A list of Ladder-Rank, In-Residence, Teaching, and Adjunct Professors, and Professors of the Graduate School.

Pieter Abbeel

746 Sutardja Dai Hall, (510) 642-7034; pabbeel@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR)
Education: 2008, Ph.D., Computer Science, Stanford University; 2000, M.S., Electrical Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium
Office Hours: arrange via email
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 188. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, TuTh 15:30-16:59, Dwinelle 155

Ahmed Alaa

Below The Line Assistant Professor
Education: 2020, PhD, EECS, UCLA

Cameron Allen

Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Education: 2023, Ph. D., Computer Science, Brown University; 2018, M.S., Computer Science, Brown University; 2011, B.S., Electrical Engineering, Tufts University

Elad Alon

Adjunct Professor
519 Cory Hall, 510-642-0237; elad@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Integrated Circuits (INC); Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA); Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS); Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC)
Education: 2006, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University; 2002, M.S., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University; 2001, B.S., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
Office Hours: Tu. 2:30-3:30pm, 519 Cory

Venkat Anantharam

271 Cory Hall, 510-643-8435; ananth@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS); Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Security (SEC); Signal Processing (SP)
Education: 1986, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley; 1984, C.Phil, Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley; 1983, M.A., Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley; 1982, M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley; 1980, B.Tech, Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
Office Hours: Office hours vary by week. Email for appointment.
Assistants: Kim Kail, 253 Cory, 510-643-6633, kail@erso.berkeley.edu
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 229A. Information Theory and Coding, MoWe 14:30-15:59, Cory 521

Gopala Krishna Anumanchipalli

Assistant Professor
490A Cory Hall; gopala@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Signal Processing (SP); Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Education: 2013, Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal; 2013, Ph.D., Language and Information Technologies, Carnegie Mellon University; 2008, B.Tech and M.S., Computer Science, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India
Office Hours: 2:30-430PM, 490A Cory
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 225D. Audio Signal Processing in Humans and Machines, TuTh 14:00-15:29, Cory 521

Mekhail Anwar

Below The Line Associate Professor
Research Interests: Integrated Circuits (INC); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)

Murat Arcak

569 Cory Hall; arcak@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Cyber-Physical Systems and Design Automation (CPSDA); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Power and Energy (ENE)
Education: 2000, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara; 1997, M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara; 1996, B.S., Electrical Engineering, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 221A. Linear System Theory, TuTh 11:00-12:29, Cory 540AB

Ana Claudia Arias

Professor, EE Division Chair
508 Cory Hall, 510-642-1728; acarias@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Physical Electronics (PHY); Power and Energy (ENE)
Education: 2001, Ph.D., Physics, University of Cambridge, UK; 1997, M.S., Physics, Federal University of Paraná in Curitiba, Brazil; 1995, B.S., Physics, Federal University of Paraná in Curitiba, Brazil
Office Hours: By appointment, 508 Cory
Assistants: Alex Sandoval, 510 642-0253, alexandersandoval@eecs.berkeley.edu

Krste Asanović

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
579B Soda Hall, 510-642-6506; krste@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Integrated Circuits (INC); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT); Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA)
Education: 1998, PhD, Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 1987, BA, Electrical and Information Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK
Office Hours: Email for appt
Assistants: Tammy Johnson, 565 Soda, 643-4816, tamille@eecs.berkeley.edu; Ria Melendres Briggs, 563 Soda, (510) 643-1455, riamelendres@berkeley.edu

Babak Ayazifar

Teaching Professor
517 Cory Hall, 510-642-9945; ayazifar@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Education (EDUC); Signal Processing (SP)
Education: 2003, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 1989, B.S., Electrical Engineering, Caltech
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EECS 16A. Designing Information Devices and Systems I, MoWe 18:30-19:59, Pimentel 1

Michael Ball

784 Soda Hall; ball@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Education (EDUC); Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Education: 2016, MS, Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 2015, BA, Computer Science, UC Berkeley
Office Hours: By appointment, please email me., 784 Soda
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 169A. Introduction to Software Engineering, MoWe 17:00-18:29, Genetics & Plant Bio 100

David Bamman

Below The Line Associate Professor
Education: 2015, Ph.D., Computer Science (Language Technologies Institute), Carnegie Mellon University; 2006, M.A., Applied Linguistics, Boston University; 1998, B.A., Classics, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Brian A. Barsky

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
443 Soda Hall; barsky@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Graphics (GR); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); Signal Processing (SP)
Education: 1981, Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Utah, Salt Lake City; 1978, M.S., Computer Graphics/Computer Science, Cornell University; 1976, B.Sc., Mathematics/Computer Science, McGill University; 1973, D.C.S., Engineering, McGill University
Office Hours: By email appointment only

Peter Bartlett

723 Sutardja Dai Hall, 510-642-7780; peter@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR)
Education: 1992, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland, Australia

Alexandre Bayen

Research Interests: Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Artificial Intelligence (AI); Cyber-Physical Systems and Design Automation (CPSDA)
Education: 2003, Ph.D., Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University; 1999, M.S., Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University; 1998, Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique, France

Jessica Boles

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Power and Energy (ENE); Integrated Circuits (INC); Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS); Physical Electronics (PHY)
Education: 2022, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Teaching Schedule (Summer 2024):
EE 199-57. Supervised Independent Study
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 113. Power Electronics, MoWe 14:00-15:29, Cory 540AB
EE 213A. Power Electronics, MoWe 14:00-15:29, Cory 540AB

Christian Borgs

8060 Berkeley Way West; borgs@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Theory (THY)
Education: 1987, PhD, Mathematical Physics, Max-Planck-Institute and Universitat Munchen

Aydin Buluç

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Scientific Computing (SCI); Programming Systems (PS); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC)
Education: 2010, Ph.D., Computer Science, University of California, Santa Barbara

Duncan Callaway

Below the Line, Associate Professor
419 Sutardja Dai Hall; 318 Barrows Hall; dcal@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Power and Energy (ENE)
Education: 2001, Ph.D., Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, Cornell University; 1995, B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Rochester
Office Hours: Sign up at www.wejoinin.com/sheets/ngzvg

John F. Canny

637 Soda Hall, 510-642-9955; canny@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Graphics (GR); Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); Security (SEC)
Education: 1987, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, MIT; 1983, M.S., Electrical Engineering, MIT; 1980, B.E. (Hons), Electrical Engineering, Adelaide University; 1979, B.Sc., Computer Science and Theoretical Physics, Adelaide University

Yuan Cao

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Physical Electronics (PHY); Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
Education: 2020, PhD, Electrical Engineering, MIT; 2014, BSc, Applied Physics, University of Science and Technology of China
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 147. Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS), TuTh 17:00-18:29, Dwinelle 88
EE 247A. Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS), TuTh 17:00-18:29, Dwinelle 88

Jose M. Carmena

Adjunct Professor
286 Li Ka Shing Center, 643-2430; 563 Cory Hall; jcarmena@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO)
Education: 2002, Ph.D., Robotics, University of Edinburgh, Scotland; 1998, M.S., Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh, Scotland; 1997, M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Valencia, Spain; 1995, B.S., Electrical Engineering, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

Sarah Chasins

Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Programming Systems (PS); Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Education: 2019, Ph.D., Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley; 2012, B.A., Computer Science, Psychology, Swarthmore College

Jennifer Chayes

Professor, Dean
Research Interests: Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS); Theory (THY); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO)
Education: 1983, PhD, Mathematical Physics, Princeton University; 1979, BA, Biology and Physics, Wesleyan University

Irene Chen

Below The Line Assistant Professor
120D Warren Hall; iychen@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO)
Education: 2022, PhD, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT; 2014, AB/SM, Applied Math, Harvard

Alvin Cheung

Associate Professor
785 Soda Hall; akcheung@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Database Management Systems (DBMS); Programming Systems (PS)
Education: 2015, Ph.D., Computer Science, MIT
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 186. Introduction to Database Systems, MoWe 10:00-11:29, Soda 306

Jun-Chau Chien

Assistant Professor
518 Cory Hall; jcchien@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Integrated Circuits (INC); Physical Electronics (PHY)
Office Hours: By appointment; Course office hours, see course schedule
Assistants: Columba Candy Corpus, 2108 Allston Way, candycorpus@eecs.berkeley.edu

Alessandro Chiesa

Adjunct Associate Professor
683 Soda Hall; alexch@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Security (SEC); Theory (THY)
Education: 2014, Ph.D., Computer Science, MIT; 2010, M.Eng., Computer Science, MIT; 2009, B.S., Computer Science and Mathematics, MIT

John Chuang

Below the Line, Professor
303A South Hall; chuang@ischool.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT); Security (SEC)
Education: 1998, Ph.D., Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University; 1997, M.S., Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University; 1992, M.S., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University; 1991, B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California
Office Hours: by appointment, 303A South

Michael Cohen

Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Education: 2023, Ph. D., Engineering Science, Oxford University; 2019, M.S., Computing, Australian National University; 2015, B.A., Chemistry, Yale

Steven Conolly

340 Hearst Memorial Mining Building, (510) 642-3420; sconolly@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Signal Processing (SP)
Education: 1989, PhD, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE C145B. Medical Imaging Signals and Systems, TuTh 15:30-16:59, Wheeler 222
EE C261. Medical Imaging Signals and Systems, TuTh 15:30-16:59, Wheeler 222

Thomas Courtade

Associate Professor
265 Cory Hall, 510-643-0359; courtade@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS); Theory (THY); Artificial Intelligence (AI); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR)
Education: 2012, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles; 2008, M.Sc., Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles; 2007, B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, Michigan Technological University
Assistants: Kim Kail, 253 Cory, 510-643-6633, kail@erso.berkeley.edu
Teaching Schedule (Summer 2024):
EE 299-91. Individual Research
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 226A. Random Processes in Systems, TuTh 12:30-13:59, Cory 540AB

Natacha Crooks

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Database Management Systems (DBMS); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT)
Education: 2019, Ph.D., Distributed Systems, University of Texas; 2012, BA, Computer Science and Law, University of Cambridge

Trevor Darrell

Professor in Residence
8010 Berkeley Way West; trevor@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR)
Education: 1996, PhD, MAS, MIT; 1988, BSE, CS, U.Penn.
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 294-43. Large Scale Vision and Language Models, Mo 15:00-16:59, Berkeley Way West 1213

James Demmel

564 Soda Hall, 510-643-5386; demmel@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Scientific Computing (SCI)
Education: 1983, Ph.D., Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 1975, B.S., Mathematics, Caltech
Office Hours: Wed, 8:30 - 9:30 am, 564 Soda
Assistants: Tammy Johnson, 565 Soda, 643-4816, tamille@eecs.berkeley.edu

John DeNero

Associate Teaching Professor
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Education (EDUC)
Education: 2010, Ph.D., Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley; 2002, M.A., Philosophy, Stanford University; 2001, B.S., Mathematical & Computational Science and Symbolic Systems, Stanford University
Office Hours: See Homepage, 781 Soda
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 47A. Completion of Work in Computer Science 61A
CS 61A. The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, MoWeFr 13:00-13:59, Wheeler 150

Anca Dragan

Associate Professor

Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Education: 2015, PhD, Robotics, Carnegie Mellon University; 2009, B.S., Computer Science, Jacobs University, Bremen

Prabal Dutta

550C Cory Hall; prabal@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Cyber-Physical Systems and Design Automation (CPSDA); Power and Energy (ENE); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT)
Education: 2009, PhD, Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley; 1997, B.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ohio State University
Assistants: Sarah Gaugler, sarunyon@berkeley.edu
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS C249A. Introduction to Embedded Systems, TuTh 14:00-15:29, Soda 306
EECS 149. Introduction to Embedded and Cyber Physical Systems, TuTh 14:00-15:29, Soda 306
EE C249A. Introduction to Embedded Systems, TuTh 14:00-15:29, Soda 306
EE 375. Teaching Techniques for Electrical Engineering

Alexei (Alyosha) Efros

724 Sutardja Dai Hall; efros@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Graphics (GR)
Education: 2003, PhD, Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 1997, BS, Computer Science, University of Utah
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 180. Intro to Computer Vision and Computational Photography, MoWe 17:00-18:29, Li Ka Shing 245
CS 280A. Intro to Computer Vision and Computational Photography, MoWe 17:00-18:29, Li Ka Shing 245

Hany Farid

203A South Hall; hfarid@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Graphics (GR)
Education: 1997, PhD, Computer Science, University of Pennsylvania

Ronald S. Fearing

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
725 Sutardja Dai Hall, 510-642-9193;
Research Interests: Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO)
Education: 1988, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University; 1983, S.B. and S.M., Electrical Engineering Computer Science, MIT
Office Hours: by appt

Christopher Fletcher

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC)
Education: 2016, Ph.D., EECS, MIT; 2013, S.M., EECS, MIT; 2010, B.S., EECS, UC Berkeley
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EECS 151. Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits, TuTh 09:30-10:59, Mulford 159
EECS 151LA. Application Specific Integrated Circuits Laboratory, Mo 17:00-19:59, Cory 111
EECS 151LA-2. Application Specific Integrated Circuits Laboratory, Th 14:00-16:59, Cory 111
EECS 151LA-3. Application Specific Integrated Circuits Laboratory, Fr 11:00-13:59, Cory 111
EECS 151LB. Field-Programmable Gate Array Laboratory, Tu 14:00-16:59, Cory 111
EECS 151LB-2. Field-Programmable Gate Array Laboratory, We 17:00-19:59, Cory 111
EECS 151LB-3. Field-Programmable Gate Array Laboratory, Fr 08:00-10:59, Cory 111
EECS 151LB-4. Field-Programmable Gate Array Laboratory, Tu 17:00-19:59, Cory 111
EECS 251A. Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits, TuTh 09:30-10:59, Mulford 159
EECS 251LA-101. Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab, Mo 17:00-19:59, Cory 111
EECS 251LA-102. Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab, Th 14:00-16:59, Cory 111
EECS 251LA-103. Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab, Fr 11:00-13:59, Cory 111
EECS 251LB-101. Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab, Tu 14:00-16:59, Cory 111
EECS 251LB-102. Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab, We 17:00-19:59, Cory 111
EECS 251LB-103. Introduction to Digital Design and Integrated Circuits Lab, Fr 08:00-10:59, Cory 111

Armando Fox

581 Soda Hall, 510-642-6820; fox@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Programming Systems (PS); Education (EDUC); Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Assistants: Tammy Johnson, 565 Soda, 643-4816, tamille@eecs.berkeley.edu
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 194-244. STAR Assessments for Proficiency-Based Learning, Mo 14:00-15:29, Soda 606
CS 294-244. STAR Assessments for Proficiency-Based Learning, Mo 14:00-15:29, Soda 606
CS 375. Teaching Techniques for Computer Science, Fr 10:00-11:59, Soda 438

Jack Gallant

Below the Line, Professor
Research Interests: Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO)
Education: 1995, Post-doc, Systems & Computational Neuroscience, Caltech & Wash Univ. Med. Schl.; 1988, PhD, Experimental Psychology, Yale University

Dan Garcia

Teaching Professor
777 Soda Hall, 510-517-4041; ddgarcia@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Education (EDUC); Graphics (GR)
Education: 2000, Ph.D., Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 1995, M.S., Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 1990, B.S., Computer Science, MIT; 1990, B.S., Electrical Engineering, MIT
Office Hours: CS10: W 2-3pm, 777 Soda
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 10. The Beauty and Joy of Computing, MoWe 13:00-13:59, Hearst Field Annex A1
CS 47C. Completion of Work in Computer Science 61C
CS 61C. Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures), MoWeFr 10:00-10:59, Dwinelle 155
CS 194-244. STAR Assessments for Proficiency-Based Learning, Mo 14:00-15:29, Soda 606
CS 198-2. Directed Group Studies for Advanced Undergraduates, MoWeFr 11:00-11:59, Soda 606
CS 294-244. STAR Assessments for Proficiency-Based Learning, Mo 14:00-15:29, Soda 606

Sanjam Garg

Associate Professor
685 Soda Hall; sanjamg@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Theory (THY); Security (SEC)
Education: 2013, Ph.D., Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles; 2008, B.Tech, Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Office Hours: See Homepage
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 170. Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems, TuTh 14:00-15:29, Valley Life Sciences 2050
CS 276. Cryptography, TuTh 11:00-12:29, Soda 405

Ali Ghodsi

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Database Management Systems (DBMS); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT)
Education: 2006, PhD, Computer Science, KTH/Royal Institute of Technology; 2002, MBA, Logistics and Marketing, Mid-Sweden University; 2002, MSc, Computer Engineering, Mid-Sweden University

Ken Goldberg

425 Sutardja Dai Hall, 510-643-9565; goldberg@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Education: 1990, PhD, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University; 1984, BSEE, Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania; 1984, BSE, Economics, UPenn - Wharton
Office Hours: see personal homepage

Shafi Goldwasser

689 Soda Hall;
Research Interests: Theory (THY)
Education: 1984, Ph.D., Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 1981, M.S., Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 1979, B.S., Mathematics and Science, Carnegie Mellon

Joseph Gonzalez

Associate Professor
773 Soda Hall; jegonzal@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Database Management Systems (DBMS); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT)
Education: 2012, Ph.D., Machine Learning, Carnegie Mellon University
Assistants: Ivan Ortega, 465A Soda Soda, (510) 708-8604, iaortega657@berkeley.edu
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 294-162. Machine Learning Systems, MoWe 14:00-15:29, Soda 310

Paul R. Gray

Professor Emeritus, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Emeritus
Research Interests: Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA); Integrated Circuits (INC)
Office Hours: By email appt. only

Venkatesan Guruswami

Research Interests: Theory (THY); Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS)
Education: 2001, PhD, Computer Science, MIT

Nika Haghtalab

Assistant Professor
8028 Berkeley Way West; nika@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Theory (THY)
Education: 2018, Ph.D., Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Moritz Hardt

Adjunct Associate Professor
Education: 2011, PhD, Computer Science, Princeton University

Björn Hartmann

Associate Professor
220A Jacobs Hall, 415 868 5720; bjoern@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); Programming Systems (PS); Cyber-Physical Systems and Design Automation (CPSDA); Graphics (GR)
Education: 2009, Ph.D., Computer Science, Stanford University; 2002, MSE, Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania; 2001, BSE/B.A., Digital Media Design/Communication, University of Pennsylvania
Office Hours: Fall'19: Thu 5-6pm, 220A Jacobs
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 260B. Human-Computer Interaction Research, TuTh 12:30-13:59, Moffitt Library 102

Marti Hearst

307b South Hall, 510-642-8016; hearst@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Education: 1994, Ph.D., Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 1989, M.S., Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 1985, B.A., Computer Science, UC Berkeley
Office Hours: See home page, 307B South

Joseph M. Hellerstein

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
789 Soda Hall, 510-643-4011;
Research Interests: Database Management Systems (DBMS); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT)
Education: 1995, Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison; 1992, MS, Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 1990, AB, Computer Science, Harvard University
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 298-12. Database Seminar, We 11:00-11:59, Soda 438

Chenming Hu

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School

Education: 1973, Ph.D., EECS, UC Berkeley; 1970, M.S., EECS, UC Berkeley; 1968, B.S., EE, National Taiwan University
Assistants: Charlotte Jones, 550 Sutardja Dai, 510-664-4203, cmjones@eecs.berkeley.edu

Joshua Hug

Associate Teaching Professor
779 Soda Hall; hug@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Education (EDUC)
Education: 2011, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering And Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 2003, B.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
Office Hours: No office hours, on sabbatical
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 70. Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory, TuTh 17:00-18:29, Pimentel 1

Christopher Hunn

Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 370. Adaptive Instruction Methods in Computer Science, Tu 17:00-18:59, Wheeler 212
CS 370-2. Adaptive Instruction Methods in Computer Science, Th 17:00-18:59, Wheeler 212

Nilah Ioannidis

Assistant Professor
513 Soda Hall; nilah@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Education: 2013, Ph.D., Biophysics, Harvard University

Lakshya Jain

Education: 2020, M.S., Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley

Vikram Jain

269 Cory Hall; vikramj@berkeley.edu

Ali Javey

550B Cory Hall, 510-643-7263; ajavey@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Physical Electronics (PHY); Power and Energy (ENE); Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
Education: 2005, Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, Stanford University; 2001, B.S., Chemistry, Old Dominion University, Norfolk
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 130. Integrated-Circuit Devices, TuTh 15:30-16:59, Social Sciences Building 60
EE 230A. Integrated-Circuit Devices, TuTh 15:30-16:59, Social Sciences Building 60

Jiantao Jiao

Assistant Professor
257M Cory Hall;
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Theory (THY); Signal Processing (SP); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT); Database Management Systems (DBMS); Cyber-Physical Systems and Design Automation (CPSDA); Security (SEC); Power and Energy (ENE); Programming Systems (PS)
Education: 2018, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
Assistants: Kim Kail, 253 Cory, 510-643-6633, kail@erso.berkeley.edu
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EECS 126. Probability and Random Processes, TuTh 11:00-12:29, Valley Life Sciences 2040

Michael Jordan

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
387 Soda Hall; jordan@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Signal Processing (SP); Theory (THY)
Education: 1985, Ph.D., Cognitive Science, UC San Diego; 1980, M.S., Mathematics, Arizona State University; 1978, B.S., Psychology, Louisiana State University
Office Hours: by appointment

Anthony D. Joseph

465 Soda Hall, 510-643-7212; adj@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT); Security (SEC)
Education: 1998, Ph.D., Computer Science, MIT; 1988, S.M./S.B., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science/Computer Science and Engineering, MIT
Office Hours: By appointment only - please email for appointment
Assistants: Ivan Ortega, 465A Soda Soda, (510) 708-8604, iaortega657@berkeley.edu

Angjoo Kanazawa

Assistant Professor
8014 Berkeley Way West; kanazawa@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Graphics (GR)
Education: 2017, Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park

Boubacar Kanté

265 M Cory Hall, 510-664-5124; bkante@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Physical Electronics (PHY); Power and Energy (ENE)
Education: 2010, Ph.D., Engineering/Physics, Universite Paris Saclay (Orsay-France); 2006, M.Eng., Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Lille; 2006, M.S., Electrical Engineering/Telecommunications, Universite de Lille 1 (France)
Office Hours: By appointment, 265 M Cory
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 118. Introduction to Optical Engineering, TuTh 09:30-10:59, Cory 540AB
EE 218A. Introduction to Optical Engineering, TuTh 09:30-10:59, Cory 540AB

Peyrin Kao

Education: 2022, M.S., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 2021, B.A., Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 2021, B.A., Data Science, UC Berkeley
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 47B-2. Completion of Work in Computer Science 61B
CS 47C. Completion of Work in Computer Science 61C
CS 61B. Data Structures, MoWeFr 14:00-14:59, Wheeler 150
CS 61C. Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures), MoWeFr 10:00-10:59, Dwinelle 155

Kurt Keutzer

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Scientific Computing (SCI)
Education: 1984, PhD, Computer Science, Indiana University
Office Hours: by appointment only
Assistants: Roxana Infante, 563 Soda, 643-1455, parlab-admin@eecs.berkeley.edu

Preeya Khanna

Assistant Professor
286 Li Ka Shing Center; pkhanna@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); Signal Processing (SP); Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Education: 2017, PhD, Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley; 2012, BSE, Bioengineering & Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania

Tsu-Jae King Liu

Professor, Dean
501 Cory Hall, 510-642-2689; tking@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Physical Electronics (PHY); Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
Education: 1994, PhD, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University; 1986, MS, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University; 1984, BS, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
Office Hours: By Appointment, 501 Cory
Assistants: Charlotte Jones, 550 Sutardja Dai, 510-664-4203, cmjones@eecs.berkeley.edu

Daniel Klein

8058 Berkeley Way West, 510-643-0805; klein@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Education: 2004, M.S./Ph.D., Computer Science, Stanford University; 1999, M.St, Linguistics, Oxford University; 1998, B.A., Math, CS, Linguistics, Cornell University
Office Hours: Tuesday 2pm-3:30pm (may be in 778 SDH), 730 Sutardja Dai
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 288. Natural Language Processing, TuTh 12:30-13:59, Donner Lab 155

Aditi Krishnapriyan

Below The Line Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Scientific Computing (SCI)
Education: 2020, Ph.D., ㅤ, Stanford University

John D. Kubiatowicz

673 Soda Hall, 510-643-6817; kubitron@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT); Security (SEC)
Education: 1998, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (minor in Physics), M.I.T.; 1993, M.S., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, M.I.T.; 1987, B.S., EE and Physics, M.I.T.
Office Hours: T/Th 3pm-4pm, 673 Soda

Edward A. Lee

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
Research Interests: Cyber-Physical Systems and Design Automation (CPSDA); Programming Systems (PS); Signal Processing (SP); Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS); Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA)
Education: 1986, PhD, EECS, UC Berkeley; 1981, SM, EECS, MIT; 1979, BS, CS and Eng. & Applied Science, Yale
Office Hours: By appointment, 545Q Cory

Sergey Levine

Associate Professor
8056 Berkeley Way West;
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR)
Education: 2014, Ph.D., Computer Science, Stanford University; 2009, B.S/M.S., Computer Science, Stanford University

Jennifer Listgarten

8022 Berkeley Way West;
Research Interests: Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Education: 2007, Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Toronto
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 189. Introduction to Machine Learning, TuTh 14:00-15:29, Haas Faculty Wing F295
CS 289A. Introduction to Machine Learning, TuTh 14:00-15:29, Haas Faculty Wing F295

Chunlei Liu

505 Cory Hall, (510)664 7596; chunlei.liu@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Signal Processing (SP)
Education: 2005, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University; 2003, M.S., Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University; 2000, M.S., Physics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; 1998, B.S., Physics, Peking University, Beijing
Office Hours: Tuesday 1-2pm or by appointment, 505 Cory

Michael Lustig

506 Cory Hall; mikilustig@berkeley.edu
Education: 2008, PhD, EE, Stanford University; 2004, MSc, EE, Stanford University; 2001, BSc, EE, 🇮🇱💔 Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
Office Hours: 🇮🇱🇮🇱 Bring those kidnapped by Hammas home! 💔💔

Eric Y. Ma

Below The Line Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Physical Electronics (PHY); Power and Energy (ENE); Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Education: 2016, Ph.D., Applied Physics, Stanford University; 2010, B.S., Physics, Peking University

Yi Ma

Professor in Residence
333A Cory Hall, (510) 664 4565; yima@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Signal Processing (SP)
Education: 2000, Ph.D., EECS, University of California, Berkeley; 2000, M.A., Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley; 1997, M.S., EECS, University of California, Berkeley; 1995, B.S., Automation & Applied Mathematics, Tsinghua University, China
Office Hours: By appointment, 333A Cory
Assistants: Jessica Gamble, 337 Cory, 510-643-5105, jessicagamble@berkeley.edu

Michel Maharbiz

Adjunct Professor
567 Cory Hall, 510-227-0196; maharbiz@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
Education: 2003, PhD, EECS, University of California, Berkeley; 1997, BS, EE, Cornell University
Office Hours: Friday, 2:00-3:00 pm, 567 Cory

Jitendra Malik

8012 Berkeley Way West, 510-642-7597; 389 Soda Hall; malik@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Signal Processing (SP)
Education: 1980, B.Tech, Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur; 1975, Ph.D., Computer Science, Stanford University
Office Hours: By appointment only, 722 Sutardja Dai
Assistants: Angie Abbatecola, 741 Soda, (510) 643-6413, angie@cs.berkeley.edu; Alex Sandoval, 510 642-0253, alexandersandoval@eecs.berkeley.edu

Song Mei

Below The Line Assistant Professor
387 Evans Hall; songmei@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Signal Processing (SP); Theory (THY); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS)
Education: 2020, PhD, Computational and Mathematical Engineering, Stanford University; 2014, BS, Mathematics, Peking University

Sewon Min

Acting Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Education: 2024, Ph.D., Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington; 2018, B.S., Computer Science & Engineering, Seoul National University

Igor Mordatch

Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Education: 2016, Post-Doctoral Associate, EECS, UC Berkeley; 2015, PhD, Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 188. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, TuTh 15:30-16:59, Dwinelle 155

Rikky Muller

Associate Professor
564 Cory Hall; rikky@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Integrated Circuits (INC); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS); Physical Electronics (PHY)
Education: 2013, Ph.D., EECS, UC Berkeley; 2004, S.B., EECS, MIT; 2004, M.Eng., EECS, MIT
Office Hours: Wednesday 11am, 564 Cory
Assistants: Columba Candy Corpus, 2108 Allston Way, candycorpus@eecs.berkeley.edu
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 140. Linear Integrated Circuits, TuTh 12:30-13:59, Soda 306
EE 240A. Analog Integrated Circuits, TuTh 12:30-13:59, Soda 306

Jelani Nelson

Professor, CS Division Chair
633 Soda Hall; minilek@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Theory (THY); Database Management Systems (DBMS)
Education: 2011, Ph.D., Computer Science, MIT; 2006, M.Eng., Computer Science, MIT; 2005, S.B., Computer Science, Mathematics, MIT
Assistants: Alex Sandoval, 510 642-0253, alexandersandoval@eecs.berkeley.edu
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 298-3. EECS Colloquium, We 16:00-16:59, Soda 306

Ren Ng

Associate Professor
8062 Berkeley Way West; ren@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Graphics (GR); Signal Processing (SP); Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Education: 2006, Ph.D., Computer Science, Stanford University; 2006, M.S., Computer Science, Stanford University; 2001, B.S., Mathematical and Computational Science, Stanford University
Office Hours: Thursday 1 - 2pm or by appointment
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 194-164. Computational Human Vision, Tu 13:00-15:59, Berkeley Way West 1217
CS 294-164. Computational Human Vision, Tu 13:00-15:59, Berkeley Way West 1217

Clark Nguyen

574 Cory Hall, 510-642-6251; ctnguyen@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS); Integrated Circuits (INC); Physical Electronics (PHY); Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA)
Education: 1994, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Univ. of California at Berkeley; 1991, M.S., Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Univ. of California at Berkeley; 1989, B.S., Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Univ. of California at Berkeley
Office Hours: By Appointment, 574 Cory
Teaching Schedule (Summer 2024):
EE 97-4. Field Study
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EECS 16B. Designing Information Devices and Systems II, TuTh 09:30-10:59, Wheeler 150

Ali Niknejad

511 Cory Hall, 510-642-0459; niknejad@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Integrated Circuits (INC); Physical Electronics (PHY); Signal Processing (SP); Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS); Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA)
Education: 2000, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, UC Berkeley; 1997, M.S., Electrical Engineering, UC Berkeley; 1994, B.S., Electrical Engineering, UCLA
Office Hours: By appointment., 511 Cory
Assistants: Columba Candy Corpus, 2108 Allston Way, candycorpus@eecs.berkeley.edu
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 242B. Advanced Integrated Circuits for Communications, TuTh 09:30-10:59, Cory 521

Borivoje Nikolic

509 Cory Hall, 510-643-9297; bora@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Integrated Circuits (INC); Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS); Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA); Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC)
Education: 1999, Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Davis; 1994, M.Sc., Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia; 1992, Dipl.Ing., Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Office Hours: M. 10-11am, 509 Cory
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 194. Test Integrated Circuit Chips Designed in Previous Tapeout Classes, TuTh 11:00-11:59, Off Campus
EE 290-6. Test Integrated Circuit Chips Designed in Previous Tapeout Classes, TuTh 11:00-11:59, Off Campus

Narges Norouzi

Assistant Teaching Professor
775 Soda Hall; norouzi@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Education (EDUC); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO)
Education: 2017, PhD, Computer Engineering, University of Toronto; 2014, MS, Computer Engineering, University of Toronto; 2012, BS, Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 194-244. STAR Assessments for Proficiency-Based Learning, Mo 14:00-15:29, Soda 606
CS 194-271. Research in AI Education, Tu 14:00-15:29, Soda 606
CS 294-244. STAR Assessments for Proficiency-Based Learning, Mo 14:00-15:29, Soda 606
CS 294-271. Research in AI Education, Tu 14:00-15:29, Soda 606

Pierliugi Nuzzo

Assistant Professor

James O'Brien

Research Interests: Graphics (GR); Artificial Intelligence (AI); Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); Scientific Computing (SCI)
Education: 2000, Ph.D., Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology; 1997, M.S., Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology; 1992, B.S., Computer Science, Florida International University

Bruno Olshausen

Below the Line, Professor
Research Interests: Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO)
Office Hours: By email appointment only

Aditya Parameswaran

Associate Professor
212 South Hall; adityagp@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Database Management Systems (DBMS); Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Education: 2013, PhD, Computer Science, Stanford; 2007, BTech, Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay
Office Hours: by appointment
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 298-12. Database Seminar, We 11:00-11:59, Soda 438

Shyam Parekh

Adjunct Associate Professor
255M Cory Hall, (510) 847-0320; spparekh@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS)
Assistants: Jean Richter, 231 Cory, 510-643-8208, richter@eecs.berkeley.edu

Eric Paulos

Research Interests: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Office Hours: See Homepage www.paulos.net

Vern Paxson

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
737 Soda Hall, 3-4209; 630 International Computer Science Institute, 666-2882; vern@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Security (SEC); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT)
Office Hours: By appointment via Zoom

Emma Pierson

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Education: 2020, Ph.D., Computer Science, Stanford University

Robert Pilawa-Podgurski

573 Cory Hall, 510-664-5171; pilawa@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Power and Energy (ENE); Integrated Circuits (INC); Physical Electronics (PHY)
Education: 2012, PhD, EECS, MIT; 2007, MEng, EECS, MIT; 2005, BS, Physics, MIT; 2005, BS, EECS, MIT
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 290-9. Advanced Topics in Power Electronics, TuTh 12:30-13:59, Cory 293

Kristofer Pister

512 Cory Hall; ksjp@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Integrated Circuits (INC)
Education: 1992, Ph.D., EECS, UC Berkeley; 1989, M.S., EECS, UC Berkeley; 1986, B.A., Applied Physics, UC San Diego
Office Hours: W 11-12, Th 4:30-5:30, 512 Cory

Kameshwar Poolla

5105 Etcheverry Hall, 510-642-4642; poolla@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA); Physical Electronics (PHY)
Office Hours: Thurs., 3:30-5:30
Assistants: Charlotte Jones, 550 Sutardja Dai, 510-664-4203, cmjones@eecs.berkeley.edu

Raluca Ada Popa

Associate Professor
729 Soda Hall; raluca.popa@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT); Security (SEC)
Education: 2014, Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 2010, Masters of Engineering, Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 2009, Bachelor's degree, Computer Science and Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Office Hours: Tuesday 2-3pm, 729 Soda
Assistants: Ivan Ortega, 465A Soda Soda, (510) 708-8604, iaortega657@berkeley.edu

Jan M. Rabaey

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
563 Cory Hall, 510-6422328; jan_rabaey@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS); Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA); Power and Energy (ENE); Integrated Circuits (INC); Signal Processing (SP)
Office Hours: Sabbatical
Assistants: Columba Candy Corpus, 2108 Allston Way, candycorpus@eecs.berkeley.edu

Prasad Raghavendra

623 Soda Hall; prasad@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Theory (THY)
Education: 2009, PhD, Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle; 2007, M.S., Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle; 2005, B.S., Computer Science, Indian Institute of Technology , Madras, India
Office Hours: Wed 11-noon, 623 Soda
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 170. Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems, TuTh 14:00-15:29, Valley Life Sciences 2050
CS 298-2. Theory Seminar, We 12:00-13:29, Soda 438

Kannan Ramchandran

269 Cory Hall, 510-642-2353; kannanr@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS); Signal Processing (SP); Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR)
Education: 1993, Ph.D., Computer Science, Columbia University; 1984, M.S., Computer Science, Columbia University; 1982, B.E., Computer Science, City College of New York
Office Hours: Tu. 3:00-4:00, or by appt., 258 Cory
Assistants: Kim Kail, 253 Cory, 510-643-6633, kail@erso.berkeley.edu
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 120. Signals and Systems, MoWe 15:00-16:59, Valley Life Sciences 2060

Gireeja Ranade

Associate Teaching Professor
Research Interests: Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS); Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Education (EDUC)
Education: 2014, Ph.D., EECS, University of California, Berkeley; 2009, M.S., EECS, University of California, Berkeley; 2007, B.S., EECS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Office Hours: Changes each semester, please email, 565 Cory
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 194-271. Research in AI Education, Tu 14:00-15:29, Soda 606
CS 294-271. Research in AI Education, Tu 14:00-15:29, Soda 606

Satish Rao

687 Soda Hall, 510-642-4328; satishr@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Theory (THY)
Assistants: Olivia Chen, 695 Soda, (510) 642-9467, theoryadmin@eecs.berkeley.edu
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 70. Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory, TuTh 17:00-18:29, Pimentel 1
CS 197-70. Field Study
CS 270. Combinatorial Algorithms and Data Structures, TuTh 11:00-12:29, Soda 306

Sylvia Ratnasamy

413 Soda Hall, 2-8905; sylvia@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT)
Assistants: Carlyn Chinen, 510-990-5109, cchinen@berkeley.edu; Ivan Ortega, 465A Soda Soda, (510) 708-8604, iaortega657@berkeley.edu
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 168. Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols, TuTh 11:00-12:29, Haas Faculty Wing F295

Benjamin Recht

8008 Berkeley Way West; brecht@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Signal Processing (SP)
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 227BT. Convex Optimization, TuTh 14:00-15:29, Anthro/Art Practice Bldg 155

Jaijeet Roychowdhury

545E Cory Hall, 643-5664; jr@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Cyber-Physical Systems and Design Automation (CPSDA); Integrated Circuits (INC); Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS); Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Education: 1993, PhD, EECS, Berkeley; 1989, MS, EECS, Berkeley; 1987, B.Tech., EE, IIT Kanpur
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 290-7. Oscillator Ising Machines: Special Topics, MoWeFr 10:00-10:59, Cory 531

Stuart J. Russell

8040 Berkeley Way West; russell@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO)
Education: 1986, PhD, Computer Science, Stanford University; 1982, BA Hons (1st class), Physics, Oxford University

Anant Sahai

267 Cory Hall; sahai@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS); Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Theory (THY); Signal Processing (SP)
Education: 2001, PhD, EECS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 1996, SM, EECS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 1994, BS, EECS, University of California, Berkeley
Office Hours: TuTh 11-12, 258 Cory
Assistants: Kim Kail, 253 Cory, 510-643-6633, kail@erso.berkeley.edu

Sayeef Salahuddin

515 Sutardja Dai Hall, 510-642-4662;
Research Interests: Physical Electronics (PHY); Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA); Power and Energy (ENE); Scientific Computing (SCI)
Education: 2007, Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University; 2003, B.S., Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Office Hours: Thurs., 10:00am-11am, 515 Sutardja Dai; Mon., 11:00am-12:00pm, 515 Sutardja Dai
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 230C. Solid State Electronics, TuTh 14:00-15:29, Cory 293

Niloufar Salehi

Below The Line Assistant Professor
313 South Hall; nsalehi@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Education: 2019, Ph.D., Computer Science, Stanford University

Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli

515 Cory Hall, 510-642-4882; alberto@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Cyber-Physical Systems and Design Automation (CPSDA); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Education: 1971, Dr. Ing., EECS, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Office Hours: By appointment
Assistants: Jessica Gamble, 337 Cory, 510-643-5105, jessicagamble@berkeley.edu

S. Shankar Sastry

Professor, Director
333B Cory Hall, 510- 642-1857; sastry@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Cyber-Physical Systems and Design Automation (CPSDA); Security (SEC); Signal Processing (SP)
Education: 1981, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley; 1980, M.A., Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley; 1979, M.S., Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley; 1977, B.Tech, Institute of Technology, Bombay, India
Assistants: Jessica Gamble, 337 Cory, 510-643-5105, jessicagamble@berkeley.edu

Jeronimo Segovia Fernandez

Education: 2015, Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
Office Hours: Tuesday, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m., 284 Cory

Koushik Sen

735 Soda Hall, 510-642-2420; ksen@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Programming Systems (PS); Security (SEC)
Office Hours: Fridays 2pm-3pm, 735 Soda
Assistants: Tammy Johnson, 565 Soda, 643-4816, tamille@eecs.berkeley.edu
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 164. Programming Languages and Compilers, MoWe 14:00-15:29, Soda 306

Sanjit A. Seshia

566 Cory Hall, 510-643-6968; sseshia@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Cyber-Physical Systems and Design Automation (CPSDA); Programming Systems (PS); Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Security (SEC); Theory (THY)
Education: 2005, Ph.D., Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University; 2000, M.S., Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University; 1998, B.Tech., Computer Science, Institute of Technology, Bombay
Office Hours: MW 2:30-3 PM and by appointment, 566 Cory
Assistants: Charlotte Jones, 550 Sutardja Dai, 510-664-4203, cmjones@eecs.berkeley.edu
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS C249A. Introduction to Embedded Systems, TuTh 14:00-15:29, Soda 306
EECS 149. Introduction to Embedded and Cyber Physical Systems, TuTh 14:00-15:29, Soda 306
EE C249A. Introduction to Embedded Systems, TuTh 14:00-15:29, Soda 306

Osama Shana'a

Adjunct Associate Professor
Research Interests: Integrated Circuits (INC)
Education: 2001, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University; 1996, MSEE, Electrical Engineering, Portland State University; 1992, B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, University of Jordan

Sophia Shao

Assistant Professor
570 Cory Hall; ysshao@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Integrated Circuits (INC); Cyber-Physical Systems and Design Automation (CPSDA)
Education: 2016, Ph.D., Computer Science, Harvard University
Teaching Schedule (Summer 2024):
EE 297-68. Field Studies in Electrical Engineering

Scott Shenker

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
415 Soda Hall, 510-643-3043; shenker@icsi.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT)
Education: 1983, Ph.D., Physics, University of Chicago; 1978, Sc.B., Physics, Brown University
Assistants: Ivan Ortega, 465A Soda Soda, (510) 708-8604, iaortega657@berkeley.edu

Jonathan Shewchuk

529 Soda Hall, 510-642-3936; jrs@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Scientific Computing (SCI); Theory (THY); Graphics (GR)

Irfan Siddiqi


Alistair Sinclair

677 Soda Hall, 510-643-8144; sinclair@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Theory (THY)
Office Hours: M 1:30-2:30, Tu 12:45-1:45, 677 Soda
Assistants: Olivia Chen, 695 Soda, (510) 642-9467, theoryadmin@eecs.berkeley.edu
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 271. Randomness and Computation, TuTh 09:30-10:59, Wheeler 200

Alp Sipahigil

Assistant Professor
572 Cory Hall; alp@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Physical Electronics (PHY); Integrated Circuits (INC); Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
Education: 2017, PhD, Physics, Harvard University; 2010, BS, Physics, Bogazici University; 2010, BS, Electrical Engineering, Bogazici University
Office Hours: Tuesday 11-12, 572 Cory; Thursday 11-12, 572 Cory
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 105. Microelectronic Devices and Circuits, TuTh 09:30-10:59, Soda 306

Somayeh Sojoudi

Associate Professor in Residence
5114 Etcheverry Hall; sojoudi@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Power and Energy (ENE)
Education: 2013, PhD, Control & Dynamical Systems, California Institute of Technology
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EECS 127. Optimization Models in Engineering, TuTh 09:30-10:59, Haas Faculty Wing F295
EECS 227AT. Optimization Models in Engineering, TuTh 09:30-10:59, Haas Faculty Wing F295

Dawn Song

675 Soda Hall, 510-642-8282; dawnsong@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT); Security (SEC); Programming Systems (PS)
Education: 2002, Ph.D., Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 1999, M.S., Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 194-177. Special Topics on Decentralized Finance, Mo 10:00-11:59, Joan and Sanford I. Weill 101D
CS 194-196. Special Topics on Decentralized Intelligence: Large Language Model Agents, Mo 15:00-16:59, Latimer 120
CS 294-177. Special Topics on Decentralized Finance, Mo 10:00-11:59, Joan and Sanford I. Weill 101D
CS 294-196. Special Topics on Decentralized Intelligence: Large Language Model Agents, Mo 15:00-16:59, Latimer 120

Yun S. Song

304B Stanley Hall, 510-642-2351; yss@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Artificial Intelligence (AI); Theory (THY)
Education: 2001, PhD, Physics, Stanford University; 1997, B.S., Mathematics, MIT; 1996, B.S., Physics, MIT
Office Hours: On sabbatical leave for Spring 2024

Jacob Steinhardt

Assistant Professor
8026 Berkeley Way West; jsteinhardt@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS)
Education: 2018, PhD, Computer Science, Stanford; 2012, BSc, Mathematics, MIT

Ion Stoica

481-2 Soda Hall, 510-643-4007; istoica@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT); Security (SEC)
Education: 2000, Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University; 1989, M.S., Computer Science and Control Engineering, Polytechnic University Bucharest
Office Hours: Monday 11-12 PM, Location TBD
Assistants: Kattt Atchley, 465 Soda, 510-643-3499, atchley@berkeley.edu; Ivan Ortega, 465A Soda Soda, (510) 708-8604, iaortega657@berkeley.edu
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 162. Operating Systems and System Programming, TuTh 18:30-19:59, Dwinelle 155

Vladimir Stojanovic

513 Cory Hall, (510) 664-4322; vlada@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Integrated Circuits (INC); Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS); Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Physical Electronics (PHY); Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS)
Education: 2005, PhD, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University; 2000, MS, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University; 1998, Dipl. Ing., Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade
Office Hours: Tue 11am - noon, 513 Cory
Assistants: Columba Candy Corpus, 2108 Allston Way, candycorpus@eecs.berkeley.edu

Vivek Subramanian

Adjunct Professor
513 Sutardja Dai Hall, 510-643-4535; viveks@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Physical Electronics (PHY); Power and Energy (ENE); Integrated Circuits (INC)
Education: 1998, PhD, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University; 1996, MS, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University; 1994, BS, Electrical Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Office Hours: None. Moved to EPFL Switzerland
Assistants: Charlotte Jones, 550 Sutardja Dai, 510-664-4203, cmjones@eecs.berkeley.edu

Alane Suhr

Assistant Professor
8052 Berkeley Way West; suhr@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Education: 2022, PhD, Computer Science, Cornell University; 2016, BS, Computer Science and Engineering, Ohio State University
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 288. Natural Language Processing, TuTh 12:30-13:59, Donner Lab 155

Avishay Tal

Assistant Professor
635 Soda Hall; atal@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Theory (THY)
Education: 2015, PhD, Computer Science, Weizmann Institute of Science; 2012, MS, Computer Science, The Technion, Haifa, Israel; 2007, BA, Mathematics, The Technion, Haifa, Israel; 2005, BS, Software Engineering, The Technion, Haifa, Israel
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 172. Computability and Complexity, TuTh 17:00-18:29, Lewis 9
CS 298-2. Theory Seminar, We 12:00-13:29, Soda 438

Jean-Paul Tennant

269 Cory Hall; jptennant@berkeley.edu
Education: 2001, MBA, Finance, University of California, Berkeley – Haas School of Business; 1993, MS, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley; 1986, BSE, Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Office Hours: 11:15-12, 504 Cory
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EECS 16A. Designing Information Devices and Systems I, MoWe 18:30-19:59, Pimentel 1

Grigory Tikhomirov

Assistant Professor
568 Cory Hall, 6507395189; gt3@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Power and Energy (ENE); Integrated Circuits (INC); Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS); Physical Electronics (PHY)
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 143. Microfabrication Technology, MoWe 09:30-10:59, Cory 540AB
EE 194-2. Introduction to Nanorobotics, TuTh 14:00-15:29, Cory 540AB
EE 290-8. Nanorobotics, TuTh 16:00-17:29, Cory 531

Claire Tomlin

Professor, Chair
721 Sutardja Dai Hall, 510-643-6610; tomlin@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO)
Education: 1998, Ph.D., EECS, UC Berkeley; 1993, M.Sc., Electrical Engineering, Imperial College, London; 1992, B.A.Sc., Electrical Engineering, University of Waterloo
Office Hours: By Appointment, 721 Sutardja Dai
Assistants: Jessica Gamble, 337 Cory, 510-643-5105, jessicagamble@berkeley.edu; Alex Sandoval, 510 642-0253, alexandersandoval@eecs.berkeley.edu

Umesh Vazirani

671 Soda Hall, 510-642-0572; vazirani@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Theory (THY); Security (SEC)
Education: 1986, Ph.D., Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 1981, B.S., MIT
Assistants: Olivia Chen, 695 Soda, (510) 642-9467, theoryadmin@eecs.berkeley.edu

Allon Wagner

Assistant Professor
304A Stanley Hall; allonwag@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO)
Education: 2021, PhD, Computer Science, UC Berkeley

David A. Wagner

733 Soda Hall, 510-642-2758; daw@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Security (SEC)
Education: 2000, Ph.D., Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 1999, M.S., Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 1995, A.B., Mathematics, Princeton University
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 161. Computer Security, TuTh 09:30-10:59, Hearst Field Annex A1

Martin Wainwright

263 Cory Hall, 510-643-1978; wainwrig@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS); Signal Processing (SP); Theory (THY)
Office Hours: by appointment
Assistants: Kim Kail, 253 Cory, 510-643-6633, kail@erso.berkeley.edu

Laura Waller

514 Cory Hall, (510) 642-2753; waller@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Physical Electronics (PHY); Signal Processing (SP); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Graphics (GR)
Education: 2010, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT; 2005, M.Eng., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT; 2004, B.S., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursdays 11:00-11:30am, 514 Cory
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EE 290-5. Computational Imaging, Tu 15:30-16:59, Cory 521

John Wawrzynek

631 Soda Hall, 510-643-9434; johnw@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA)
Office Hours: Tues., 1:00-2:00pm and by appointment, 631 Soda

Max Willsey

Assistant Professor
725 Soda Hall; mwillsey@berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Programming Systems (PS)
Education: 2021, PhD, Computer Science, University of Washington
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 265. Compiler Optimization and Code Generation, TuTh 14:00-15:29, Soda 405

John Wright

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Theory (THY)
Education: 2016, Ph.D., Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 294-261. Learning Problems in Quantum Computing, MoWe 10:30-11:59, Soda 405

Ming C. Wu

511 Sutardja Dai Hall, 510-643-0808; wu@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS); Physical Electronics (PHY)
Education: 1988, PhD, EECS, University of California, Berkeley
Office Hours: Appointment by email
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
EECS 16B. Designing Information Devices and Systems II, TuTh 09:30-10:59, Wheeler 150

Eli Yablonovitch

Professor Emeritus, Professor in the Graduate School
267M Cory Hall, 642-6821; eliy@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Physical Electronics (PHY)
Education: 1972, Ph.D., Applied Physics, Harvard University; 1969, A.M., Applied Physics, Harvard University; 1967, B.Sc., Physics, McGill University
Office Hours: email in advance

Adam Yala

Below The Line Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Education: 2022, PhD, Computer Science, MIT

Lisa Yan

Assistant Teaching Professor
783 Soda Hall; yanlisa@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Education (EDUC)
Education: 2019, PhD, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University; 2015, MS, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University; 2013, BS, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley
Office Hours: (CS61C) M 2-3pm, 783 Soda; (Tea Hours, Data 375) Th 1-2:30pm, 783 Soda
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 195. Social Implications of Computer Technology, Tu 15:30-16:59, Physics Building 1
CS H195. Honors Social Implications of Computer Technology, Tu 15:30-16:59, Physics Building 1

Katherine A. Yelick

50A Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 510-495-2431; yelick@cs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Programming Systems (PS); Scientific Computing (SCI); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO)
Education: 1991, Ph.D., EECS, MIT; 1985, S.M., EECS, MIT; 1982, B.S., EECS, MIT
Assistants: Tammy Johnson, 565 Soda, 643-4816, tamille@eecs.berkeley.edu

Justin Yokota

Education: 2022, M.S., Computer Science, UC Berkeley; 2021, B.A., Computer Science, Mathematic, UC Berkeley
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 47B-2. Completion of Work in Computer Science 61B
CS 61B. Data Structures, MoWeFr 14:00-14:59, Wheeler 150

Nir Yosef

Adjunct Associate Professor
629 Soda Hall; niryosef@eecs.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO)

Bin Yu

367 Evans Hall, 510-642-2021; binyu@stat.berkeley.edu
Research Interests: Signal Processing (SP)
Education: 1990, Ph.D., Statistics, University of California, Berkeley; 1987, M.A., Statistics, University of California, Berkeley; 1984, B.S., Mathematics, Peking University

Stella Yu

Adjunct Professor
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Graphics (GR); Signal Processing (SP)
Education: 2003, Ph.D., Robotics, Carnegie Mellon University

Matei Zaharia

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT); Artificial Intelligence (AI); Database Management Systems (DBMS)
Education: 2013, PhD, Computer Science, UC Berkeley
Teaching Schedule (Fall 2024):
CS 294-162. Machine Learning Systems, MoWe 14:00-15:29, Soda 310

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