[show sections and labs]

CCN Course Sec Type Title Instructor Day/Time Location
29160 EECS 16A 001 LEC Foundations of Signals, Dynamical Systems, and Information Processing Babak Ayazifar
Jaimyn Matthew Drake
Joe Alarcon Garcia Ramos
Mishty Mou Dhekial
Nikhil Ograin
Sonia Rae Chacon
MoWe 18:30-19:59
Pimentel 1
29176 EECS 16B 001 LEC Introduction to Circuits & Devices Damanic Luck
Dasom Lee
Noelle Davis
Sayeef Salahuddin
TuTh 14:00-15:29
Wheeler 150
29061 EECS C106B 001 LEC Robotic Manipulation and Interaction Sosale Shankar Sastry
TuTh 15:30-16:59
Soda 306
29056 EECS 126 001 LEC Probability and Random Processes Kannan Ramchandran
Lance Mathias
TuTh 14:00-15:29
Lewis 100
29052 EECS 127 001 LEC Optimization Models in Engineering Thomas A Courtade
Tung-Wei Lin
TuTh 12:30-13:59
Lewis 100
28914 EECS 151 001 LEC Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Anish Krishna Dhanashekar
John Wawrzynek
TuTh 09:30-10:59
Soda 306
28916 EECS 151LA 101 LAB Application Specific Integrated Circuits Laboratory Anish Krishna Dhanashekar
John Wawrzynek
Junsun Choi
Tu 11:00-13:59
Cory 111
29414 EECS 151LA 102 LAB Application Specific Integrated Circuits Laboratory Anish Krishna Dhanashekar
John Wawrzynek
Minh Nguyen
Tu 14:00-16:59
Cory 111
28917 EECS 151LB 001 LAB Field-Programmable Gate Array Laboratory Anish Krishna Dhanashekar
John Wawrzynek
Prashanth Chandrashekar Ganesh
Th 11:00-13:59
Cory 111
28918 EECS 151LB 002 LAB Field-Programmable Gate Array Laboratory Anish Krishna Dhanashekar
John Wawrzynek
Th 14:00-16:59
Cory 111
28919 EECS 151LB 003 LAB Field-Programmable Gate Array Laboratory Anish Krishna Dhanashekar
Darwin Zhang
John Wawrzynek
We 17:00-19:59
Cory 111
29791 EECS C206B 001 LEC Robotic Manipulation and Interaction Sosale Shankar Sastry
TuTh 15:30-16:59
Soda 306
29883 EECS 219A 001 LEC Numerical Simulation and Modeling Jaijeet Shankar Roychowdhury
MoWe 14:00-15:59
Cory 531
29664 EECS 219C 001 LEC Formal Methods: Specification, Verification, and Synthesis Sanjit A Seshia
MoWe 13:00-14:29
Cory 299
29801 EECS 225A 001 LEC Statistical Signal Processing Jiantao Jiao
TuTh 11:00-12:29
Cory 293
29650 EECS 227AT 001 LEC Optimization Models in Engineering Thomas A Courtade
Tung-Wei Lin
TuTh 12:30-13:59
Lewis 100
29611 EECS 251A 001 LEC Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Anish Krishna Dhanashekar
John Wawrzynek
TuTh 09:30-10:59
Soda 306
29783 EECS 251B 001 LEC Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits and Systems Borivoje Nikolic
Di Wang
Richard Dorrance
Fr 13:00-15:59
Cory 540AB
29613 EECS 251LA 101 LAB Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab Anish Krishna Dhanashekar
John Wawrzynek
Junsun Choi
Tu 11:00-13:59
Cory 111
29614 EECS 251LA 102 LAB Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab Anish Krishna Dhanashekar
John Wawrzynek
Minh Nguyen
Tu 14:00-16:59
Cory 111
29615 EECS 251LB 101 LAB Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab Anish Krishna Dhanashekar
John Wawrzynek
Prashanth Chandrashekar Ganesh
Th 11:00-13:59
Cory 111
29785 EECS 251LB 103 LAB Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab Anish Krishna Dhanashekar
Darwin Zhang
John Wawrzynek
We 17:00-19:59
Cory 111
29371 ELENG 39 001 SEM High-Altitude Balloon Tracking with Amateur (ham) Radio Miki Lustig
Mo 14:00-15:59
Cory 521
29325 ELENG 84 001 SEM Fun with Ham Radio Michael Werner Zuerch
We 16:00-17:59
Cory 531
28927 ELENG 105 001 LEC Microelectronic Devices and Circuits Chia-Chun Lee
Rikky Muller
Surin Gweon
TuTh 12:30-13:59
Soda 306
30057 ELENG 108 001 LEC Introduction to Electric Power and Renewable Energy Francesca Rose Giardine
Nathan Biesterfeld
Robert C N Pilawa-Podgurski
TuTh 14:00-15:29
Cory 540AB
30059 ELENG 113B 001 LEC Power Electronics Design Jessica Boles
Tahmid Mahbub
Tu 08:00-09:29
Cory 540AB
28932 ELENG 117 001 LEC Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Boubacar Kante
Christos Papapanos
Md Ishfak Tahmid
TuTh 09:30-10:59
Cory 521
28935 ELENG 120 001 LEC Signals and Systems Chaoying Gu
Edward Lee
Laura Waller
MoWe 14:00-15:59
Dwinelle 145
29355 ELENG 122 001 LEC Introduction to Communication Networks Shyam Parekh
Tanush Talati
TuTh 17:00-18:29
Cory 241
28939 ELENG 123 001 LEC Digital Signal Processing Gopala Krishna Anumanchipalli
Louis Liu
TuTh 12:30-13:59
Etcheverry 3106
28942 ELENG C128 001 LEC Feedback Control Systems Ruth Kravis
Somayeh Sojoudi
TuTh 09:30-10:59
Cory 540AB
28948 ELENG 130 001 LEC Integrated-Circuit Devices Ali Javey
Hyong Min Kim
TuTh 15:30-16:59
Wurster 102
28950 ELENG 134 001 LEC Fundamentals of Photovoltaic Devices Mengjie Yu
TuTh 11:00-12:29
Social Sciences Building 170
29194 ELENG 140 001 LEC Linear Integrated Circuits Kristofer S J Pister
Rahul Kartikeya Lall
MoWe 15:30-16:59
Cory 540AB
29910 ELENG 142 001 LEC Integrated Circuits for Communications Ali M Niknejad
Hesham Ahmed Amin Beshary
TuTh 11:00-12:29
Cory 247
28954 ELENG 143 001 LEC Microfabrication Technology Grigory Tikhomirov
I K M Reaz Rahman
TuTh 14:00-15:29
Soda 306
33240 ELENG 144 001 LEC Fundamental Algorithms for Systems Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization Alberto Luigi Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Pierluigi Nuzzo
Sheng-Jung Yu
MoWe 09:30-10:59
Cory 540AB
19230 ELENG 194 001 LEC IC Design Project: 16nm SoC for IoT Daniel Lovell
Ethan Gao
Jasmine Angle
Jonathan Franklin Wang
Jun-Chau Chien
Kristofer S J Pister
Nikhil Jain
Sunjin Choi
Vikram Jain
TuTh 12:30-13:59
Off Campus
33727 ELENG 194 100 LEC Business and Finance for Engineers Jean-Paul Tennant
MoWeFr 15:30-16:29
Cory 293
28960 ELENG 198 002 GRP Hands-On PCB Engineering (HOPE) Clark Tu-Cuong Nguyen
Matthew Sulistijowadi
Olivia Phongsa
Vedang A Joshi
We 20:00-21:59
Cory 125
28962 ELENG 198 004 GRP Hands-On PCB Engineering (HOPE) Clark Tu-Cuong Nguyen
Matthew Sulistijowadi
Olivia Phongsa
Vedang A Joshi
Th 20:00-21:59
Cory 125
34103 ELENG 198 005 GRP IEEE Micromouse Harris Thai
Miki Lustig
Tu 20:00-21:59
Cory 125
28963 ELENG 198 006 GRP Pioneers in Engineering Mentorship DeCal Alexander DeRouen
Pieter Abbeel
Th 18:00-19:59
Dwinelle 130
33845 ELENG 198 020 GRP EECS 151 Tapeout Borivoje Nikolic
Elam Day-Friedland
Lucy Revina
Mo 15:00-16:59

34099 ELENG 198 022 GRP APE: Advanced PCB Engineering Andrew Mussell
Jessica Boles
John Cole Lomax
Mo 20:00-21:59
Cory 125
30060 ELENG 213B 001 LEC Power Electronics Design Jessica Boles
Tahmid Mahbub
Tu 08:00-09:29
Cory 540AB
29645 ELENG C220C 001 LEC Experiential Advanced Control Design II Mark Wilfried Mueller
Mo 15:00-15:59
We 15:00-16:59
Cory 277
Cory 277
31368 ELENG C222 001 LEC Nonlinear Systems Murat Arcak
Yasin Sonmez
TuTh 11:00-12:29
Cory 521
29881 ELENG 223 001 LEC Stochastic Systems: Estimation and Control Venkatachalam Anantharam
MoWe 17:00-18:29
Cory 293
29704 ELENG C225E 001 LEC Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Julian Adolfo Maravilla
Miki Lustig
TuTh 12:30-13:59
Cory 293
29617 ELENG 230A 001 LEC Integrated-Circuit Devices Ali Javey
Hyong Min Kim
TuTh 15:30-16:59
Wurster 102
29620 ELENG 232 001 LEC Lightwave Devices Ming-Chiang A Wu
TuTh 09:30-10:59
Cory 293
33172 ELENG 234A 001 LEC Fundamentals of Photovoltaic Devices Mengjie Yu
TuTh 11:00-12:29
Social Sciences Building 170
29733 ELENG C235 001 LEC Nanoscale Fabrication Grigory Tikhomirov
Jared Huzar
MoWe 17:00-18:29
Cory 521
29684 ELENG 240A 001 LEC Analog Integrated Circuits Kristofer S J Pister
Rahul Kartikeya Lall
MoWe 15:30-16:59
Cory 540AB
29709 ELENG 240B 001 LEC Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits Osama K Shana'a
Rami Raif Mehdi Hijab
TuTh 15:30-16:59
Cory 540AB
33176 ELENG 242A 001 LEC Integrated Circuits for Communications Ali M Niknejad
Hesham Ahmed Amin Beshary
TuTh 11:00-12:29
Cory 247
33264 ELENG 244 001 LEC Fundamental Algorithms for Systems Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization Alberto Luigi Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Pierluigi Nuzzo
Sheng-Jung Yu
MoWe 09:30-10:59
Cory 540AB
29627 ELENG C247B 001 LEC Introduction to MEMS Design Jeronimo Segovia Fernandez
Yichen Liu
MoWe 09:30-10:59
Cory 293
19234 ELENG 290 004 LEC Learning Enabled Multi-Agent Systems Sosale Shankar Sastry
TuTh 11:00-12:29
Cory 540AB
19236 ELENG 290 007 LEC IC Design Project: 16nm SoC for IoT Daniel Lovell
Ethan Gao
Jasmine Angle
Jonathan Franklin Wang
Jun-Chau Chien
Kristofer S J Pister
Nikhil Jain
Sunjin Choi
Vikram Jain
TuTh 12:30-13:59
Off Campus
19238 ELENG 290 009 LEC Advanced topics in CMOS scaling Jaijeet Shankar Roychowdhury
MoWe 10:00-10:59
Fr 13:00-13:59

31396 ELENG 290 013 LEC Advanced Brain Imaging Methods Chunlei Liu
TuTh 14:00-15:29
Cory 293
29629 ELENG 375 001 SEM Teaching Techniques for Electrical Engineering Prabal Dutta
Tu 17:00-18:59
TuWeThFr 17:00-18:59
Cory 540AB
Cory 540AB