Particle Mode in Multi-Region Mirror Systems (M87/16)
H. Ramachandran, Allan J. Lichtenberg, Michael A. Lieberman and A.K. Sen
The Effect of Quasi-Accelerator Modes on Diffusion (M86/100)
Allan J. Lichtenberg, Michael A. Lieberman and N.W. Murray
Observation of a Potential Barrier Created by Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating in a Multiple Mirror Plasma (M86/68)
C.P. Chang, Michael A. Lieberman, H. Meuth and Allan J. Lichtenberg
Experimental Observation of Wall Stabilization of Axisymmetric Mirrors at High Beta (M86/7)
R.M. Close, B.K. Kang, Allan J. Lichtenberg, Michael A. Lieberman and H. Meuth
Observation of a Curvature Driven, Trapped Particle Mode Created by a Potential Barrier (M85/41)
J.C. Fernandez, C.P. Chang, Allan J. Lichtenberg, Michael A. Lieberman and H. Meuth
Corrections to Quasilinear Diffusion in Area Preserving Maps (M84/102)
N.W. Murray, Michael A. Lieberman and Allan J. Lichtenberg
A Theoretical Study of ICRF Effects on Multiple Mirror Confinement (M84/19)
K.J. Doniger, Michael A. Lieberman and Allan J. Lichtenberg
Collisionless Diffusion in Two-Frequency Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (M83/65)
J.E. Howard, Allan J. Lichtenberg, Michael A. Lieberman and R.H. Cohen
Potential Barrier Decoupling of Stable and Unstable Regions of Average Minimum B Magnetic Mirrors (M83/22)
J. Fernandez, Allan J. Lichtenberg, Michael A. Lieberman and N. Benjamin
Axial Plasma Injection and Shock Formation in Multiple Mirrors (M82/68)
R.V. Bravenec, A.J. Lichtenberg and M.A. Lieberman
Measurements of Plasma Confinement: The 10 Meter Multiple-Mirror Experiment (M82/66)
H.D. Price, A.J. Lichtenberg, M.A. Lieberman and M. Tuzsewski
Experimental Study of High Beta Ballooning Modes (M82/54)
H.D. Price, N.M.P. Benjamin, A.J. Lichtenberg and M.A. Lieberman
Two-Frequency Fermi Mapping (M81/86)
J.E. Howard, M.A. Lieberman and A.J. Lichtenberg
Effects of Ambipolar Potential on Multiple Mirror Confinement (M81/66)
F. Najmabadi, A.J. Lichtenberg and M.A. Lieberman
Bifurcations of the Two-Frequency Fermi Mapping (M81/56)
J.E. Howard, M.A. Lieberman and A.J. Lichtenberg
Viscous Plasma Flow in a Multiple-Mirror Configuration (M80/56)
R.V. Bravenec, A.J. Lichtenberg, M.A. Lieberman and H.L. Berk
Fermi Acceleration Revisited (M80/36)
A.J. Lichtenberg, M.A. Lieberman and R.H. Cohen
Determination of the Transition between Adiabatic and Stochastic Motion (M79/53)
Allan J. Lichtenberg
MHD Stabilization of Finite Beta Multiple Mirror Plasmas (M79/21)
M. Tuszewski, D. Price, M.A. Lieberman, R. Bravenec, K. Doniger, C. Hartman and A.J. Lichtenberg
Diffusion in Near-Integrable Hamiltonian Systems with Three Degrees of Freedom (M79/19)
J.L. Tennyson, M.A. Lieberman and A.J. Lichtenberg
Annual Report 1978 on Multiple Mirror Plasma Confinement (M78/78)
A.J. Lichtenberg and M.A. Lieberman
Adiabatic and Stochastic Motion of Charged Particles in the Field of a Single Wave (M77/56)
A.J. Lichtenberg
Multiple-Mirror Plasma Confinement (M541)
Allan J. Lichtenberg, Michael A. Lieberman and B. Grant Logan
Plasma Confinement in Multiple Mirror Systems I: Theory (M388)
A. Makhijani, A.J. Lichtenberg, M.A. Lieberman and B.G. Logan
Plasma Confinement in Multiple Mirror Systems II: Experiment and Reactor Calculation (M387)
B. Grant Logan, I.G. Brown, A.J. Lichtenberg and M.A. Lieberman
An Assembly of Residential Energy Utilization in the U.S.A. (M370)
A.B. Makhijani and A.J. Lichtenberg
An Assessment of Energy and Materials Utilization in the USA (M310)
A.B. Makhijani and A.J. Lichtenberg
Theory of Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating II: Long Time and Stochastic Effects (M306)
M.A. Lieberman and A.J. Lichtenberg
Theory of Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating I: Short Time and Adiabatic Effects (M305)
F. Jaeger, A.J. Lichtenberg and M.A. Lieberman
Stochastic and Adiabatic Behavior of Particles Accelerated by Periodic Forces (M298)
M.A. Lieberman and A.J. Lichtenberg
Resonant Modification and Destruction of Adiabatic Invariants (M293)
E.F. Jaeger and A.J. Lichtenberg
Non-adiabatic and Stochastic Mechanisms for Cyclotron Resonance Trapping and Heating in Mirror Geometries (M244)
Allan J. Lichtenberg, Marvin J. Schwartz and David T. Tuma
Emission and Absorption of Cyclotron Radiation By a Hot Electron Plasma (M202)
S. Sesnic, D. Tuma, A.J. Lichtenberg and A.W. Trivelpiece
Absolute Intensity of Synchrotron Radiation Spectrum From a Hot Electron Plasma (M126)
A.J. Lichtenberg, S. Sesnic and A.W. Trivelpiece
A Boundary Layer Model for Velocity Space Instabilities (M124)
J.S. Jayson and A.J. Lichtenberg
Absolute Radiation Standard in the Far Infrared (M118)
A. J. Lichtenberg and S. Sesnic
Measurement of Synchrotron Radiation Spectrum (M88)
A.J. Lichtenberg, S. Sesnic and A.W. Trivelpiece
Synchronization Radiation Measurements From a Plasma In a Magnetic Mirror Machine (M62)
A.J. Lichtenberg, S. Sesnic, A.W. Trivelpiece and S.A. Colgate